Strange head pains and tingling... Anxiety?

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Hi everyone, I need a bit of advice. I've been suffering the last few months with health anxiety. Doctors have done all the routine blood tests and have said I'm okay and all my symptoms are anxiety related. I'm waiting for CBT but on a long waiting list and am on no medication whatsoever as I'm trying to avoid it.  I'm now able to identify with a lot of my symptoms and deal with them, some days are good and some are pretty awful but I'm getting through it.

Last night however I had something new and it sent me into a panic again.  A few weeks ago I was getting some sharp pains in my head, on the crown area and slightly to the left. Sort of dull aches and then the odd shooting pain.  Anyway, putting it down to just another symptom of anxiety I've tried to ignore it. But as I laid in bed last night I started to get this tingly sensation, not painful but really noticeable and in the exact same position I sometimes get these head pains and it then spread across my head and my face. Then my head started to ache in that same spot. This morning I've woken up and it's still there. My brain likes to tell me that it's a brain tumour as it feels in such a specific part of my head but I'm really hoping it's just another normal symptom. Has anyone else had this? It just feels very unnerving! 

The annoying thing I can't seem to process is that I'm 34 years old, have never suffered from anxiety and then one day I changed for no apparent/obvious reason and I can't seem to get back to my normal self.  It just fuels the worry that there is something really wrong with me. Can anyone help?



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    Hi everyone! im new here. ive been reading alot about anxiety for a few months now. i was diagnosed with anxiety 6 months ago, it started when i was having palpitations, i can feel my heart beat on my head and i feel tired all day and was having trouble sleeping... then unfortuante things happened so my stress level was so high for a few months. when finally i cant bare the palpitations anymore, went to  a doctor gave me propranolol 10mg to help me. after taking one pill i was normal again. took the meds for 2 weeks 2x aday, but another symptom appeared. both my arms and legs feels like its burning, so sensitive that even a comforter when it touched my skin, it hurts. so went to the ER, asked for chest pain, i said no. asked for diabetes, said im controlling blood sugar since i was tested 103 fo BS(pre-diabetec). asked if i was taking any meds, said i was taking meds for anxiety, then gave me pain killer. it worked went home and slept well.. after 2 weeks of meds, i was told to take the pill once a day(cant stay with the pill, other patients rely on the pill for the rest of their lives) after 3 weeks, i can take it as needed. still the burning sensation on my legs and arms didnt go away and chest pain has occured. went to ER. had ECG(normal) gave me pain killers. went back to doc. told its stress. BP was normal... reffered to EENT for 2 lumps on my throat. found out its allergy since i sneeze every morning and clog nose.. symptoms like tingling on arms legs face(on few) chest pains, cold sweat, weakness etc. ihave it all. went to blood test. low iron(since i was a child) so im taking folart everynight. was given b12 for tingling. tingling is gone. sudden headaches still occurs. the hurtburn occur everyday, went to gastro, diagnosed with GERD now under meds. no more propranolol(i only take it when needed). 

    i think i develop GERD from my anxiety... still wll be back to gastro coz one med isnt helping anymore... will ask for endoscopy(i think i mispelled it).

    new symptoms of anxiety like when im stressed my throat hurts like the muscles are getting stiff. arm pains they come and go. i do yoga now coz it helps with my breathing paterns... 

    what i learned about anxiety is you have to know what your fears are.. and face it. the last worst attack i had when we were shopping. i really fear going out w/out my husband. i fear that i might pass out anytime. so i was thinking about it all the time, when finally i fetl cold sweat, felt like my blood rushed to my head then palpitations, weakness, chest pain, shortness in breath... it was the worst attack i had. i didnt want to pass out so i fought, inhale exhale. it lasted for a few minutes only i think like 2 minutes and i was OK though my i felt weak and so nervous. i wanted to go home. but i needed to fight my fear... i still fear what i fear the most... and everytime i feel the anxiety i close my eyes and pray... 

    anxiety made a lot of difference in my body and life.. now im starting to get it back... i need to.. not for others but for myself... 

