Started Orlistat today and confused

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Hi! I have just started Orlistat today and have been trying to find a sample plan or menu for the last couple of weeks without success. I know that I shouldn't have anything that is more than 5g fat per 100g however when it comes to exactly what to eat I don't have a clue, I normally eat Quorn, Turkey, Chicken, and fish and eat potatoes, rice, pasta and quinoa. Do I eat like normal but watching my portion size.

I am a huge crisp, chocolate, and biscuit person so would also appreciate help on healthier snacks. I had my first gym session this morning first of many, need to lose 5 stone 11lbs to be my goal weight of 10stone 10lbs. I would like to be half way there on actually there in 6 months would love if it was faster but don't want to put pressure on myself.

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199 Replies

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    wardys664 WELL DONE!

    julie78672 Good Luck and keep us posted and don't be afraid to eat just stick to low fat and enjoy the weight coming off.

    jessica74767 My first weigh in was Feb this year i started the tablets on Jan 13th and i lost 1st 2lbs in 4 weeks i get weighed every month and on average i lose between 11lbs and just over a stone actually one month i lost about 8 pounds but that was the lowest amount i have lost so far the rest has been in the above bracket i guess the stricter you are the more the weight will come off Good Luck Jessica stick with it.

    helen39047 Aw thanks so much yeah i agree with the ready meals that way you can really track the fat and if you have a ready meal you can also do veg on the side which is healthy and fills you up you can do this and you will lose weight!

    Good Luck to everyone and stick with it .x

    Just randomly for snacks i do have snack a jacks they can help when you want something sweet but still within the rules

  • Posted

    Oops double post

    abbie86 Well all food generally has some fat in it you are just reducing what you normally used to eat. You will only have the side effects if you eat over the 5g per 100g

    scotscubagirl If your not hungry then stick with it mine are lower than that sometimes

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    abbie86 Yes you can drink obviously if you are calorie counting stick to vodka and diet coke but you can drink any alcohol with no side effects

    usernameundisclosed yes of course you can drink but either come off the tablets 3 days before you have a high fat meal then go back on them 3 days after so you won't get the effects. However you could ring the venue and explain your on a low fat diet and they will be able to prepare something for you

  • Posted

    Hi so today is my forth day. I had special k for breakfast, the chicken salad with a small sweet potato and a small dollop of light mayo. For dinner im having beef stew. Its filled with lots of veg and lentils. Does all that sound ok? As I had a similar meal plan yesterday (chicken casserole instead of beef stew) and ive had the orange oil today! I don't like it at all and now im worried encase it comes back tomorrow whilst im at work :-(
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    chelsea1987 Hi i did post a reply to you on the other board. i would lay off the mayonnaise are you using spray oil if you aren't you should as it's the only oil you can use. Flush yourself out with lots of water as i said on my other reply you need to buy lean meat or extra lean
    • Posted

      Hi britneyspears I'm just been prescribed the olistat tablet I'm not sure what I could have for breakfast before the tablet I normally would have oats with soya milk could you give me a few ideas of meals to start of with I don't eat bread no sugar I used honey instead due to health problems I need to loose weight thank you 


  • Posted

    Weigh in Monday lost 1/2 a pound better then a gain like I said befor I cannot get below 13.6 now I lost 3.1/2 last week which but me at 13.7 now I'm 13.6 1/2 lol so let's see if I can smack past it been trying for 6 months smile
  • Posted

    Hi there,

    I'm new to the blue tablets I've just completed my 4th day and I've had some mild side effects today, I've got 4 stone loss I've already lost 1.5 stone on my own but stopped losing weight even with the low fat diet I was

    Already doing, so the gp advised me to try the tablets.

    I lost 5 stone 7 years ago and kept it off until I was pregnant with my first baby in 2011/12 since then I've had another baby and awful condition through my pregnancy which meant I could hardly walk and move about so I put all my weight back on sad.

    I'm just looking to chat to people in the same boat we can support each other through.

    The main thing I've stopped having is butter even though I have low fat I only have skimmed milk and I've not eaten any eggs and try to make sure I have as little fat as possible I eat a lot of bake chicken with veg and small amount of carbs. I haVe low fat breakfast and a slimming shake for lunch, snack on fruit. I'm trying to up the amount of water I drink as I'm a coffee nut but it's always made with skinny milk. Is there anything else I can try or do more to help weight loss?

    Thanks x

  • Posted

    rhi_willow Hello well done on the 1.5 loss you seem to already have a healthy diet i can agree on the coffee nut i am one too although i do also drink between 3-6 ltrs of water a day i would suggest having a couple of glasses every time you have a coffee and start your morning with water before your coffee. also maybe swap the chicken for quorn or even venison couple times a week less calories less fat. Can i ask why you take shakes when you are on these tablets?

    Good Luck

  • Posted

    Hi_willow, well done on losing the weight without the tablets you must have fantastic willpower. I'm with britneyspears though, I drink 2ltrs water minimum a day. I didn't think id loose anything in my first month but I ended up loosing 1stone mostly by cutting out butter,cheese and only having a little milk. I stopped snacking too! With your willpower and the tablets you'll do great, good luck and let us know how you get on. X
  • Posted

    Hi Britney

    Thanks for advise on where to add on the water through the day I'm managing to get in 4 pints of water a day at the mo.

    I'll give the quorn ago I went of it when I was pregnant with my second baby lol

    I've always had shakes for lunch the only exception was when I was pregnant and had toast or sandwich but I want to keep my bread intake to a min.

    I'm hoping this will work I've got blood test tomorrow to check my thyroid to make sure that is working.

  • Posted

    Does anyone know if you can take semtex (Jodie Marsh supplement) whilst on orlistat?

    I used to take hem before a workout they give you a huge boost of energy to get through it and would like to use them again just wondering if anyone knew if you could take them alongside or not?

    Thanks in advance

  • Posted

    Hi does anyone know if you can take semtex (Jodie marsh's supplement) alongside orlistat?

    I used to use them before I worked out as they gave me a huge energy boost.

    just want to make sure its safe to use them alongside to give me some motivation to get back into exercise?

    Thanks in advance

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