Rough Spotty Glans when blood is pushed to the penile head

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Hi, I have now had this problem for around 8 months and found no diagnosis or solution to this problem. The texture is normal when fully flacid however as soon as even a small amount of blood is squeezed to the glans the texture becomes rough and spotty, see pictures for reference.

It started when I had unprotected oral with a woman I met on a night out, beginning with a small number of spots and then spreading over a few days time to the entire glans and has remained like this ever since. At first there was a slight burning sensation while urinating and my testes were sore to touch however that passed in a couple of weeks but the rough spotty texture on glans has remained.

I have tried several creams and also antibiotics including: Fusidic acid/Hydrocotisone cream, Amoxicillin pills, Terrasil balanitis relief, Canesten HC and also washing with aqueous cream twice a day and cleaning with only water taking care not to irritate with shower gel. None of this has worked and the problem remains. I have been to the gum clinic and been tested for everything which has come back negative. Please if anyone else has had this problem before and sorted it help me out, it is constantly in the back of my mind and really starting to depress me, a diagnosis would be amazing. Thanks in advance.

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  • Posted

    Hi John As I PE work when doing a squeeze which the finish of a PE workout it always looks like that they all will you just so normal. OK

  • Posted

    Ok guys, I have been experimenting and i used aldara (imiquimod cream). This actually does clear up the glans in a few weeks time, even when squeezing it the glans will be smooth however after a slightly longer time of using it you will get chemical burns (very painful). After stopping the cream the bumps gradually begin to come back. Maybe I'm onto something however I can confirm this doesn't work permenantly either.

    • Posted

      Possibly if I ignored the chemical burns and carried on using imiquimod it may be a permenant fix but honestly it's far too painful and possible risk of permenant damage?

  • Posted

    Here is another factor which I failed to mention. Continueosly putting pressure on the glans (milking the blood to it) over and over again for about a minute and the bumps gradually start to smooth out. stop putting pressure on the glans for another few minutes and the bumps will be back. It's a very strange phenomenon.

  • Edited

    Hi John,

    Did you do the high risk HPV test?

    • Edited

      There is no routine test currently for men to check for high risk HPV. However between creating this post and now I have actually had a glans biopsy in which the dermatologists could find no abnormal cells which is very strange. 
  • Posted

    Hi John,

    There are some clinic doing HPV DNA test on penile. Although not much but there are some out there. Did you get Gardasil 9 jab? If no go get it.

  • Posted

    Have anyone funded what is this, I have same problem and I am worried lot.

  • Posted

    i have the same problem after dealing with candida these spots remained like this idk maybe its from the penis trauma...did u ever found out what it was?

  • Posted

    Did anyone find what is problem I have same thing and my lymph nodes in groin area are swollen.Please help

  • Posted

    i used to have this like almost 1 year ago. i was using silicon pussy(sex toy) constantly. and sometimes it drys out and i dont use more moisturiser. my dick became so red on the right and left edges. the bump was almost huge like these in the picture. i thought i had an std because i had sex few times. i tested everything and results was all negative. my doctor told me its from the sex toy you are using and because you are not using it with enough liquid.

    i stopped using the toy for 1 year now. my dick is almost back to normal. the bumbs are way way smaller than used to be. ni more redness like before. i guess it just takes time for the skin to heal up.

    worth to mention i tried alot of medicines and none was effective.

  • Posted

    I noticed the same bumps about a month ago, the glans seems smooth if you look at the erect glans after taking a shower. I started taking isotretinoin 4 months ago. Don't know if this could have caused it.

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