Starting a new page for all my friends!

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Hi Everyone!

How are you all! I have so many aches and pains today just can't get comfortable. Went to see my dad this afternoon with Stewart. He does so well for being 86.

Di I hope John is getting on ok and your throat is feeling a lot better now.

Lindy how are you getting on with your new car. Have you been out in it much!

Ses I hope you are not suffering with so much pain. :cry: Linda how are your alterations going. Hope you get everything you need.

Well take care everyone and have a good weekend.

A quiet one for me lol!

Love Tess x x

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    Hi Tess,

    Hpe u had a nice Easter Sunday. Ian and I cleared out the shed and took the rubbish to the tip...or should I say recycling centre... :lol: Went to Dobbies and bought more bedding thats all my wee pots and hanging baskets filled. Should be a lovely splash of colour when they all flower. Thats if Fergus doesn`t eat them all....he was eating the little heads off my pansies.. :evil:

    Im a wee tad stiff today tho...but I kinda expected that. Hopefully I`ll limber up as the day goes on.. smile

    Connor`s Gran had chemo fo cancer TESS...about 6/7 years ago, but this left her immune system at virtually zilch. She`d been in and out of hospital with various infections that really floored her , due to no immunity. As far as Im aware , she didn`t have any illness recently. She got up Sat morning, collapsed and passed away. Very sad.

    Well, my last lazy day before work tomorrow. Taking Connor to his dad`s, as he wants to go and see his Granda.

    Hope everyone else is ok and had a nice Easter.

    Take Care


  • Posted

    Hi Lindy

    I have had a quiet Easter so far as Stewart been on nights. Although got my son home from Uni until 22nd April. Its good to see him again. He went out clubbing last night though and I didn't sleep to well as subconciously waiting for him to come home. At least don't have that when I'm on my own lol. Didn't get back until 3 in the morning then I had to many aches and pains to get into a deep sleep. :cry: Hopefully a better night for me. :lol:

    Going to do some gardening myself today as it is dry and do the front garden. Not too much to do on the front. Its our back garden that is really large and needs more doing to it. Although we have taken a lot of the grass away for cutting. As we have a patio, decking and then we put in a grass astro court for playing badminton on. The children or young adults as they were then use to like playing badminton on it. They still use it now again if we have a barbecue and they have friends over.

    Unfortunately I don't play as much now with my joints. :cry: I did play inside with friends when I was a lot younger. Its only the last five years that I haven't really played much.

    It is very sad when that happens and especially if she hadn't been unwell before hand. The main thing with anyone dying is that they don't suffer unnecessarily.

    I hope you enjoy your day off and rest a bit today. Gardening does make you stiff but it has to be done lol :cry:

    Love Tess x x

  • Posted

    Hi Tess and Lindy,

    Sorry about Conner`s gran Lindy, I remember when my mother in law died and my two were still little, its hard for them to understand. Hope he enjoys his time with his grandpa. It must be the gardening bug that`s got to us all, cut the grass and did a bit of tidying up myself this afternoon. Had to stop then though because so exausted :!:

    Its been quite a stressful easter for us too Lindy, nothing as bad as a death but Mum`s getting very forgetful, she`s 81 and I`ve had to do the 80 mile round trip three times this weekend, to sort some problems out for her sad Twice yesterday and again this morning, still had her on phone this evening worrying about the same thing :!: It sounds awful but I really can`t cope with all that driving, on top of Ray being so unwell, the stress of the occupational therapist`s visits and my own problems sad On top of all that Ray wanted me to offer to take a neighbour to a hospital app. in the morning :!: Needless to say I didn`t

    Well, hoping for a quieter few days until the occ therapist visit on Friday. lol Hope Di and Ses are not suffering too much. Take care everyone,

    Love Linda

  • Posted

    HI there everyone xxxx

    Sorry to hear about you relative passing away Lindy, not a nice time for the children coming to terms with things like that, bless em xxxx I hope Conner copes ok xxxx I hope you are feeling ok too xx

    Tess, oh bless you, yes I wouldn't be able to sleep if my sibling would be out clubbing, and as you have had your sleep pattern disturbed I guess you will be feeling the effects today, I can't do the garden anymore as the pain too much, as I cannot bend down and my pain in hip is too much so my daughters do that, Olivia did mine yesterday and I give her money for saying thank you, I have to supervise her however, but as long as it gets done!!!! the only downside of summer...... the dreaded gardening :tit: :spider: :ant: :boing: I do hope you have not over done it Tess, I think sometimes you can get help of local authority but I am not sure if I am eligible, perhaps you may get help?? anyway my friend I do hope you are not in too much pain and the good weather is helping towards your symptoms of pain lesser??

