Rough Spotty Glans when blood is pushed to the penile head

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Hi, I have now had this problem for around 8 months and found no diagnosis or solution to this problem. The texture is normal when fully flacid however as soon as even a small amount of blood is squeezed to the glans the texture becomes rough and spotty, see pictures for reference.

It started when I had unprotected oral with a woman I met on a night out, beginning with a small number of spots and then spreading over a few days time to the entire glans and has remained like this ever since. At first there was a slight burning sensation while urinating and my testes were sore to touch however that passed in a couple of weeks but the rough spotty texture on glans has remained.

I have tried several creams and also antibiotics including: Fusidic acid/Hydrocotisone cream, Amoxicillin pills, Terrasil balanitis relief, Canesten HC and also washing with aqueous cream twice a day and cleaning with only water taking care not to irritate with shower gel. None of this has worked and the problem remains. I have been to the gum clinic and been tested for everything which has come back negative. Please if anyone else has had this problem before and sorted it help me out, it is constantly in the back of my mind and really starting to depress me, a diagnosis would be amazing. Thanks in advance.

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    hey there,

    Have you figured out what has caused this? Have you found a solution yet?

    I have the same issue, mine has also deep wrinkled lines which DO NOT disappear when I have an erection.

    I'm looking desperately for help, as I grow older these things become even more prominent. I've been to 4 urologists, they say it is normal, I've checked my self for infections, all good,

    I have these things since really young age (now I'm 32).

    I begun thinking in a more systemic approach to this. Lately I'm trying stuff on my glans just to see if there's any improvement: Castor oil (no effect), black seed oil (no effect), rejuvenating creams (no effect), restructuring creams for scar removals (no effect), coconut oil (no effect), vitamin E (no effect), I take zinc for a month (no effect), collagen for elasticity and Omega complex. Nothing works. Nothing. I have autoimmune syndromes which is not clarified yet but I doubt that this is a side effect of my autoimmune syndrome as my penis has ALWAYS been like this.

    So, I've concluded to 3 options:

    1. Genetics: this is how it is, end of story.
    2. Plastic , aesthetic, cosmetic surgery to fix my glans (I CANNOT find a doctor who does this: only vaginas are favored..whatever)
    3. I guess I'm stuck with it so I need to accept it which will never work for me cause every time I see my penis glans I lose erections, so I ended up having erectile problems, avoiding sexual activities etc.

    This is a dead end for me, I do not have an answer, I cant find a solution,

    If any of you know what to do please let me know

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      I have the same thing. I have a few questions

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    i have the same symptoms as you and everyone else. i had a bad case of prostatitis with mine that comes and goes. I spoke with another guy on a seperate forum with similar symptoms and he was told that he had Epstein Barr Virus EBV (mono) and that although rare it can actually effect the genitals. His EBV markers were through the roof after a routine blood draw. I havent had my labs drawn yet but I plan on it. My other symptoms are that I get slightly inflamed around where my circumcision scar is and every now and again my tip gets a "raw" uncomfortable feeling when im walking/running etc and when that happens my tip will be inflamed and the rough texture is more prominent . Any news would be appreciated Ill keep you updated as well thanks

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      hi, yeah if you could that be great, my prostate numbers were high and had to take meds for thats, used countless creams, antibiotics etc and nothing seems to work , same symptoms as everyone else

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    I was with two girls in the same period of time, with one of them for being an ex-girlfriend, I did not use a condom, she had an infection by the candida fungus, which caused my balanitis, in fact, today if I do not have Correct hygiene usually returns this infection, and I have taken treatment to combat it. I have the same symptoms as you in this post. The glands in my penis look swollen when I have an erection. I have been tested for HIV twice in the laboratory. I even had a quick HIV test that was offered in a free clinic for the same of my mistrust, I did laboratory studies of HPV by PCR method, a cultive urethral exudate, VDRL and in fact yesterday I returned to do the test for gonorrhea, all until today has been fortunately negative, and to capture that my penis looks like yours with swollen glands and before my glans was flat, and researched a lot and they have not been able to give me an answer, and I have gone to two urologists and several general doctors who have told me that it is totally normal. Now that I read all of us who look like this at some point we had balanitis, so I think there is a pattern, which is that it leaves marks on the skin, I want to think that. this situation is very stressful my health has worsened from this in one week they will do an endoscopy because mi throat feels strange because I feel worried all time and I develop something called the diseased landing syndrome and everything I create because of stress. so be careful why it hurts to live thinking about this, as soon as I take the HPV tests again I will tell you how it went. By the way, I am from Mexico City, English is not my native language, so please excuse my poor writing and if I do not explain myself correctly

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      lets us know how it goes thanks. Why do you suspect HPV though?

