Strange vibration sensations - what's causing it??

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I've found several forums where there have been posts from people experiencing this disconcerting feeling of an internal quivering or vibration but none of them are current, so I wanted to see if anyone else out there is having the same experience and can share an insight into what might be causing it.

I started to get this feeling of internal vibration when I was mainly lying in bed and then occasionally if I shifted position it might last for 30 seconds or so before disappearing. That was about 8 months ago. Now I feel it every night and during the day as well quite often. The other day after a short walk of a few hundred yards followed by a period of standing still it felt like the ground was vibrating  because it was in my feet. It seems to move around to different areas of the body - sometimes I feel it in my legs, an arm, torso - it's quite random but often felt when I've shifted position in bed. At first I thought it was circulatory but now I think it's probably neurological. I thought I was having palpitations but an ECG showed nothing abnormal. I've also had a full spine & brain MRI as I've been having other strange symptoms of occasional numbness and sensations of burning and cold areas of my arms/hands and legs/feet and a sore tongue which comes and goes and often feels like I've just cleaned my teeth with menthol toothpaste when I haven't. I thought I had all the signs of MS, but it hasn't been diagnosed. I've also had a number of blood tests for immune issues, evoked potentials and nerve conductivity tests. Nothing! The MRI does show a lot of wear to my cervical vertebrae and two anterior spondylolisthesis - one cervical, one lumbar, so I wonder if my spinal issues could be the cause. My neurologist was doubtful. He also couldn't explain the vibration sensation except to say that it can be caused by a migraine, which I certainly haven't had. 

I just don't know where to go with this now.  My GP isn't interested and puts everything down to stress which I AM under it's true to say, but I don't think she's right. I've had to pay for all my neuro investigations as a result because she won't refer me or do any more blood tests etc.  I'm trying homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture as I want to find something that will relieve these weird symptoms and prefer to avoid drugs if I can.

I'm 58, eat reasonably heathily, no alcohol, only 1 cup of coffee a day and my weight is normal. I broke my wrist badly at the end of August last year which is when my problems all seemed to start. i

I also wonder if the metal plate that was used to fix the fracture could be causing some kind of strange reaction.

If anyone else is having these symptoms please let me know if you've been able to identify the cause and how to deal with it.


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269 Replies

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  • Posted

    My mother has bee describing this exact situation. In fact after doing a search and coming across your post I was convinced that my mother must have posted this until you said your age. She is 80. 

    The only commonality you mention is metal in your body. She had some metal put in her spine a while back. Like maybe two or so years ago. I’m going to find out what brand or metal it was. The other thing your describing the metalic taste and burning she has mentioned too. I think the metal could be leaching into your blood stream.  Please contact me if you are ok with that. I live in California but my mother lives in Sedona area of Arizona. 

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    Also when did you have your wrist fracture fixed?  What ever info you can share will help.  The similarities are incredible. 
  • Posted

    Just wondering if you have mom found out what was causing your problems and if you’re still around give me a shout
    • Posted

      No I still have no idea. As far as I can see it’s either neurological, auto immune, toxicity or some kind of imbalance in the body like a too much or lack of a mineral, dehydration or other constituent. There’s the often used stress possibility but I don’t believe that’s my cause., and finally Lymes Disease, but that’s unlikely as I’m not aware of eve4 having a tick bite or bullseye rash. The investigation continues. 
    • Posted

      Hi again Sally -have you seen the rheumatologist yet? And did you ever get your blood checked for inflammation or autoimmune antibodies? You might want to get this done on NHS if you can as it will cost a lot to get these tests done privately. If you have already had them done then make sure you have printed copies of all to show the rheumatologist. 

      Don’t forget that it’s possible to have a rheumatic disease such as RA or Sjögren’s or even Lupus seronegatively. The people with Sjögren’s to explain their tremors and neuropathy are most often the ones with positive lip biopsy results. 

    • Posted

      Hi, yes I’ve seen a rheumatologist privately and he’s requested the various blood tests on the NHS for me to save it costing me a small fortune but of course I have to wait my turn so probably another couple of months before I get called up by the hospital. I was told I had seronegative RA years ago following very detailed blood tests done in the US by a reproductive immunology lab. I think their tests were much more sophisticated than any I’ve had since on the NHS which didn’t show up anything.
    • Posted

      Forgot to say that I went to see the Rheumatologist with my seronegative RA diagnosis from 2001 and all the more blood tests that my GP’s ordered that show everything to be normal but there are obviously more tests that he’ll be able to get done. 
    • Posted

      I had same diagnosis of seronegative RA as you in 2011. Relocated and antibodies all negative and no RA symptoms - just neuropathy and fatigue by then. Was undiagnosed by a rheum.  Was rediagnosed in a third Scottish hospital with Sjögren’s when my ANA was positive and lip biopsy 100% positive. Sjögren’s can mimic RA and MS and Lupus. It’s a cuckoo! 

    • Posted

      Hello Sally. I have been diagnosed w/Sjogren's, Raynaud's and a type of arthritis. Am now having vibratory sensations like you reported 2 yrs ago. Here is a link you might want to look at. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain in Small Fiber Neuropathy - NCBI - NIH A Hovaguimian - ?2011 - ?Cited by 65 - ?Related articles

      Good luck to you, and take care.


  • Posted

    OMG I was just googling this and found you. I have had this feeling since December Also dry mouth eyes and now burning tongue with a thick saliva. I was diagnosis with neuropathy in my feet. over last summer when I got out of pool my feet were purple. I am so scared now it is from head to toe with numbness in my lips. My parotid also swelled I have had so many bloodwork's  MRI's Neurology testing every thing negative Some all dr's except my oncologist said Sicca for my dry eyes and mouth Sicca is said for bloodwork neg.  I have POLYMOSITIS also.  I have no idea what this is no one is listening to me They up my Lyrica and it doesn't seem to do anything. I feel a pill is not the answer I have no idea what is going on. My family is tired of my complaints they think I need to walk more if I stand for a couple of minutes My whole body goes numb  tNo one seems to help I was at least someone else has what I have Also some ppl thinks it is Sjogren's Syndrome. I feel sorry for you because no one is listening to you either

    • Posted

      Dianne if you are diagnosed with Polymyositis then you are diagnosed with a rare connective tissue disease and you are believed. Your Sjögren’s is probably secondary to this autoimmune disease - 50% of those with Sjögren’s have another rheumatic disease and that is you! Also numbness - a hell we both share - can be small fibre neuropathy secondary to Sjögren’s and Polymyositis. You need to google this (it is closely related to another connective tissue disease called Scleroderma) and can cause something called Mononeuritis Multiplex - which requires urgent diagnosis and treatment. I too get tremors and they affect my balance and stop my standing still ever now. I either have to walk or sit - makes me very unsafe in built up areas! 

    • Posted

      I agree with so much of what you say TY I will also look up all this TY again
  • Posted

    I stand to make dinner in one spot My whole body goes numb it scares me. I feel like I am going to fall I try to get to a chair right away. I haven't had all these things that is happening all new Never had all these things b4. I also have words I forget It is wired I know the word thinking of the word in my head but can't say it. It happened yesterday in front of my whole family which I always try and hide'" I said I am thing of the word  but the word can't come out"  My family looked at each other weird I have been telling them something is wrong they don't listen to me them brush it off

    • Posted

      Sounds like you need to see a neurologist. I have the physical problems but not the brain fog type one. Standing problem could be orthostatic tremor? 

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