    Bless you Linda. I think you have enough to cope with hun, can one of your relatives whom live nearer to your mum not help you here? or maybe if she got help to live closer to you? that maybe worse I suppose but the traveling would not be good either for you now so there is a catch 22 situation there, is there no sheltered housing she can be in, maybe to put your mind at rest??? I love old people, but it gets them so upset when they get confused and it is very upsetting for us to see them like that too, which this would put a strain on your health, and Rays??? maybe you could get together as a family and discuss this as it is not fair you being left to deal with this as you have enough on your plate xxx, anyway I do hope you and Ray are having a better day in the sunshine xxxxx

    Di how are you hun? I hope the appointments have been made at the doctors for you and your hubby? I do hope that as this glorious weather continues, you and everyone's spirits picks up helping you to cope better with the pain??? have you tried a tens machine too as it does kind of help with me, it doesn't get rid of the pain but is kind of calms it down a little? and there is four areas of your body you can place the tens pads on to your body to help control your pain??? I got this from my Pain Specialist, so maybe you could inquire about this to help you too hun???

    Anyway my dear friends the pain was ok this morning until dinner time and then wham it started, I thought I was having a wonderful morning, I woke up stiff and achy but as I moved around I thought hey I am doing ok........ then the pain came back with a vengeance :evil: anyway what can one do...... just grim and bare it and put p with it as that is the only option I have sad thanks everyone for your kind words xxxx

    Gentle love and hugs to everyone xxxxx

    SES X

  • Posted

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanx for all ur kind words about Connor`s gran.

    Id be the same if i was Connor out clubbing Tess. I was bad enough when he went to a Clubland thing (don`t know what u call it) last year. It was the first \"big thing\" he`d went to and my backside was making buttons til he came home. I couldn`t settle the whole night for worrying if he was ok. He was home by 12, so christ knows what I`ll be like when he`s the clubbing age. I remember my mum still being awake when I got home from the dancing, and me saying to her...\"what are u still doing up?\". Now I know!

    I have a little garden at the front Tess....all paved. And my back garden is paved too....thank the lord! So its very low maintainence. Weeding...blast the slabs with the washer..and fill the pots! Hope ur not too achey from doing urs yesterday.

    You must be knackered from all the driving around Linda. Like u say, the worrying about ur mum on top of everything else is an awful lot of stress and strain on u. The last thing u need at the moment. I take it there`s no one close at hand that u could contact to pop in on her as Ses was saying? I hope the rest of the week is quieter for u and that all goes well for the assessment on Friday.

    Hi SES, hope ur pain has calmed down a wee bit today. Connor seems fine Ses, but I don`t know how he`ll cope with the funeral...he`s never been to one before. He keeps his cards close to his chest, but knows we`re there if he wants to talk about it.

    Di, I hope all is well with u chick.

    Take Care All


  • Posted

    Hi Ses, Lindy, Linda & Di

    Lindy & Ses only got the front garden done yesterday! My daughter rang at dinner time and asked us to a barbecue. So spent the rest of afternoon and evening at her house. :lol: Was good with Chris being home from Uni to see everyone and the grandchildren. I did do some more gardening today out the back but still got more to do weather permitting maybe tomorrow. :lol:

    Linda hope all goes well with the assessment on Friday. Will be thinking about you. Bet you are tired today after all that driving. We have to go see my dad sometimes but at least we only have seven miles there and back.

    Ses it must be hard for you not being able to do the garden. It is good your daughter will do it for you. :lol: It gives them a bit more pocket money as well and gets the job done.

    Di hope you are coping ok. Also john getting on ok with his heart monitor.

