Swollen Tonsils For 3 Weeks With Virus - Anyone Else? I'm Going Mad!

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Apparently I have a virus that is causing my tonsils to be inflamed for 3 weeks.

I've been test for strep and mono, and it's not those. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem?

They're not sore or causing me any trouble swallowing, but I am getting some dry mouth, bad breath and the odd nasty little tonsil stone too.

Any help greatly appreciated! I'm going mad.

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  • Posted

    Quick update: First time in nearly weeks I woke up without dry mouth, so that could be a sign of improvement. :-D

    Tonsils still look like crap though, going to try and get another appointment to get them seen to today, they're really bugging me!

  • Posted

    I've just noticed the past 2 days that my uvula seems to be inflamed now too though, and there is some redness surrounding the tonsils that I don't *think* was there before.

    Going for another checkup tomorrow.

    • Posted

      Hi, nice to hear about the improvements you have had so far. As I know the swollen uvula is a sign of allergy. When I was suspecting mine could be allergies my doctor said that generally with allergies you have a swollen uvula.

      The redness could be from dry air or soreness. 

      My throat looks like a web of red vessels, and the tonsils get red from time to time maybe from hard food. I get tiny red spots too. 

      On a side note I had a root canal done today, oh man, I'm in so much pain that I forgot about all the other problems. BY the way my swollen tonsils bothered me during the dental procedure, They are so swollen that make me gag.

    • Posted

      Interesting! I do wonder if I've developed an allergy to be honest, especially since I've been stuck indoors over winter. That could very well explain everything I've been going through.

      I've got white spots if anything, not really any red spot, but the tonsils are red/pinkish and now the uvula is getting swollen too it seems.

      Salt water gargle seems to have done more harm than good, because the back of my throat now feels ever so slightly sore. So might try using something else.

      That sound very painful! I do also wonder if I need dental work too, my teeth aren't the best and that could be causing me trouble too I suspect.

      I should hopefully be able to get another appointment tomorrow, so will see how things go! (Crossing fingers).

    • Posted

      I find salt irritates my throat too. I gave up. I only clean my nose with seawater. I have a post nasal drip too.. and if you have any allergies it’d help greatly.

      My diagnosis intially was LPR. But the doctor is unsure now. Because those who have LPR have damaged or irritated vocal cords. She said mine looked fine

    • Posted

      Yeah it seems to have made it worse rather than better. :-P Not going to do it anymore I don't think.

      I've got a spray for the post-nasal drip and it seems to be helping, but it might take a while for it to really make a difference I guess. Although I don't seem to have to clear my throat so much since I've started using it.

      I don't think it can be LPR for me either, my voice has been unaffected through all this, a little hoarseness yesterday but that could have been the salt gargle too.

      Current symptoms today seems to be:

      * Chills (I feel freezing!)

      * Woke up in a moderate sweat (again)

      * Slight throat soreness

      * Swollen tonsils and uvula (go down!)

      The dry mouth seems to have subsided, it was a little dry this morning, but it didn't feel like sandpaper like it has been recently.

      Lots of the other symptoms I've had over these past 3/4 weeks haven't made a come back either, so I think/hope that I might finally be getting there.

      Positive thoughts:

      * My appetite is back up

      * My weight is back up a lb or 2 (I only lost around 5lbs)

      * No diarrhea for days now, bowels seem working great

      * Haven't been sick at all despite the random bouts nausea

      * No blurry vision or eye floaters anymore

      * No ear pain, jaw pain or anything similar

      * Lymph nodes I was concerned about seem to have subsided. (Except the damn tonsils of course)

      * No signs of any blood from anywhere, except the few random bits of brown phlegm (haven't had that for a few days either).

      Overall, seems like there has been an improvement, still need to try and get another checkup today though if possible.

      Thanks again for taking the time to chat with me Christine, really appreciate it! It's nice being able to get it out there and somewhat off my mind. :-)

    • Posted

      The spray helps me from mucous build up too. But I don't know if everyday use of those sprays is good or not. 

      I lost weight too then put back the lost weight. Now I lost couple of pounds as a result of diarrhea and dieting. I don't like being underweight. 

      Feel better!

