Penile Rash/Balanitis Not Responding to Treatment
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This all began when it started to burn while I urinated. I went to the doctors because I thought it was a UTI, but the test came back negative. Got tested for STD's, the tests also came back negative.
Ok no big deal, I thought. Maybe this will go away on its own. I then started developing a rash on the tip of the penis and along the base that burned post urination and during ejaculation.
I did some research online and thought it was probably a yeast infection. Bought some Canesten and tried applying it twice a day for a week. I also took the pill (Fluconazole). This resulted in no change in the symptoms.
Went back to the doc, who then prescribed Fucidin H cream (Hydrocortisone 1% Fusidic Acid 2%). I rubbed it on twice a day for a week, no change.
Went to a Urologist who did an examination (but no further tests) and told me I could get circumcised, but apart from that offered no further solutions. Told me it could be prostatitis.
I then went to a Dermatologist, who looked at it and prescribed me Loprox anti-fungal cream with hydrocortisone (1%) told me to use it twice daily on the area for one month. I then switched to just Loprox because it appeared as though hydrocortisone was making the irritation worse. The Dermatologist told me to go see the urologist again if symptons don't improve.
I'm still applying Loprox two weeks into treatment, and the changes are minimal if any. The rash goes down at the tip and expands at the base, almost triangular in shape. There are small scales (or maybe cracks) in the skin, and the area is red, almost as if inflamed. I have no discharge from the penis. Any kind of friction (i.e. masturbation) makes the redness and burning much, much worse. I have been abstaining from that for now and only washing the area with warm water. I have thrown out all my heavily scented soaps.
I am in the process of attempting to get an appointment with another urologist in order to get a second opinion. Topical creams don't seem to be doing much, but I am going to keep putting Loprox on it for now. I feel like the Docs have been kind of brushing me off/don't want or don't know how to deal with balanitis. Nothing I am really doing is working, so I'm wondering if anyone else has any solutions.
The following links I will attach contain some photos of the condition I'm experiencing:
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9 likes, 368 replies
thiephung jack05468
Hey Jack05468,
I have the same condition as you, I had sex with a girlfriend about 3 months. She tested positive for chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycosplasma and candida. After the day of sex with that girlfriend I had a boil in the glans, not itchy, then a rash, painful and stinging, no itching, burning and wet urination in erythema, but I promptly treated it, giving until now the painful urination is gone, the erythema is no longer wet and painful, but they persist. I have used a lot of topical creams such as: tetracyclin, kentoconazole, canesten, fucidin H, Silkron, Betaderm-neomycin, coconut oil, but the erythema persists, most visible after erection and masturbation. I asked my treating doctor but she doesn't know why. I am currently on flucort n cream, but still not improving significantly. I do not know what is wrong, stuck!
martin43145 jack05468
ive been suffering with all of these symptoms more on than off for 20 years now. Has anyone been completely cured?
glikkon33 martin43145
are you circumcised?
martin43145 jack05468
richard65710 jack05468
hey jack, same as you roughly 2 years, just read this whole thread and seems it reflects my experience.
i noticed you did test positive for Enterococcus faecalis? i also tested positive for this and wad given nitrofurantoin which did clear the redness for about a month. i no longer culture that bacteria do they wont give me a longer course. also had semen cultures all negative.
have you had blood tests for IGA, immunoglobulins? Thats my main focus at moment as mine came back abnormal so could mean lingering infection / inflammation that is radiating down to glands
jack05468 richard65710
Hi Richard,
Is IGA, immunoglobulins part of standard blood testing? Or do you have to specifically request it? I may have had this, would need to check back on my most recent tests.
richard65710 jack05468
mine wasnt taken at the outset, only when i think they couldn't understand what was going on so you may not have.
JennyTan jack05468
Hello Jack .. I want to ask you (i dont remember if i saw the pics yu posted earlier, but now we have better internet) IN PARTICULAR .... it seems that the area from what we call the pee hole .. down about 1/3 of the way "seems" to be eroded or looks different from the area down further (yu can look the attached and i have dotted the are that seems to be different from my line up to the tip) coz this is my guy problem.
