Strange vibration sensations - what's causing it??

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I've found several forums where there have been posts from people experiencing this disconcerting feeling of an internal quivering or vibration but none of them are current, so I wanted to see if anyone else out there is having the same experience and can share an insight into what might be causing it.

I started to get this feeling of internal vibration when I was mainly lying in bed and then occasionally if I shifted position it might last for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. That was about 8 months ago. Now I feel it every night and during the day as well quite often. The other day after a short walk of a few hundred yards followed by a period of standing still it felt like the ground was vibrating  because it was in my feet. It seems to move around to different areas of the body - sometimes I feel it in my legs, an arm, torso - it's quite random but often felt when I've shifted position in bed. At first I thought it was circulatory but now I think it's probably neurological. I thought I was having palpitations but an ECG showed nothing abnormal. I've also had a full spine & brain MRI as I've been having other strange symptoms of occasional numbness and sensations of burning and cold areas of my arms/hands and legs/feet and a sore tongue which comes and goes and often feels like I've just cleaned my teeth with menthol toothpaste when I haven't. I thought I had all the signs of MS, but it hasn't been diagnosed. I've also had a number of blood tests for immune issues, evoked potentials and nerve conductivity tests. Nothing! The MRI does show a lot of wear to my cervical vertebrae and two anterior spondylolisthesis - one cervical, one lumbar, so I wonder if my spinal issues could be the cause. My neurologist was doubtful. He also couldn't explain the vibration sensation except to say that it can be caused by a migraine, which I certainly haven't had. 

I just don't know where to go with this now.  My GP isn't interested and puts everything down to stress which I AM under it's true to say, but I don't think she's right. I've had to pay for all my neuro investigations as a result because she won't refer me or do any more blood tests etc.  I'm trying homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture as I want to find something that will relieve these weird symptoms and prefer to avoid drugs if I can.

I'm 58, eat reasonably heathily, no alcohol, only 1 cup of coffee a day and my weight is normal. I broke my wrist badly at the end of August last year which is when my problems all seemed to start. i

I also wonder if the metal plate that was used to fix the fracture could be causing some kind of strange reaction.

If anyone else is having these symptoms please let me know if you've been able to identify the cause and how to deal with it.


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    I am now having Twitching bad. It seem when I was tired. So I thought well it is my muscles relaxing from my muscle dis. Now I have all day There is twitching everyone can see and not. In fact typing now I am twitching I don't control them of course I never know when and where they will happen. I clean my house it takes even longer now with the twitching. I hate them I don't know why they are happening.  The Neuro Dr is sending me to another Neuro Surgeon. Because I have severe nerve damage on my spine.  My L5 nerve completely crushed by discs and L3 L4 slightly crushed.  So I will see what he says.  Also I went to Oral Surgeon He said your mouth is so dry. Like he was asking a question I never mention Sjorgren's to Dr's till they do first. He said have you been diagnosis with it.  I said not on paper yet.  That was another reason I was seeing him The eye Dr did Schirmir Test. It was Positive for being very dry.  So I was finally diag with Sjogren's Amen It took me 8 Dr's to finally say what I knew

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      Oh gosh, I'm sorry to hear that you've now had a positive diagnosis for Sjogrens.  At least now you have an answer to some of your symptoms though. Have you had any other tests for Sjogrens like a lip biopsy

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      I am afraid to have lip biopsy Just because of things happening after.  I now have cataracts in both eyes which are getting worse.  So I will need surgery.  My shaking and vibrations  getting worse.  I am being sent to a neurologists who does surgery on my back. My  Neuro guy says He thinks they are going to say they can't do surgery because too dangerous. My L5 is crushing my nerve completely. L3-4 slightly.  I have too many things wrong.  I am trying to over come too many things at one time.  I also have Reynaud's Dis.  My feet are ice cold and numb.  My 2 finger on left hand the same. It is all happening.  So here I am pretending to my family I am not so bad.  I go to stand in morning getting out of bed and the pain to stand up straight.  Sorry to complain here LOL only place I can TY ALL

      did My feet are ice cold and numb. My 2 fingers on left hand same.

