Perimenopause and joint pain any suggestions on relieving symptoms?
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Im 46 and in the last few months have started getting joint pain. Hips and lower back ache which has gradually got worse. Have made an appointment to see my GP as someone told me it could be the start of the menopause. Has anyone else suffered from this and what did you take to relieve it? I have been taking paracetomol when its gets too bad but sometimes it doesnt relieve the pain at all! Not sure if i should be taking a supplement or not or what i should take!
I thought it might have been osteoarthritis so Ive started taking codliver oil tablets and a supplement of glucosamine, MSM + Chondroitin but not noticed any change and dont know if thats what i should be taking or not. Its all very confusing as there is so much information on the web and so many different supplements available. If it is the start of the menopause I would rather go down the natural route than take HRT.
Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks.
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cathy88329 cheryl25598
I myself have been suffering from really bad joint pain, especially in my knees, I take supplements and have just started taking serenity cream, not sure if it will help, but the joint thing is not nice, I've been menopausal for over a year and I have hot flushes etc, I try to exercise as much as possible, sorry no easy answers but keep trying things it's just a matter of trial and error. X
Carolmayhew6 cheryl25598
I'm not convinced that its not menopause related, I've got to have some blood tests to rule out any nasty inflammatory conditions but if I'm still suffering in a few weeks time I'm going to see another Doctor to get a 2nd opinion!
annieschaefer cheryl25598
At the end of the month I see the specialist who will deal with the hypothyroid issue, this isn't something the Naturopath can write scripts for. But she is giving me supplements to support the adrenals-and in this day and age, whose aren't a bit taxed? So we'll see.
I'm sorry that this first doctor hasn't been able to help you, but it sounds like the supplements may be helping your hip pain. This is quite a journey, isn't it?
Wishing you the best Cheryl.
Annie xx
cheryl25598 annieschaefer
Got an appointment to see another GP next week. It seems to be getting more and more difficult to get an appointment with a GP you want, when you want! But that's a whole other story!
I'm still not convinced that this isn't menopause related and I'm going to tell the GP that and tell him what I've read on here about other women like me suffering from the same thing!
annieschaefer cheryl25598
I just saw your last comment where you mentioned what the blood tests were for and now this post. Sorry you are still feeling bad, I understand.
Good thing they are ruling out stuff most likely like RA and the like that can cause us to feel like 100 yrs old first. Honestly, it makes me a bit sad that whether I like it or not, a great portion of my current ills are hormone related. Even the onset of hypothyroidism. I was told that this occurence is not uncommon when the hormones really start their final decline.
While my Naturopath has given me yet more supplementation to hopefully help settle my system down and replenish some things lacking, I know between meds for the thyroid and boy, perhaps some type of regular HRT support (currently only use progesterone cream during the months were my symptoms indicate the need for it) will be my next step.
Like a few other ladies on here, I believe in quality of life, not quanity. I have hit over the year mark, really year and half of my body just feeling like hell for one reason or another. I work in healthcare, see the pros and cons of using HRTs, some people like my Godmother used the older forms and she flew through the change without a hitch and she is now 87....without any issues today. It's a real crap shoot who is going to have a negative effect and believe me, I see enough women who didn't use BC or HRT with breast I guess when I get to Integrative Med doctor at end of month and if I'm feeling as lousy as I do today, I will start to actively investigate the HRT route. I've tried for long enough without and this flipping of the switch and feeling like a 100 yr old lady is enough!
Wishing you the best, as I agree with you, it's likely your pain is hormone related as well. Finding a doc to listen to you is key.
Keeping you in my thoughts!
Annie xx
cheryl25598 annieschaefer
Its all a bit confusing as there is so much information and different products out there! It helps talking to other people about it :-)
Carolmayhew6 annieschaefer
I read your post with the same probs as I'm having pain in legs n hips especially when lying in bed as though been lying in same position n hips start to burn n very stiff when trying to turn over, at present I'm having great discomfort with my knees feel like there is an elastic band being pulled very tight n about snap causing toothache type pain n causing me to walked unbalanced n limping I had hysterectomy in 1991 left with 1 ovary but of late like you I feel I've aged 100years n gone from very active to having no energy n feeling exhausted even to get up and make a coffee is an ordeal
Like you say getting a doctor to listen us the key but I'm hoping mine will on Monday
annieschaefer Carolmayhew6
I do hope your doctor can help you, this is so frustrating at the moment. I am trying to be patient working with the new docs who do take me seriously and are trying to help me.
