Strange head pains and tingling... Anxiety?

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Hi everyone, I need a bit of advice. I've been suffering the last few months with health anxiety. Doctors have done all the routine blood tests and have said I'm okay and all my symptoms are anxiety related. I'm waiting for CBT but on a long waiting list and am on no medication whatsoever as I'm trying to avoid it.  I'm now able to identify with a lot of my symptoms and deal with them, some days are good and some are pretty awful but I'm getting through it.

Last night however I had something new and it sent me into a panic again.  A few weeks ago I was getting some sharp pains in my head, on the crown area and slightly to the left. Sort of dull aches and then the odd shooting pain.  Anyway, putting it down to just another symptom of anxiety I've tried to ignore it. But as I laid in bed last night I started to get this tingly sensation, not painful but really noticeable and in the exact same position I sometimes get these head pains and it then spread across my head and my face. Then my head started to ache in that same spot. This morning I've woken up and it's still there. My brain likes to tell me that it's a brain tumour as it feels in such a specific part of my head but I'm really hoping it's just another normal symptom. Has anyone else had this? It just feels very unnerving! 

The annoying thing I can't seem to process is that I'm 34 years old, have never suffered from anxiety and then one day I changed for no apparent/obvious reason and I can't seem to get back to my normal self.  It just fuels the worry that there is something really wrong with me. Can anyone help?



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    Hello all,

    I was very heart broken reading all your comments because I go through the exact same thing as you all are and it's so sad to know you guys are dealing with the same stuff. It really takes over your life and it sucks. I found this thread because the whole day I have had a tingling sensation in the back of my head followed by a migrane.. this is not the first time I have gotten this, but I've always tried brushing it off like it's nothing until today I kind of flipped out wondering what exaclty is going on..which, sadly, my first thought was to check the internet (the place that makes me think I have cancer and brain tumors and I'm on my death bed etc..)but this time in actually glad I looked this up..I now know that I'm not alone (although I wish none of you were going through this! ) ..also, the tingling and headache are both now gone and I feel relieved.. !! thank you guys for helping and i really hope you guys are doing much better than before!!!

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    Hey Lisa,

    Well currently I'm now seeing a therapist because my entire life I have never been able to make friends and was bullied and I became very shy and quiet and that was the beginning of my social Anxiety. I never new that that was the cause of everything and beginning to feel that every one thought I was weird and thought ill of me. I would start to make friends then all of sudden stop talking to them because I thought they thought I was weird or annoying. I'm a senior in high school know and it has gotten a lot worst and I'm scared about everything and I have also become very depressed and hopeless. I have had anxiety attacks before but never really told anyone and my parents witnessed one really bad my sophomore year but didn't really do anything about it. I often feel very fuzzy in the head almost like I have no thoughts or what I'm doing is weird. I have no idea why this happens but it tends to get worse I think when I dwell on everything. I haven't told my therapist about this yet to be quit honest I don't feel i deserve help and I'm just a needy person that should disappear. I don't know but yah.

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      Yeah Holly (and others) I was in a similar situation until one day I started not giving a care about others, and pretty much everything else, and that's when I felt so much freer and at ease.

      I simply made a decision to stop thinking and caring so much. If it effecting you, it's no way to live. In regards to feeling weird and people.. I also learned they are no different or better than me anyways.

      If you look around at some of the happiest people they don't sit around thinking too much. They just live and do what make themselves feel good.

      I also learned that ALOT more people feel this way too, and you would be surprised, how many people have tough periods were they feel weird. We are in this together.

      It's also important to get good at something ... anything.. it could be something small, but it's fun and it feeds your confidence and soothes that anxiety away.

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    I'm 23 years old ive been under a lot of stress lately I'm actually going to the doctor tomorrow few days ago I was driving on the interstate and it was really windy I have a little car I started sweating really really bad my feet and my fingers and I had started tingling I started feeling like I was going to pass out while I was driving it was the scariest thing I've ever felt i also have episodes at home where I'm just at the edge of my seat feeling trapt like I gotta get out of here I been knowing something wrong with me but I don't tell anyone because people will think differently of me an I don't want that because I usually don't feel this way I just feel under so much pressure all the time trying to please everyone in my family an I want to do so good that latly I've been always feeling sick and having headaches I just don't know what to do anymore
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      You are not along I have been to many doctors and had many test that all come up fine I just cant believe this is all anxiety I feel so lost and stressed even more because I dont no how to fix it I dont want to go on meds because of my own personal reasons but now I have the shooting pain on the bridge of my nose that comes and goes I have an appointment with my doctor to see what it is...probably another sign of my anxiety so frustrating

