Strange vibration sensations - what's causing it??

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I've found several forums where there have been posts from people experiencing this disconcerting feeling of an internal quivering or vibration but none of them are current, so I wanted to see if anyone else out there is having the same experience and can share an insight into what might be causing it.

I started to get this feeling of internal vibration when I was mainly lying in bed and then occasionally if I shifted position it might last for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. That was about 8 months ago. Now I feel it every night and during the day as well quite often. The other day after a short walk of a few hundred yards followed by a period of standing still it felt like the ground was vibrating  because it was in my feet. It seems to move around to different areas of the body - sometimes I feel it in my legs, an arm, torso - it's quite random but often felt when I've shifted position in bed. At first I thought it was circulatory but now I think it's probably neurological. I thought I was having palpitations but an ECG showed nothing abnormal. I've also had a full spine & brain MRI as I've been having other strange symptoms of occasional numbness and sensations of burning and cold areas of my arms/hands and legs/feet and a sore tongue which comes and goes and often feels like I've just cleaned my teeth with menthol toothpaste when I haven't. I thought I had all the signs of MS, but it hasn't been diagnosed. I've also had a number of blood tests for immune issues, evoked potentials and nerve conductivity tests. Nothing! The MRI does show a lot of wear to my cervical vertebrae and two anterior spondylolisthesis - one cervical, one lumbar, so I wonder if my spinal issues could be the cause. My neurologist was doubtful. He also couldn't explain the vibration sensation except to say that it can be caused by a migraine, which I certainly haven't had. 

I just don't know where to go with this now.  My GP isn't interested and puts everything down to stress which I AM under it's true to say, but I don't think she's right. I've had to pay for all my neuro investigations as a result because she won't refer me or do any more blood tests etc.  I'm trying homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture as I want to find something that will relieve these weird symptoms and prefer to avoid drugs if I can.

I'm 58, eat reasonably heathily, no alcohol, only 1 cup of coffee a day and my weight is normal. I broke my wrist badly at the end of August last year which is when my problems all seemed to start. i

I also wonder if the metal plate that was used to fix the fracture could be causing some kind of strange reaction.

If anyone else is having these symptoms please let me know if you've been able to identify the cause and how to deal with it.


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  • Posted

    Hello I too have this rare health issue with vibrations. I can sense the most minute vibrations and it’s a very uncomfortable quiver throughout the body. It’s worse in my hands. I can’t have my phone on vibrate or the sound on bc  The vibrations the speaker makes is enough for me to drop my phone if I am talking to someone on speakerphone or FaceTime. I dread driving because the road surfaces create vibrations that travel into my body   And does give me the sensation of being nauseated but also as if I was in a washer machine and my outer skin feels loose. As far as pain is concerned it starts off sharp and travels into my body from the point of contact   Of the vibrations. My entire family thinks I’m making this up as if I am crazy. It’s alienated me from everyone. 
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      You are not crazy. Show them my response. My vibrations are concentrated in my hands and feet. They are exacerbated by things like holding my hands on the steering wheel while driving on a bumpy road or even when my feet are resting on the floorboard when I’m sitting on the passenger side. My vibrations are worse when I type quickly on the computer. I also have muscle twitching, burning pain, shooting pain down my arms/legs, etc. you are not alone
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    Check out Small Fibre Neuropathy (SFN) if you haven’t already. 
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    I don't know if I spoke to you before. I went to a GP ,ENT ,Rheumo, Dentist  Eye Sr. and Neuro Dr. Spine and pain Dr.   To fine out what was going on with me. The EENT dr mentioned Sjogren's Syndrome I had no idea what she was talking about.  My Rheumo Dr was like all bloodwork neg you do not have. I felt worse and worse Neuro Dr took so many test.  Finally he said SS.   Oh yes Oncologist too Bloodwork up and down for cancer They said Secca.  I didn't know what that was either Yes I have Spondylosis too.  The pain is so bad all the time I don't know if relayed/ But anyway Eye Dr took a Schirmer test and It was positive He said Sjogren;s too. Now I have an apt with Oral Surgeon Tod see what he says about my mouth. I am tired of finding out what is wrong with me I am tired so tired So I see what you are saying ty

  • Posted

    Hey ALL as you know I have been researching this and trying to find a connection with your symptoms.  Sleep apnea seems to be a big commonality and some sort of injury mostly spine. I do know that Central sleep apnea can be brought on by pain medications. So there’s that. 


