Strange vibration sensations - what's causing it??

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I've found several forums where there have been posts from people experiencing this disconcerting feeling of an internal quivering or vibration but none of them are current, so I wanted to see if anyone else out there is having the same experience and can share an insight into what might be causing it.

I started to get this feeling of internal vibration when I was mainly lying in bed and then occasionally if I shifted position it might last for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. That was about 8 months ago. Now I feel it every night and during the day as well quite often. The other day after a short walk of a few hundred yards followed by a period of standing still it felt like the ground was vibrating  because it was in my feet. It seems to move around to different areas of the body - sometimes I feel it in my legs, an arm, torso - it's quite random but often felt when I've shifted position in bed. At first I thought it was circulatory but now I think it's probably neurological. I thought I was having palpitations but an ECG showed nothing abnormal. I've also had a full spine & brain MRI as I've been having other strange symptoms of occasional numbness and sensations of burning and cold areas of my arms/hands and legs/feet and a sore tongue which comes and goes and often feels like I've just cleaned my teeth with menthol toothpaste when I haven't. I thought I had all the signs of MS, but it hasn't been diagnosed. I've also had a number of blood tests for immune issues, evoked potentials and nerve conductivity tests. Nothing! The MRI does show a lot of wear to my cervical vertebrae and two anterior spondylolisthesis - one cervical, one lumbar, so I wonder if my spinal issues could be the cause. My neurologist was doubtful. He also couldn't explain the vibration sensation except to say that it can be caused by a migraine, which I certainly haven't had. 

I just don't know where to go with this now.  My GP isn't interested and puts everything down to stress which I AM under it's true to say, but I don't think she's right. I've had to pay for all my neuro investigations as a result because she won't refer me or do any more blood tests etc.  I'm trying homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture as I want to find something that will relieve these weird symptoms and prefer to avoid drugs if I can.

I'm 58, eat reasonably heathily, no alcohol, only 1 cup of coffee a day and my weight is normal. I broke my wrist badly at the end of August last year which is when my problems all seemed to start. i

I also wonder if the metal plate that was used to fix the fracture could be causing some kind of strange reaction.

If anyone else is having these symptoms please let me know if you've been able to identify the cause and how to deal with it.


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    Hi Mam Sally,

    Good day Mam and to all, Hope your doing good . Want to share my experiences and symptoms that was the same as the symptoms that I reed in this forum. By the way my name is Reynaldo 31 and I am from Philippines I am active at sports such as Basketball and Jogging. My symptoms occurred since the start of the lock down (because of the virus) later part of March 2020. the day before the symptoms shows as I remembered I drunk a bottle of gin that night then the following day I felt palpitation on my body started in my lower back and including my heart. it didn't disappear for 3 days so me and my wife decided to went at the hospital quickly to have a checkup. the doctor performed ECG but they have normal findings.then weeks and months past i felt that vibration,Tremors (not visible in the eyes view but it were felt inside) is moving around on my feet, legs ,arms , upper back and chest and i felt it hard upon rest and many days I am having a bad sleep and waking up in the middle of the night.then morning comes and my body feels fatigue always .so I went again to the Hospital and because of the pandemic they only give me pain relievers they also test my blood CBC everything was normal.the medications don't make my symptoms improve. then comes the day when I experienced the worst it climbs to the head and I couldn't sleep for 3 days and the headache is not normal so we went again to the Hospital tested CBC again and I have a Back xray recommended by the orthopedic since my lower Back always trembling and vibrating first then follows the other part of my body .but all of the test were normal. the Doctor recommend me to a Rehab Doctor but until now I didn't manage to go since there were no available one.I tried to exercise on the following days but it worsen when I am having rest. Until I'd talked to my colleague at work I told my story and her wife was also having a vibration in both arms and she was taking vitamin B complex nuerobion. Also I tried it for almost two weeks now and I noticed that my case improved 50 percent. but there were still vibration and tremors.Hope to see a Rehab Doctor in this coming days.Just to add I slept sideways and stomach position and it helps for me. because when I slept back position vibration starts again. Be well Mam and all.

    Best Regards,


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    I have been having similar symptoms since mid 2018. I have not had the toothpaste taste but instant dry mouth and throat. No sore tongue or broken wrist.

    It took me months of searching, many tests and scans, MRI etc. Nothing. I'm a 61 year old female.

