Prostatitis with zero pain, just horrible 24/7 urge to urinate/frequency

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Hello All,

I am a healthy 25 year old male with no history of urinary issues.

I am at my wit's end. Last Sunday, I started having terrible urinary frequency. I will literally go to the bathroom, urinate, flush the toilet, and then have to use the restroom again RIGHT AWAY. In other words, I have constant urinary urges 24/7... It has been this way for one week.

I don't have any pain or discomfort in my pelvic area, and there is no burning sensation during urinating. However, I feel as if the urine is at the tip of my penis - that is where the urge sensation is most prevalent. If I hold it for a long time and it accumulates, there is quite a lot of urine. However, most of the time (especially in the middle of the night) hardly anything comes out even though it feels so urgent.

I can't sleep since it feels like I have to urinate constantly... last night I was going every 5 minutes, and most of the time only a few drops came out. I am having anxiety now because of this.

I went to the urologist last Tuesday (2 days in). Urinanalysis showed no UTI and bladder ultrasound was okay. However, during the rectal exam, he said my prostate was "off" and did a test of the urine that came out after the exam. At that point, I was told that I had a prostate infection and that the enlarged/inflamed prostate was causing the frequency. In other words, there was bacteria.

I was given 500 mg of Levaquin to take once a day for 30 days. However, it has not helped after 6 doses. I'm trying Motrin (ibuprofen) to no avail. I was told it takes a while for the antibiotic to reach the prostate. I have no fever, and no chills.

I am terrified that I have the chronic pelvic pain (CPP) form of prostatitis. However, I don't know if I do, since (1) there WERE bacteria present upon running the urine after the rectal exam and (2) I have ZERO PAIN. The only symptom is the 24/7 need to urinate. Any ideas on this? I hope I have the acute prostitiis form since this is cured with more antibiotics, but if I have the lifelong CPP form I don't know what to do... I feel like I will have to quit my job since I can't sleep with the need to urinate.

Please help!

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  • Posted

    Omg it’s not just me!!

    I’m too are having problems down below I feel like I need to wee all the time and have a pain in my penis. 

    This has been ongoing now for around 5 weeks and is driving me crazy it started after having a lot of sex with my partner in the bath,the next day I had pain in my side and kept going to the toilet every 20 -30 minutes this continued for around 3 day’s then the dull pain in the top of my penis started. 

    I went to see my doctor who checked my urine for uti I had a blood test for kidneys and bladder a ultrascan on my kidneys and bladder all was ok. 

    I then had a prostrate check and was told it was slightly enlarged but soft and smooth. I also had a psa blood test which also came back normal. 

    So all I can think of is it’s my prostrate enlarge making my symptoms I feel if I get stressed or think about it the pain in my penis is stronger.  I’m back to my doctors tonight to see what can decrease the pain in my penis. 

    • Posted

      Sorry man, i know what you're going through.  Keep me posted if you find any success with anything you do.  I'm eager to rule out an infection because for one, I'm sick and tired of taking Cipro.  I think these Drs. unfortunately prescribe that first without doing their due diligence to see if there's an actual infection.  Assuming I do not have a bacterial infection of any kind, I really think this is due to nerves/muscles in the pelvic region.  I start with a chiropractor/PT Saturday so I'm going to see if that helps things improve.  

      I did improve my diet and cut out most caffeine and that seems to help a little.  I've been drinking Kombucha Organic & Raw Multi-Green drinks in place of my morning coffee.  Maybe it's in my head (no pun intended), but this stuff does seem to make me feel better at least for a few hours.  

      Good luck, I'll update as I can.

  • Posted

    I have had similar symptoms to these on and off all my life. I think it is diet related, after cutting out gluten my symptoms improved dramatically. I have since cut out tea, as I found this a trigger, and switched to rooibos tea. I suggest keeping a food and symptom diary to spot other triggers. Tortilla chips are another. Other stuff set it off which I am still trying to work out. I suspect sugary stuff and cooked tomatoes. Lettuce causes an upset stomach for me. I hope this helps.
    • Posted

      You probably already have a better idea by now of what you have, but you sound like you might be suffering from interstitial cystitis. Can you confirm your dx, or did your issues eventually resolve? 
  • Posted

    I had the same symptoms. It could be even because of ascaris, have your stool tested. Hot water baths do help 
  • Posted

