Strange vibration sensations - what's causing it??

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I've found several forums where there have been posts from people experiencing this disconcerting feeling of an internal quivering or vibration but none of them are current, so I wanted to see if anyone else out there is having the same experience and can share an insight into what might be causing it.

I started to get this feeling of internal vibration when I was mainly lying in bed and then occasionally if I shifted position it might last for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. That was about 8 months ago. Now I feel it every night and during the day as well quite often. The other day after a short walk of a few hundred yards followed by a period of standing still it felt like the ground was vibrating  because it was in my feet. It seems to move around to different areas of the body - sometimes I feel it in my legs, an arm, torso - it's quite random but often felt when I've shifted position in bed. At first I thought it was circulatory but now I think it's probably neurological. I thought I was having palpitations but an ECG showed nothing abnormal. I've also had a full spine & brain MRI as I've been having other strange symptoms of occasional numbness and sensations of burning and cold areas of my arms/hands and legs/feet and a sore tongue which comes and goes and often feels like I've just cleaned my teeth with menthol toothpaste when I haven't. I thought I had all the signs of MS, but it hasn't been diagnosed. I've also had a number of blood tests for immune issues, evoked potentials and nerve conductivity tests. Nothing! The MRI does show a lot of wear to my cervical vertebrae and two anterior spondylolisthesis - one cervical, one lumbar, so I wonder if my spinal issues could be the cause. My neurologist was doubtful. He also couldn't explain the vibration sensation except to say that it can be caused by a migraine, which I certainly haven't had. 

I just don't know where to go with this now.  My GP isn't interested and puts everything down to stress which I AM under it's true to say, but I don't think she's right. I've had to pay for all my neuro investigations as a result because she won't refer me or do any more blood tests etc.  I'm trying homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture as I want to find something that will relieve these weird symptoms and prefer to avoid drugs if I can.

I'm 58, eat reasonably heathily, no alcohol, only 1 cup of coffee a day and my weight is normal. I broke my wrist badly at the end of August last year which is when my problems all seemed to start. i

I also wonder if the metal plate that was used to fix the fracture could be causing some kind of strange reaction.

If anyone else is having these symptoms please let me know if you've been able to identify the cause and how to deal with it.


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    I am seeing a Neuro Dr He started me on Xanax 0.25mf OD He said he was starting at a low dose. Ordering me a MRI of L4 & 5 My EMG showed pinched nerve in L4 & 5.  He said this may have the vibration thing. My Rhemuo Dr I had said my EMG was normal. I would say get all reports and read them yourself and keep a record I found I had to do this.  My Rheumo Dr doesn't take my ins this yr I got her chart the lies in it unbelievable. I am sorry to say. I twitch in the morning when I get up. I don't know where it will twitch. I noticed when I am tired it is bad. Yes I can't control it  I have so may things you have. Like I said 3 Dr say Sjogren's Syndrome 3 say all blood work neg so not Sjogren's  I am relying on the Neuro Dr. I have had a Dr tell me yrs ago that I can't have surgery on my back 85% I would be paralyzed This Neuro Dr said he would have to see MRI first.  I trust this Dr.  I got out of the pool last summer my feet were purple scared me.  He said that showed I have neuropathy in both feet.  I think my legs are getting the neuropathy. I hope not. So  I hope they find out what is causing your problem and mine. Keep in touch please  

  • Posted

    Vitamin D  deficiency seems to be common  symptom in several people that posted. I wish I could get the people that posted to say whether or not they have some of these common symptoms. Does anyone have vitamin D deficiency? Does anyone else have a metal plate in their body that seem to occur prior to the vibration symptoms? 

    The more people that describe the more I can narrow down the common symptoms that could point to a cause. Please reply if you can. 

    These are the common symptoms I see so far:

    •Vitamin  D deficiency 

    •Metal plate in your body

    •Lyrica use

    Spinal stenosis or Spine  

        Degeneration or injury

    •Heart medication?

    •Change in Hormones

    Please reply if you have any of these common symptoms. 

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      I'm on Lyrica also I have spinal stenosis and I did have a really low vit d but doctor gave me meds and it has improved but i will have to have more bloods taken for it this year now to see if its low again or stable. What other symtoms do you have? 