    • Posted

      Yeah I'm not too sure if we should be sniffing steroids for extended periods of time either. cheesygrin

      That's interesting, I've almost deliberately been testing my appetite to see how it responds, and everything digestive seems to be in order.

      Had another appointment today, Dr wasn't at all concerned by any of my symptoms, couldn't find any swollen nodes, and swabbed me again for strep. Will find out the result on Thursday.

      If there's strep I'll be relieved because I can go on the scrip and hopefully get rid of it, if not? Well maybe I ought to see an ENT and see what they say. 

      You too! Hopefully we both get over these terrible things soon. :-D 

    • Posted

      I wished mine would be strap too. But my dr did twice and nope. Mine are mostly tonsil stones. There’s something that triggers the tonsils to be filled with yellow stones and they’re inside the tissue. They cannot be pushed out.

      I still have hard time controlling my diarrhea. Hopefully this will go away too. 

      Right now I’m in so much pain because of this tooth that I don’t feel all the other symptoms lol

      Hopefully your test will be positive for strep haha

      If not the ENT will give you some answer

      Good luck!

    • Posted

      Yeah, it would be a relief to know for sure! Mine are mostly white, but I did have the one that was yellow.

      I managed to get a couple bits out yesterday, but still woke up with the bad breath, dry mouth (seems a little better lately) and felt all congested in the head. The spit from clearing my throat in the morning was smelly again too. (Too much information, sorry!)

      Some chills again this morning, but not as bad, and the pain that was in my knees yesterday now seems to be in my backside. eek I also seem moody the past 2 days too, but that could be the Ativan (Going to try giving them a miss today and see how I feel) and/or lack of sleep. 

      Diarrhea I've not had for at least 5 days now I think. Have you tried any probiotics or anything? (I can't remember if I asked that before and this thread is getting long cheesygrin) I've been drinking Kombucha and that seems to settle my stomach somewhat.

      Strep result tomorrow, so will post an update then. :-D

      Thanks again for the support!

    • Posted

      May I ask you where do you live? is the air dry or humid where you live? it has a lot to do with mouth and nose dryness.

      I have that nasty taste in the morning. When I spit out I can seethe saliva is yellow, yikes, sorry. 

      I love Kombucha but it irritates my throat even more. But the taste is awesome, eek, I wish I could drink and eat whatever I want. I miss the bread and cheese. I haven't eaten any dairy or gluten for 2-3 months already.

      SO keep me posted then, hopefully this will be over soon

    • Posted

      I'm in Canada, stuck indoors with the heat turned up high for months. I definitely need to get a humidifier and/or air purifier. 

      Haha! I've not had it that bad for a week or two now, it's generally clear but it does smell. :-( When this first started it was yellow-ish and my tongue was the same color too. 

      Oh! That's interesting, maybe I shouldn't be drinking it? It could be drying my throat out too, or perhaps even irritating it a bit. (Or maybe I should drink it flat).

      Will keep posted for sure! Will be dreaming of a positive strep result tomorrow, as strange as that sounds. cheesygrin

    • Posted

      Sounds like we are in a very similar situation lol. I’m in Canada too stuck indoor, heating high the air not clean. So many factors to have dry throat and many other things.

      I noticed most of the people here who have throat nose issues are from Canada.

    • Posted

      Sure does! :-) I've found a great looking air purifier on Amazon, so going to order that when I can.

      I've also decided I need to see a dentist to get my teeth sorted too, maybe they're causing trouble.

      Will be phoning for my strep result soon (fingers well and truly crossed).

      Current symptoms:

      * Hair looked like I had been sweating while sleeping again, but not entirely sure. Could just be my mind playing tricks on me.

      * Legs feel weak/exhausted but I have done some walking/cycling recently to try and get active again, perhaps it's just muscles being somewhat shocked.

      * I seem to have lost a lot of body fat, could be my change in diet. Weight still seems stable and my appetite is fine.

      * Little bit of double vision again, this could be anxiety related.

      * Tonsils look a little better to me, now more of pink color than the inflamed red, so maybe they're improving.

      * Woke up with terrible dry mouth again though. Had some phlegm once again, but mostly clear or light green like flu/cold phlegm.

      Will post an update when I get my strep result, if it comes back negative; I'm going to try and get a visit with an ENT.