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    I'm not CRAZY and it isn't neurological mine normally starts short if I have only head a few bites of food my Dr told me it is indicitive of someone not with gallstones but gallbladder disease it takes a hidascan which I am fixing to get soon I will definitely let you all know how it goes I'll PRAY for you all BECAUSE I thought I was going crazy and the way my family acted so did they you know I would almost beg them to tell me they did because I didn't want to be crazy alone but other than that guys I don't know but hey let's find out together but you can save your money on all the expensive neuro Bill's it has nothing to do with that ( after seeing about 12 ) LOVE YOU ALL, sincerely not CRAZY

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    Have you figured anything out?  I'm having the same sensation when I lay down at night.  Getting bothersome enough that I can't get to sleep.  My issues started with dizziness/lightheadedness on 3/20/18.. and it's still with me.  I've also had this vibrating sensation and some shakiness in my hands and head that are the most bothersome.. along with some other things like heart palpitations that never occurred before 3/20/18.. I'm tired as all get out all the time.. most of the time I feel like I'm freezing.. My blood pressure is slightly higher than it's ever been.  I've been to my regular doctor and had bloodwork done.. everything there is fine.  Been to an ENT, a cardiologist, a neurologist (two MRIs done of the head and spine), an opthalmologist and had a VNG test with a physical therapy place that specializes in dizziness.. and NOTHING.  Clearly, something is wrong.. just haven't found a doctor willing to dig in and figure it out.  I stumbled upon acupuncture and started doing that last Sunday.  A chinese acupuncturist tells me that my "liver winds" are off.  I have weak liver and kidney pulses.  So she is working to treat them and get them back in line.  I don't understand much of that.. but at this point I'm willing to try anything.

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    I was in two minds whether to do this because there is so much it will take all day, but if anyone else has the same, you are not alone. It all started in 2010. Really strong internal vibrations throughout my whole body including my head arms and legs.
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      While many were commenting about a month ago, I was out at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester visiting a neurologist about this exact thing.  I have had every test under the sun done with the exception of a spinal tap.  I have had 5 EMGS/nerve conduction tests as well as an MRI, so much blood work done you can call me a pin cushion.  I have had genetic testing done as well.  Nothing has yet to be discovered. They have put me down into this category of having an overactive central nervous system. To date, here are my main and consistent symtoms:

       * "vibration" sensation.  Let me clarify what I mean by "vibration" as I am sure our definition may vary.  By vibration, I mean a strange humming/buzzing sensation under the skin.  Mine occurs mainly in my hands and feet (which makes sense because most nerve issues are felt in the most "distal" place which is our hands and feet. Occasionally my buzzing/humming feeling can be felt in other spots such as my knees, arms, etc but it barely goes up any further for me.  It is a very hard sensation describe. It makes me feel uncomfortable and like I want to crawl out of my skin. It only happens for split second with each wave of "humming" and then it is gone.  I don't necessarily think it feels like a cell phone vibrating next to my skin...that feeling is much more noticiable.  This sensation is more mild but even more annoying because it's almost like I can feel it radiating from the bone out to the skin. Sometimes it makes me fee like I want to crawl out of my skin!

      * Muscle twitching - popcorn kernel type twitching, thumping, pulsating but also  much larger types of "twitching" which I am sure some people think of as tremors but they are in fact NOT tremors. When I get these, they literally make an entire muscle shake. If you were to google "shaking muscles" you would see a person who just finished a huge leg work out and for a few seconds their muscles shake uncontrollably. That is exactly what I feel.  It happens mostly when I am laying down at night.  It started in my right leg (thigh) but I have felt it in my stomach and also my left leg now

      * Pain- sometimes I have some weird nerve pain (mainly a burning sensation) but this is not my main symptom

      * More recent development - odd issue with left hand and forearm.  There's almost like a delay in some of my finger movements with fine motor skills. For instance, I have a hard time texting with my left thumb sometimes and if bent at an angle it will tremor which I think is due to some type of weakness. There are also other times where the muscle connecting to my thumb feels strained.  Like it is just ever so slightly more difficult to do things with this muscle. 

      I have gone to 3 neurologists although the first one was a total douche and waste of space.  But the other two - a neuromuscular doctor from Emory and a neurologist from Mayo have all said "pathologically you are fine."  I have had EMGS from the Director of the EMG department at Emory and also an EMG done by a neuromuscular neurologist at the Mayo Clinic.

