Strong Bones Support Group

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A few of us have been discussing ways to make our bones stronger without resorting to bisphosphonates.  This seems like a good place to carry on the conversation.  

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  • Posted

    Several years ago there were some proponents to jumping (or even light bouncing) on small trampolines.  Studies were done to prove that bone density is built by doing so.  Astronauts apparently used them in space to keep their bone density....  
    • Posted

      I'm sure that's true, but with the OA in my spine I'm not taking up the jumping which has been proposed here, which if I remember was fifty or perhaps one hundred jumps at a time.  I'll turn 69 in a couple of weeks.
    • Posted

      Hi Jean

      I quite agree with your stance regarding the jumping. I have been visiting the gym for 8 years on a regular basis and had some confidence that I would be able to manage without adding to the damage although I was rather wary at first. I must take slight issue on one point however, the age card doesn't work, I'm older than you (71) but only feel like 18 (Never grew up).And I am teasing, sorry.

      It is really wise to know the limits of your own body regardless of your age. I'm just hoping that the jumping as recommended will fast-track things so that I can resume a more normal life, although I have quickly gotten used to a more healthy lifestyle.

      The biggest thing is to not make the damage worse.

      I do like your sensible outlook on life.

      Take care

      Kindest regards



    • Posted

      I gave my age as the other women are about 15 years younger than I, and I thought it pertinent.  And if it weren't for polymyalgia and steroid treatment I would have continued to feel young, and I had always looked younger than my age, but prednisone has a number of unpleasant side effects, including actual aging of the body.  cry
    • Posted

      Haven't actually come across prednisone before but it sounds rather evil.

      Apparently I was never young and missed puberty almost completely so I always looked older than my age until around 60 when the aging process slowed right down. I didn't actually realise this for a couple of years but I kept having to show my driving licence to prove that I was entitled to free prescriptions and on enquiry found that I apparently looked younger than I am, so swings and roundabouts but absolutely no offence intended with my comments.

    • Posted

      Hi Jean,

      ​I think all we can do is all we can do...and we have to do what suits us. Like you I have the OA, but also the M.E./Fibromyalgia, so jumping for 50-100 is not for me....I do a few now and then....but at the moment can't as my ankles are playing up.  Will stick with the walking for now smile kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Yes indeed, we all have to manage our own individual health issues as best we can smile  What works for one may not for someone else, but all information is useful and we can but try different things to see what does work smile

      ​kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Jean,

      ​Prednisalone (I think the same as Prednisone isn't it) has indeed a lot of side effects and I was given it as a child for my asthma which they do not do nowadays.  They are assuming that is why I have OP now sad  My Father was on it all his life so I am well aware of all the side effects sad

      ​It does scare me that if my asthma spirals out of control again, that is what I will be doing my best with what I have now and what I can do to help myself is all I can do.  Which is all any of us can do.

      ​You take care.  Kind Regards Carrie


    • Posted

      Hi Carrie,

      I came across a link to an OP presentation which you may already have seen but I'll send it anyway just in case you haven't. I found it to be quite good and fairly interesting.

      I'm fairly certain I have something else to send you but I've misplaced my notebook. It will come to light in the fullness of time! Will post a blog later when I've done things I need to do.

      Kind Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Thank you very much for that, I have watched it, and it is indeed interesting.  All the indications are that the bisphosphates need to be taken under certain conditions (ie like me with a -4 Dexa) but if you have a lower Dexa of -2.5 than it is not so clear whether they would help. 

      ​Hope you get done what you need to today smile  Take care, kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hello Carrie

      Glad that the video link was useful and that you found it informative. I still believe that AA has too many nasty negatives to be on the market and as easily prescribed as it is without significant further investigation. We all have our views and it doesn't stop me watching these and comparing what I know with what they tell me.