  • Posted

    Hi! I know this is an old post but i see people have responded in the past few weeks. This is the first time i havnt felt alone or crazy with what I've been going through for years now. It all started with these bizarre burning and tingling sensations in my head. Ive always suffered from migraines but this was different and it scared it me. I was convinced i had a tumor, aneurysms, blood clots, cancer, ms. My panic over the possibilities of any of these lead to a horrible tightness in my chest, shortness of breath, numbing in the arms and legs. I conviced myself i wad dying. I had many trips to the emergency room. Having blood test, cat scans, mris all telling me im in perfet heath. How can that be when i have all these symptoms. I was told it was just anxiety. I just couldnt believe it. Finally i was prescribed citilopram and lorazopram (for give my spelling) it has helped quite a bit but sometimes a panic attack will sneak up on me like today which is how i found this thread. I was looking up my symptoms to self diagnosis which i know is stupid. Just reading everyones posts has made me feel so much better. Its hard to explain to people how i feel because i know my fears arent rational but my body reacts like it is anyways. I hope everyone o here finds a way to get there anxiety under control. I know how badly it can effect your live.
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      omg ok i made an account just to reply to this thread, i have never related to something so much! im a female 21, uni student. i stress out a lot esp over grades and pleasing my parents, bills etc..but i never considered myself to have anxiety ya know? but im finally starting to accept that i think i do. in the past 10 days i have started getting this scary tingling/burning sensation, like in patches on my head, usually the left, and then it freaks me out cause i think im dying i have a tumor a brain bleed literally EVERY bad thing ever, and then that causes me to freak out even more and then the feeling in my head gets worse...the first time it happened i convinced myself i was dying and it turned into a dull blown panic attack and i broke down crying and hugged my bf. now i getting this feeling everyday and im still not convinced im ok...but reading things like this online help SO much. i try to avoid searching symptoms on net as i freak myself out more but this kinda thing helps me a bit smile i have the exact same things as you guys it seems, though the feeling only ever came down my neck the first time i got it, down both sides behind my ears and its super hot feeling. now it tingles only on left side of head and as im typing this its moved toward the back of my head and the right side too...what could be causing it? i have a reaalllly sore back lately and so it could be a pinched nerve i guess. but the feeling happens like every evening/night mostly..and when i start thinking about work and the pain it gets worse. I went to the docs today about a sore throat (i think its strep throat) but i didnt mention the tingles because i forgot but having a sore throat and flu symptoms on top of this makes me scared thats its something bad again. Its a never ending cycle. i feel like all of you, and i wish we could get out of this horrible cycle of freaking ourselves out more. i really wanna go home and see my parents i think id relax more sad
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    Hi there:

    it was good to read the comments, 

    im 36 years old for the last year I had a lot of symptoms and some times when I see a doctor I get confuse what to tell him/her coz it's many and the next days I'll have another symptoms and my symptoms start with an endless cold for three months and then pain in my muscles,joint , tingling in my left thigh extend to my fingers and my sole feet , neck pain , and my heart will beat strongly to a degree that I can't sleep at night for 15 minutes then goes normal and also weird cracking sound in my shoulders and then got pain in my neck and start tingling in my face right side from last night , any way the GPs took them 9months to find out that I have a deficiency of vitamin D and that was at 28of January this year 2016 so some of the symptoms gone partially specially the tengeling in my fingers and my thigh (80 percent) but still I have tengeling in my face right side from last night and way doctors told me many times that my issues caused by stress and anxiety though personally I don't think so specially when I found that I have lack of vitamin d but maybe it is , I'm not sure .

    thanks for all ur comments guys and pray healing over all of you 


  • Posted

    Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing okay. Thank god that other people are having similar symptoms as me. I am a 19 year old college student, healthy and positive. It all started with minor aches in my head and tingling sensations. This went on for about a month, and then went away when I decided I was going to reduce my stress and try to relax my mind. I didn't have ANY weird feelings in my head for about another month, and then they started to come back again. Recently, I had really bad acid reflux, and heart palpitations. My heart felt like it was in another rhythm and I was having shortness of breath. I was feeling more anxious than usual for no reason, and I could not go to sleep. I went to the hospital because I was convinced there was something wrong with my heart, but my EKG turned out to be normal. They prescribed me with acid reflux meds and now my acid reflux, along with my heart is much better. However, just as I thought everything would be fine, my head started to feel numb, like I had a concussion. I was having all of the weird sensations like crawling, random pains, tingling, and hot and cold feelings in different places in my brain. I have an appointment with a neurologist on Thursday, and hopefully I will be able to get an MRI done to see if I have any problems with my brain so that I can put these fears to rest. If it is in fact just an anxiety problem, at least I can relax and not worry so much about my condition. I just want to say that you are not alone, and if anybody wants to talk I'm here.



