Strange vibration sensations - what's causing it??

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I've found several forums where there have been posts from people experiencing this disconcerting feeling of an internal quivering or vibration but none of them are current, so I wanted to see if anyone else out there is having the same experience and can share an insight into what might be causing it.

I started to get this feeling of internal vibration when I was mainly lying in bed and then occasionally if I shifted position it might last for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. That was about 8 months ago. Now I feel it every night and during the day as well quite often. The other day after a short walk of a few hundred yards followed by a period of standing still it felt like the ground was vibrating  because it was in my feet. It seems to move around to different areas of the body - sometimes I feel it in my legs, an arm, torso - it's quite random but often felt when I've shifted position in bed. At first I thought it was circulatory but now I think it's probably neurological. I thought I was having palpitations but an ECG showed nothing abnormal. I've also had a full spine & brain MRI as I've been having other strange symptoms of occasional numbness and sensations of burning and cold areas of my arms/hands and legs/feet and a sore tongue which comes and goes and often feels like I've just cleaned my teeth with menthol toothpaste when I haven't. I thought I had all the signs of MS, but it hasn't been diagnosed. I've also had a number of blood tests for immune issues, evoked potentials and nerve conductivity tests. Nothing! The MRI does show a lot of wear to my cervical vertebrae and two anterior spondylolisthesis - one cervical, one lumbar, so I wonder if my spinal issues could be the cause. My neurologist was doubtful. He also couldn't explain the vibration sensation except to say that it can be caused by a migraine, which I certainly haven't had. 

I just don't know where to go with this now.  My GP isn't interested and puts everything down to stress which I AM under it's true to say, but I don't think she's right. I've had to pay for all my neuro investigations as a result because she won't refer me or do any more blood tests etc.  I'm trying homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture as I want to find something that will relieve these weird symptoms and prefer to avoid drugs if I can.

I'm 58, eat reasonably heathily, no alcohol, only 1 cup of coffee a day and my weight is normal. I broke my wrist badly at the end of August last year which is when my problems all seemed to start. i

I also wonder if the metal plate that was used to fix the fracture could be causing some kind of strange reaction.

If anyone else is having these symptoms please let me know if you've been able to identify the cause and how to deal with it.


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269 Replies

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  • Posted

    I have just started feeling the same thing. No one else feels it. I just saw the comments about b12 and i think i have a deficiency due to prolonged use of Prilosec. Idk what it is but its alarming me because it seems to be getting worse. it was every now and then now its everydsy and also onky when im sitting or lying in bed!

    • Posted

      You can ask GP can test your B12 levels. Mine were checked as it is one of the potential causes of tingling and numbness in limbs but my levels were found normal. No cause has been found by any tests I've had so far, unfortunately.

  • Edited

    Hi there!

    I had one micro vibration about 9 months ago but it was nothing that worried me! I forgot about it.

    I had a wonderful holiday over Christmas and New Year and had no feeling of being unwell.

    5 weeks after arriving back in London I started to have the internal vibrations!

    I checked my bp and it was really high and so was my pulse. I waited 12 minutes and checked again and the bp was higher and pulse 119.

    I went to A & E.

    I thought maybe I was having a heart attack.

    They checked heart w ECG and allwas fine. Blood test fine apart from a slight rise in one of the Thyroid hormones. The TSH hormone was a little high, not much, and calcium a tiny high.

    The vibrations they couldn't explain! They said it was probably anxiety.

    The vibrations makes me anxious but I have identical symptoms that you have! exact!

    If I move in bed I can stop the vibrations but lying still I feel they start creeping up on me!

    I now wake up and have tingling in thumb and index finger but as soon as I'm up and about I am not bothered.

    My gp is arranging for a 24 hr ECG.

    Why is this happening! I was fobbed off 5 years ago by NHS and GP when I felt my body was experiencing pain and pain didnt go away.

    After a year of asking NHS for something more than just xrays , I paid myself to have an MRI scan and to cut a long story short, I had s severe Lymphoma grade IV.

    It had spread everywhere . I had 6 months of chemo. And because the cancer was in my hip , I also needed a full hip replacement.

