Started Orlistat today and confused

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Hi! I have just started Orlistat today and have been trying to find a sample plan or menu for the last couple of weeks without success. I know that I shouldn't have anything that is more than 5g fat per 100g however when it comes to exactly what to eat I don't have a clue, I normally eat Quorn, Turkey, Chicken, and fish and eat potatoes, rice, pasta and quinoa. Do I eat like normal but watching my portion size.

I am a huge crisp, chocolate, and biscuit person so would also appreciate help on healthier snacks. I had my first gym session this morning first of many, need to lose 5 stone 11lbs to be my goal weight of 10stone 10lbs. I would like to be half way there on actually there in 6 months would love if it was faster but don't want to put pressure on myself.

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    hi all,

    i'm on day 3, no side effects thankfully but I am being strong and watching what I eat, its going to take time but will be worth it in the end. I need to lose about 9 stone to get to a healthy weight. I'm quite a fussy eater but in the last 3 days I have tried more new things than I have in long time. The side effects have made me swerve any chocolate and crisps and hope it stays that way!

    Can anyone give any advice on what percentage your carbs should be on MFP mine are currently at 58% and I think this is much too high.

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    helen39047 your welcome and good luck

    usernameundisclosed Don't worry about counting the carbs just watch the fat i never counted carbs and ive lost tons of weight.

    ruth1976 you will get constipation for the first week or two that's why you have to drink 2 plus litres of water a day to flush it all out

    jessica74767 there isn't a meal plan you just have to read the back of packets 5g of fat per 100g and no more than 15g per total meal

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    Hi Jessica74767,

    I do get itchy skin from time to time mainly at night.

    Hi Britneyspears I do drink so much water I'm literary swishing at the end of the day! Lol

    I'm a type 2 diabetic so I do really watch obviously my sugars but just wanted to put the feelers out if others are having a slow start I know it's discouraging but I'm not giving in or up how ever you want to put it as I am really feeling good inside and not sluggish anymore and my energy levels are so high to norm so it's doing something 2 1/2 week weight in soon so we'll see smile

    It's so great to read other peoples progress and tips so I thought that I'd put one of mine which our whole family has gone mad on as there delicious,

    Chicken kebabs in wholemeal pitta breads

    About 100/120 grams of chicken each diced

    1 whole glove garlic

    1tin of toms or 4/5 big fresh toms

    Worcester sauce (a couple of dashes)

    Chopped onions

    Whole or mixed peppers

    A good shake of Chinese 5 spice

    Left to simmer

    Then toast your pittas add your salad and serve! there's Not much fat in that at all I don't even use spray oil!

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    Hi britneyspears thanks for that post i was a little worried about taking them but i have had a chat with a neighbour and she has reassured me so i will take my first tablet tomorrow. I really hope they work smile
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    can you still eat chocolate if its under 15grams of fat???
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    ruth1976 that sounds delicious i will give that a try there is also a chicken doner one from the takeaway secret book that you can adapt to be within the rules tastes like the real one well actually it's nicer

    jessica74767 Lol no worries they really do work soon the weight will be dropping off!

    helen39047 i personally have steered clear of chocolate bars they were my main downfall before so i'm not sure if you would get the side effects even if it was under the fat gram rule although muller does a chocolate dessert that is about2g of fat per pot and still under the 5g rule also WW do a chocolate brownie frozen dessert and sainsburys be good to yourself do puddings in the chiller aisle

    Good Luck to you all i am so glad i stuck to it if i hadn't i would still be wearing a size 24 but now am at a 14. When i first went to the GP i thought it's going to be a long year but it has gone so quick and i am so much healthier and fitter i don't regret it at all and giving up all that fat has been totally worth it

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    Heyyy just been for my first weighing since starting tablets on Tuesday and sticking to slimming world plan and lost 3 1/2 pound this week wink down to 13 stone 7.1/2lbs
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    Hi, I'm just starting to take orlistat today. Been reading this forum and love all the comments. Very nervous about this as almost afraid to eat!! Have stuck to the 5g per 100g fat rule today so fingers crossed all ok!! Dreading going to work tomorrow's though and afraid of side affects!! Will keep you all posted how it goes :-) x
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    I hope so britneyspears smile could i ask how long youve been on the tablets and what ypur average weight loss per week was?? I took my first tablet this morning so theres no going bk for me now smile xx
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    Well done Britneyspears that's amazing!!!

    Im sticking to under 15grams per meal, tried not to weigh myself till wkend, will be gutted if not lost anything

    I find the Weight Watcher meals are good for my lunch/dinner as they tell you exactly how many grams of fat in each meal

    good luck to everyone

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    wardys664 WELL DONE!

    julie78672 Good Luck and keep us posted and don't be afraid to eat just stick to low fat and enjoy the weight coming off.

    jessica74767 My first weigh in was Feb this year i started the tablets on Jan 13th and i lost 1st 2lbs in 4 weeks i get weighed every month and on average i lose between 11lbs and just over a stone actually one month i lost about 9 pounds but that was the lowest amount i have lost so far the rest has been in the above bracket i guess the stricter you are the more the weight will come off Good Luck Jessica stick with it.

    helen39047 Aw thanks so much yeah i agree with the ready meals that way you can really track the fat and if you have a ready meal you can also do veg on the side which is healthy and fills you up you can do this and you will lose weight!

    Good Luck to everyone and stick with it .x

    Just randomly for snacks i do have snack a jacks they can help when you want something sweet but still within the rules

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    Day 6 & still going strong, no side effects still thankfully!

    Quick question, its my birthday a week on Sunday and i'm being taken out for a meal what do I do? plus can I drink?

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    Hi all,

    I'm on day 5 of taking Orlistat and had no side effects either. I've been really good and seen great results ready. I'm really pleased smile

    It's great to find a forum, I think I'm going to need some moral support along the way. I want to loose about 2 stone.... I lost 3 1/2 on slimming world and struggling to loose the rest (plus I put a bit back on!)

    I was also wondering about drinking? Is it best to stick to something like vodka and a diet drink?

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    I was prescribed Orlistat on Friday but its taken me all weekend to decide to actually take them. Had breakfast this morning (which is very unusual for me) and took my first pill. I've planned out my meals for today on My Fitness Pal. My meals have less than 7g of fat and the total for the day is 19g. Is that ok? Or is it too little fat? It works out at 1215 calories for the day.

    I know each day will be different but I was surprised.

    Thanks, Hannah x

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    I'm no expert but I thought you had to not eat anything with more than 5g of fat per 100g and no more than 15g per meal.

    I'm not sure exactly if you should be eating a bit of fat to make them work more efficiently? That's something which has confused me..... I have been having low fat things and nothing naughty at all and he no side effects.

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