Recovery post ovarian cyst and ovary removal
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Hello all,
I'm 42, fit (a personal trainer) and have 4x5cm simple fluid filled cyst on my left ovary, been there for 10 years but only now symptomatic and has grown. I'm scheduled for surgery in the next few weeks. My surgeon says she won't know until she goes in through keyhole to make sure the cyst hasn't adhered to anything else in my abdominal cavity if she can get it all out by keyhole. I may have to have a laparotomy. I'm not scared about the surery itself, I'm just gonna be glad to have some relief.
What I am terrified of is the recovery time off of work! I know, we're all different and have such different circumstances but I just wondered how anyone else got on post surgery. Thanks in advance for any replies.
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tara19403 drkensdeb
Fljack1066 tara19403
Hi there, I've just recovered from open surgery. Now 11 weeks post op and can say that it has only been this last week that I can say everything has returned to normal. I still can't lay on my side of the ovary removal and laying on my stomach is out full stop but I'll take that.
I'm now walking at my usual pace and probably could jog for a while although I haven't tried yet!
I return to work next week, it seems an awful long time but it really has taken that long to get through a day and not feel pain by the end of it.
I have only just started wearing stretchy jeans but can't tolerate them for long. My laparotomy scar is quite big (above belly button to bikini line) a lot of my pre-op clothes irritate my scar so I have to make sure I wear clothes that have different heights so over the week my scar isn't constantly being rubbed in the same place. If I've had a particularly busy day my scar will appear quite red and lumpy but I'm told it's normal scar tissue behaviour.
I had a significant amount of adhesions (build up of old scar tissue) removed so my recovery time reflects that, my bowel and bladder were covered a fair bit so those areas were quite sore for over 2 months.
I had a strange bleed the other week which was odd for me as I don't have periods, not sure what that was all about, Dr seems to think it was old clots coming away from surgery sites. Nothing odd since but keeping an eye on that.
Had a few nights where I awoke with hot sweat and was convinced surgeon had taken both ovaries instead of one but I guess it was just my remaining ovary needing a bit of time to wake up!
I wrote a diary while I was recovering so please feel free to message me if you want to check stages of recovery.
Hope this helps. Take care, go with the flow and try not to worry. If you have plenty of time to prepare for your op then take the time to take things easy and eat and drink well, I had very little notice and I really suffered because of it. 🤗
kelley58326 Fljack1066
Hello Fljack,
As my surgery is approching the nerves are setting in. I have one question and maybe you can answer. When the doctor is inside do they look at all other organs to make sure all is ok like the uterus,cervix and the other ovary. I'm only having one ovary and tube removed hopefully by laparoscopic.
Thanks for the help.
janker kelley58326
I had two surgeries in the past month. Both laparoscopic, first one to remove the "cyst" which turned out to be a borderline tumor then another one to go back and remove the one ovary/fallopian tube The surgeon does look at the surrounding organs to make sure everything else looks ok (as he stated to me). I have to say reading everyones experience did scare me! For me, the first 48 hours were terrible. The pain is mostly from the gas (CO2) that they have put inside of you. After that, it progressively gets better and better. I was out after 4 days eating dinner with friends and back to work in 6 days. I didn't feel 100% but I was surely fine! Within 8-10 days all my bloating is basically completely gone (both times). Everyone heals differently I suppose, I was expecting the worst for WEEKS but honestly fine after 5-7 days. Good luck, you will be fine!
Fljack1066 kelley58326
Hi there,
Yes the surgeon will look at your other reproductive organs, it makes sense to, you can have all the ultrasound and ct scans but nothing is going to be better than the eye. Not sure cervix is looked at from inside though, it could be checked but not in the way a smear would check if you get what I mean. It's not something I wanted to visualise them doing so never asked, it was bad enough my tummy was being exposed 😆
On two occasions I had cysts removed from the non surgical ovary though as they were spotted incidentally, and prevented them potentially growing and further surgery down the line. I was cleared of adhesions too which was why my surgery took longer and recovery was longer than from the laparoscopic surgery back in 1996. Yes your having surgery but it's quite reassuring that you get a check from the inside too.
You will be fine, just take care of yourself before and after the op.
kelley58326 janker
Hello janker,
Thank you, I know I'll be fine it's the not knowing that gets my nerves going as I'm sure alot of folks go through (it's normal). I agree reading everyones experience is also scaring me. You always have those what if's running around your head.
I'm hoping I will be able to come home on same day and maybe by Friday or Sat I'll start to feel better.