    The biggest thing I discovered today was an article on Lymes Disease. Acquired by Tick bites. Guess what the symptoms of it are?



    Balance issues

    Heart palpitations

    Itchy crawly skin

    And more

    The  article basically basically said that Lyme’s disease hijacks the nervous system and reeks havoc. This was the first article ever saw giving a cause to the sensation of vibration.

    This being said I think it is very important for each of you to get tested for Lyme disease. And please report back if you have any positive results. 

  • Posted

    I believe I might have an explanation for these symptoms you describe as they are almost identical to mine.  My bed and floor vibrate 24/7 and it is technically called "Machine Induced Ground Vibration"  this is caused by an assortment of machinery but the main culprits are Metal Forges and Textile Mills.   Metal stamping machines, industrial drop hammers, dye presses and industrial looms produce immense ground vibrations that travel enormous distances considering the size of the machine producing them.  certain type of Soil and the moisture content of the soil is what causes the vibration waves to travel such great distances.   This is a well known phenomena but so many people are unable to sense these deep low frequency vibrations that nothing is done about them.  The metal forge and textile mill businesses know all to well the vibrations their machines cause as it is very expensive to set and construct the foundation on which they mounted, so the machine itself doesn't oscillate so much that it cannot even perform the function it was designed for.  Also,as these machines continue to operate over the years they have been in place the soil is compacted further and further so the vibrations become stronger as they easier and further through the compacted soil. 

    Many forges and textile plants do not even mount their machines as the manufacturer recommens.   All high impact machinery is suppose to be mounted on an "independent floating slab" of concrete in the plant, that is separate from the main floor of the plant, this is very expensive and a lot of textile mills and metal forge shops simply do not do it.  So as a result you have multiple heavy machinery, sometimes in upwards of 15-20 machines all bolted directly to a multiple ton slab of concrete the entire length of the plant that vibrates from multiple machines bolted directly to it.  Indeed if you go inside the plant and stand right next to some of these machines you can barely feel the vibration in the floor of the plant but 2 to 10miles down range from the plant the vibrations are severe and can cause resonance in structures and homes, this resonance is usually what causes the pitch fork sensation inside your body.  This is a vastly misunderstood phenomena and the metal/textile industry keep very quite about it as you can imagine.  I am almost certain this is what many of you are experiencing.  I have had to move totally out of the city i was living in, as the vibrations were simply everywhere for miles around the plant.

    • Posted

      You may have a point but in my case it doesn’t matter where I am - whether in the Scottish wilds or London - the sensation continues regardless and it started in one toe and affects one foot more. One could argue that autoimmune diseases and conditions such as Parkinson’s might all be  all related to environmental factors. But they equally might not. 
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      My mother thought it was some matching a Neighbor had but then she went miles away to a clothing store and said she felt it there too. 
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      I wish it was something simple and external like you're suggesting, but I'm not sure this is not the issue with me. It would surely have been something I felt for a long if this was the case, but it's only happened in the last 2 and a bit years.


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    My Neuro Dr says neuropathy.  He started e on Xanax 0.25mg OD PO.  He wants to see if it help I have been on for 3 wks haven't seen a diff. He says I also have a pinched nerve and spondolositis, My back is really bad I have a hard time to stand getting out of bed.  He is also trying to find out e twitching and shaking.  He believes diff it is neuropathy because my feet turn purple when I get out of water

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      Hmmm - we have some issues in common. I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet, a lot of wear and tear on my cervical vertebrae and a spondylolisthesis in both my lumbar/sacral vertebrae and my cervical.  I'm a bit mystified about your feet turning purple as to me that sounds like a circulation issue??

  • Posted

    Hi Sally;

    I'm sorry to hear about your vibrations. Sounds like you are doing everything right. I too am having now these horrible vibrations. But I need to tell you that I have MS . And yesterday I went for a ride on my scooter. I hit several bumps in the road. Kinda felt like that was going to cause me more problems. Its so bad today my eyes are watering.

    I'm not sure till I have another MRI how bad things are. Mine just so happens to be in my brain. I would like to stay in contact with you if you don't mind. I can see how you are doing. Take care Samantha

    • Posted

      I have been following and catagorizing these symptoms of the people here with vibrations. 

