Strange vibration sensations - what's causing it??

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I've found several forums where there have been posts from people experiencing this disconcerting feeling of an internal quivering or vibration but none of them are current, so I wanted to see if anyone else out there is having the same experience and can share an insight into what might be causing it.

I started to get this feeling of internal vibration when I was mainly lying in bed and then occasionally if I shifted position it might last for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. That was about 8 months ago. Now I feel it every night and during the day as well quite often. The other day after a short walk of a few hundred yards followed by a period of standing still it felt like the ground was vibrating  because it was in my feet. It seems to move around to different areas of the body - sometimes I feel it in my legs, an arm, torso - it's quite random but often felt when I've shifted position in bed. At first I thought it was circulatory but now I think it's probably neurological. I thought I was having palpitations but an ECG showed nothing abnormal. I've also had a full spine & brain MRI as I've been having other strange symptoms of occasional numbness and sensations of burning and cold areas of my arms/hands and legs/feet and a sore tongue which comes and goes and often feels like I've just cleaned my teeth with menthol toothpaste when I haven't. I thought I had all the signs of MS, but it hasn't been diagnosed. I've also had a number of blood tests for immune issues, evoked potentials and nerve conductivity tests. Nothing! The MRI does show a lot of wear to my cervical vertebrae and two anterior spondylolisthesis - one cervical, one lumbar, so I wonder if my spinal issues could be the cause. My neurologist was doubtful. He also couldn't explain the vibration sensation except to say that it can be caused by a migraine, which I certainly haven't had. 

I just don't know where to go with this now.  My GP isn't interested and puts everything down to stress which I AM under it's true to say, but I don't think she's right. I've had to pay for all my neuro investigations as a result because she won't refer me or do any more blood tests etc.  I'm trying homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture as I want to find something that will relieve these weird symptoms and prefer to avoid drugs if I can.

I'm 58, eat reasonably heathily, no alcohol, only 1 cup of coffee a day and my weight is normal. I broke my wrist badly at the end of August last year which is when my problems all seemed to start. i

I also wonder if the metal plate that was used to fix the fracture could be causing some kind of strange reaction.

If anyone else is having these symptoms please let me know if you've been able to identify the cause and how to deal with it.


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269 Replies

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  • Posted

    I may have accidental posted a message before I had finished it.
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      I've done a lot of research with people who have these symptoms. Of course some people have specific neurological diagnoses that cause neurological issues and thats different. But in the remainder of cases i discovered they all potentially had sleep Apnea. Either caused by snoring, weight, head injury, etc. The only other cause that was much more rare but possible was Lyme Disease. So definitely ask your doctor for the test to rule that out then ask for a sleep study. Sleep Apnea can cause a host of neurological issues (tingling & numbness, tired, weight gain, heart issues, fatty liver, visual anomalies, vibrations, headaches, the list goes on) Definitely see a doctor and get help. Make sure its not something else. If test all come back negative definitely get a sleep study to diagnose the possibility of SLEEP APNEA. Best wishes

    • Posted

      Wow, I have just been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. Still working thru the fitting of a workable mask but the very first morning after waring the C-pap I felt 1000% better.

    • Posted

      hi Harold155773

      Dont give up on the CPAP. They can be very annoying. If you cant be comfortable with it keep going back to doctor they have other machines; BiPAPs deliver two different pressures and are less distracting. There are also two kinds of BiPAPs. One is automatic and the other is set levels. There is even a Servo Ventilator for those that need both or have central sleep apnea. The point is don't give up on it if you find that one to be uncomfortable. There are also different mask fittings. Hang in there the treatment is life changing and not treating it is literally life threatening. All the best to you.

    • Posted

      I dont use a CPAP. Not sure why you thought that. But thanks anyway

  • Posted

    Hi. Sally

    I'm very concerned about the symptoms reaction mentioned above,I don't know how to deal with it I've been exercised eating health,taking pills like Panado etc but sometimes I feel normal.

    • Posted

      I have these vibrations and they come and go. I'd be very interested to know if anyone with these symptoms have IPF or sleep in a recliner connected to electricty.