      I managed to get most of my tasks completed and they involved a significant amount of exercise but not the jumping. Still some time for that. Got the car properley repaired as per RAC recommendation and also got the brake shoes freed off as they were binding and wasting fuel. Walked home and eventually back again to collect the car (Round trip around 3 miles). Got the grass cut in the interval between delivering and collecting the car and I'm hoping that the £80 it cost me will be worth it. Also got a lot of tree branches cut into fireside pieces so I've had some exercise today.

      Did the oily fish bit for lunch with some smoked mackeral followed by an apple so i've followed my program a little but have already fallen off the wagon with a very small sixth of a bottle of white wine (very naughty).

      Had a post from 'Handbrake' (Patty) looking for the book details so I messaged her when I came back from collecting the car. I passed on the details of two books, The Book and one dealing with Acid/Alkaline food.

      I wasn't nosey for once but I hope that she comes back and joins us.

      I managed some more collation of the various conversations and this time I've made a copy of what I have so that I shouldn't lose it again.

      I commented to Pauline about the similarity in some respects between OP and OA, particularly with regard to dietry considerations. We may try a little dietry manipulation but I think that some more reading is needed first.

      Feel more than a little sorry for Eileen who is so looking forward to her Venetian vacation. Pain can take the edge off enjoying a visit like that and it's no good taking the suggested narcotics, she's likely to miss it altogether. Hope that she gets her computer working again so that she can see that we are at least offering some support.

      I really wish that I knew a lot more than I do but fast-tracking is only ok up to a point and then I have to re-read things before they disappear.

      I think that it's time that I did a bit more on my story before I forget it all.

      Take good Care of Yourself and don't overdo it (that's good coming from me).

      Jumping Gym tomorrow

      Kind Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Apologies for being lax in responding on here, Life is overtaking me somewhat!  I will always respond but can't always straight off! lol

      ​I am still working my way through 'the book!' and the whole 'what is best' does seem very convoluted and difficult to know.  My gut reaction is to agree with you re AA which is why - bar the side effects - I stopped it.  I was intrigued that the link you forwarded seemed so much on the pluses of AA. 

      Wow you certainly got a lot of exercises in smile  and well done on the car being sorted now smile

      ​I have only just seen the message from Handbrake, but thanks, only just catching up a bit now and will have to stop in a mo and have some lunch myself.  Sticking with the pilchards which I know are not the same but I just cannot seem to enjoy the taste of sardines/mackerel sad  Another reason I need to consider a cod liver oil supplement which is on my loooooong list of things to catch up with/do/sort!!! 

      ​It would indeed by interesting re the correlation with OA/OP and be interesting what Pauline thinks.  I stopped my turmeric supplement for the pain a I was undecided whether it was helping or not, but being in such agony I thought 'ok' I will restart it and the pain is reduced!  So, I know the weather has changed and that might have something to do with it, it will be interesting if I carry on with it, whether the pain returns when the weather pressure changes, or not.  Will keep you posted!  IF it is indeed helping then I will message you with the details for Pauline to try smile  If she wants to try something in the meantime you could suggest she adds some natural turmeric to her food, sprinkle just a bit obviously not huge amounts!, or could even try a supplement.  Not the turmeric root though it has to be the real McCoy so to speak, Taka is a good brand smile

      ​I am still sticking with the natural gelatin to see smile

      ​:D re jumping Gym!  I will respond to a few other messages than will break for lunch and then try some gentle (!!) exercise this pm smile  Was gardening a bit yesterday - oh one point, in the book it mentions certain exercises as being not good for OP, like bending over, but obviously in something like gardening one is naturall bending over.  I am wondering if it is just 'sensible bending' and being careful 'not to fall' rather than cutting it out...what do you think?! smile

      ​Oh and yes, totally agree with Eileen....I really hope she is able to enjoy her trip and her pain decreases. 

