Plantar Plate Repair with Osteotomy - Recovery

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I'm three weeks out from plantar plate repair with 2nd toe osteotomy. I'm not taking any pain medication at this point, but I'm concerned because I still get throbbing pains in my second toe and pulling, tingling sensations in the area that was repaired. I'm in a walking boot - weight bearing on the heel - and sometimes it's fine and sometimes it's really uncomfortable. Has anyone here had a similar surgery? How long did it take until your foot started to feel better than it did before the surgery?

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    I had to have surgery as my second toe was partially dislocated and it was crossing over the big toe my injury was pretty far gone is your toe dislocated if it isn't then your recovery may be different

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    Hi everyone. I haven't been here in a while. I didn't have very good luck with my plantar plate repair. I had to have another surgery to correct an issue with the 2nd metatarsal bone being too low and in a place where I don't have much fat pad. Months after the first surgery I still felt like I was walking on a rock. I'm a couple months out from the second surgery now and while I don't feel that metatarsal head so prominently now, things still aren't great. I have scar tissue issues and not much fat pad, so my shoe choices are limited if I want to somewhat comfortable.

    I hope you all have better luck than I did.

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      I am sorry to hear that. I hope you keep getting better.

      How was the 2nd metatarsal too low? Was it because of the first surgery?

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      Hi There,

      I'd like to hear more about your surgery and recovery. My personal email is: if you feel like chatting more.

      So, me 2nd toe is gradually migrating towards my big toe ( I have a lateral tendon tear ...the plantar plate tear) I am a runner. Ran my first full marathon in December 2018 then a half marathon February 2019. I think I just pushed my issue and caused the tear. So....I am fearful if I don't get the repair, my medial (inside tendon will eventually tear, too).

      He said no weight bearing for 6 weeks, that means crutches or knee scooter thingy for 6 weeks.

      I'm a little overwhelmed, but want to continue to run again, pain free. Sorry for the long verbiage. I have a tentative surgery schedule for August 15th (I have travel plans in June and July),


      Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.

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    I met with surgeon today; he suggested PLANTAR plate repair. No weight on foot for 6 weeks then boot for another 2 weeks.

    I'm a little nervous, any regrets?

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      Not really I didn't have a choice my second toe had dislocated and was over the top of the big toe and would have got worse am still having pain since surgery due to arthritis so going in to get steroid injections into the joint

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    I saw my surgeon Monday still having pain due to arthritis developing in the joint that was dislocated my options now are a course of steroid injections in to the joint and if that doesn't work some bone will be removed either side of the joint so no rubbing but will have a floppy toe my toe is very stiff and is rubbing the big toe so need to wear a spacer I was told all this can happen but it's not the norm unfortunately the cartilage wasn't replaced the surgeon had made holes in the bone hoping new cartilage would grow whether that didn't happen because I have arthritis in my body I don't know File size is too big surgery 12 months ago

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    I am four weeks out from a plantar plate tear surgery and Hammer toe. surgery d 4/4/19. stitches came out


    i have two titanium screws and two pins in the second and third toes. Things seem to be going well. however this morning i went to get up and my knee walker went flying. I toppled over and while I did have my boot on, i still put some pressure on the ball of my foot and possibly my toes... it happened so fast it is a blur.I am not in any major pain or pain at all but i can feel some discomfort most likely from the pressure i did use.

    So my question, should i be worried? i hesitate calling the doctor as i do not want to sound alarms that are not there (been there done that already).

    i do know wearing this boot my toes did not bend back as they can't. i guess i may be panicking for no reason but wanted to see what you all think and if it happened to anyone else.

    i get the pins out on May 15th.

    thanks in advance


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      Hi Shawn,

      Sounds like a call to the doctor is relative to ensure no harm was done.

      I am scheduled for similar surgery in August. He said I will have no weight bearing for 6 weeks then a boot to gradually increase weight on foot.

      I trust you recover fully very soon!