    • Posted

      I've done a lot of research with people who have these symptoms. Of course some people have specific neurological diagnoses that cause neurological issues and thats different. But in the remainder of cases i discovered they all potentially had sleep Apnea. Either caused by snoring, weight, head injury, etc. The only other cause that was much more rare but possible was Lyme Disease. So definitely ask your doctor for the test to rule that out then ask for a sleep study. Sleep Apnea can cause a host of neurological issues (tingling & numbness, tired, weight gain, heart issues, fatty liver, visual anomalies, vibrations, headaches, the list goes on) Definitely see a doctor and get help. Make sure its not something else. If test all come back negative definitely get a sleep study to diagnose the possibility of SLEEP APNEA. Best wishes

    • Posted

      I've done a lot of research with people who have these symptoms. Of course some people have specific neurological diagnoses that cause neurological issues and thats different. But in the remainder of cases i discovered they all potentially had sleep Apnea. Either caused by snoring, weight, head injury, etc. The only other cause that was much more rare but possible was Lyme Disease. So definitely ask your doctor for the test to rule that out then ask for a sleep study. Sleep Apnea can cause a host of neurological issues (tingling & numbness, tired, weight gain, heart issues, fatty liver, visual anomalies, vibrations, headaches, the list goes on) Definitely see a doctor and get help. Make sure its not something else. If test all come back negative definitely get a sleep study to diagnose the possibility of SLEEP APNEA. Best wishes

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your reply and information. I am on 24/7 02 at 6 LPM and have had trouble sleeping for years. I really appreciate your time in explaining what you have learned. Again, thanks so much.

  • Posted

    HI Sally, my name is Aileen and I too have had the internal pulsing vibrations, but on a much smaller scale. So far I have only two incidents. The last time I had them it was in the upper part of my stomach, just below my ribcage. But more recently (this whole past week) its been a longer incident and also this time its in my right upper inner thigh. With the stomach episode a few years ago, that only happened one day for about 20 minutes off and on and then NOTHING at all for a few years. This new episode in the thigh has been going on intermittitantly for almost a week now. i havent noticed any certain scenario that triggers it as it hapoens throughout the day off and on and doesnt seem to matter what im doing. The only way to describe it is a pulsing vibration that is a liitle shorter than the length of a toothpick but about 5 x's thicker than a toothpick. when i brought this up to my primary care doctor, she just said "I dont know WHAT that is" as she threw her hand up in the air. I wasnt given A SINGLE reason for it. So i very much understand your frustration with your doctor. Being I've been having a bunch of other weird symptoms, as well, the past few years she just changes the subject and focuses more on one of the other symptoms. I also have heart palpitations, trouble breathing, flushing in my neck (and sometimes it also occurs in my face) i have cramps in my calves (for no apparant reason) those are just the more bothersome things going on. NO migranes though. I did awhile back around the time that this started. My doctor labeled them as cluster headaches though. ive been tested fir SOOO many different things (not ms or parkinsons) all come back normal. Its very frustrating because dictirs dont seem to have a single clue. just guesses that turn up nothing. imdid want to say if your dr wont refer you to any specialists i would change drs immediately! THATS JUST NOT RIGHT in my opinion. When my doctor couldnt figure it out she didnt have a problem refering me to other drs. Not that they found anything either yet, but your situation could be different. who knows?

    • Posted

      I've done a lot of research with people who have these symptoms. Of course some people have specific neurological diagnoses that cause neurological issues and thats different. But in the remainder of cases i discovered they all potentially had sleep Apnea. Either caused by snoring, weight, head injury, etc. The only other cause that was much more rare but possible was Lyme Disease. So definitely ask your doctor for the test to rule that out then ask for a sleep study. Sleep Apnea can cause a host of neurological issues (tingling & numbness, tired, weight gain, heart issues, fatty liver, visual anomalies, vibrations, headaches, the list goes on) Definitely see a doctor and get help. Make sure its not something else. If test all come back negative definitely get a sleep study to diagnose the possibility of SLEEP APNEA. Best wishes

    • Posted

      Wow thanx for that information. The fatty liver and sleep apnea could both possibly apply to me and are two tests I HAVNT had yet. Fatty liver actually runs in my family so will definitely bring this up to my dr.

  • Posted

    Hi i know how you feel ive been having the vibration for year and half i haven't spoken to my gp about it i thought my naighbour was useing a machine which if so i wasent bothered as shes ill but it wasent that ive moved twice bought new bed to ajustamatic bed got rid off that and now no its nothing to do with any off those things its real tho and disturbing if u find out anything id love to no ill let u no to take care good luck xx

    • Posted

      hi im not sure if your comment was to me directly but thanks if so. good luck to you as well.

      it sure is a strange symptom that doctors seem to ha zero answers for, but if i hear anything new ill let you know. i have a bunch of other weird symptoms that cant be explained or diagnosed with any amounts if testing. do you have any other symptoms like rashes or anything you cant explain thats new to you either mild or severe?

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