    Then I started investigating sound waves. It seemed unlikely but I found on my own that I am sensitive to infrasound and ultrasound waves. The sound waves that are too low or too high for human hearing.

    A sound wave creates vibrations and heat. Ultra low frequency sound waves below 30 hertz can cause many different effects. From chills, headache, fatigue, anxiety and other physical or emotional symptoms. Where as high frequency seem to cause inner ear pain, to even causing the brain and body to heat up.

    I feel vibrations though my feet when standing, when sitting or laying it is the area which is in contact with the surface. Sometimes mild hardly noticeable to extremely annoying. My sleep is constantly being interrupted either by feeling the physical vibrations from ultra low sound waves or an inaudible high decibel sound pressure waves.

    The bad news is there is no way to block, deflect , or diffuse these types of sound waves. These sounds waves are all around us. Nature has winds, earthquakes, thunder, and many animals produce these sound waves. Home businesses, car security systems can produce sound waves, and when they are activated most everyone hears them. Then there's high power, electrical lines, cell phone towers, radio, other communication discs, towers. Fans, HVAC, any mechanical system with a rotating fan. Your home systems can have a fan blade that has a slight bend and now it creates a lower hertz sound wave level. Some people feel and/or hear a hum. Wind farms create extreme amounts of low frequency sound waves. Living by one will cause physical and mental problems.

    The best way to find out if you are sensitive to these sounds is get a hearing test. Not for the actual test but to sit in the sound proof room. When your in the room you will find the vibrations, inner shakiness, tremor like feelings, facial, neck, brain tensions are reduced to greatly reduced. If you don't find or have any relief then it is something else. But if you do then you have a starting place. Hope you are able to find a doctor, as that is a problem.

    However there is a condition that happens to be called vibroacoustic disease. It is a real condition but typically happens to people who work in certain occupations for greater than 10 years. Please do a search for the details. This is closest condition that many of the symptoms appear. The thing is not having been in such an occupation is greatly puzzling. Being sensitive to sound frequencies is debilitating and annoying.

    The way I deal with this problem is distraction. That is having background noise like a sound machine that plays a constant sound. Try to keep my mind engaged. Then the physical vibrations are less noticeable.

    Well I hope you found my message helpful.

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    hello, I have experienced internal vibrations, which felt like a cell phone inside my body i went to a neurologist and other Doctors and nobody knew why I was having this problem.

    i have been able to cure myself and I will tell you how I did it without drugs.the vibration started after a very stressful time in my life combined with a health issue. i believe high anxiety triggered some sort of immune response i think this because I drank echinacea tea one day and I had an extreme reaction right after I drank the tea, where my entire body was 'buzzing or vibrating' intensely. it was very scary, I almost went to the emergency room, but then it stopped. i would have moderate to intense internal vibrations at night

    I researched immune system problems and I found that food can trigger autoimmune responses. so I found a diet in this book--'The simple guide to 'paleo auto immune diet' -buy this book on amazon by Eileen Laird. i followed it religiously for a few months. i also discovered sugar and caffeine trigger the vibrations for me. i cut that out i also started drinking 4 warm glasses of filtered water every morning on an empty stomach , i eat 40 minutes after the water.i also went to meditation classes and started tai chi --i cut dairy and gluten out as well. it took 2 -3 years to completely recover from this problem. hope that helps, it takes patience, self-control and hard work to get rid of this but it is possible. best of luck with it.

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    i too have internal vibrations. I also get twitching, myoclonic jerks, and pin pricks. It started when I got a concussion 3.5 years ago. The full body vibrations 24/7 just started 7 months ago. Ive had a normal EEG, EMG, MRI, skin punch biopsy, and no autoimmune markers, lyme was negative, paraneoplastic was negative. I suspect issues with ion channels and receptors. I'm scared cause my vision will also blur and i have to blink to get it back. My hearing will go out in an ear then come back after 10 seconds.

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    i have similar to identical vibration sensations random in my hand, fingers wrist and foot. they occurs randomly for 1sec and then gone and then appear again randomly. also get buzzing crawling like a isingle nsect in

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    this is happening to me too!! it feels like theres a mini earthquake for a couple moments or the room is vibrating. cant figure out whats causing it!

