SVT catheter ablation operation

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I am having an operation to stop SVT in a couple of months.  I am really scared and have to stay awake.  Can anyone reassure me that it isn't as bad as it sounds please!

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    Thanks everyone for all of the replies and I just wanted to update how I was doing. My op was cancelled on the 27th and changed to today. I have just got home from the hospital now and I just wanted to reassure anyone else that's worried that the ablation is fine! I'll come back and tell you more once im feeling more awake, but I'm so hlad it's been done. They managed to trigger the svt and ablate the area so I think it was successful too smile

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      How nice it is to read such good news from forum folks.
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    So on the morning of the op I took a valium that the GP gave me (I had checked with the surgeon and this was ok) and felt much more relaxed about everything, so if you are very nervous definately do speak to your doctor about some short term anxiety meds.  I arrived at the hospital at 8am, went to a bed and was given 2 gowns to wear front and back. I then sat in the waiting area and was told it could be any time, as there was no order of patients.  As luck would have it I was first.

    ?At 9am I was lead into the operating room, I was scared but everyone was really nice, and reassuring. The room looked like a space ship! The bed was really high and  I climbed up, lay down and the surgeon talked me through the procedure I requested as much sedative as possible lol

    ?The nurse put a board on my back (for the xray I think), and the doctor gave me an injection in my groin to numb the area (this was a tiny scratch and the only pain I felt through the procedure). He then started to give me sedative via IV 50mg to be topped up throughout the op.  A few seconds after the sedative hit me I felt I couldn't breathe, I couldnt get enough air to speak to tell the surgeon but managed to lift my arm and grunt lol he noticed my predicament and put me straight on oxygen and I was fine from then on, but I wasnt allowed anymore sedative. (he told me later that I turned bright red lol)

    ?I didn't feel a thing through the whole procedure, and I wasn't scared at any point, chilled and relaxed which sounds strange! I had to have 3 doses of adrenalin to start the SVT, and when it started the ablated the area, and again I felt no pain at all. After it was ablated I had one further dose of adrenalin just to check it was sorted and it was.  I was then took to recovery.

    ?I was allowed to sit up after 30 minutes, they removed the tubes bandaged me up and 5 hours later I was on my way home! (Should of been 4hours later but my blood pressure was a little low).  I was in my wheel chair waiting to be collected by my OH at 3pm and a poor girl who was also on the morning list the same as me was just being taken down for her operation.  She had a very long wait.  I was very lucky.

    ?Overall the operation was nowhere near as scary as I thought it would be, and thats bearing in mind I ended up having just a light sedation. You can't feel anything apart from a slight scratch from the local anaesthetic , and then slight pain when they removed the tubes. Other than that I didn't feel a thing.

    ?I was very lucky that the whole op took just over 1 hour, and fingers crossed its worked.  I have felt tired and a little breathless since the op, but it's only 6 days and this can last a few weeks apparently looking at other peoples experiences.

    ?The surgeon told me to take 1 week off work and no heavy lifting for 3 weeks but to be honest in my case 1 week off work will not be enough. 

    I think it will be about 1 month before I am completely back to normal.

    ?Thanks to everyone who offered me reassurance before my operation smile

    • Posted

      Hi tere,

      So glad your procedure went so well.

      I went for my ablation Jun22/16 but was unsuccessful. I was completely awake without amy mediciation. He feels that he could not stimulate the AVNRT because of a medication I was taking for anxiety

      I was so disappointed....had a little melt down on the drive home. 

      I arrived at 6:00 am and left at 5:00 pm andI was in the cath lab for about 2 hours. 

      I go back to see him Aug 2/16. Maybe he will want to try again at a later date.

      Atleast I know how the procedure goes for possibly next time. I stayed pretty quiet for 2 days. I did not have any additional bleeding or lumps/bumps. I was pretty bruised in the groin area, but really no pain.

      So happy for your positive procedure

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      Hi Lolasmom

      The same happened to me. I do not take anxiety meds but they did give me some sedation. I was crying when they told me it didn't work. I'm now on beta blockers to stop the SVT and have been scheduled for another op in 2 weeks. I'm hoping this time it works because it's exhausting living with this condition.

      My specialist said its very common for it not to work the first time. Fingers crossed for you, but I'm sure next time it will work.

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah,

      My specialist told my husband that there is about a 3% change of this happening. I had stopped the beta blockers 5 days prior to May 31 ( as this was my origional date but got cancelled until June 22/16. I never started back up with the beta blocker but had to start the med for my anxiety.

      My husband had to listen to me on the drive home which was about 45 minutes. That was my melt down time. I tried so hard not to cry in the hospital. Don't you feel like you completed about 80% of the procedure?