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      thankfully all was ok.

      yesterday I had the two pins removed after 6 weeks if being in.Those two toes do not bend now so I need to press down and try to bend them several times a day as well as message them so help break up scare tissue. I tape them at night.

      My question is, how long does it take for these toes to bend again? While i just had the pins removed i worry about the toes bending again.

      thanks in advance,


  • Posted

    I thought I would update the discussion as on Friday I had the same operation but on my other foot.

    It is 19 months since I had the repair on my left foot and now I'm here once more, staring at my bandaged foot in the unattractive boot!

    Having just read my old posts I can see that I will need to keep the faith. I didn't feel that the op went well on my left foot and the recovery took a long time. In fact, for a long time, I felt that I wished I hadn't had it done.

    However, once I started to get pain in my other foot everything appeared different!

    I started to feel that I had the same problem in my right foot over a year ago but was also aware that I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so thought that I was talking myself into it.. I left it a while but went for an ultrasound back in January.

    I was told then that it wasn't torn and was initially relieved. As time went on though I knew that it felt the same as my other foot had and it was limiting what I could do.

    I went for another scan in July and even then he said it didn't appear clear cut as a tear but based on the fact that I had experienced it in the other foot and was so convinced it was the same he agreed that it probably was torn.

    I then went back to the consultant who agreed on examination.

    The surgeon was amazed at the difference in me compared to last time. With my first op I was so nervous and indecisive about whether to have it done or not. I asked him so many questions and had been back to see him since the op saying that I wasn't sure it had worked and that I wish I hadn't had it done! This time there were no questions - I just asked for a date for the op and signed the consent form.

    He asked why I was so different and I just said that now I had the pain back in my right foot I could feel how bad it was compared to the left. I had forgotten how painful it could be and now I could experience the 'before' and 'after' with every step.

    When he spoke to me on Friday after the op he told me that the ligament was badly torn so it is odd that the ultrasound hadn't picked it up.

    I wish I had had the op at the start of the year but we are where we are. Sadly this means I will be out for another whole badminton season and face another 6-9 months of no real exercise.

    Has anyone else had to have both feet operated on for this?

    Anyway I need to realise that this will take a long time and that I will probably think it hasn't worked at points. I think it is more like a year until the pain properly goes.

    Wish me luck!

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    Good Luck to you! I need this surgery so bad but I am so afraid! How long ti you could walk? Dr. told me 3 months out of work. not happy about that

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    i could walk with the boot after 2 weeks and ok after 6. Exercise took longer.

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    Hello. I had plantar plate repair surgery with 2nd toe osteotomy on my right foot on 4/30/19. My 2nd toe was dislocated, so there really wasn't any other option at that point. Surgery went great, and my recovery went well. I went to physical therapy 3 times a week, starting at week 6. At week 11, my body suddenly decided it didn't like the screw in the bone. I developed a large amount of scar tissue right above the hardware, and a 2nd surgery was scheduled. UGH. 8/6/19 I had my 2nd surgery. The screw was taken out and excess scar tissue was removed. Back in the boot and physical therapy again. Today is 7 weeks since my 2nd surgery and all of the sudden I am having sharp shooting pains at the base of my 2nd toe. My foot has suddenly started swelling again and the 2nd toe seems to be moving onto the 3rd toe. What in the world is going on?!?! Has anyone here had this happen? I'm going back in tomorrow to have it checked out. I will also add that the 2nd toe on my left foot is now doing the same thing. I am currently taping the 2nd & 3rd toe together to hopefully prevent it from dislocating. Looks like surgery on that foot in the future, but not until the right is 100% healed.

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    File size is too bigHi my second that was dislocated was pinned not quite straight but better then before the operation I still had pain in the second metatarsal as it developed arthritis I've had a steroid injections which seem to have helped so far four months down the line I didn't get any physio for my foot had to to do it all myself I massaged my scars and its came out good good luck with your recovery File size is too big

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