My husband and I just got back from the grocery store and I have my legs up as my (good grief, I am so ashamed that I had so little patience when my mom would talk about her aches and pains -now look at me, I am so sorry I didn't take the time and try and understand her pain-karma, huh?)
bilateral plantar faciitis is at an all time high and I have already had two sets of shots of cortisone and no more of that. Doesn't work. I do hope by taking the additional supplements, adjusting diet to really weed out bad stuff (the coffee deletion is the hardest at the moment-honestly not doing good with that one!) and currently using progesterone cream 21 days out of month, will start to help. Can't wait to see the Integrative MD at end of month for the meds for the thyroid as that too can wreak havoc on us.
I do hope you feel better soon and that the doctor you see on Monday will get you on the road to mend. Let us know how it all works out please
Praying for the best outcome for you Carol!
Annie xx
Carolmayhew6 annieschaefer
Thanks for your reply
Had a bad night with constant aching in both knees n it's still at it, my gp gave me Caspcian cream to use to help with the ain apply 4 times a day but has no effect, got the nausea feeling and that down feeling that I really can not be bothered the sun is out n I should feel on top of the world but I feel awful
Yes I hope my gp listens on Monday and I will let you know how I get on, presently sat on sofa doing leg exercise that the consultant gave me who I saw after MRI to my knees n he says it's degenerative arthritis but as my sister points out most of the uk over 50yrs of age or some younger must also have dengenerative changes, but doesn't mean we should suffer with the horrific pain
Hope your feeling well soon I have go good shopping later n dread it at best of times but lately it's worse I used scoot round where now it takes forever n and fatigued once I'm back x
Ttfn will up date you on Monday x
Carolmayhew6 annieschaefer
Saw my gp yesterday
Who has given me blood forms for multiple test
But agrees with having hysterectomy in 1990 my ovary won't be functioning properly or at all so I been and had blood done n go back Friday for results and for him to decide which treatment would be best for me !
annieschaefer Carolmayhew6
Glad your doctor did order the tests to get an idea on how best to treat you. I do hope this is the start of things moving in the right direction for you to get on a healthier path. I know how frustrating feel old before our time can be. Our weather here is making the ache and pains worse for the moment. Ahh...Spring showers!
Will be interested in learning what your results are and what your doctor recommends. I have an appt two weeks form today with the Integrative MD, we'll see if she is able to finally help me get the major issues under control. I decided to try and go back to Gentle yoga starting this week. I hope I can do it, when things starting changing last year, even that simple class was enough to make and keep my body sore afterwards. Crazy,huh?
Well, do take care and thanks for letting me know and please update us after Friday.
Wishing you the best, Carol.
Annie xx
Carolmayhew6 annieschaefer
Yes will let you know Friday x
I got my results from blood test my FSH was 95 instead if below 35 so my oestrogen lvls are low my gp has started me on a low dose of HRT n review in 3months fingers crossed I start to feel better in my well being n it helps with my joint pain
annieschaefer Carolmayhew6
What a relief to have a plan now. I do hope this works well for you. I have heard from others that have had similar symptoms that once on the HRT, the pain does subside. Will be praying it does the job for you as well.
I did start back to Gentle Yoga this week and so far so good. I have upped the Magnesium along with some other supplements to see if they may help ease up my achy body while waiting for my appointment coming up.
Take good care Carol and thank you for remembering to let me know how your visit went.
Annie xx
cheryl25598 Carolmayhew6
Carolmayhew6 cheryl25598
I'm 57 in July FSH is
foccilestimulating hormone apparently, if you google it
It will tell you what's it's all about it,it should be below 35 mmols n mine was 95 the higher it is the less hormone you have lol so I must be running on empty lol my aches n pains are terrible again today so much so I'm thinking of going bk n get 2nd opinion or ask for the orthoroscopy that the consultant said he could do, at least then I'd know that there was nothing floating around causing the discomfort
Carolmayhew6 annieschaefer
No problem letting you know
But these last few days I've had the pains back in my knees n terrible at night so much so I've asked my gp if she can re referr me back to the consultant as he said if the pain didn't subside he would do an orthoroscopy to do a wash out just in case there is something they can't see on the MRI scan so waiting to hear if that can be done then I've ruled everything out but if this is arthritis I'm in for a very rough ride
Hope you keep well xx