      ​Have a good day smile

      ​kind regards Carrie


    • Posted

      Hello Carrie, Eileen, Jean, Kathleen & Patty

      It has been another busy day beginning with the visit to the gym. It was fairly quiet today and I had a free rein with my choice of machines but I still settled initially for the crosstrainer/stepper and managed a total of 250 calories woth of exercise on it. Followed that with the adductor/ abductor which are machines that force your legs open or which you have to force closed. Then straight onto the leg extension and the rotary knee and leg press.

      The manual stepping followed for another 100 operations and then some weight training with two 12kg weights. I only did two circuits of the gyn with the weights, my arms still ached from having tested the two 24kg weights which I could lift but not do anything with. Settled for 50 step jumps on and off. One of the ladies at the gym brough in a skipping rope for me to take home and try out. After all this I'd had enough and made tracks for home and found several posts and messages waiting for me.  Had lunch and settled down to answer the messages. I can easily get carried away with these and find that I don't often repeat myself as far as I can tell.  I wrote a welcome message to Patty and answered the other posts before I chopped some wood (more exercise) and lit the fire (It's still cold up here). Gave a little thought to Eileen but unfortunately there isn't anything that I can do except wish her well and hope that she is back with us soon.

      Watched a couple more of the movies re osteoporosis, one of them was very informative about our food and the other mentioned the 20 (used to be 18) nutrients that we need.

      Now Deep Space Nine time, back again tomorrow.

      Best regards to all


    • Posted

      Hello Colin, Jean, Eileen, Kathleen, Jill, Patty

      ​Fistly well done Colin on all that exercise well as research smile  I hope shopping not too onerous (!) and you can enjoy some warm sunshine today.

      Apologies if anyone has messaged me or commented and I have not replied back yet; I am trying to juggle rather a lot at the moment - sounds like an excuse as we all are I know! lol - however I WILL get back to everyone it just takes me a little longer sometimes as I can't always reply immediately. 

      ​Thank you for any information, the alkaline/acid diet is something I have added to my list to look into, as have the links you forwarded Jean. 

      ​I am trying to exercise a bit more but in balancing that with the M.E./Fibromyalgia and the OA I am getting somewhat drained!  But......onwards....and hopefully the more I am able to do, the better it will be for ME smile 

      ​I am still looking into a cod liver oil supplement as I am not a big lover of oily fish, though interestingly I did not realise that pilchards were the same as sardines; I find this odd as I don't mind the taste of pilchards TOO much but am not so keen on sardines which I agree makes little sense unless perhaps it is as I am taking the pilchards in tomato sauce and tried the sardines in oil.....

      ​I have increased other supplements....went back on turmeric and interestingly it does seem to help the pain so perhaps as it is a natural anti inflammatory and pain reliever if I am able to tolerate the taste (I do follow the paste down with soya milk (I am dairy intolerant which again not good for bones), if anyone would like to know more about turmeric let me know in a message so the moderator's don't come down on me!!! lol

      ​Hope everyone has a good low pain day smile

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hello Carrie, et al

      The shopping was fairly painless and a welcome break after reading the information mentioned in my previous post which was about a new progesterone treatment for osteoporosis. I need to reread this in context because I'm not 100% certain where this fits in for me. (Not well up on progesterone, always believed it was a female hormone - maybe it is, will check).

      While watching one of the videos, I came across mention of Chia seeds and have done a bit of research on these already and it seems that they are another wonder food from the early days of humans.  Now I need to determine the best way to consume these vitamin stores and they even have oil in them as well as calcium and other good things.

      The book about acid/alkaline foods is really interesting and when the testing slips eventually arrive I should be able tailor my diet to arrive at the slightly alkaline condition.

      Regarding the skipping rope, well, I had a go and found that the rope was too light and didn't keep it's shape so that it caught on things easily. I think that it's made of fibres covered with PVC and is very light which is probably perfect for a trained athlete but until I get more proficient it isn't satisfactory. I couldn't manage more than three steps without the 'rope' twisting and tangling. So the idea is good but the execution isn't. I wonder if I can get hold of a real rope one. Just did a quick check and I can get an 8mm x 3M three strand sisal rope so I'll give that a try. It'll be here in a few days. In the meantime it will just be steps and jumps and the gymnasium.

