Post menopausal bleeding

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Help! I'm 57 and have not had a period in 3 years. I had a yeast infection I believe for one week. Itchy like crazy and then yesterday started spotting. Light pinkish. Still happening today. I've been googling the subject to death and am convinced I have cancer. Seeing GP next week. Has this happened to anyone. ??

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    Y, I got up in the middle of the night to check if there was any news. Hope all is well.
    • Posted

      So I am on anti anxiety meds. GP said its all in my head I look pregnant. She did an internal. She said everything felt normal but my vagina looks irritated. She said bleeding after menopause is actually very common. To be on safe side I am having an endometrial biopsy next week and she ordered a pelvic ultrasound to ease my mind. She said I'm thin and she could feel everything and she didn't notice any abnormalities. So I will wait til next week. I just want all the tests done. She told me stop googling

    • Posted

      Just as I figured!! So glad you went. Do you feel any better? What anti a meds? Maybe we need some too-lol. Take it ne day at a time.  Doesnt she have a US in her office? Oh well. more waiting. Seems we are always waiting. Keep us updated. I will as well. All the best. xx
    • Posted

      No ultrasound in her office. But she sent requisition off to all the hospitals that do it so hopefully I will get in soon. I don't think any clinics in this city do ultra sounds.

      Also I should share that I smoked years ago, quit for 23 years and started up 3 years ago. I want to quit so bad but am having such a difficult time. I felt so much better all the years I did not smoke ! I talk about it all the time but never do anything about it.

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      I am on seroquel and citalipram. I feel better but I won't really feel better until I h

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      I have all the tests. I hate waiting because I am such an anxious person and I worry all the time p
    • Posted

      I hope EVERYONE is seeing all my posts. I'm never sure where to answer on the thread. I love you all and the tremendous support you have all given me. I would have had a heart attack before yesterday if it weren't for all of you. How is everyone doing ? I worry about everyone else too !!! We are in this together.

  • Posted

    I never know exactly where to post my replies so everyone I hope you read what I wrote ! I spotted yesterday one time only but I don't know what that means. She thinks my twitches are from low vitamin d and b12 and over exercising. I see neurologist tomorrow. And I am not going to google the subject today or I'll be a wreck then too. I thank you all and will continue to post daily and try to follow the advice of trying not to worry

  • Posted

    Did everyone see my replies ?
    • Posted

      Hi, Glynnie,

      I did...I hope the anti anxiety meds help.  Please know that we are all here for you.  You can see that people were worried!  It is good that you finally broke down.  It's difficult to carry anxiety with you!

      Please take care of yourself as well as you can, but take it easy! xxx

    • Posted

      Hi. Well I'm trying to keep busy and not worry. I did not spot today. Not yet anyways. I also took a day off from working out. Could their be a connection ?

    • Posted

      Hi, Glynnie.  Seems you're doing better. Over time, you'll get the tests done and find out what's going on.  Please take it easy, and let us know how you're doing.

      Don't stop working out completely, but don't over do it, either.  Eat well, and sleep.  Take care of yourself gently.  Keep in touch! xx

    • Posted

      I will be here every day. PostIng. I will also post tests and results. How are you doing today ?
    • Posted

      I'm doin' okay.  Still working on taking the prescription.  I started last Saturday.  The pharmacist said it would take 2 weeks till I'd know whether some of the side effects would subside.  So far, they haven't been too bad. Dizziness, feeling unwell, etc.  

      I'd hoped to be able to start getting fit; the doctor told me to take till the 21st to start physical activity--so I guess I'll just have to see how I do in the next week and a half.  smile

      Take care xxx  

    • Posted

      Hi Lynda, if I may ask, what are you taking that is causing these side effects?
    • Posted

      Hi, Colleen,

      I'm taking anastrozole, one of those drugs that blocks the estrogen receptors, because endometrial cancer grows because of the presence of estrogen.  There are a few. I wasn't a candidate for chemo or radiation, because my cancer was staged at 1A.

      My doctor offered it to me because some of the cells in my pelvic wash were designated as "suspicious" by the serologist.  Not cancerous.  My doctor said that he didn't know it was even necessary for me to take it; but wanted to offer it to me if I wanted to take it.

      My daughter made me promise I'd do everything I could; so I decided that I'd take it. It's primarily used for post menopausal women who have had estrogen responsive breast cancer.  

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