    Love Tess x x

  • Posted

    hello all my good friends

    So sorry to hear about connors gran lindy my kids adored there grandad my dad and it was really hard for a long time before i feel they and i accepted it but now 7 years on i think i did whatever i did i did right, i spoke about him all the time, said things like remember this remember that, had made up a memory box with all our wee personal things we had off him.. even his hankies lol but although none looked in they new where it was for them to if they wanted..

    well hasnt it been so good with this sunshine... though today was not as nice, got my wee great neice 10 months tomorrow all day but kids are all here so should be fine..

    in a bit of pain tonight, might have to take some of my liquid morphine on top of my slow realise i take at night, as i know if i go up to bed the pain will still be there, but if it helps then suppose it wil lbe worth it..

    nice to hear u all are doing ok and lets all hope the sun shines again..

    luv di xx

  • Posted

    Hi Everyone!

    How are you all today! Di I hope you have a lovely day with your neice. :lol: I am looking after Molly tomorrow morning who is five. We are going to make a birthday card for her mum Amy my daughter. For my birthday the girls bought me a card making set. Two big trays of everything you can think of to make cards from Argos. Haven't had time to us it yet. So said to Molly she could make a card for her mums birthday at beginning of May. :lol:

    We had some thunder and lightning last night! Wasn't too bad but not much rain. Gives rain here for us today and doesn't look to great outside yet. Was pleased I got a bit more of my garden yesterday. Paying for it today though with aching joints. :cry:

    Well take care everyone and big hug to you all!

    Love Tess x x

  • Posted

    hi tess

    i bet u enjoy making ur card today.. i do craft cards(well thought i would able to do more than i do actually) got my own craft table in my room with hundreds of pounds of accessories( wow ur thinking but that has been a couple of years worth) lol so im ensure ur molly will enjoy doing it...

    on that subject im very upset today.. my aunty who was my deceased mothers sister turns 80 today and my sister phoned last night saying it was her birthday today( which i never new) and she sent a huge bunch of flowers to her.. just from her and her family... which u might think why am i upset.. well because my sister is the first to say to me... oh go and put my name on the card and present.... so i feel now i have to go out today and get a present in a hurry... family eh

    how u all doing linda, linda and ses... hope ur all ok xx

  • Posted

    Hi Di, Tess and everyone,

    Yes I make cards too, so does my daughter :!: Like you Di I don`t seem to get time to make as many as I hoped, another pipe dream I had when I finished work last year :!: Molly will love it I`m sure.

    Well, all worked up over this assessment tomorrow, I just can`t seem to settle till its all over. Its worse than waiting for a dentist appointment :!: Been trying to get together any information I think may be relevant, or will help our case, but when I get so worked up about something the fibrofog and fatigue kick in and I can`t even think straight never mind remember the points I need to make :?

    Well damp and miserable here today, so not been in the garden, I do hope we get some summer this year it feels like ages since we had any really nice weather sad I always feel better when the evenings are light and the days sunny.

    Take care all

    Love Linda

  • Posted

    Hi Di, Linda & Everyone!

    No wonder you are upset Di that is not very nice of your sister. Did you get a present sorted. :cry: You can choose your friends but not your family. :cry:

    Linda I do hope everything goes ok for you tomorrow. Will keep my fingers crossed for you. You both really do deserve all the help you can get. Good luck.

    Hope you are both ok Ses and Lindy!

    What a miserable dull day here! Although did go out and do the garden in the afternoon when the rain had stopped. Like doing gardening when a bit cooler easier to do. Thats my back garden done and weeded now! Only taken about three days on and off. Stewart has been working hard as well in the garden cleaning the patio slabs etc. He is back on shift tomorrow on days but has Saturday off then has to work sun, mon, and tues.

    Well hope you all get some good rest tonight and especially you Linda ready for tomorrow.

    Love Tess x x

  • Posted

    Hi there everyone..... I make cards too..... well not at the moment due to the pain but yes it is very therapeutic I think, but my hands seize up and so I have not been able to do them lately????

    The weather has been ok here, if the wind would drop it would be much warmer, but we can't complain, anythings better than the cold.... I do hope Di you have a lovely time with the little one as young children are so rewarding with there little ways, it cheers you up, I do hope though you do not over do things and I hope you and your hubby are able tp cope with you both not being too well??

    Linda, I hope the adaptions are getting done tomorrow, my mum and dad in law have had to get everything out of their store cupboard and other things out of their flat due to central heating and new kitchen units being put into their flat from the council, and they are coming to them at 7.30 am?????, my mum in law is getting all worked up due to this, and we are hoping this upheaval does not effect my father in law, with the dust as my father in law has COPD......... just hope your adaptions are not too much upheaval for you both too???? Hope you both are having a good day xxx

    Tess, I hope you and Molly enjoy making the cards as my daughter loves to join in when I have made cards........ and yeah Di, how much money we spend on this, it is fun though, just wish I could use my hands more??? I hope you have time tomorrow to enjoy your gardening Tess or maybe in the next few days, all depending on the weather :roll: 8) :wah: I do hope that you do not over do things too and your pain is easing with the warmer weather??

