Perimenopause and joint pain any suggestions on relieving symptoms?
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Im 46 and in the last few months have started getting joint pain. Hips and lower back ache which has gradually got worse. Have made an appointment to see my GP as someone told me it could be the start of the menopause. Has anyone else suffered from this and what did you take to relieve it? I have been taking paracetomol when its gets too bad but sometimes it doesnt relieve the pain at all! Not sure if i should be taking a supplement or not or what i should take!
I thought it might have been osteoarthritis so Ive started taking codliver oil tablets and a supplement of glucosamine, MSM + Chondroitin but not noticed any change and dont know if thats what i should be taking or not. Its all very confusing as there is so much information on the web and so many different supplements available. If it is the start of the menopause I would rather go down the natural route than take HRT.
Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks.
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michellejessie cheryl25598
Michelle x
irene20565 cheryl25598
You may want to get your Dr to check vitamin D levels. Mine turned out to be deficient and I am taking prescription dose now.
I keep hearing others on these boards having the same problem.
Hope you get it sorted soon, good luck
debbie03785 cheryl25598
cheryl25598 debbie03785
annieschaefer cheryl25598
I feel for you as for past year I've been dealing with same thing. My lower back is very stiff now (and that's with having done steady practice of yoga-recently took break) and legs and feet make me feel like I'm 100 yrs old first thing in am. Or simply getting up after sitting a bit. I also developed bilateral plantar faciitis which has been treated twice both sides and doc recommended a back specialist as they think this all ties in together.
I have also read this can be peri/menopausal issues or even hypothyroidism. I am seeing a naturopath next week to get to the bottom of this and some other issues. I have taken Fish/Krill Oil but not the other tablets you mentioned. When it's bad enough, I do a 15-20 min soak in the tub with epsom salts, it does help, if not for just to relax and get a good nights sleep. I do take magnesiusm daily and haven't found it to be much help for this issue, right now.
We'll see if this naturopath can be of more help as I really hate feeling like an old lady, even though I'm 10 yrs older than you, I'm not ready to hang it up. This has really impacted and limited a lot of what I used to do. If this truly is related to peri/menopause, it is supposed to subside, but for me the big questions are Really? and When? As it stands, it's not fast enough.
Hope you feel better soon, I know it's frustrating.
Annie xx
cheryl25598 annieschaefer
I hope you get the help you need :-)
annieschaefer cheryl25598
I hope this signals that it's coming to a close or else some of us having peri lasting longer than 10 years seeing I'll be 57 this year-lol! Lord, I hope not....enough is enough!
Will probably post an update once I speak with new naturopath.
So, if anything, I hope that you know these past 10 years have not been all comes in waves and at least in my case, while there are days that seem more brutal then others, most are not so hateful. Wishing the same for you.
Annie xx
kim94523 annieschaefer
deirdre01438 cheryl25598
kim94523 cheryl25598
In case the moderator deletes the link it is on the first page of the menopause forum and called "Perimenopause and severe joing pain anyone else"
cheryl25598 kim94523
I do keep quite active, I take the dog for a walk every morning and last October I started a part-time job as a midday asst at a secondary, I only work 2 hours a day but I'm on the go for the whole 2 hours! I've got a pedometer and since I've had the job I do an average of just over 12,000 steps a day! I'm wondering if the job I'm doing has aggravated my symptoms or if its just coincidence?
The disturbed night sleep is getting me down a bit, you'd think that laying down would relieve the aching joints wouldn't you? But it doesn't and sometimes it wakes me up and I can't get back to sleep unless I take painkillers!
Will have a look at the forums to see what advice people give. :-)
debbie03785 cheryl25598
kim94523 debbie03785
debbie03785 kim94523
kim94523 debbie03785
cheryl25598 debbie03785
kim94523 cheryl25598
Carolmayhew6 cheryl25598
I'm new to the site but I'm encountering everything your saying my gp stipulates that's it's down to degenerative arthritis n MRI scans show this, but after my sister reading some points on here she herself found she had joint pain and aches but they subsided after taking GRT but she was taken off it a few mnths ago & they all returned so she believes the HRT did help her joint pain she has since seen her consultant who advised her to restart her hrt to keep joint pain in knees n hips at bay, like you I'm worse when I lye in bed the aching in my knees are terrible and my hips burn, I have appoint with my gp AGAIN on Monday after reading different peoples messages n info I have the same symptoms n think I must be menopausal I had hysterectomy in 1991 aged 33 but I had 1 ovary left in place n was told it was to help with menopause but I've gone from working a full happy healthy life style working full time looking after a home family n grandchildren n being active to within a few months inactive I mobile and in agony with my knees
just glad I'm not on my own n I'm hoping I'll get some help from my gp x good look with your symptoms nni hope they improve for you as the pain is excruciating n intolerable at times