      I haven't heard from Eileen for a while but that may be due either to her computer being faulty, or she has gone on her long-awaited vacation.

      Either way, I think that I speak for the group in wishing her well.

      That's all for now.

      Best wishes & kindest regards to all



    • Posted

      Chia seeds may be in some breakfast cereals.  I no longer eat the cereals I used to, as I've cut back on wheat and eliminated corn from my diet.  But here I can buy a mix of chia, buckwheat and a seed with a name I cannot use on this forum, and this I have as my bedtime snack, having soaked the seeds in organic 1% milk.  I think chia seeds could also be used in baking, they'd look like poppy seeds, but whether they would then just pass through undigested I don't know.rolleyes
    • Posted

      Alkaline/acid diet.  I have a comment to make.  It sounds as though you plan to test your urine?  I bet that would be a waste of your time.  The body is designed to maintain a healthy ph and if it doesn't you're already so ill you're on your death bed.  There is no association between the amount of acid and calcium in the urine and the amount of calcium in the body.  Eating animal protein will increase the excretion of both these substances, but that same protein is also improving the absorption of calcium. 
    • Posted

      Funnily enough I've just been looking at a bag of chia seeds in TK Max (did surprise me to see it there of all places !) apparently you can sprinkle it on anything salads, fish chicken. Just like you would sprinkle salt. Looked like a fine grained bird seed 😂😂😂 but sesame seeds are also good 
    • Posted

      They get in your teeth.  Kind of annoying, actually.  I prefer the texture of the buckwheat and the seed which cannot be named.  
    • Posted

      Don't tell me you dared to mention the seed which cannot be named!?twisted
    • Posted

      Hi Colin and everyone smile

      I have heard of Chia seeds but never tried them; will have to keep my eyes peeled smile

      ​Think I missed something with the seeds 'that cannot be named' as I don't know what they are!!? lol  Can someone msg me?  Thanks smile

      ​I am having a selection of seeds which I sprinkle on salads or scrambled eggs so maybe it is already in something I am already taking I don't know.

      ​I do hope Eileen is ok....I can't remember when she was due to be off on her holiday but I hope she is ok.

      ​LOL :D re the skipping rope Colin; I should 't laugh as I tried it a few years back with one of my nephews and was rubbish! lol  To think I used to skip loads as a girl/child.....!

      Glad the shopping was painless smile

      I still haven't had the time to look into the acid/alkaline diet but must do so.

      Hope everyone else ntb.

      ​kindest regards Carrie


    • Posted

      I currently haven't a clue, I don't remember mentioning anything much, I just didn't want my quotations to be public.
    • Posted

      Not sure why my post being moderated.....sad  Hopefully it will pass muster!!  smile
    • Posted


      ​quick question, what cereals do you find better/use instead of ones with wheat?  Unless one buys gluten free which are so expensive (my nephew is a coeliac and diabetic so I realise and understand the pros and cons of wheat/gluten), they all mostly seem to contain wheat.

      ​And also, what about bread?  The gluten free bread is horrible!! 

      Thank you smile

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      I was right - nothing in it. Must be the forward stroke.


    • Posted

      I eat the seeds I believe I've mentioned already - mixture of chia, buckwheat and a seed whose name I cannot use on this forum.  It comes in a small package and I find it on the shelf with the other organic cereals.  It's Canadian but might be available in the US or you could mix your own from the basic ingredients.  The third ingredient begins with an h.  Sometimes I have rolled oats.  I eat a little bread, not every day even, and have been eating rye crackers and a product that looks like nachos but is made from beans, from the US.  Frankly I don't bother looking for gluten free.  I don't think the gluten is a problem for me.  I was just trying to avoid carbohydrates because my blood sugar went quite high when I was first on prednisone, and I'm happy with the changes I've made so not in any hurry to go back to eating wheat or any other grains in any quantity.  Quinoa makes a nice change from rice and potatoes, so it goes into the rotation.  Always eat certified gmo free rice from the US, get Canadian organic oats.  I can also get oats in a form that looks, and cooks, like rice, although it has a different, nuttier flavour.
    • Posted

