perimenopause internal tremor

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Hi Ladies

Please help. Anyone experienced this internal tremor vibration?

Almost like when your cold. Really hard to explain. Ive had it on and off in peri but my health anxiety tells me its something serious. Im on 15mg of mirtazapine an AD but I want to come off it cause I kerp thinking mayb its a side effect. But just thinking about withdrawal of this med is making me anxious as well. When im busy I dont notice Iit. I notice Iit more when Iim sitsitting still. X

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    I started having internal tremors just over a year ago following an operation to remove ovarian cysts. I also experienced very high blood pressure which caused me a lot of anxiety and it coincided with a bout of gastritis. My gp took one look at me and said it was the menopause. Although I was 49 at the time I had never experienced any of these symptoms prior to the operation. Unfortunately the gynaecologist had not warned me prior to the op; had I known how I was going to feel I would not have had it done! It was awful and I felt completely unlike me. My gp prescribed a low dose of beta blockers (propanol) and they have have really helped. I have also experienced lots of GI symptoms and ended up having ultrasound and ct scans as well as a gastroscopy and colonoscopy. They did find I had an h.pylorbactor infection and a hiatus hernia, so now have medication for that too. My tremor is under control most of the time, but I can feel the vibration at certain times of the month, if i don't eat regularly, or if I don't get enough sleep. I still get regular periods and am preying that it will go away once I'm through the menopause. In the meantime I haven't touched alcohol or coffee in over a year and I'm trying to eat healthy. I've recently started taking a multivitamin with probiotic in the hope that it will also help.

    I wish I had found this thread last year as it helps to know I'm not the only one; I thought I was going mad!

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    I realise this was posted a year ago but found it when I googled my symptoms I'm also going through menopause no hit flushs as such but have the horrible internal shaking/VIBRATING YOU TALK ABOUT I also wake up early in the morning with terrible vibrating feeling/ noise in my head, does anyone else get that too, it drives me crazy and keeps me awake, any replies really appreciated

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      I've had this on and off my whole nine years of peri

      Only bad hot flushes last two years

      Currently 10 months without a period

      It is an awful symptom I thought I had all sorts of diseases

      I'm still suffering terribly but just know it is a more common symptom than you think

      Feel free to message me anytime x

    • Posted

      Sadly, you are not alone.  I also have the "noise" in my head along with the tremors.  They seem to go hand-in-hand.  I'm also so very glad that I found this thread.  I've been living in somewhat of a peri-hell for over 3 years and I'm just hoping for some support from others goign through the same thing.  Hang in there ladies.  It seem that we're all in this together.

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      Hi Michelle

      How are you going with perimenopause? What caught my attention in your post is that you said you are still suffering terribly. I hope you are much better.

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      Hi just wondering do you.still have tremors as i am haveing them also loo trouble all the time , doctor put me on mitazapine 15mg
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      HI, me too internal shaking from head to pelvic area 24*7 since last year im 41, migraine, blurry vision, poor eye concentration, tinnitus, nose drip to throat, heat sensation, blood results normal life become restless 😬

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    Thanks so much for your reply, yes I have not had any hot flushes yet, Im 54 and my periods have been hit and miss for the last few years, I go months without one then have a light one. I started having all these awful weird physical symptoms in December and thought there was some thing very sinister going on, Ive had numerous blood tests and all the usual nuero tests etc and the Doctors have no idea what set everything off but have suggested anxiety which I have never had before. Im wondering if its been set off by hormones due to menopause, lots of the symptoms like unblanced dizzy feeling, upset tummy, fatigue etc but the worse is def the vibrating feeling like extreme nervousness when I dont think Im feeling anxious. Do you have the vibrating sounds/feeling in your head when you are trying to sleep?
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      I also have just found this site, and I am so glad.  Not glad that others are feeling bad, but glad that I have finally found someone who is feeling the same things that I have been feeling.  I had a hsterectomy three years ago but kept my ovaries. Over the last six months or so I have been having hot flashes, digestive issues, mood swings,body aches, and headaches.  But recently the very scary body tremors and heart palpitations have started.  The tremors makes me feel like I'm walking around with a constant buzz inside me.  The heart palpitations can feel like my heart is going to race out of my chest.  Yesterday I woke up at 5am with my heart racing and my legs felt twitchy, like muscle spasms.  About 1pm I was getting scared because it wasn't getting any better and went to emergent care.  They did an ekg, chest x-ray,stress test, and lots of blood work. They found nothing, said everything looked normal and sent me home.  Yes that is good news, however It doesn't explain why I feel like hell!  This morning I woke up around 6am with my whole body shaking like I was freezing, which I wasn't.  But I couldn't stop shaking for about 30 min. So I got up and got on my laptop and started looking up symptoms and that is when I found your post.  I am sorry for the length, but it is just comforting to find someone that actually understands.

