scared of high bloodpressure
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Hello all,
Wondered if anyone had any advice, I went to GP over a year ago and had extremely high bloodpressure! Was put on amlodipine but had nightmare side affects so changed to ramapril! My GP said my BP was stress related after loads of different tests, after much discussion agreed to take citalopram for my anxiety, I am so traumatised from the High BP as I had to stay at docs for over an hour and she checked my eyes as I think she was checking if I had stroke symptoms! I have been very stressed in the past but over the last yr I have learnt to do relaxation, do yoga weekly, have reflexology, don't drink much, exercise regularly, eat well but do smoke! I take my BP at home and when I am relaxed it is fine but I panic when I see the machine and then if the reading is high I have a panic attack! I get dizziness when I lay down and worry if this is my blood pressure. Have to do my BP at home to get readings for my GP but so worried! Help
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sandypiper hails63112
I think this, making you sit in the waiting room for a while, is normal if they get a very high reading,
Ask for a different type of BP medication. They have plenty they can try, I have tried 11 at last count !!
Try not to worry.
bobsleigh hails63112
1 beetroot sliced and diced; 1 avacado cut up small (preferably a soft one);
1 cup of pineapple cut up small; 1 banana; 1 cup of fresh orange juice;
2 cups of almond milk; As I have a bit of a sweet tooth I put 5 sweeteners ina cup with a little hot water to melt them.
I then put the whole lot in a smoothie maker and pressed the button. That lot makes 1 litre of which I have a mug a day. I have switched to almond milk instead of semi skimmed and eat more fish. It seems to be working for me so why not give it a tr. I know it sounds pretty disgusting but honestly it's not a bad taste at all. Most important of all try to relax more and maybe get a bit of excercise. Good luck with it all.
karen4562 bobsleigh
derek76 bobsleigh
bobsleigh karen4562
hails63112 bobsleigh
jane243 bobsleigh
margaret53068 hails63112
gp as I don't want to start with another tablet in case this is worse I have heard such horror stories about side effects
hails63112 margaret53068
sandypiper margaret53068
derek76 margaret53068
derek76 hails63112
It fell out of favour in the UK for a long time but is making a comeback.
hails63112 derek76
derek76 hails63112
Cardiologists tried to put me back on Amlodipine from time time but I refused. Some tried to tell me that it was the Atenolol that caused most of the side effects.
How high is your BP? You do of course know the best thing to do...NO SMOKING and look at the money you will save. I used to put the money saved away every week and within the year had two weeks in Hong Kong and China followed by a week on Safari n Zimbabwe and Botswana.
Fisherman derek76
MrsO-UK_Surrey Fisherman
derek76 Fisherman
Now a 20 a day smoker at £8.47 a packet would save £3091 a year. Imagine if the smoker added that to his pension contributions. More recently we had a month in New Zealand for £4700 for the two of us and a bit less for a month in Australia.
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
I'm loving the sound of Rob's smoothie though - got all the ingredients here apart from almond milk and pineapple.
Off to look for Chrissy's post now!
Fisherman MrsO-UK_Surrey
Fisherman derek76
MrsO-UK_Surrey Fisherman
derek76 Fisherman
bobsleigh derek76
derek76 bobsleigh
I don't miss cigarettes but would enjoy a nice cigar at times.
bobsleigh derek76
derek76 bobsleigh
Working where I did I tried them all Cigarettes, Pipe, Cigars and even snuff. I never did fancy chewing tobacco though and could not stand hand rolled cigartettes apart from once with a tobacco that was just made for export to Australia. Some countries have dreadfull cigarettes. I brought some back from the USSR once and could not give them away. I had odd Indonesian ones once that had spice seeds in them for flavouring.
bobsleigh derek76
derek76 bobsleigh
I must admit that if I ever get a cold now it does not turn into something chesty. Also my sense of taste has improved to let me now enjoy the better wines I can afford.
jane243 margaret53068
Many people on this site say there are no or very few side effects with Losartan although it doesn't seem to work for some. For me it's been fine.
jane243 derek76