    I'm also having similar issues .for around 3 months now iv been feeling a 24/7 urge to urinate keeps me awake at night and hounds me all day the first month was so hard to deal with I still have this problem today along with constant lower back pain,achy grioin and top of legs it also feels tho I'm leaking urine sometimes and most of the time its dry to touch the end of my urethra also is red sometimes but not painfull its hard to explain but  it feels as tho urine is stuck in the urethra an wont come out the only thing that seems to temperarely relieve any of these symptoms is a hot bath..iv had xrays,ultrasound ,uti,and sti/std tests all show getting bad anxiety not knowing what this and urologist are fobbing me of with over active bladder but I know this isn't the case iv concluded myself possible traped nerve or sumthing so now 3 months in and taken no meds whatsoever over the whole period I'm begging to think this may now be my life wich is depressing me badly I'm only 26 year old male I really would love some answers 

    • Posted

      Hi Ian, hang in there man.  It sucks for sure, but try to stay positive.  Have you had a semen culture done?  I was the same everything came back clean, and I went on Cipro antibiotics right away because I didn't know to question at the time.  Hindsight I shouldve had a semen culture done before taking the Cipro.  I took it for about 5 weeks and was scared to death of the possible Cipro side effects but I was lucky on that front so far.  Our symptoms seem pretty similar, and today I feel pretty good.  I have about 3-4 normal days and then usually get 1 day of constant urination feeling in the tip like you describe, but now only lasts for about a day or so and then back to feeling good again for a small stretch of days.  I can only tell you what helps me, I'm not a Dr.  I see a chiropractor and have therapy massages and stretching which helps.  I also limited gluten in my diet and caffeine and sweets.  I also drink. Kombucha raw organic green tea once a day at this point.  All that said, I think you really need to attack it from all angles especially if you don't know the root issue.  Good luck man.

    • Posted

      thanks for reply Kenneth  I'm glad this thread is here and reading others similar situations kinda helps on the mental front.. iv not had semen cultere done but will be requesting on next uro visit on the 25th jan 2018 also going to ask about a systoscopy and PSA test as iv herd this can help diagnose prostatitis.iv currently had almost 4 months of this constant urge and I mean 24/7 it doesn't come and go it fells permenant.. I'm going to give the green teas ago as I'm also not keen on the cypro idea (have read what it can do} I have not had any caffeine or fizzy drink intake since this started and not seen much improvement not sure mine is diet related.walking seems to help also sitz baths.. going to cut all gluten out for a few weeks and see if any change.. I will update after my uro appointment on the 25th as the uro I'm going to see is 1 iv never seen before.. also good luck to you Kenneth 

  • Posted

    I made a helpful post and the mods deleted it, maybe because it linked to another site. If the purpose is to help people, I don't know why the post was completely removed. Let's try again. I've been dealing with the same symptoms described here for 20 years now. Don't want to freak anyone out, as I have seen others get better, but for me, I haven't found the cause. After you go through all the traditional tests, urologist visits, neurologist visits, etc. and are declared 'normal', from what I have seen thus far, many people are experiencing symptoms from malfunctioning pelvic floor muscles. There are many competing factions operating around this theory, mostly in the US. Some people have recovered completely from treating this as an issue with excessively tight pelvic floor muscles, which wreak havoc on the nerves in the region and create the sensation we all feel. I would post resources, but I don't want to have this deleted again, so please do Google around. On top of the muscular issue, there are those who insist you also need to address nervous system hyperactivity. Basically you need to learn to calm down through relaxation / meditation and you need to do it daily. 

    Others I know of have found a cure in five element acupuncture (as opposed to traditional acupuncture). 

    I have followed many of these theories, but so far have not made real progress. I have also done all the traditional things to the point where the Urologists have told me point blank, 'there is nothing we can do for you'.

    I do know in my case some relief can be found in:

    1. Getting a full night's sleep

    2. Regular exercise 

    3. Hot bath followed by lying down

    4. Benzodiazepines during flairs 

    If anyone comes across a solution, please do post. Wish you all the best.