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      Hi, yes I have had the vibrating sounds/feeling when laying in bed and identified it as my jaw/teeth vibrating; it's bizarre! I've had very similar symptoms to you and likewise never had anxiety before. The propranolol has definitely helped, as has drinking gallons of chamomile tea and slightly changing my diet; sugary foods, raw onion, mono sodium glutamate and spicy foods all seem to exacerbate my symptoms.

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      Yes I do I've literally been to hell and back

      I've been on this journey nearly ten years

      The list of symptoms just goes on and on and on

      I've had every symptom then some!!!

      Was on an Antidepressants for a year but currently I'm on no meds

      I'm suffering severe bloating and nausea every single day at the moment which sends my anxiety soaring

      I've suffered health anxiety in Peri as well

      I'm praying as I've gone ten months period free that I don't get another one but hot flushes and nausea and digestion issues are getting worse

      I've had two endoscopy both good apart from small stomach nodule which they say is not causing my symptoms

      Consultants keep saying stress but not hormones are they kidding me!!!

      The bloat don't let me eat as I feel full all the time so I keep thinking the worst it's just so uncomfortable upper stomach always feel stretched

      I don't drink or smoke am active I'm a carer in the community very good weight but feel like I just don't know myself anymore

      I've also got gerd feel like I'm carrying a baby elephant in my stomach

      I'm just hoping the symptoms are at their peak and I can get some relief

      I hate going out anymore palpitations dizziness anxiety and the never ending nausea keeps me at home

      My kids and husband don't understand why I won't go anywhere

      It's just awful

      Praying you feel better soon but it's a long road to travel for some of us

      I would never have believed that menopause could make me feel like I'm dying on a daily basis x

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      Forgot to mention I'm 50 in September been going through this I was 40

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      I too have this vibrating, shaking feeling. Sometimes it so bad I can see my body shaking. It's very unnerving, one of my worst symptoms and I have had all that are on any known list and then some. This has been going on for me for 11 years. I am 54 and I must say my craziness is hanging right on. There are times I have a decent day and think it may be letting up only to be this familiar crazy being the next day. I pray one day all symptoms will be completely gone forever. Prayers for you. 🙏🏻

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      Thanks casa, do you have it in your head too like a kind of tinitus. I'm not sure if this is due to menopause or not but it's driving me crazy, worse through the night, this awful vibrating noise and feeling in my head/ears

    • Posted

      Yes I do, not every day, but I have experienced this. Mornings are the worst for me.
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      My nausea is horrendous. I have developed gastritis. I have the shakes every morning. Sometimes they subside later in the day. Sometimes they're so bad I have pace the floor.

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      Are your shakes obvious if you hold your hand out or more internal and do you have the vibrating feeling in your head as well? Sorry to hear you are having such an awful time.
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      You can see my hand shake and they are internal. I have a lot of head and neck aches.
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      I also have the neck, sholder, head pain, but my remoring feeling is internal, when I hold my hand up its not actually shaking, very weird
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      thanks so much for that, I will look it up, Ive been really bad today, trembling and shaking inside all the time, even though I dont think Im anxious, its an awful feeling.
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      Hi Lee, sometimes noises and then I think did I imagine it or hear it really just makes you think..I get like ticking in the ears and a tence itch in the ear canal  that's how I get it disappear reapear 

    • Posted

      That is how mine is.  Not visible on the outside, only very strong vibrating feeling on the inside.  Very strange indeed.
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      Michelle I don’t go anywhere either. You sound like a carbon copy of me. I can’t sleep longer than 2 hours or 3. I wake up shaking and most of the time I’m nauseous. I cry and pray all the time for God to heal me or work through the doctors to heal me. I go to the doctor, but that’s only because I have to. I get very anxious from the shaking. It’s horrible. 
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      Hi Tonia ...your symptoms are like mine...ive been reading all these posts since march 6 when my internal shaking vibrating started trying to find some logical explanation...all doctors and blood tests say im fine. Im 45 from symptoms

        began in september when my

       period was coming late, beating

       heart and then in january this

       year i was sick with a normal flu.

       After recovering my heart was

       beating even faster i had panic

       attacks chest pain vibrating internal tremors dizzines short

       term memory loss tingling numb

       hands at night stiff neck etc!

      I honestly wish you are all better now... and i also wish this isnt the case for you but in my case after having a scan test it seems i had been bitten by a tick in the past

       had the bacteria in me and due

       to age and hormonal changes

       and the flu in suddenly hit me! now i have to be officially checked for lyme.  Unfortunately here the tests are not  acurate but i will find an answer to this thing that has changed my life.