I am not trying to create a false diagnosis so if there is no difference in texture or pain from the tip down to the shaft.
In my guy case the tip and about 1cm down is particularly sensitive and looks like it is actually eroded or eaten away .... that is why i am asking and others please comment as i doubt that any of you have gone away ...
... In our case .... I think there are two things going on
After about a year of this he was able to very carefully apply a mix of 50% antifungal (which contained some hydrocorisone but very weak) AND vitamin E Cream (which a year earlier would have instantly created a flare up) and GRADUALLY build up from once each 3 days this cream mix to once a day. BUT .. when at the beginning when he got over confident or put to much it went from good to horrible in 10 minutes.
So guys .. not sure if this is what others observe -- like TWO problems (a boil on your broken leg lol) but interested in people comments.
Sorry the long rant - Jen
ADDED ... Since i not always got good internet i am adding now (sorry admin)
My feelings after 5 years of partner with this issue
Anyone wish to go thru all the above 1 by 1 ?
Maybe there is a pattern and interesting also is how many is "'sudden" and how many gradually get worse .. Jen
Jim54740 JennyTan
Is it possible it was brought on by the over-use of steroid creams which has over time thinned the skin. It seems very common on forums that guys (including myself) casually used a steroid cream for bit to treat inflammation and this caused a whole new problem in its entirety which is causing the long lasting problems.
balanitissucks jack05468
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to reply to this thread to hopefully help some guys out. So I've had balanitis and balanoposthitis for almost 2 years now. At first it was the glans that were red, then the meatus became red and swollen too and eventually the foreskin started having inflammation on it which caused it to get tighter. I've tried a lot of things to cure it. Oral antibiotics for months, fluconazole for 2 weeks straight, antifungal creams for months, antibiotic creams, etc. Nothing worked. I think once you are in a chronic state and had it for longer than 3 months, I don't think anything can be done for it unfortunately and the only thing that will cure it is circumcision. Now I'm not here to tell people to get cut, but after 2 years of dealing with this, I decided to get circumcised 2 weeks ago. My glans are already looking healthy and nice and pink and the bad skin has peeled off and new skin underneath is now healthy skin. Whether your balanitis is fungal, bacterial, or inflammatory, circumcision will cure it. The foreskin is extremely good at trapping bacteria and fungus. You can apply whatever cream you want, it just won't work because there will still be moisture. You would think that applying clotrimazole will cure it because it's antifungal, but in reality it's still giving the fungus moisture. If you do not want to get circumcised, try taping your foreskin back for a few weeks and let air dry out your glans. This will make sure whatever organism on your glans does not receive moisture. I did not want to go with this method because I did not want to risk it potentially coming back once i push my foreskin back so I thought getting cut would be the best option for me. If you have balanitis that is neither fungal or bacterial, you may have the inflammatory type balanitis or Zoon's balanitis. They don't really know what causes this but circumcision is the only known cure for it. If you are jacking off frequently, you will never heal. Masturbation just creates more friction which causes the balanitis to get worse. If you had a bicep tear, you wouldn't work out your biceps until it healed right? Same thing with masturbation. It's microtrauma to the penis. It takes about 4 weeks for tissue to heal so you may need to abstain from sex and masturbation for a month. I cannot masturbate or have sex for 6 weeks because of my circumcision so that it plenty of time for healing.
So once again, I'm not here to tell you guys to get cut, but if ALL have failed and you have tried literally everything, why torture yourself even more when circumcision can cure it? If I could go back in time, I would have gotten cut 2 years ago and not have dealt with this for so long.