    How did you get o with your Rheumo appointment Lindy? I do hope all went ok? and the news of the diagnosis gets you on the right track of treatment xxx

    Anyway my dear friends, my hands are seizing up so i guess I better go I do wish you all have a good night sleep helping you all able to cope with your pain tomorrow xxxxx

    Hugs and kisses xxxxx

  • Posted

    Hi Gals,

    Well, had my Rheumatology appt today. Blood results and X-rays came back normal. So, no diagnosis. Consultant thinks it may be \"tenderness in the soft tissue\"...and the tightening around my nerves (particularly in my right arm) is causing the pain. To continue with physio and see how it goes.

    So...Im a mystery... :lol:

    Im surrounded by card makers... :D I used to do glass painting! And if I do so say myself...I made a lovely vase with Rennie McKintosh designs on it. I still have it!

    The weather has been pretty dull and grey here for the last day or so Tess. Very misty and threatening rain, but it never came. Brightened up today after lunchtime, but very windy. Ian sad it was blowing a gale last night. Not that I would know as I was doing my jumbo jet routine (snoring.. :lol: ) Speaking of which...I bought those nasal strips today. They`re meant to open up ur nasal passages and lessen or prevent snoring. Pure sex kitten material... :lol: I`ll give them a go and see what happens. I need to do something as poor Ian isn`t getting to sleep for me. Hope u have a good day 2moro with Molly.. smile

    SES, I hope everything goes ok without too much hassle for ur inlaws. It`ll be worth it once the new kitchen and heating is in . Least they`re not doing it in the winter! Councils always seem to do these things in the cold weather and u have to sit like nanook of the north!

    Di, don`t let ur sis bother u chick. Families can be so thoughtless at times. As Tess says, its a ruddy good job we can choose our friends huh.

    Linda, I hope all goes well with the assessment 2moro. I`ll keep my fingers crossed for u. I totally agree with u...roll on the summer. Im getting scunnered with this weather.

    Take Care All


  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Lindy, about four years before my fibro diagnosis, I pain etc in my left ankle and foot, all x-rays and bloods were normal, consultant thought I had tendernitis in the soft tissue :!: Hope for your sake you don`t go down the same road as me :!: Looking back now though there are several things over the years that had no diagnosis, so I think I had fibro for a long time before I actually got a diagnosis.

    Thanks everyone for your concern over our assessment today, well my shower has been approved (this will help Ray too) so necessary paperwork will be sent to council for them to carry out the work. Understand there is quite a wait, but at least I`m on the right road :!: Ray has been assessed as needing a through the floor lift, as he cannot manage a stair lift safely, the problem with this is space, the lack of :!: So its being put before the panel for approval and two independant companies will come and give advice as to what is best, and it will be decided from there.

    Not very good today, problem with my Mum and her memory :!: Have a family friend visiting her today and will ring me later but think she will need an assessment and help too. Never rains but it pours :!:

    Love Linda

  • Posted

    Hi Lindy

    Don't give on getting a proper diagnosis. Like Linda said it took her a long while and also me. Mine was about 7 years as kept putting mine down to arthritis and saying there was nothing they could do. That was until I changed doctors who listened to me and sent me to see Rheum who diagnosed me with Fibro. Keep plugging at them. :cry:

    Had a really fun day with Molly very tiring though my feet ache tonight been trying to sort things out as well for my meal for 12 tomorrow. I am lucky though as Stewart will always help me when I am cooking for a lot of people. :lol: He has booked a days holiday or should have been at work. Think of me tomorrow night dishing up for 12 lol. :lol:

    Sorry to hear about your mum Linda :cry: There is always something needs sorting out. We both spoke to soon when we said how well your mum and my dad were doing. :cry:

    Good news though to hear your assessment went ok and at long last you can have your shower and the other adjustments for Ray. At least things are moving along for you now. Hope you didn't get yourself to worked up and make your pain worse. :cry:

    Well got to go now everyone and chill out for a while before my bed.

    Take care

    Love Tess

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