      For awhile my vibration sensations were better but in the last week they have progressed again.  I have no idea why.  I have not changed anything in my diet.  The only thing that I did do was come off of my anti anxiety medicine (clonazapam)  which is basically a generic version of klonapin.  I have no idea if the sensations are worse because I am now off the meds.  All I know is that my medicine increases GABA in the brain to counteract overproduction of Glutamate in the brain which is one of the chemicals exerted that creates a fight or flight response.  A lot of neurological conditions are linked to excess glutamate.

      The only other thing I will tell you is that my vibration sensations started after I tried to come off of Zoloft and Prozac. The first time it occurred was last year in March and after about two months, they went away. The second time it happened was when I went on Prozac only for 7 days and since then, they have been sticking around.  I don't know why this is happening to me but it is most certainly related to the brain/central nervous system.  I cannot believe with all the test we have out there, no one in the scientific community has been able to figure this out

      I was recently tested for small fiber neuropathy and I am still waiting on those results.  Once I have them, I will let you know. I suspect they will be normal as everything else has been.  

    • Posted

      I just finish a video EEG test for 3 days Let me start ut and say I started having short term memory loss.  Then it became vibration in my feet and legs now it is all over my body I can't feel my legs when I am lying I bed at night  Now I have twitching. I never know where my twitch will be. Sometimes I will be holding something like a liquid and that arm will twitch and It goes all over It was once in awhile now it is everyday.  I will find out what the video EEG will say in about 1 wks.  The vibration are all over my body now I can't control them. I know I have Neuropathy in my feet  Because when I put my feet in water they turn purple.  The twitching now is getting worse just like the vibrations took awhile but is all the time now.  I hate this feeling Back to short term memory I had the video EEG done at my daug's house so she could be there to help me. Well guess what?  The person told us to change the battier every morning and night My daug had to work night she left I forgot to change the battery the last day.  I am hoping the neuro Dr  got what he needed.  My vibrations and twitching not going away.  All many many symptoms stared in Dec 2017.  I was diag with POLYMYOSITIS in 1999 and Sjogren's Syndrome May 2018.  What this is I don't know.  My thought it maybe a type of seizure maybe?  I also think Myopathy over body?? All I know is I feel bad for everyone on these sites because I know how I feel.  Pain, anxiety etc.

    • Posted

      You would be absolutely amazed at how many horrible neurological symptoms that sleep apnea causes. I did extensive research on the vibration symptoms. I ruled in and out things based on evidence here. I came up withone common cause in the end... sleep apnea. It is like suffocating the Brain nightly and it disallows rem sleep and a ton of other neurological processes. 

      The Health and neurological symptoms were off the chart for me. Yes I know several people here are formally diagnosed with something else and they want to cling to that. But the truth is the diseases they are dx with are contributing to sleep apnea or are seperate from it and Co-occurring. Why wouldn’t you check out something as simple as sleep apnea where the treatment cures the disease. All of my neurological and health issue vanished after 6 months of my breathing machine. My mother’s vibrations went away when the sleep apnea wasn’t present.  I’m not going to post anymore. I found the solution and no one wants to hear it.  If I had so many terrible neurological symptoms and someone suggested a non invasive text and cure I’d jump on it.  Ask your doctor to order a sleep study. If you have apnea work with them to find the best machine. Then give it 6 months of using it. Then if you still have symptoms (which I doubt) I’ll be happy to be told I’m wrong. 

      Best wishes to you. Truly. 

    • Posted

      You would be absolutely amazed at how many horrible neurological symptoms that sleep apnea causes. I did extensive research on the vibration symptoms. I ruled in and out things based on evidence here. I came up withone common cause in the end... sleep apnea. It is like suffocating the Brain nightly and it disallows rem sleep and a ton of other neurological processes. 