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      Hello troach06, I have all the same things going on with me as I speak , its crazy , and I had mri's, cat scans , blood work , everything was normal I was completely healthy , I thought that after I had all these test , I would feel better , (heck no) now I just feel like they need to look again , because this is weird and I don't get it. This is driving me crazy . now I'm going to see a endocrinologist next . ugh I'm so over all of this . but you are not alone trust me !!! I've been to therapy and a psychiatrist, the meds they give you have really bad side effects, and you just can't stop the meds they have to wein you off of them its horrible .
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      Hey Tyler,

      Im a newbie on this thread and Im so scared. My family thinks Im just paranoid, cant go to work and unfortunately I cant afford the MRI which makes me even more worried on a daily basis.  How do you relax your mind?

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    Have you gotten any better , I see we have a lot of the same symptoms, I have had mri's, of my brain, head, and neck , they said I was healthy , I have all types of blood work, etc , everything was normal , all the Dr's can say is its anxiety, I can't deal , I don't want to take the meds I was prescribed because of the side effects , I'm scared .
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      Hey Jenni, I'm glad that the doctors are saying that you are normal. For the past two days, I haven't had any sensations what so ever. I went to the doctor and he told me that they were happening because I was overusing my brain, and it was trying to tell me to relax. Previous to this visit, my sleeping patterns were varied. I was not getting the amount of sleep I needed. Therefore, I decided to get 10 hours of sleep that night and I haven't had any sensations since. The mind numbness went away as well. I'm trying to relax my mind as much as possible and not think as much, because that was what caused these sensations. I was prescribed Zoloft for my anxiety and I started taking it yesterday. I feel a little bit lightheaded and fatigued, but other than that I haven't experienced any other side effects. I would recommend taking the medication because it can really help your anxiety. I will keep you updated on how I feel.
    • Posted

      It IS anxiety...Tell yourself that all the tests you have had are clear and doctors are sure sure ou are well..It is easier said than done but anxiety is something you are causing to yourself..I started to meditate and lern mindfulness, and gentle yoga stretches... Tell yourself that you are really are  WELL..I am so  much better...but I am having still those head pains and tingling in face..but its less thanit was 4 months ago..When I get the tingling in face and jaw...I go to my mindset and meditate..and try to do 10 minutes of deep breathing and relaxing..It so so tough..but I am so so sure you will get much better...Good luck..
  • Posted

    Thank god I'm not the only one. People seem to think I'm crazy. I just started to feel this way for few months now. I get tingly in my head usually right side. I start to feel weird. Then my visual likes to mess with me making me feel like I'm going to pass out. I've had my arm and leg go numb. Anxiety is rough. It can do so much to a person. Anxiety runs in my family but I intend to freak my self out thinking is other things. Like brain tumor. Specially since my grandpa had brain tumors. In order for me to feel better bout it I have to have test done. I can't calm myself down half the time. I'm 20 years old and have a 2 year old daughter. I just wanna be normal feeling again.
  • Posted

    Hi Lisa,

    I guess Im the newest member of this thread. I have been suffering from this sensastion for the last 1 week. In addition to this, there are times I feel I couldnt breathe because of worry and panic.  Ive been blood checked,physical check, neuro tests and everything seems ok as per the doctors I have met. It is really sad that this is happending to me. I am on leave with my work abroad and went back to my home country eventhough I am the breadwinner of our family because Im scared and paranoid about this.

    My Symptoms:

    - Tingling in head

    - Dull pain at the left head back area near the neck

    - It comes and It goes

    - Feeling of fainting

    Is it most of the times bad anxiety? or could me TMJ? or Im super scared to be something else.

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      John im exactly the same so scared how did you get on 
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      Its been a tough 3 months for me. Visited alot of Doctors, actually my symptoms got even worse.

      - Head Pressure / Ear Pressure

      - Abdominal Cramps

      - Jaw Discomfort.

      - Chest Pains

      I just had to accept that this is happening and try to shrug it off , continue to live and enjoy life. And somehow the symptoms dissappears. There are times it comes back but it doesnt affect so mcuh as it did before.

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