      Aristotle, Eileen, Carrie, et al.  We bung up the thread by constantly telling each other that we are going to message them, and also acknowledging receiving the messages in a public post.  I don't have any problem seeing on my computer that there are messages waiting for me, and I always read them when I go on line.  Because this and the other thread now take so long to load I'm in the habit of leaving the posts on them to the very end.  I also follow numerous posts in the PMR forum, and none of them take as long to load.  People are not concerned about starting new topics, or even a new thread on a similar topic.  Much less unwieldy to just start a new thread.  The information on the old threads will never be lost, it's still here if we want to refer back.
    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      You mean using the forward stroke key?

      At least it materialised!

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Jean,

      ​OK, yes know which seeds you mean beginning with 'H'!

      ​Hmmm never been overly keen on oats in the past but maybe I ought to look into them again as our tastebuds do seem to change over time smile

      ​I underweight, so am trying to eat more to protect my bones! lol  No, apart from for my nephew who has to have gluten free, I don't too much.  Did try Quinoa but didn't like it!! Did have some rice recently and must try again. 

      Thank you for that smile

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Jean,

      ​It is just a nice way of supporting and sharing smile albeit I do agree that it is taking longer though!

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      I lost a lot of weight when I was undiagnosed with polymyalgia and haven't really put any back on.  It is hard to get enough calories without resorting to lots of carbs.  I do consume healthy fats.  At least I didn't get the prednisone side effects of moon face and buffalo hump!
    • Posted

      Hi Jean and all strong bone fellows, yes i agree our discussion here is getting a bit long for my iPad to cope with so I will start up a new post Strong Bones support (2)so we can continue our vital support 🤗🤗🤗
    • Posted

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie


      I run a PC and don't have the problems that you all seem to have. I did notice that there are an awful lot of long chatty posts from me.

      Pity. I enjoyed chatting with you all.



    • Posted

      And we love your inspirational posts Colin 🤗 So don't leave us,just turn over the page to speak to  Strong Bones Support group 2
    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Can you get over to the new link/thread?  We can continue chatting on that?  Else if you want to start a thread for support, I am happy to join as like you I do not want to lose our little support group! smile

      ​kind regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Some of us cannot get there. Notifications are not coming to me. There will be others who are unaware as well.

      Maybe post the connection under osteoporosis as well.

    • Posted

      Hi Kathleen, sorry you are having trouble.if you go to the top of this page and see search box on the right hand side enter Strong bones support group 2 then once in click follow discussions and you will receive notifications 🤗
    • Posted

      Hi Patty,

      I'm not sure if you knew Eileen but here goes:

      A few minutes ago, I received the following post from Eileen:

      Hi, Whowever gets this message first please pass it on. I'm having problems with the site so I'm coming off altogether. Also its chaotic here I did post a message but it wouldn't go through



      The is Colin now:

      I have sent a reply and a PM with an email address in case she wants to chat sometime. I shall miss her.

      Kindest regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Aww that is sad about Eileen.  I hope she stays in touch with you, please pass on my hope she is ok. 

      ​Things a bit chaotic my end too hence not being on so much.....but I will be back on soon hopefully smile

      Take care

      ​kindest regards Carrie

    • Posted

      Hi Carrie

      Sent you a PM regarding subject. So sad, I thought that she was picking up but obviously has other problems. Maybe in the future....

      Kindest Regards and please don't overdo it. A couple of lines that you are still fighting on is quite enough if it saves stress which is not good for your bones.

      Thanks for responding

      Kindest Regards


    • Posted

      Hi Colin,

      ​Received and just responded smile

      Spk soon!

      ​kindest regards Carrie

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