    I hate when GP say, its all in your head, or its stress etc..

    Apparently , these vibrations has nothing to to do with my chemo, or so they day!

    Who knows?

    I now have this tiny tiny vibrations every time I ho to bed.

    If I lie on one side, it seems to help!

    If I move my arms and legs a bit , it goes away but comes back!

    I have also some weird random sharp pain sometimes on my scalp! Its not a headache!

    Its on the scalp! Probably nerves.

    Now with the Corona craziness, I cannot get out to have any tests!

    I am so happy to have found this forum.

    I thought I was the only one with these vibrations.

    The doctor just didn't say much apart from she thought it was anxiety!

    I know its not that!! Im 71.

    Keep me in the loop!

    Thank you,

    • Posted

      I AM 85 and at first i only had the vibration in my feet now and then.I now have this vibration all the time and i hear a noise like i have a fan going . I got to the stage that i was to scared to go out.FINALLY GOT TO GO TO A NEUROLAGISTI and now have a n answer it is called SLOW ORTHOSTATIC TREMORS.he hooked me up to a machine with a graph on it and could see it going up and down when i stood up and it stopped when i sat down..I ALSO HEARD THE SOUND ON IT THAT I AM EXPERIENCING A LOT ESPECIALLY WHEN I DO TOO MUCH.THE DOCTOR TOLD ME HE ONLY SEES THIS CONDITION ABOUT ONCE IN 5 YEARS AND IT IS VERY RARE.there is no treatment so i just have to learn to live with it but at least i know.GOOD LUCK

    • Edited

      Hi, thank you for sharing your experience. It's good to know that you now have a diagnosis, but less so that there's no treatment for the condition. I hope you can find your own coping strategy now you know what it is and there may be some natural product or supplement that could help the symptoms. Take care.

    • Posted

      Hi, thank you for sharing your own experiences. I'm so sorry to hear the lengths that you had to go to find out your pain was caused by lymphoma, particularly without the help of your GP. You've certainly been through a major ordeal and thankfully come out the other side. it must have been tough.

      My partner is living with the aftermath of CNS lymphoma and whole brain radiotherapy treatment. When he was diagnosed was roughly around the same time that my weird sensations started - around four and a half years ago. It was a very stressful time as I really didn't think he'd make it. You've been through a great amount of anxiety with your own situation so this is a common factor. However I wouldn't say I'm still suffering from anxiety now but the vibrations are still there. i sometimes wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream with vibrations in my chest and notice that my heart rate is unnaturally high so I do wonder if I have some AF. I haven't checked my BP when it happens but it's usually quite normal or even on the low side.

      it's interesting that most people say they feel the vibrations at night but not during the day. Is it just that we're busy with things in the daytime but focus more on how we feel in our bodies when we're quietly laying in bed?

      Good luck with your ECG, when you do manage to get it done with everything else that's going on at the moment!

    • Posted

      Hey, Thanks for your reply. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have these sensations & I do agree that these vibrations aren't in my head....they are real!! & not anxiety either.

      Thanks for sharing.


  • Posted

    I am 85 years old and it got to the stage i was to scared to go out.At first i had it just occationally but i now feel vibrations in my feet when i stand up and walk all the time.I Finally went to a neurolagist and he hooked me up to a machine and i could see the graph going up and down and also the sound like an exhaust fan.This sound i am hearing a lot and it gets worse when i am on my feet to much.I now have a diagnosis and he told me he would only see this condition about once every 5 years.It is called SLOW ORTHOSTATIC TREMORS and there is no treatmentl so i am just going to have to learn to live with it.GOOD LUCK AT LEAST I NOW KNOW

  • Posted

    Bit of a long shot, Sally but I experienced the internal vibrations like yourself a few years ago. Went through all the tests and nothing was found. Doctors put it down to anxiety which seemed to fit what was going on in my life at the time. A little while later I had a raft of strange symptoms based around a severely sore throat. I got a diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reflux. I am still trying to get on top of this illness. Another doctor told me it might be down to dysmotility where the peristalsis in your gullet and gut is out of kilter. I wondered if your problem might be related to ibs/ acid reflux? You mentioned tasting menthol and acid fumes can taste similar. My vibrations eventually turned into spasms. I sort of got used to them over time. Don't need an alarm clock now they wake me every morning! Don't know if this info is any use to you or not. Hope you feel better soon. Take care

