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Finally, after years of suffering from frequent throat clearing,(after my ENT's couldnt help me) and niether did gasteroenterologists. I got the endoscopy done and I have had been diagnosed with PANGASTRITIS(Biopsy of the inflammated stomach is taken as well as of duodenum awaiting results). now the doctor also said that my Sphincter is relaxed. he didn't talk much and just gave me PPIs and Prokinetics to take till biopsy comes back. Now Im confused what really i pangastritis? even when i type it on google it shows me Just Gastritis and not Pangastritis. What is the difference? How long to heal? plus I have never had vomitings thankfully just throat clearing and abdominal pain which is always relieved by flatulencing. and if it had been the problem for 5 years, then is it the real cause behind my critical throat clearing 24/7? Looking forward for some answers cuiously, btw my age is just 20. Thank you
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sanya11314 Mrchase24
ROFL about above.
Anyway, you heard the expressions
endemia, epidemia, pandemia.
Pan: from Greek p?? pan "all".
- when it effects all - in case of pandemic - people (demos).
I guess
all (pan) your stomach (gaster) is inflamed (-itis),
not just a certain part like antrum or body area of the stomach.
pippa58442 Mrchase24
Pan gastritis means inflammation of the entire stomach lining. I had no difficulty finding the term. It came up straight away on google. I wouldn't concern yourself about whether this is the cause of your throat clearing. Instead, accept your diagnosis of pan gastritis because your endoscopy has shown up the cause. You were hoping that the endoscopy would show something and it has. You have physical proof.
The more you continue to question your diagnosis, the worse your stomach will be. Stress aggravates gastritis. Once you get ypur biopsy results, you will have even more answers.
Concentrate on getting better. Once you start getting treatment, it will help you to feel better. With any type of gastritis, you should avoid, greasy, rich and spicy foods and eat blandly.
Mrchase24 pippa58442
Pippa you're always here to help me out. Thanks so much for making me feel relieved and asking me not to dig in anymore since I have got a diagnosis and treat it and get better and then check if my throat clearing problem stops or not. May God reward you for the help. I'll try my best to avoid greasy foods but medicines will help cure my inflammation permanently wouldn't they?
pippa58442 Mrchase24
PPI medication should help to reduce acid so that it doesn't cause further inflammation. This will help your stomach lining to heal. A bland diet will also help. A food diary is also useful to identify food triggers. Try cooking from scratch because pre prepared meals contain preservatives and additives that are not good for a sensitive stomach. Gastritis can be cured but it will take time and even after this, your stomach can remain sensitive. Try distraction techniques a hobby or light exercise to help you relax because stress can irritate your stomach too.
Mrchase24 pippa58442
Yes and since my cousin is a doctor she's gonna help me prepare a diet chart of what should I eat and what I shouldn't but whenever I drink tea I feel like there's anxiety in all over my body and I get palpitations. Well thanks I'm gonna do what you asked me and I'll get rid of this soon In Shaa Allah. Thanks a lot guys for the help
waiting curiously for the reports of the biopsies.
pippa58442 Mrchase24
Tea contains caffeine which is a stimulant which can cause palpitations. Getting palpitations can make you feel anxious. It isn't just coffee that contains caffeine. Coca Cola and chocolate also have it. Try a herbal or de caff version of tea.
Yes great Lilian xD and thanks Sanya for such detailed answer. Now guys, I'm just confused would my acidity ever stop? My doctor told me that my Sphincter muscle (LES) is relaxed. Is there any way to get it back to work so the acid doesn't come back up in my throat?
sanya11314 Mrchase24
Just can recommend you, to drink freshly juiced pure celery stalks every morning prior any food and with no other veggies (no green juice). about 18oz, 500ml, pretty much, but apparently should heal your stomach and restore acids to normal levels.
Best of luck!
Mrchase24 sanya11314
Thank you sanya yes everybody's recommending me to have lots of liquid. But would my sphincter always be relaxed? What can I probably do about it?
sanya11314 Mrchase24
It's trial and error.
I read once somewhere, that sphincters are often relaxed, because they don't get the right acid signal, hence PPI cannot address this, but if acid cause inflammation within stomach.
It's really trial and error and sometimes the choice between Cholera and the Plague.
You have time on your side and can try and note reaction.
When you drink like 500ml of celery fresh juice (which is meant to balance all kinds of acids in your stomach to normal level to be able to cope with them),
you would not lie down afterwards, let gravity help you.
You seem to have no problems moving food forwards into guts. (?) Hence especially liquids with hardly proteins get pushed into intestines very quickly. I would not fear liquids.
But only you can tell, how it goes as everyone is an individual.
Biopsies might shed some more light onto it, but there is nothing said yet as to why you have a pan gastritis and an open sphincter allowing reflux.
Wishing you all the best.
Mrchase24 sanya11314
Thank you again sanya. I don't even know how to reply this. And I'm only 20,i have been suffering from it since I was 15. I have to get rid of this and I don't think PPIs are helping me anymore because I'm having palpitations again and I'm always feeling sour taste in my mouth and sometimes very bitter. Well let's see what my doctor says and I'll inform you guys within this week with the reports of biopsies. Thanks a ton for helping me out and I'll have fresh celery juice too 😋
sanya11314 Mrchase24
All the best!
My girl's immense GI problems started at age 13, two years ago and all I can say is, if it is not something the medical world can 'easily' diagnose and treat,
you will have to take a lot into your own caring hands.