Agin, thank you!
kelley58326 Fljack1066
It's just something I had to ask, even tho I thought so too. The cervix question, I know but thought I'd ask anyway. Yes, I agree less people looking at my inside the better.
It's amazing to find out so many had ct scans, I never had one for my ovarian cyst only ultrasounds.
Again, thank you!
mary08554 kelley58326
Hi Kelley, I had my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed on March 31. I had a mass on one of the ovaries. I had it done laparoscopically. I came home the same day. I took pain pills the first day just in case I would get pain but it was minimal. I am so glad I didn't read these other ladies stories before I had my surgery. I feel bad for them. I rode my bike today but can feel a little discomfort so maybe that was pushing it a little bit. I feel great. Good luck.
Fljack1066 mary08554
Glad your surgery went well and your feeling better.
It can be worrying reading other stories but there is a big difference between laparoscopic and laparotomy surgery, I'd take laparoscopic any day over a laparotomy, I've had both and recovery was worlds apart.
Our bodies are amazing at repairing and letting us know when we've done to much.
Hopefully your next bike ride will be more comfortable, enjoy. 😃
mary08554 Fljack1066
I can see why laparotomy surgery would have a longer recovery time. I am very thankful that mine could be done laparoscopically. Another thing that helped my recovery time was, my doctor "releases" the gasses used to blow up my tummy so I didn't have the bloating some women have. All in all I was very fortunate.
kelley58326 mary08554
Hi Mary, I'm 4 days past my surgery and feeling not too bad. The doctor started laparoscopic, but he must have changed as I see another incision down there. I have a little discomfort but nother too bad. I do feel like a basketball all big and hard however I'm up and moving around maybe not ready for a bike ride like you Glad you are doing good just don't jump to fast ahead and get a set back.
christine24244 kelley58326
kelley58326 christine24244
Thank you Christine,
I just thought he had to open me up with the 4 incision I don't care I just want a good job. I agree with you, the hospitals do not give out a lot of information on what to expect afterwards. I still can't sleep a full 6 hrs even though I'm not in a lot of pain from that portion of surgery. I had a 10.4 cm cyst on my right ovary and had that as well as both tubes (thought only one tube) however doctor found another cyst in tube on other side and hice both tubes out plus a herina repair that's where most of my pain is. I do have pain between shoulder blades that just won't leave so it must be the co2 that they put in you. I am taking 4 weeks off with the option if I feel fine I will come back sooner (desk job), but won't try to hurry it up.
After reading everything I thought things were really going to get bad, but really each person is different and heals differently. Plus each doctor may do things the other doctor doesn't do.
I will have recheck on Tuesday and then I really get to talk to doctor and find out what he did and maybe get Path report.
Happy and healthy healing!
krissy1234 mary08554
Hi Mary, I just had the same surgery April 19 Both ovaries and tubes removed - cyst only on the left ovary but becuse of my age (55) they decided i didn't need it anymore. I am 3 weeks post op and really struggling with feeling good again. I was in excellent physical condition prior to the surgery , it was my goal so that I had a good chance of boucing back quickly. Very sad that this has not been the case and constantly having setbacks in pain and energy when I do push myself to walk my dog as per usual etc. When did you find that you were really on the mend? You are a few weeks farther along than I. I dont want to have anymore setbacks. Thanks. I am grateful for any advice.
mary08554 krissy1234
Sorry to hear things aren't going well for you. I went back to the doctor a week ago Monday because I had a stitch sticking out. He snipped it out in 30 seconds or less. I mentioned to him that it hurt when I rode bike and sometimes when I walked. He said that was normal because there is scar tissue and the ligaments were messed with (?). He told me to keep riding and walking. I have to say it is gone now. Energy, I never had before.
krissy1234 mary08554
Fljack1066 krissy1234
Just be kind to your self and allow yourself time to heal. I had 8" laparotomy at the end of January and it was only April that I started to feel more like my old self again. Only last week did I wake up and discover I'd been able to sleep on my stomach!!
It was 7 weeks post op before I felt comfortable to drive but still couldn't tolerate it for long. I was astonished how long recovery took, I've been back at work 2 weeks but had a setback with my bowel workings, purely because I'd had a change in routine. I still have odd twinges but I put that down to possible adhesions forming again.
Some days are going to be frustrating but take comfort that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will recover. If you have to opt for a pyjama day then go with the flow, it's your body's way of allowing recovery to take place properly. X
krissy1234 Fljack1066