anthony66734 jack05468
Hey Jack, I had a prostate infection and thought that I solved my issues. Turns out it was only one of 2 issues and the other issue cleared up all of these other problems for me. The great news is that everything is now back to normal completely. No more urination frequency, dry irritated glans, saggy wrinkled skin, loss of sensation, loss of sex drive, what appeared as grooves in the glans. All finally cleared up. And after roughly 7 years I figured out that I was irritating my Pudendal Nerve several times daily. Every time I had sex, I would "squeeze out" the remaining semen from the tract of my penis starting from behind my testes all the way to the tip. I did the same thing after I peed out of habit. In doing this, I aggravated the nerve which has 2 other branches of nerves: The Dorsal Nerve, which regulates the penis, and The Perennial Nerve which regulates the anus. The Dorsal Nerve being irritated throws EVERYTHING off. After finding this information and thinking I have probably been irritating the nerve, I stopped the behavior and constantly felt like a low hum (like a tingly electrical sensation) in my urinary tract which made me think it must be something else. I decided I'd give it at least a month and continued to dig for info when I search for the symptoms of a recovering Pudendal nerve and found it being described as a tingly sensation in the perineum. As you can imagine after 7 years of hell I was excited that I just may have figured it out. I can honestly say that after only 2 months of making sure not to mess with the urinary tract that I am 100% back to normal. Everything. No joke. I sincerely hope I can help you and you can get your life back. I know how much it sucks.
thiephung anthony66734
I have pudental neuragial expression, I see this is a very wonderful discovery of you, would you please tell me your treatment?
jim09253 anthony66734
This is very interesting. I have similar symptoms with a red irritated glans and frequent urination (I have to get up every night in the middle of the night to go pee). How did you get diagnosed?
anthony66734 jack05468
Guys, I had been going through this for 7 years, so as you can imagine I was constantly looking for answers. I went through several GPs and Urologists with no solution. I just started to wonder what else was in the urinary tract area and found the Pudendal nerve. I then learned about the Dorsal Nerve and recognized how I could be irritating it. Then I just made sure to leave it alone for about a month and it started recovering immediately. As I stated in the last post, you'll feel a tingling sensation in the perineum. Then you'll know it healing.
jack05468 anthony66734
Hi Anthony - OP here. When you say "leave it alone for about a month" what exactly do you mean? How are you leaving it alone? How are you irritating the Dorsal nerve and what are you doing to solve it?
Sorry if I missed your previous post - I'm currently doing Pelvic floor physiotherapy to try and treat this after 2 years and a half of no solutions. So far, I'm not seeing much of a difference but I only just started. Seeing a professional pelvic floor physiotherapist for this.
Can you point me in the direction of your last post or PM me and we can chat? Thanks
anthony66734 jack05468
I just copied the original post Jack!
Hey Jack, I had a prostate infection and thought that I solved my issues. Turns out it was only one of 2 issues and the other issue cleared up all of these other problems for me. The great news is that everything is now back to normal completely. No more urination frequency, dry irritated glans, saggy wrinkled skin, loss of sensation, loss of sex drive, what appeared as grooves in the glans. All finally cleared up. And after roughly 7 years I figured out that I was irritating my Pudendal Nerve several times daily. Every time I had sex, I would "squeeze out" the remaining semen from the tract of my penis starting from behind my testes all the way to the tip. I did the same thing after I peed out of habit. In doing this, I aggravated the nerve which has 2 other branches of nerves: The Dorsal Nerve, which regulates the penis, and The Perennial Nerve which regulates the anus. The Dorsal Nerve being irritated throws EVERYTHING off. After finding this information and thinking I have probably been irritating the nerve, I stopped the behavior and constantly felt like a low hum (like a tingly electrical sensation) in my urinary tract which made me think it must be something else. I decided I'd give it at least a month and continued to dig for info when I search for the symptoms of a recovering Pudendal nerve and found it being described as a tingly sensation in the perineum. As you can imagine after 7 years of hell I was excited that I just may have figured it out. I can honestly say that after only 2 months of making sure not to mess with the urinary tract that I am 100% back to normal. Everything. No joke. I sincerely hope I can help you and you can get your life back. I know how much it sucks.
jack05468 anthony66734
Thanks so much for pasting this.
Just to clarify, all you did was stop extracting semen (post ejaculation) and urine (post urination) from the penis and this solved the issue completely? How long did it take? Did you do anything else?
Stressful jack05468
In further reply to my other post a bit above, I also used to do this, and have since stopped after reading through this, so maybe this might be related too. Squeezing out cum like that probably isn't good and what Anthony said, it made sense for me to stop doing so.