      Besides the small possibility of Lymes which vibrations is a known cause I have concluded that these vibrations have most likely come from sleep apnea. While each person has varying symptoms from injury to menopause and poss Parkinson’s or MS, all have reasons to be suffering from Sleep apnea. If you too are having any difficulty MF  or wake up tired consider asking your doctor for a sleep study. One person here did and vibrations resolved. Another (my mother definitely has apnea and is scheduled for a study)

      I wish you well. I know there are new medications to treat and the reduction of stress can also have benefits. All the Best to you. -Jen

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha,

      ?Thank you for your post. I'm very sorry to hear that you're having to cope with MS. I thought that I also had MS because some of my symptoms concur with those of MS but the tests I had were negative.  The only one I haven't had is a spinal tap, which I would prefer to avoid having back problems!  I have heard from other people that these wretched vibrations can be one of the MS symptoms. I'm about to start investigations with a rheumatologist to see whether I may have an auto immune condition - something like Sjogrens.

      ?So please do keep in touch and let me know how things go for you too.  Best wishes, Sally

    • Posted

      Hi Sally. As you know for me it’s confirmed Sjögren's - which can be as evil as MS and also be misdiagnosed as MS but very different processes at work. But the confusion for me comes from the small fibre neuropathy label. Apparently I haven’t got large nerve fibre involvement at all, “just” small fibre (SFN). But personally I don’t think SFN would cause the extent of my numbness and vibrating tremors and standing and gait issues, as it does.

      I’m under a vascular doctor who says that skin colour changes are normal to SFN and unlikely to be serious vascular - just a thermostatic response to my many tiny nerves that have died. 

      But I do have white matter on my brain indicating small vessel disease. So this doctor wonders if this may be progressing now and could correspond with cerebral vasculitis. So I’m having a third brain and neck MRI soon to see if these lesions have progressed. All part of Sjögren’s apparently - a very underestimated and underdiagnosed disease very similar to Lupus. 

      I sleep terribly and am sure I have apnea but have been tested for obstructive apnea and apparently don’t have it. Central apnea seems more likely I guess but currently reached a stand off with my neurologist so waiting to see another for a second opinion. X

    • Posted

      I didn’t realise the extent that Sjogrens can damage the body. The white matter seen in a brain scan must be similar to MS so I can see how the two can get misdiagnosed.  I hope that your forthcoming MRI won’t show further progression. I’m going to a Lupus clinic in two days time to have a range of autoimmune tests done so I’ll post when I have some results. I suspect I also have SFN at a fairly early stage as areas of toes are numb on one foot. GP wasn’t concerned to look into this further as she said sometimes no cause can be found for peripheral neuropathy.  

      My partner had quite bad PN in his feet for several years and it was investigated with a spinal tap, MRI of the spine (not sure whether it included brain) and tests for diabetes - nothing found.  Two years later he suddenly became confused and lost his memory for a day or two. Checked for stroke - all okay. Diagnosis- transient global amnesia.  Fourteen months later it happens again, this time worsening rapidly with other issues. Finally after waiting for a neuro appointment for 2 weeks we got him into hospital where a CT scan and brain biopsy were done - diagnosis, CNS Lymphoma in the brain. So from my own experience the neuropathy issue does freak me out somewhat. 

    • Posted

      Well that is shocking about your husnabd’s CNS Lymphoma?? Did you know that having Sjogrens increases the likelihood of non Hodgkins Lymphoma X40? Going by autoimmune bloods and extent of my Sicca alone - no one believed I had Sjögren’s. But finally my ANA showed up rudely positive and I was advised to get a lip biopsy which was 100% positive. What I’ve learned since is that serum negative (ie no specific Sjögren’s antibodies) is more associated with the neurological manifestations and being SSA/ Ro positive is more associated with glandular type symptons. So don’t let them fob you off if your antibodies are negative - you can still have Sjögren’s. I have observed on smal fibre neuropathy and Sjögren’s forums, that vibrations are often the first signs of this presentation. My lumbar puncture showed matched oligloclomal bands - sign of a systemic process occurring -  and yet they still told me it was probably functional/ idiopathic?! 

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      Ps typos are due to numb finger tips - NOT the white matter of the brain lol!! X
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      I've also read that people who suffer from auto-immune conditions have a higher risk of developing CNS lymphoma.  My partner's daughter has been dealing with Lupus for around 10 years, so there may be a familial predisposition. She has so many physical problems poor thing. She's only mid 30s and has a cardioverter defibrillator as her heart rate was all over the place. She also has central sleep apnoea and has to use a biPAP machine every night to keep her breathing. She has 24 hour carers to keep an eye on her.

      Yes unfortunately it's all too easy for the medics to come up with an idiopathic diagnosis for these various symptoms which can be common to more than one condition when one or two preliminary tests show negative results. 

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