      It will be interesting when I go see him Aug 2/16 

      Please keep me in mind after you 2nd attempt. I would love to hear how you made out.

      By the way where is yours being done. Mine is being done in Tooronto Canada


    • Posted

      Hey Lola'smom,

      I had mine done in Toronto too! I saw Dr Singh at sunnybrook. I wasn't very happy that he started my 4-6hr op an hour before his shift finished and they gave me sedation which prevented the SVT being induced. At my follow up appointment he told me if I couldn't be induced one it wouldn't work a second time and said it was likely anxiety. I've been in ER so many times and every Dr has said its not anxiety. I got a second opinion and went to see Dr spears at Toronto general. After reviewing my monitor results she said did not think it was anxiety. She also said that most people who are unsuccessful with the first ablation are successful the second time. So don't give up hope yet!! I'm So grateful to be with Dr spears now....she's really great and took a long time reviewing my notes and talking with me. I'll let you know if it's successful the at the end of the month smile

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      I went to rouge valley centenary in Scarborough. I live in Oshawa. The doctor is Dr. Makanjee.

      I think you can hear different things from every doctor.

      When is your next attempt?, And are you on beta blockers?

      It will be interesting when I go back to see him Aug 2. I am still on medication for anxiety. When this first started they caught it on the ekg so I know it is not anxiety....atleast that's what the rp specialist said.

      I am very anxious to hear how you made out. If you are on beta blockers could you tell me how you are making out.

      Thanks for your reply my friend.

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      Yes they caught mine 3 times in ER on the ekg...lucky dr spears reviewed those monitor results. I'm having my op on the 25th and I'm crossing my fingers because I know this will be the last attempt.

      I'm on beta blockers now, they work very well. The inly issue is that it's making my blood pressure very low which makes me very dizzy. Im only taking half a dose of Teva Bisprol. Also I find it hard to exercise on this med and if I get stressed or eat too much chocolate I'll get bad palpitations. I would recommend trying a beta blocker. I'm sure it will help

    • Posted

      Oh I think I saw that. Where you sitting on a sofa by a large window?

      I was on bisoprolol until 5 days prior to the appointment on may 31 and never went back one them as the appointment then was for June 22. I never started them up again because of this anxiety medication. When I was beta blocker I too had low blood pressure. I also take a blood pressure pill so I halved the bets blocker.

      Now with the anxiety med same thing is happening. Low blood pressure. Low heart rate, and very tired. Same symptoms for both drugs so I had to half anything. You then get obsessive with taking blood pressure and heart rate.

      Now my blood pressure can be as low as 99/60 and resting heart rate about 60

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      Yes that's the video!

      I hope I'll be able to stop the beta blocker soon....they do make you feel crappy. My heart area goes as low as 45!! And my blood pressure goes between 80 and 90!! I'm finding it very difficult work. I'm really hoping that this op goes well as I want time life back to normal smile

      If you don't get good answers at your next appointment get a second opinion. It could change everything X

      Good luck!


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      Thanks Sarah. Will be thinking of you on the 25th. Yikes your heart rate and bP are lower than mine.
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      Hi my surgeon told me to stop taking the propanalol 4 weeks before the operation as it can remain in the system. He said that the Valium would be ok as it didn't keep your heart slow in the same way x

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      Hi Sarah,  I was thinking of you yeserday.  How did it go with the ablation? x
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      Hi Mary, I'm fixed!!! I'm so glad I went for the second EP study. Deep down I didn't think it would work, but it did! Unfortunately they were unable to trigger the SVT again, but this new doctor thought it was in the slow pathway (easy side) rather than the right which was what I was told last time. She went in and was able to see two extra path ways! I had zero sedation and it wasn't bad at all!

      I really hope that anyone who doesn't have a successful ablation tries again or gets a second opinion. This has now changed my life! Thanks for all the support xx

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      I'm so pleased to hear this Sarah - you must be over the moon!

      ?I had a short run of palpitations a few days ago, which has un-nerved me a little.  I'm hoping it was just a settling in thing and that it doesn't mean he has missed a bit. 

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      I've heard it's very normal. I've been having a lot of fluttering, skipped beats and palps...scares me but they say it's to be expected. I hope it settles down soon smile

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      Hi Mary, for about a month after my ablation I kept having heart rhythm flutters several times a day that felt like SVT was about to start. I spoke to my cardio about it and he told me it would go away of its own accord. He was right...they did go away. Four years later I still get the odd one or two flutters maybe once a week (if that). But I have never had an SVT episode since the ablation. Hope this proves to be the same for you..

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