Prednisone side effects
Posted , 18 users are following.
I have been on 60mg of prednisone for two weeks now. I keep having trouble with a rapid heart beat often times over 120bpm and my blood pressure is running high. When your heart beats so fast, it's scarey and hard to breathe. I feel like I am literally going to die. Has anyone else experienced this when on prednisone?
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lodgerUK_NE kkmcclendon
janet08828 kkmcclendon
I have GCA and have been on prednisolone for going on 3 years - at 8,75 mg daily now and in the middle of a slow taper with fingers crossed!!
It is worrying when your pulse suddenly starts hammering away - pretty much a daily occurence and for no apparent reason - breathlessness also occurs - not neccessarily at the same time.
I have had heart and lungs checked and they are fine, both my GP and rheumy are aware of the situation but since all tests have come back showing no problems they seem to not worry.
Apart from the blood tests to monitor the GCA progress and how my body is coping with the meds I also go to a control once every 3 months or so for cholesterol, BP and blood sugar -
Make sure you are getting regular checks and you will feel less worried.
MrsO-UK_Surrey kkmcclendon
tina-uk_cwall MrsO-UK_Surrey
Posted tina-uk_cwall
EileenH tina-uk_cwall
Anone else having trouble with the emoticons?
I'm about to disappear again - internet will be sporadic for a while. For goodness sake - can you find me some half-decent weather in the UK for the next couple of weeks? EileenH
Really not looking forward to rain and wind and below 20C even in the south! Don't mind the coolth, its the rainth and windth I can't stand!
MrsO-UK_Surrey tina-uk_cwall
MrsO-UK_Surrey EileenH
margaret22251 EileenH
EileenH MrsO-UK_Surrey
We have gone to great expense to avoid Calais! Coming Hook of Holland to Harwich and back Portsmouth to Le Havre. We aren't staying with David's SIL, just visiting as she is in the middle of chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer. And because of all that, although Chertsey was on my menu originally (coming to the south first like last year) and it would have been very possible - or at least lunch with you and Lizzie-Ellen - on the morning of the11th I shall be in Preston, on my way back down from Scotland and I don't think getting to Chertsey for 11am is on
However - all being well we're having breakfst with someone in Gatehead - I know you know how unusual it is to find her up at that hour!
EileenH margaret22251
MrsO-UK_Surrey EileenH
Oh, the end of your post has just had me laughing out loud - I hope she has a couple of good alarm clocks 'cos nothing wakes her! Do give her a hug from me, and don't lose your voices over breakfast!
EileenH MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey EileenH
lodgerUK_NE MrsO-UK_Surrey
I actually had to get up at 7am today because they said they would ring at that time and tell me when they were coming. I b****y got up and they did not ring till 9am to tell me they would be here at 4.15pm grrrrrrrrr.
Never mind, I enjoyed the rain hissing down and the central heating going full blast.
Bring better weather with you - pretty please
No not sunglasses they are to keep the stair rods out of my eyes
Juno-Irl-Dub tina-uk_cwall
tina-uk_cwall Juno-Irl-Dub
Juno-Irl-Dub tina-uk_cwall
PS. While name-honesty is the order of the day, my name above is that of my beloved dog - and the date of her birthday !! x
tina-uk_cwall Juno-Irl-Dub
MrsO-UK_Surrey lodgerUK_NE
Hope the lovely new freezer makes up for the unnecessary early morning - big lie-in tomorrow!
EileenH lodgerUK_NE
No we're not.
That was good practice - see you for breakfast next week - the 5th I think.
I'll do my best - but not promising anything...
Juno-Irl-Dub tina-uk_cwall
tina-uk_cwall Juno-Irl-Dub
Presently it's all go with the cottages from now until October especially changeover day but I make sure I take things easier for the rest of the week with my gentle weeding and knitting, daily Katie walks and our one day a week outing which normally includes a 5 mile(ish) walk or so. I'm still losing weight on my low(ish) carb diet, slowly but surely.
on Saturday I begin my dead slow and almost stop from 8mgs to 7.5 so I've cleared the decks, well as much as I can, for the next 2 weeks.
i hope all is well with you and your pmr is where it should be, out of sight and out of mind!! All the best, tina
Juno-Irl-Dub tina-uk_cwall
tina-uk_cwall Juno-Irl-Dub
GM70 EileenH
lodgerUK_NE GM70
Are you a member of PMR & GCA the North West Support group?
GM70 lodgerUK_NE
lodgerUK_NE GM70