  • Posted

    Bit of a long shot, Sally but I experienced the internal vibrations like yourself a few years ago. Went through all the tests and nothing was found. Doctors put it down to anxiety which seemed to fit what was going on in my life at the time. A little while later I had a raft of strange symptoms based around a severely sore throat. I got a diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reflux. I am still trying to get on top of this illness. Another doctor told me it might be down to dysmotility where the peristalsis in your gullet and gut is out of kilter. I wondered if your problem might be related to ibs/ acid reflux? You mentioned tasting menthol and acid fumes can taste similar. My vibrations eventually turned into spasms. I sort of got used to them over time. Don't need an alarm clock now they wake me every morning! Don't know if this info is any use to you or not. Hope you feel better soon. Take care

    • Posted

      Hi there, thank you for sharing your own experience which is really interesting and I think you could be onto something here! i have a hiatus hernia that was discovered last year when I went for a gastroscopy as I was suffering with reflux and discomfort. i suspect I also have an issue with dysmotility and IBS as you suggest as I have to take regular laxatives to get things moving and often have low stomach discomfort. i know the gut plays a big part in many aspects of our health which are not yet fully understood, so this could be a possible answer. i haven't has the menthol sensation in my mouth for a couple of years now, but the vibrations come and go every night without fail before I fall asleep and in the morning when I wake up. I hope you can get treatment to help your reflux. Best wishes.

  • Posted

    have you found a reason for your "internal vibrations"? Ive been desperately searching the internet for an answer... im having same issues.

    ive found its a common symptom with chronic lyme disease (neurological damage due to coinfections that lyme cause) but ive had lyme 20 yrs and this is new as of 2 weeks ago & i really feel like im going crazy!!!!

    • Posted

      Hi there, sadly no I haven't found the answer to the cause of this weird sensation yet. Personally I don't think it's caused by Lyme disease in my case although I've never been tested for it, but I do know that it's one of the well known symptoms. I suspect there must be another cause for your own sensations if you contracted Lyme over 20 years ago and have only just started to notice them. I hope you can get some answers or with any luck find they just disappear after a while.

  • Edited

    Hey, Sally4Edgar,

    This is Pattyg1922,

    I just read about your vibration sensations. I too have just experienced these vibrations in my

    vagina area, just a couple days ago( today is(May 26). I asked my hubby, & he thought it might be my

    liver, as he sometimes has this vibration feeling. I've only started to do some research. I had some chest pain while on vacay in Bali in Mar. Spent 3.5 days in hospital. Had chest xray, ultrasound & stress test. Was put on 4 diff meds, had 6 blood thinner injections into the tummy. Returned home to Alberta Mar Then 14 days of isolation, B4 seeing Dr on Apr 8th. Did blood work, ECG, then stress test (while wearing a mask). Everything all good. Cardiologist took me off of the cholesterol meds. Then I had burning & tingling sensations in my chest, left side, by breast & under my arm. (Mammo in April as well). Went back to DR. to inquire about this sensation as the cardio dude couldn't explain what was causing them. So I've asked for another opinion, which is coming up on June 8th virtual consultation. Dr thought that this sensation was costochondritis, cuz when he pressed on the top part of my chest it was tender, actually hurt. So I was just taking Advil or alive for the pain. I do take 1/2 a sleeping pill too, but pain was worse at bedtime. This burning sensation started out to happen just once n a while, but progressed to constant. I've just started taking the BCD oil (6-8 drops 2 x/day) Wed May 23rd. This has helped quite a bit. I just have the odd burning sensation happening, however this vibration has started in my vagina !! I can't say that my reply was helpful, however I did want to comment just so you didn't feel that you were the only person having these feeling. Take care & I'll update you if my situation improves & if you could do the same. Thanks,

    Stay safe!!

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