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    I feel for everyone of you on here! I am 27 and 2 years ago some time around January 2013 I was having a lot of the symptoms you all experience. I went to the doctor and DoD some test my blood work came back perfect, ultrasound on my abdomen was perfect, had a stress on my heart done perfect, tested my thyroid gallbladder perfect! How can I feel so bad but everything is perfect. I was petty much ready to give up. I've had problems with nausea since I was in middle school and both my pregnancies was extremely sick and had to be on meds and admitted in the hospital for demonstration multiple times. I've also had weight fluctuations since I was in high school. My girlfriend and I decided to go horse back riding on her horses and we stopped so her horse could do his business and all of a sudden my horse took off on a dead Sprint he would listen to any commands and I just held on but we wore coming up on a busy road and I didn't know what he would do and decided to drop of the side of him and tuck and roll. I had a pretty bad concussion and they hospital I went didn't have a mri machine and my cat scan was showing a shadow on the top of brain. When I got to th other hospital had an Mr I and found out I had a brain tumor called a meningioma on the tissue lining the brain. I was in shock. I went into surgery the next week and had it removed everything went good except the morphine after surgery wasn't working. I was put on a seizure med and did great for about a year and got off the meds and my anxiety got way worse and now take xanax. I think there are more underlying problems because I have so many problems. I've read about adrenal issues and Epstein Barr virus I have been test for so many autoimmune diseases its not even funny there has to be an answer to this more than just anxiety my gut tells me there more than meets the eye but I am not really that scared I just need control over my body!
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      Hi Katey hope all is well... just want to ask what exact symptoms were you experiencing ?
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    Hi Lisa your not alone use got the same caused by medication it made me worse rather than better &'when you ask to be taken off they don't really want to let you
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    This Is An Incredible Relief That So Many People Feel Similar Symptoms, Although i wouldnt wish something like this to happen upon my worst enemy..... Let me share my story, I'm 21 never been stressed or had any sort of anxiety in my life and a few weeks ago I was up throughout the night working on a college assignment (not stressed about it) and all of a sudden my face went numb and it felt like a 100 needles or pins were poking me, I thought it was because I was just tired so I went to bed but its been 1 month now and everyday I wake up Its still there, things like numbness and pain in my head along with tingling sensations. Doctors are beyond ridiculous and keep saying its stress which Its not, so its definitely nerve damage so like most of you I am being told to see a shrink. I say f*** that I study psych and know I'm not crazy, yes it feels like a tumour or death but regardless living with this is insane, I just wanna be me again and im convinced its MS.

    Let me tell you a bit about why I'm not stressed

    Im 21 and I work for a Hit TV show called Suits. Live In Toronto Canada, No girlfriend, (by choice) and have a cadillac ats 2015, point being I'm accomplished and successful at a young age so why this is all happening is beyond me

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    An anxiety attack happens to protect body so the more you fear it the worse it will be you have to let it happen and be like boring here we go again 
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    I am glad to see I am not alone and have enjoyed reading through this forum. This is my story...I am 46 years old and have experienced episodes (as I call them). The most recent one was today. Although I did not think I was stressed at all I was talking to my daughter and daughter in law when all of a sudden I overcome by a strong tingling sensation in my head to the point I thought I was going to pass out. I quickly sat down and my DIL was fanning me. This lasted for just a few minutes maybe even seconds I am really not sure becuase it totally freaked me out. quickly I calmed myself and started taking some deep breaths and it was over but followed by a slight headache. After reading everyone's post on here, it seems as I suffer from the same as all of you. I will definitely have this checked out by my doctor and hopefully will not have another "episode" for another several months. This forum has relieved me greatly. I am sorry to hear that there are so many of us that suffer from this. 
  • Posted

    Yes I am so happy but so sad to hear people are feeling the same as I do I have been dealing with this since 2014 after my elective surgery I have had all kinds of test done echo, ultrasound, heart monitor, blood test, and the only thing found was that I have low blood sugar I have palpitations at night, I am shaky, weak and have bad headaches, I am so over this I have not been driving because of the fear of having an episodes and crashing I was taking ativan but it did not seem to work and I had to go off it to have my holter monitor I would really like someone to help me get back to myself .
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    If youre in the UK ring IAPT directly. the waiting list from your GP is very large cause the therapists only come to surguries once or twice a week but IAPT will fit you in in any of their buildings rather than at surguries. I waited 5 months for my GP to sort it out rang IAPT directly was seeing someone 4 days later.
  • Posted

    Hi, i know its been a year since you posted, was wondering if you found ways to deal with it? 

    Ive recently noticed that i get mild headaches, not painful just can feel that they are there. As well as random sensations of tingling pins and needles, and hot and cold feelings on my brain all from the middle of my head downwards. I can hear a clicking noise when i turn my head, the noise comes from the bottom of head where the neck ends up to the middle of my head. I  generally feel nauseous throughout the day as well as tinnitus (ear ringing, in the evenings and at night its very loud). I went to the doctors and she said it was just tension but it hasn't put my mind at ease, she didn't seem concerned at all.


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