Started Orlistat today and confused

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Hi! I have just started Orlistat today and have been trying to find a sample plan or menu for the last couple of weeks without success. I know that I shouldn't have anything that is more than 5g fat per 100g however when it comes to exactly what to eat I don't have a clue, I normally eat Quorn, Turkey, Chicken, and fish and eat potatoes, rice, pasta and quinoa. Do I eat like normal but watching my portion size.

I am a huge crisp, chocolate, and biscuit person so would also appreciate help on healthier snacks. I had my first gym session this morning first of many, need to lose 5 stone 11lbs to be my goal weight of 10stone 10lbs. I would like to be half way there on actually there in 6 months would love if it was faster but don't want to put pressure on myself.

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    Well done to everyone with their weight loss, it gives me hope that these tablets can help me!! I have 6 stone to lose and started taking the tablets on Monday 13th January. So far so good, I haven't felt hungry and have been checking all foods I eat. It's hard as I have two young children but I need to do this for myself, no one else.
  • Posted

    @jade48612 Well done on starting on your weight loss journey i started on the 13th Jan last year thanks god i did! 6 stone will come off before you know it Good Luck and let us know how you get on x
  • Posted

    Hi there, Im loving the feedback and the support on this forum. I have just started mine today and I have a fair bit to go, I am 15st 4lb at the moment and have PCOS so need to lose weight for my onw safety.

    I got myself into this mess and I know its going to be hard getting out of it, but today I have felt good, I'm to terrified to cheat incase it all goes wonky and the side effects kick in. Britney you are amazing with all your comments .

    Thanks lovely people x

  • Posted

    Hi minky01606 That's so nice of you to say thankyou smile i know what it was like when i first went on these and i went on another forum and they wouldn't tell you anything all part of a clique i would hate for someone not to know what to have etc that's why i post on here.

    Good Luck on the tablets please update and let us know how you get on. You will lose that weight before you know it smile x

  • Posted

    Hi ive been on these tablets for a week and i feel like nothing has changed when will i feel like they working am i doing it correctly .. god am so confused any help x

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    @Joannelaws1969 Hi you will feel less bloated in the first few days the only way you will know they are working is when you step on the scales with me my clothes were looser in the first week but everyone is different. What are you eating? x
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    im trying to eat health eg home made soup no cream small changes like no butter but flora no take aways lol stick to 3 meals aday plenty of veg ect ect xx

  • Posted

    Hi I'm new to all this. My Dr gave me the prescription for orlistat, little fearful after reading other websites but after flicking through this forum u have all reassured me so thank you already!

    I get the 5g fat,15g per meal etc but a lot of my Food I cook from scratch ie curry with mango chutnet, curry powder, cornflower etc, chilli so I do I work out my fat content?

    I only eat quorn or fish so I'm lucky that way, if I were to have potato, rice or pasta how much is ok to have?


  • Posted

    Food_lover I eat a lot of potatoes either baked or HM wedges and it has been fine. Regarding HM curries etc jut look at the back of the tub and i am sure most spices are under the gram rule and usually you don't add that much anyway (such a 100g) so should be fine.

    With rice and pasta i usually either have a boil in the bag one and i think that i 2 or 3 grams and with pasta i don't eat a lot a i am not a major fan of it anymore but i do like Orzo x

  • Posted

    Britney thanks that helps a lot! I saw u lost a lot well done! It an inspiration 2 me who has 5stone 2 lose put on over 2 years mainly secret eating with depression and my husband being ill but I'm determined to be "me" again I look in the mirror and don't recognise myself!
  • Posted

    Hi, I started yesterday after being told I had PCOS as well as an under active thyroid we prefer meat after a grim run in with quorn tonight. Did I see someone had an idea for a curry? I am only allowed to lose 20kg Oliver 6 months this sounds really doable from what I have read here.
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    i don't know much about it. i only work out physically and get veg diet. i follow up my routine regularly and daily.
  • Posted

    Hi all, been on orlistat for few months now and only lost 8 pounds!! Been sticking to under 5g rule and exercising so why is weight loss so slow!! No side affects as being v good although had terrible stabbing pain in left side by ribs!! Could these tablets cause gallstones as someone has told me!! Getting fed up now with small losses!!
  • Posted

    Hi, I started Orlistst today. I quit smoking almost 4 years ago and have gained another person. I am now trying to lose her plus extra! My question is this: if we eat such low fat meals and control calories, we will lose weight naturally so why do we need Orlistat? Thus has me really confused!

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