    • Posted

      Hello - here is what I can tell you:

      * My vibration sensation started after taking Prozac for 6 days.  (search medicines that cause mitochondrial dysfunction).  This is one of the medicines that comes up.  I had a similar experience with Zoloft last year but was able to come out of it...this time, not so much.  Lyrica is similar in how it acts on the brain

      * I tested positive for high levels of Tin (no one seems to know what to do with this)

      * I have been diagnosed with minor stenosis of the C4-6 vertebrae

      * No vitamin D deficiency but I do have low alkaline phosphatase levels and typically low end on Potassium

      My symptoms are vibrations/some numbness (mainly in left arm)/muscle twitching, perceived weakness/I've had joint pain/muscular pain, etc.  I also get electric shock like symptoms down my left arm but sometimes these sensations occur in other places as well


    • Posted

      My list as follows:

      Vit D deficiency - taking calcium & Vit D3

      Metal plate in wrist


      spinal degeneration - mainly lumbar and cervical vertebrae

      palpitations  (on beta blocker meds)

      peripheral neuropathy in toes

      very poor balance

      Sleep apnoea

    • Posted

      You have all the same symptoms as my mom with these same vibrations.  One thing I missed originally is sleep apnea. She has that too. Sleep apnea can cause a multitude of  neurological symptoms. I had many of the same symptoms until I got my breathing machine. I began with the CPAP but found it to be extremely uncomfortable and invasive. It was like a snowblower and at my face. LOL. I progressed to a BiPAP machine and had much more success but was still having problems with feeling comfortable with it. I eventually wound up with an automatic supersensitive servo ventilator which has absolutely changed my life. It’s like my brain actually feels like you can rest and not worry about suffocation when I head for bed. So that takes me to a question for you. Are you successfully treating your apnea right now? I’m wondering if this is one of the contributors. 
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      Lyrica is not a symptom.  Spine??  That is it for me But I have had both for more than 10 yrs so vibrations not from those But TY I do appreciate your help


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      I’ve just had a third sleep study and I’m waiting for the results. Last time I was diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnoea and recommended a mandibular advancement device which I now have, but I don’t wear it all the time and it isn’t 100% successful in stopping my apnoea so I may be given a CPAP to try. I’m sure I would find it very difficult to cope with like you did. 
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      Do you have any apnea?  Anyone tell you you snore?  Do you wake up tired? 

      Thank you for sharing details. I’m trying to find a pattern. 

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      If you don’t like the CPAP tell them. They will get better and better machines until you are comfortable so don’t give up. I use the top of the list an auto servo Ventilator. But there are BiPAPs that adjust pressures in and out. My apnea caused all kinds of havoc. Please treat it and let us know if it resolved your vibrations. 
    • Posted

      Hi Sally. My vibrations are terrible during the night just now. I’m certain my poor sleep patterns are directly linked but I had one overnight sleep survey using a monitoring device and they said I was fine in terms of obstructive sleep apnea.

      However I’m unconvinced that it tested for central sleep apnea, so am going to ask about this when I see the neurologist. I’m quivering all over every time I wake and I’ve excluded anxiety, hypoglaycaemia or B12 deficiency.

      Only thing I’m  wondering about it whether you’ve tried Magnesium Glycinate yet? Someone has just recommended this to me highly for general nervous system support re pelvic pain. I’m resolved to give it a shot while I wait to see a new neurologist for a second opinion. 

      The previous one could only come up with small fibre neuropathy with “heightened health awareness” lol🙄🤷🏼???😎

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      I don't have sleep apnea but I'm so tired but I have insomnia so bad it takes about being up about 5 it 6 days before I can sleep but I'm losing my mind in the mean time I'm not suicidal but a bit depressed that everybody can go to bed so easy and I know they care but I do wanna Bean then in the heads sometime for sleeping without me but I have had so many back surgeries could that be anything (12 ) Dr thinks it could be gallbladder disease but has yet to do anything but give me muscle relaxers fine my stomach desperately losing it

    • Posted

      Lyrica increased my seizures my seizures are violent but I don't vibrate after a seizure I can just be sitting can and then bam I vibrate they thought maybe Easter pipes or AC about nope I'm sitting still nothing on by myself I'm tired of it yesterday it was stronger than ever and it caused do many migraines

    • Posted

      Wow being awake for that many days can absolutely cause neurological symptoms. You might ask for a sleep study. Insomnia is jut as serious. I was staying awake too. I learned I had central sleep apnea and I was subconsciously afraid to sleep. My Ventilator machine solved that. If it’s not that it could be some unexplored issues. Have you talked to a therapist?  They can really help.  Pain can keep you awake. Please go to a doctor about your insomnia. It is very serious. Our brain really needs sleep. I’m concerned about you. 