      Hope you all find peace from these crazy symptoms

    • Posted

      Hi Vicky,

      Definitely get checked for Lyme disease as it can cause the internal tremors. However, your other symptoms sound like Menopause or Perimenopause. I found relief with a bio identical FDA approved estradiol patch. It dialed my tremors down 85% and stopped my heart palpitations, aches/pains, hot flashes, vision issues and other menopause symptoms. Google Power Surge and rare menopause symptoms. There is relief out there - please do not give up hope.

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      Hi Karen. I know this post is from a few years ago, but just wondered how you are doing now? I have the vibrating and believe mine is coming from my jaw / teeth too.

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      Hi Michelle!

      I'm the same as you.

      Ever since just before turning 40, I have been feeling worse and worse every year. I also have mdds now too (Mal De Debarquement Syndrome - symptoms are like trying to walk on a trampoline/hammock & bobbing up and down on a boat on the rocky seas 24/7) which is bloody awful. I'm pretty much bedridden now & my partner/carer also died unexpectedly (he was only 30) just before Christmas last year ('21), so my whole life has been absolutely turned upside down.

      Talk about Peri-HELL - as one woman put it. I feel like I'm slowly going insane whilst dying at the same time.

      The doc that I went to a couple of weeks ago (I saw him back in 2017), did some hormone testing on me again and he told me this week that I'm low in iron and progesterone (I also have Crohn's disease too) - again. Further research online has also taught me that low progesterone levels/estrogen dominance actually affects the THYROID too. So it's no wonder so many of us here feel shaky & have palpitations, tremors and muscle twitches & jerks! And I haven't even talked about the brain fog, memory problem, confusion, dizziness, lightheadedness, depression, anxiety, pain, proprioception & balance issues, trouble walking and chronic fatigue yet either!!! 😢

      So yes (ladies), what we're going through is actually HORMONE related and that IS causing your anxiety levels to go through the ROOF - and causing you to shake. Our bodies are essentially going into a diabetic type situation constantly because the fluctuating hormone levels mean that our body's blood sugar levels are fluctuating along with them!

      Anyway, sorry about that. I'm just so frustrated...

      I know that it's been a few years, but can I ask: how are you feeling now? And if you're feeling better, did you find out what was going on with you and did you find anything that helped you?

      Women that have hysterectomies (and their ovaries removed too - or not) go into Menopause STRAIGHT AWAY and so they should be put onto HRT asap straight after that! I find it so negligent and criminal that so many doctors/gynos/endocrinologists (even female ones!) don't know this or don't tell their patients that! I am absolutely gobsmacked. I am so sad to keep reading and seeing SO many women suffering 😞

      My sister who's 2years younger than me isn't going through this though, so she thinks it's just all in my head. So I've gone onto antidepressant/anti-anxiety meds (again) because of her and because she's poisoned the rest of my family too with her opinion that this is just "all in my head". Suffice to say, the medication hasn't done a thing for ANY of my symptoms. Nothing at all!

      I've started taking an iron tonic (along with electrolytes and vit C & a probiotic etc) and next week I'm going to pick up my progesterone cream from the compounding pharmacy. The pharmacist (female) told me the other day that they actually make up the progesterone from soy (God knows how they do THAT - because I thought that only estrogen came from soy), but anyway, I'll pick that up and give it a go and I'll see what happens. Because I've actually been on Progestin tablets (I hope I'm recalling that name correctly) before, but they didn't seem to do squat for me. So yeah, we'll see how things go and see if this expensive cream does anything or not. Fingers crossed.

      Sending you (and everybody here) good health, courage & strength to get through this challenging time.

      Louise x

      Perth, Australia

    • Posted

      First of all, sorry for the loss of your partner, that must be so awful for you.

      I just wanted to ask what you mean "trouble walking"? I have this too and I would like to see if it's something similar, as this is something I very rarely hear mentioned.

      Sending your strength x

    • Posted

      Thank you darlin, I really appreciate your kind words & sentiments ❤️ ❤️

      Where abouts are you located? I was just thinking, it would be better to have a phone conversation about our symptoms (if you were up for that sometime) - only because it is such a complicated situation & things can change for me on a daily basis too - ie the symptoms can change and morph.

      We could talk via a private message first and swap details maybe...? Let me know what you think 😉

      Sending you strength also,

      Louise x

    • Posted

      Sorry, but I am right at the opposite end of the world from you, I'm in Spain. For some reason I can't dm but I do check messages on her now and again when I have time x

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