    • Posted

      wow 20 years is a long time to be dealing with this issue iv been suffering for around 4 months now and 3 days ago saw a urologist who after doing a DRE told me prostate felt tender so now have been diagnosed as a form of prostatitis and meds he gave me actualy help 2 days of not really feeling that horrible 24/7 urge is bliss after the past 4 month.. still getting mad spazzy type pain in groin and back but I can deal with that. I'm only 26 and if I have 20 years to come of this drama I'm not looking forward to it altho my uro did warn me this could last years.. I don't think there is a direct cure just trial and error to see what works and what dosent. the tabs I'm currently taking are trimethoprim 200mg wich is a bacteria killa of some sort and Tamsulosin Hydrochloride 400mcg this is the one that stops the horrible felling for me its an altha blocker and modified release capsule also it can be bought over the counter so I'm told I was prescribed these but after the course of meds has finished will be getting more if felling comes back..hope this helps.. good luck to all 


    • Posted

      I'm sorry you're having to deal with these symptoms. Hopefully the prostate is the source of the issue as that is something doctors understand how to deal with. If you get relief from Flomax, then it sounds like it's probably related to the prostate. If the pain in groin and back continues, you may want to look into the pelvic floor muscle angle. It's still very early so if it is muscular, there is a good chance of being able to reverse things.  

      Please do post to update so others can get ideas. As I'm sure many can attest, it gets discouraging being told by doctors to simply 'stop thinking about it'. There is obviously a cause (although it could be different in different cases) and there must be some cure. It's just a matter of the condition being understood. 


    • Posted

       Thank you so much for this info. Your info led me to find that Korean study that talked about the link between sitting too long and LUTS. (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms). I will admit. I sit a lot. Too much. Recently battling with depression hasnt helped either. Anyway I think that is what is wrong with me. It fits all the symptoms I am having. Must have done some nerve damage there that led to the LUTS. I just started exercising again. So Im going to stop sitting so much and see if that helps. Fingers crossed.
    • Posted

      Keeping this in mind... if you just went from stationary and sedentary to active and exercising, especially leg workouts in the lower body, you might've pulled or entrapped some nerves, herniated a disc in the tail bone, or caused muscle tension and strain. It might take some time for this to go away, but your pelvis will have to relax first. I would still get it checked out by your PCP and see what he thinks.

    • Posted

       Well the exercising just started a couple days ago. And I already had this issue for a few weeks. But I am keeping an eye on it. And will see a doctor if there isnt any improvement over a week or so. Thanks for all your help. Really appreciate it. 
    • Posted

      Hello. I just wanted to update my situation. It seems to be OK now. I can easily go 3-4 hours without peeing, and no longer have to get up 10 times a night. The feeling in the tip is now gone, and the stream is strong and rarely breaks up. All I really did was keep drinking a lot or water and stopped sitting when I watch TV. I lay down now so Im not putting all that pressure on my butt. Heres hoping it stays good. Thanks for all the help and replies.
    • Posted

       Well all I did was stop sitting so much. Instead of sitting while watching TV in my room was lay down. Im not sure if this is what helped or now. I read that sitting too long can effect the pelvic floor and also cause the frequent urination. I may have had a UTI and that went away. But thankfully it seems almost fully normal now. I can go 2-3 hours or more without the urge depending on how much water I drink of course. And its not longer weak and broken up. Im able to go normally without having to push a lot like before. Hope this helps!
    • Posted

      Awesome to here, but modern life requires sitting... driving, working, dinners, etc. I would try to incorporate more activities that require light jogging or walking, and if symptoms resurface at some point, PT might be the way to go. I will say that straining to urinate shouldn't be a symptoms of UTI, weak streams due to urgency sensations compelling you to pee would maybe cause you to strain, but it sounds like pelvic floor nerve entrapment and it was triggered by something... anxiety, stress, strain, or posture. I'm in the same boat, I'm about 90%~ or so free from symptoms but I still sometimes feel the urge to pee at the end of my penis, but I will say that I'm battling a killer case of jock itch, which has been there since before this whole issue arose, and has now resurfaced after my antibiotics... doubt it ever went away, so that might be contributing since the nerves and muscles down there are inflamed and sensitive, and me applying a dozen creams probably doesn't help.

    • Posted

      Hey! I bought this pills at walmart called Urinozinc.They have helped so much,the feeling has almost gone away completely.
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      I'm assuming this must be similar to AZO in that it handles UTI symptoms, and also turns your pee orange. I tried them myself before anything else and they didn't really help all that much, if at all. 

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      Nope, I was wrong. Looks like a Saw Palmetto supplement. I have a feeling you could probably get by with taking Saw Palmetto instead, depending on what is cheapest. 
    • Posted

      I boght the regular urinozinc. I tried azo aswell and it didn’t work at all. Urinozinc  has helped me alot.I still pee frequently but I’ve been drinking a lot of water.I stopped drinking coffee or sodas.

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