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      The first time I went to the doctor, I did not go to a Urologist, I went to a general doctor, I told him about my symptoms of red pimples, and he was the one who said that it would probably be HPV, and after checking me he told me that it was anything it was disappearing and my immune system was removing it, and he told me, I am not saying that it is HPV but because of the symptoms you made me think that, maybe because I told him very scared but that is how I felt, really that was what that I am traumatized by those words. I think all the time... what if? At first I thought it was HIV but I already had many tests, it is a psychological problem too . Yesterday I spoke to a laboratory technician because, as I said, I will go to the Urologist again and she told me that the PCR test that I did at 2 weeks detected the virus, so I did it at 5 months, since it was obvious if it was negative means that I am clean, what frightens us is that really, not knowing what it is, and being told that it is normal, when we knew that we did not see ourselves like this. Regarding that my balanitis still does not go away, I think it has been due to all the stress and creams that I have put on. but anyway I will go to the Urologist, before the PCR there are much simpler tests to detect this virus, so that is what I am going to find out with the level one test, that test let you know if you had symptoms like wounds or warts which fortunately I don't have and not go to the PCR which is like a Very advanced study, apart from painful and expensive. wish me luck.

      Fortunately I have no more symptoms, only wrinkled skin and balanitis, I have no wounds or warts, fortunately. I do all this because I am afraid, and no specialist has told me why my wrinkled skin.

      Do you still have problems with balanitis? if I neglect my hygiene or a little semen stays in my glans it turns red and irritates easily. I will begin to take care of my diet better, I no longer want medications, can you recommend something that works to make it go away?

      Thanks and forgive my english.

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      I have been tested again for gonorrhea, luckily it came out negative, I still cannot have another HPV test but I am optimistic about not having this disease, due to the covid-19 pandemic, I could not have the HPV test again, But I have talked to people who have a disease and it is not at all similar to what I see on my penis that calms me down a lot considering all the studies I have done, what has worked to be able to see my penis in a better way I have not masturbated, or had sex, I have not seen my girlfriend and I have not masturbated because I feel that it depresses me to watch porn in this quarantine I do not know why. I think it has to do with resting the skin, I will keep you informed about how it went, since I plan to follow a diet to balance my pH. that and the tests that I lack to be well with my conscience. Please forgive my English again.

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    i finally stop the frequently unknown glans inflammation or balanitis for few years that is on and off. after checking many GP and many sexual disease doctor..... they said i will need to be on mild steroid cream for life and it is not sexual infection or disease(i did many test). Since nobody can help me, i keep praying to Father God in the heaven. He did reply me through non doctor mouth. An aunt from my church without knowing my case. One though come into my mind. I stopped all the caffeine drink and spicy foods. cause maybe those food irritate me especially my intestine. Then i queue for months to visit the gastro specialist doctor. thinking that my intestine got issue due to frequent diarrhoea. the doc gave me probiotic for few months. after stopping those caffeine and spicy foods plus probiotic no more inflammation and balanitis occur. Maybe my case is different from yours but don"t lose hope brother. Have hope in Him pray to Him in in Jesus name as He never abandon us. cheers and take care brothers and God bless you all ❤

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      Hey! I posted few months ago if u go up and read my post... I have these lines too for years now but it doesnt seem to be an infection or balanitis. i have tried everything but nothing works. the only time i noticed "some" difference was 8 years ago when i was on a diet. So my assumption is that this might have to do with the nutrition and with the overall health of the gastric environment and intestines. I noticed that my tongue has these lines too. i have a geographic tongue and a geographic glans. I dont know if theres a link between those too. some people say it doesnt have a link but I believe that it does in a way.

      I tried probiotics but there is no any difference or improvement. Oils and cremes do not work either.

      I eat a lot of meat and i like spicy food and flavors with vinegar. maybe I should start testing on these two first before testing about carbohydrates.

      Any of you experience any similarities?

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    I've had these since I started being sexually active, they just showed up one day and never left. Been to many doctors and asked about it and they say it looks normal but I feel like there is something going on. They don't hurt itch or burn but I just believe they are some type of STD. Long story short, I've used selsun blue medicated shampoo for a couple of days to wash my penis and it seems to be clearing them up. I wash my self with water then apply the selsun to my penis right away and leave it on while I take a shower without washing the selsun away. when I'm done and ready to get out I wash it off, dry my self and done. Seems to finally be taking care of the problem I've had for over 20 years.... Hope this helps

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      Hey, the shampoo is a temporary fix, I believe it has the exact same effect as salicylic acid based wart creams as one of the ingredients in the shampoo is citric acid. I think it simply starts to peel off the upper layer of skin on the glans which makes the bumps less prominent but as soon as you stop using the shampoo the bumps will start to return. Thank you for sharing though.

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