      If you or anyone reading this finds anything that helps please check back. 

    • Posted

      Who do you see to be assessed for central apnea rather than obstructive?

      I never sleep for longer than an hour or two and have two autoimmune diseases and vibrate from head to toe every time I wake or an woken. I had an overnight apnea monitor and filled in a sleep questionnaire through the hospital’s respiratory clinic - but all was okay apart from my insomnia score was high. I feel sure the vibrating is directly linked to prolonged lack of sleep. 

    • Posted

      Like you I know I get far too little sleep, mainly from going to bed too late. It’s usually around 5 hours. I’m waiting for my sleep study results at the moment. I’ve taken magnesium malate to try to reduce my palpitations but I’m now taking a beta blocker (Bisoprolol) at the lowest dose which has improved them a lot. Whatever I’ve taken so far, nothing has made any difference to the vibrations. 
    • Posted

      I developed MCS. Multiple chemical sensitivity.  It is what has caused my insomnia.  I allergic to the most minute amount of every days used products.  If I can find the source or get away from it then I have seizure.  I’m also finding mold is doing the same thing now. Many people develop MCS, because of exposure to mold at home or work place.  U don’t always see mold. It can growing under ur house in a crawl space or attic. Or behind ur bathroom walls.  It’s twrribky hard on the body and brain. 

      Just sitting in a chair where someone else has sat , that uses certain laundry pro. Or perfumes or lotions, can affect me. For me I’m starting to connect the vibrations to chemical exposures.   Many people mistake chemical reactions for panic attacks. 

      U might try changing to UNSCENTED Laundry pro.  For me I would have to buy new sheets. I’m never able to get it OUT of the sheets all the way. Can’t even hug people anymore because of all the chemicals, on their bodies, in their clothes hair products. Even make up. All affect. Hugging someone with face make up.  It’s hard for people to believe this is real. But it’s real. It creates a life of isolation and doubt , doubt from friends, isolation just trying to avoid coming into contact with chemicals. 

      Yesterday I went grocery shopping. Without thinking I grabbed the shopping cart.   (Stores r hard because of all the laundry products) anyway I was fine through the store, but got back into my car and started getting dizzy.  Then I noticed the smell coming from my hands.  

      The shopping cart handle had lotion on it from the preciouse shoppers. Ugh. Made me so sick. Got on phone and purse too. 

      This crap doesn’t wash off that easily either. Last nite ZERO SLEEP.   I’m just getting home from work. I’m a zombie.   I mention this cuz u would blown away the symptoms MCS causes. They r far and wide. Vary from person to person.    

      Look for patterns of when things happen in ur day and u felt. 

      I still vibrate. Done dayscr worse than others. I’m starting to notice the pattern of chemical exposure. 

    • Posted

      I have/had Vitamin D deficiency. I was on a 20,000 IU daily dosage for a month, then 2,000 IU daily after that. It did not seem to affect it, but I didn't get another blood test afterwards to see if I still had a deficiency.

      I do not have any of the other medications or symptoms.

      The only big changes going on when the vibrating symptoms were starting up was I was losing weight at the time. After I lost about 20 pounds is when the vibrations started. I very likely have/had sleep apnea (been told I was a horrible snorer), but I was never tested. I'm under 200 pounds now and have been told by friends my snoring is barely noticeable, so maybe I don't have it anymore if I did, though I should still get a sleep test probably.

      That said, for the past month or so, the vibrations have subsided greatly. They're still there, but not noticeable unless I'm trying to notice it (hand between back and bed). I'm not holding my breath, though, because I've gone through spurts where the vibrations will stop only to return again. But this has been the longest period since they were first noticed.

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