There is no harm done trying e.g. pure (organic) self juiced celery stalk juice other than 'work' and buying a decent juicer (not blender for this one). (green juice won't cut it for stomach).
You are your own best advocate.
Docs just see one for 15min, sometimes 13min, out of context of daily life.
There are always a few tests that need to be done as exclusions are very helpful, too. Not to be underestimated.
Our experience is though, that things get overlooked and with age 'teenager' the draw of 'psychological issues' opened far to prematurely. (It took a long time and doc hopping for us, to get the physical hardware diagnosis, that caused symptoms.)
Then again, there is 'software' issue and I highly believe in foods being healing (or making sick).
You will get highly confused when you start looking out there as every book seems to contradict the other. Don't get discouraged, it has to make sense and when you have time on your side, you can trial and error. We tried twice a dietician, what a wast of time, wether FODMAP nor high carb for vomiting hleped. Only a lot of fruits did something, and juicing. There is no one shoe fits all approach as we are individuals, get ideas, but you need to try for yourself and it does take time each time. But you will find what is helpful for you personally. But please do not wait that a doc will have the miracle fix for you if it is 'gastritis' and not known as to why. The usual life style others can stomach, is often not made for us, who suffer. Hard to accept, but we come with a different metabolism, each of us.
Best of luck!
Mrchase24 sanya11314
Sad to hear that your doctor also had to go through something like this while she is still so young and doesn't deserve this. But some people, like me, I don't know how to say it but I'll say either we are cursed or we're born like this with sensitive stomach and intestines which these doctors and science can't even research about Bcuz it's so rare and unfortunately I'm one of them who will have their life focused on their diet care and won't be able to live a normal life and go for our dreams since all we do is sit and research and research and try to cure our disease which we can't even diagnose and even when we do after years, it's something like related to nerve issues, sphincter that might never work properly. Ahh, this sorrowful life.
Mrchase24 sanya11314
Hehe ohh even 30 is fine. Atleast she must be stabled now. My studies have been affected and I'm 20 now still in the bloody high school. Should have been in a college and should have even been graduated by now. I guess life f****d me and I'll have to go through hell of a lot things to get to my destiny. Well I'm sorry for getting too personal here. I hope no one ever gets to face and live like I am living.. Best wishes to all
sanya11314 Mrchase24
Yes, it is hard, we too have to slow things down and no social life like b-day parties.
It's extremely frustrating and exhausting.
All all the best!!!
salman_aibani Mrchase24
Going Through the Same Issue Since last 05 years and I am just 25 . Tried Consulting The Best Gastroenterologist In the past 05 years & The Big Thing is No Doctor is having any Solution For This Apart From Giving PPI & PROKONETICS Which are Not Going To Cure The Disease and are Just Cure For Time Being .. & Regarding the Relaxation of tt Sphincter Which is Now Lax Means Loose.. wll it be able to function again or not as per doctors what they say is once it becomes loose and relaxed .. However What i went through is and what happend wid me was 1st when i did a upper GI ENDOSCOPY it showed it is loose .. again after 2 months i did an endoscopy it showed it is proper and working ... and again i did it in the last week it again showed loose ... what happens in this problem is once v start experiencing this reflux problem .. anxiety becomes our part of daily life ... so ur still in ur 20's .dont worry every thing wll be fine
Now wad u need to do is .. no tea or coffee at all .. avoid eating all fatty foods .. spicy foods .. foods with lots of oil in it... chocolates ... carbonated drinks like cokes and sodas... raw garlic, onions tomatoes citrus fruits like oranges , grapes , pomogaranite , sweetlime ...
Start your day by hige walks .. eat banana and papayya any time in a day . Instead of eating 3 times in a day eat 5 times taking short and frequent meals and while eating do not talk to any one properly chew ur food and eat ... as if u talk while eating u wll inhale air which wll cause burping .. DRINK COCONUT WATER OBCE IN AFTERNOON B4 HAVING LUNCH try to keep ur self busy ... and try not to think abt this agn and agn as anxiety wll cause more reflux issues all of these things INSHAHALLAH A TIME WLL COME WN U WLL START FEELING BETTER AND U WLL ONLY HAVE TO TAKE PPI AS AN WHEN REQUIRED AND UR SPHINTER WLL ALSO START FUNCTIONING PROPERLY .. HOWEVER U WLL HAVE TO MAKE CHANGES IN UR LIFESTLYE IN TERMS OF DIET AND THINKING ..
Mrchase24 salman_aibani
JazakAllah Salman for this awesome reply brother. And yes I have been suffering every single minute since 2013. You guided me throughly what to have and what to not. Thanks a ton for that. But doesn't docs have anything to do for this reflux? I read a post in a group where a gastroenterologist explained to a guy that IBS is causing his reflux as IBS can come up too. And for the last year my symptoms have been worsen as I have abdominal pain most oftenly even that bad that I wake up from it and I have to go to the washroom only to know that I have constipation which is not relieved by any fiber supplement. Infact there's not inflammation and weird shaped stool. My reports are clear I don't even have H Pylori now I'm confused what is causing my reflux. I'm just 20 and whatever I eat it comes back up to my throat. Sour taste. Thanks
Mrchase24 salman_aibani
Hopefully your problem will also be resolved. I want you to help me with whatever you've got mate I'm so miserable that I don't even want to live anymore I'm dying every single day.