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    Well I finally figured out what is triggering and causing these internal bone and nerve vibrations. It is not me. The people who live below me have vibration speakers. I researched this online. These speakers attach to just about anything, then whatever they are attached to becomes the speaker. Believe they are attached to the ceiling below. They are then playing low frequency hertz at various times. I have already filed a complaint with the police.

    These vibration and bone conducting speakers are easily purchased online or from a store and required little skill to operate. Have you ever heard or felt a car drive by and they are blasting "music" and it not only affects your ears but you feel pressure on your person ? That is an example of these speakers. A person can even turn their vehicle into a speaker.

    This is most annoying since I have become more sensitive to sounds. I have a rare neurological condition, Superficial Siderosis. There's a website livingwithss that explains what it is and does. I don't know if this causes more sensitivity or not. However, my condition is advancing and I know being subjected to these vibrations is causing problems, especially sleep disturbances.

    I know there are internal conditions that cause a person to feel "vibrations" but I do not know what they are. I just know what is happening to me.

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    I drive a taxi, have been for the past 3 years. I got home around 7 pm tonight. As I'm sitting in my reclining love seat, I have felt vibrations, I thought were coming from something such as maybe the people living below us are doing something to cause a vibration sensation, but no-

    one is home. It feels as its does if you live close to a passing train and you feel the vibration on whatever piece of furniture you may be sitting or wherever you may be standing. There isn't a train I am baffled. Most people have experienced vibrations within their body in the examples I have looked up, so its really got me wondering. I have even made my husband sit where I'm sitting TWICE because there can't be any way I am imagining this sensation. Both times he has felt nothing. He said its probably something to do with a nerve in my back. I have felt this for going on close to an hour now. Any insight from anyone who may have experienced this issue will be very helpful. Thanks in advance!!

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    I have had this odd sensation too. I first noticed it about a year ago. It happened on waking a few times and always dissipated when I got out of bed or, sometimes, when I turned onto my back. About ten days ago, however, it started happening every single night- before falling asleep, on waking up in the middle of the night and when I wake up in the morning. A few times it has happened when I have been resting in a chair. The vibrating/quivering is always on the left side and is usually in the vicinity of the heart, but sometimes on the left arm near the elbow and more rarely on the left foot. Like you, I am worried it might be indicative of some dire neurological condition. I get visual migraines which restarted after a long absence. Many people say that this is stress/anxiety, but although I have had a lot of stress recently, it occurs when I relax or at night.

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    I have had this odd sensation too. I first noticed it about a year ago. It happened on waking a few times and always dissipated when I got out of bed or, sometimes, when I turned onto my back. About ten days ago, however, it started happening every single night- before falling asleep, on waking up in the middle of the night and when I wake up in the morning. A few times it has happened when I have been resting in a chair. The vibrating/quivering is always on the left side and is usually in the vicinity of the heart, but sometimes on the left arm near the elbow and more rarely on the left foot. Like you, I am worried it might be indicative of some dire neurological condition. I get visual migraines which restarted after a long absence. Many people say that this is stress/anxiety, but although I have had a lot of stress recently, it occurs when I relax or at night.

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    You have described my experiences so well. I am so glad i came upon your post. I was beginning to think I was the only one. My doctors look at me like I have lost my mind when I try to describe what is going on. Thank you for sharing your story. It looks like this post is quite old. Are you still dealing with this? Was it ever diagnosed? Is it constant, or does it ebb and flow over time?


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    I think you are on to something with the metal plate they put in your broken wrist. If it had any cobalt in it, you could be sensitive. I saw this documentary on Netflix last week and they had an orthopedic surgeon on there who had a total hip replacement. He had similar symptoms and eventually put it all together to discover his blood level for cobalt was off the charts. When he had the device removed from his hip and replaced with one with plastic parts, his symptoms resolved over time. He did research and found more people with the same problem from the same source. The metal in some of the devices implanted in our bodies is not safe. The FDA does not go through the rigorous testing on these devices that they should. You should watch this.. I think it's called "The Bleeding Edge".

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    I stopped the Parkinson's medications prescribed due to severe side effects and started on natural treatments from VineHealth Clinic (VHC) in California, the herbal treatment has made a tremendous difference for me. My symptoms including tremors and muscle weakness all disappeared after the months long treatment! Go to ww w. vinehealthclinic. c om. This treatment is simply amazing!  

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