    • Posted

      Haha, what a coincidence! I ordered an air purifier yesterday from Amazon. It was on sale. 

      I found today my throat is dry too and irritated. 

      I find that teeth are the main source of deseases. As those who have healthy teeth seldom have serious health problems.

      I have many cavities as a result of lack of saliva and malnutrition. I also might have Sjogren’s as my periodontist said.

      Right now I have to decide whether I’m going to have my impacted wisdom tooth out or not. Because my first ENT suspected it could be the source of constant irriattion and infections. But after this root canal has been done I’m scared of dental works lol

      Keep in touch

      All the best

    • Posted

      Cool! I might order mine later today I think. :-)

      That sucks, mine seemed to be getting better in the mornings the past few days, but was super dry again this morning. Do you ever get it where it dries out when you lay a specific way? Mine seems to get dry if I lay on my right side, even when I'm awake.

      Teeth can certainly cause a lot of problems! Mine are terrible tbh, so that definitely needs addressing. I'm trying to get some dental coverage in place first though because it could be costly otherwise. 

      I was wondering about Sjogren’s  too, but will need to get checked out again first I guess. 

      Strep came back negative again, so it's definitely not that (which is kind of a bummer, would love to know the cause).

      I definitely need a wisdom tooth pulled! One of mine is cracked, but painless. That could be causing me problems for sure.

      Will do!

      Thanks again for chatting. :-) 

    • Posted

      I can relatehow disappointi g it might be foryou. I also wished my mono testwas positive. WhenI look back I can hardly believe that it’s been a year since I got so sick. 

      What your tonsils look like? Are they enlarged, red? 

      My bloodmarkers for Sjogren’s are elevated. My ENT doctor and periodontist also think so. Except for the Rheumatologists I have seen.

      These 2 nights I turned off the humidifier in my bedroom. I slept better but my throat and nose were dry and irritated in the morning. 

    • Posted

      Yep it sucks they've not found the cause, mono and flu were negative too. :-)

      They were red and brainy looking, they now "seem" to be returning to their more natural pink state, I've been gargling with something called TCP anti-septic, so that could be helping. Avoiding salt gargles, they seem to be a bad idea.

      I woke up in a night sweat again last night, that worries me, but there is another thread on here with a few people who have sweats for weeks and it wasn't anything major it seems, but the sweats kick my anxiety off thinking it's something worse than a viral infection.

      II haven't been tested for Sjrogen's yet, but that could fit for sure! I'm also wondering about Lyme and/or West Nile, because we get many ducks and deer, and I also get bitten by mosquitos frequently too. Need to do more digging, will be trying for another appoint with my family Dr next week, and hopefully she can refer me to either an ENT or some other specialist to try and get to the bottom of things.

      That sucks sad! I was dry again this morning too, but not as bad! I haven't woken up and had to spray my mouth for quite a few days now. I think I'm improving and nothing seems to be growing abnormally or anything (my tonsils are still the same size, nodes that seemed to swell have shrunk again etc).

      My purifier should be here Monday, never thought I'd be so excited about such a thing! biggrin


    • Posted

      tbh I was worried when I started having night sweats about 3 months ago. Because I have seen a hematologist who asked me if I had nigh sweats or fever? I remember I had nigh sweats about 10 years ago. You can have night sweats even from constipation or when your digestion is not good.

      I woke up today with throat pain, mainly right side pain. I see to have a cold.

      I hoped that this root canal can be a source of infection. But I don't improve just the opposite, my jaw is more painful and I get tinglings all over the throat and face.

      Sometimes I just cry because I feel so helpless. 

      I have an MRI scheduled for may 31st. I don't know if I want to have it. I'm scared of the dye.

      I hope the air purifier will make some difference at least in our lives :D

    • Posted

      Yeah they're really worrying! How long did you have them for? Do you still have them now?

      It's funny what can cause them, I read even anxiety can cause them - which is something I have - but I don't remember having them all the time. confused

      I've not really had any pain as such, which is probably a good thing. If I have I'd call it a very minor feeling of discomfort from dryness. 

      That sucks sad I hate dental work, but definitely need some done.

      I done that the other week! My emotions were all over the place worrying and I ended up having a big ole sob. (Ha!)