      The Health and neurological symptoms were off the chart for me. Yes I know several people here are formally diagnosed with something else and they want to cling to that. But the truth is the diseases they are dx with are contributing to sleep apnea or are seperate from it and Co-occurring. Why wouldn’t you check out something as simple as sleep apnea where the treatment cures the disease. All of my neurological and health issue vanished after 6 months of my breathing machine. My mother’s vibrations went away when the sleep apnea wasn’t present.  I’m not going to post anymore. I found the solution and no one wants to hear it.  If I had so many terrible neurological symptoms and someone suggested a non invasive text and cure I’d jump on it.  Ask your doctor to order a sleep study. If you have apnea work with them to find the best machine. Then give it 6 months of using it. Then if you still have symptoms (which I doubt) I’ll be happy to be told I’m wrong. 

      Best wishes to you. Truly. 

    • Posted

      You would be absolutely amazed at how many horrible neurological symptoms that sleep apnea causes. I did extensive research on the vibration symptoms. I ruled in and out things based on evidence here. I came up withone common cause in the end... sleep apnea. It is like suffocating the Brain nightly and it disallows rem sleep and a ton of other neurological processes. 

      The Health and neurological symptoms were off the chart for me. Yes I know several people here are formally diagnosed with something else and they want to cling to that. But the truth is the diseases they are dx with are contributing to sleep apnea or are seperate from it and Co-occurring. Why wouldn’t you check out something as simple as sleep apnea where the treatment cures the disease. All of my neurological and health issue vanished after 6 months of my breathing machine. My mother’s vibrations went away when the sleep apnea wasn’t present.  I’m not going to post anymore. I found the solution and no one wants to hear it.  If I had so many terrible neurological symptoms and someone suggested a non invasive text and cure I’d jump on it.  Ask your doctor to order a sleep study. If you have apnea work with them to find the best machine. Then give it 6 months of using it. Then if you still have symptoms (which I doubt) I’ll be happy to be told I’m wrong. 

      Best wishes to you. Truly. 

    • Posted

      Hi there. Thank you for the info.  I am never opposed to trying anything or looking into anything but sadly, I already had a sleep study done.  Well, they called it an overnight oximetry report at the Mayo Clinic.  I had to keep something on my finger all night to check my SPO2% and my test came back normal.  Notes on report state "baseline oxygen saturation rate is normal. My average SP02 was 96% as the average LOW.  So I don't think apnea is my issue but when you go to visit the Neurologist at Mayo in Rochester, they make EVERYONE complete this test.  I am sure it's because they are ruling that out as a potential cause for neurological symptoms.  But I passed with flying colors.  Still buzzing in my hands and feet.....

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      No tested for sleep apnea neg so we have to try again.  I think mine is my spine now.  My L4 and L5 is now closing off the nerve.
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      Great info. I never would heveveven thot of sleep apnea!  But it deg makes sense to me. Everything is All connected and interlated in our bodies and brains. I’m super I feel sickness way before it shows up in a blood or urine test. It’s happened repeatedly. Then no one believes it sick. Cuz all test come back negative.  It takes hospitalization a major health crisis before drs believe me. 

       So tired of having to tell drs what’s wrong with me. 

      Anyway, I’ve been wanting to do a sleep study for a while. Thanks for the reminder ☺️

    • Posted

      Hi Diane have u concidered multiple chemical sensitivity? MCS. 

      U can suddenly become “allergic” to things u have used all ur life.    Laundry soaps, they make me dizzy and shaky.  Feel nauseous.  Throat eyes face mouth sometimes burn. Nose too.  Cleaning products I’ve always used. Perfume and laundry pro oozing off of others peoples clothing. Riding in a car in heavy traffic.  The exhaust gets to me.  Pesticides hetbacides. Even essential oils affect me and most others with MCS.  It can start suddenly or y may feel it increase over time. I actually had 2 seizures being exposed the flea drops on inlaws pets. Just from their cat sitting in my lap 🙁.    Might be something to consider. I know how scary these undiagnosed systems are. 

      Moldy housing and Lyme disease have been connected with MCS too. Took me 2 years to figure it out.  I started looking for repeated patterns.  Like every time I folded clothes I felt a little sick. Another getting a car with a friend, her clothing just reeked of laundry soap and fabric softener.  I got sick immediately. Dizzy burning face and throat.  In fact I have found being around that stuff also give me heart burn. Not just a burning throat. But actual heartburn.   It only takes a few breaths and it gets me bad.  ??   

    • Posted

      Hi Amy, I have been dealing with very similar symptoms. How have your symptoms been, and have the doctors figured out what may cause this?

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