      Hope the MRI goes well! I'll be wishing you an all clear.

      Yes! Absolutely, I'm sure they'll do something at the least, maybe even provide a placebo effect perhaps. 

    • Posted

      Yeah they're really worrying! How long did you have them for? Do you still have them now?

      It's funny what can cause them, I read even anxiety can cause them - which is something I have - but I don't remember having them all the time. confused

      I've not really had any pain as such, which is probably a good thing. If I have I'd call it a very minor feeling of discomfort from dryness. 

      That sucks sad I hate dental work, but definitely need some done.

      I done that the other week! My emotions were all over the place worrying and I ended up having a big ole sob. (Ha!)

      Hope the MRI goes well! I'll be wishing you an all clear.

      Yes! Absolutely, I'm sure they'll do something at the least, maybe even provide a placebo effect perhaps. 

    • Posted

      I still get the night sweats. I think this time it's the elevated temperature. My normal temp is 36.2C, but recently it's either 37C or jumps to 37.5C. I think that's why I sweat at nights.

      Anxiety and stress are the main culprit. I was always an anxious person lol, worrying over everything.

      By the way have you ever checked your vit D? I did, I paid for that and it was low. I don't take vit D though as I'm allergic to all vitamins.

    • Posted

      Oh wow! That's kinda reassuring, but also not very good. sad

      My temp was about 35.5-36c the other day too and I was freaking out about that, apparently that's "low" but others have said they seem to run cold too, so I'm not too worried about that now. 37c I think is supposed to be normal.

      Yeah it could be the main source of my trouble too I guess! Just don't ever remember having so many symptoms from being anxious/nervous. But maybe I finally "broke" or something, and need to give myself some time to recoup. 

      I take Vit D every day, so I'm not sure I will be deficient in that. Unless it's not being absorbed properly I guess. question Might be worth checking for sure! Got a little sun yesterday (finally!) so hopefully that'll help too.

      Current symptoms:

      * Cold extremities

      * Tiny bit of tinnitus

      * Mildly tingling forehead

      * Feeling weak in a few places, might be because I went for a walk yesterday

      * Little/mild soreness in throat

      Apparently the nasal spray they gave me for the post nasal drip can cause some throat/nose irritation, I checked up on the symptoms earlier. So that could be fixing one thing and making the throat more sore.  [rolleyes]

      Positive thoughts:

      * Dry mouth wasn't too bad this morning

      * Don't think I had any sweating last night

      * Tonsils are still sore looking, but they're not growing, so I would guess they're not malignant.

      Contacted a dentist too, so hopefully I can get some progress made in that department next week. Might also try to contact the family Dr again on Monday for a follow up appointment.

      Will keep the thread updated with anything new for sure!

    • Posted

      May I ask you how old you are?

      You’re doing pretty good progress. I remeber I couldn’t move for a month or 2 in the beginning of my symptoms.

      Then I started moving, doing chores. Got sick again. Later on in January started doing exercises at home. Got soooo sick lol. 

      I seem to have a cold. Tonsils hurt are swollen. I have a stuffy nose. Using my spray of aloe/seawater. 

      Otherwise I’m concerned about my appearance. I made a separate post in this group amd got many responses. I have black circles under my eyes and have pale skin. Eh

      Let me know what your doctor or dentist say.

      Right now I have concerns with my jaw bone. The xray showed black circles just above my teeth roots. 

      Keep posted and have a nice weekend!

    • Posted

      Sure! I'm 31.

      I think so too, but seem to get setbacks every now and then, I've had the forehead tingling again today and also seem weak again too. I hate those feelings! 

      That sucks being unable to move :-( I've not really had that feeling, if anything I've been trying to fight whatever the hell this thing is. biggrin 

      My eyes look a little black too, could be lack of sleep? I think I look pale too, but people keep saying I look like I've got color in my face, so I've no idea what's going on there Haha!

      Will do for sure!

      I wonder what that could mean? Dead teeth perhaps? I'm no dentist so have no idea, wouldn't surprise me if they found similar things with my teeth too, I fear I've let them slip too much. :-( 

      Absolutely, you too! My air purifier should be here Tuesday, so really looking forward to that. :-D 

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