Tarsal tunnel syndrome
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Hello I have tarsal tunnel syndrome which was diagnosed by a nerve conduction test. I go back to see my foot and ankle surgeon in three weeks
Does anyone else have this syndrome? If so how was it treated. So far all i know is mine is coursed by bruising and possibly a fracture of an old injury.
The stabbing pain i get is at times is unbearable lasts only for a few seconds its like some one has stabbed me in the foot with a hot sharp blade and electrocuted at the same time. Also have tingling in my feet muscle spasms leading up to my knee all the time but more noticeable with online in bed at night. Any one have this? thank you
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karen_28937 deborah751
Hi Deborah!
I have been suffering for over a year with numbness that started out in only my toes. It has progressively gotten worse and affects both of my feet. I have numbness, tingling, electrically feelings in my foot.
The longer I am on my feet the worse I feel my toes swell and feel red and warm to the touch. After going to many doctors and they keep on telling me it was my Raynauds that was causing the pain and gave me blood pressure medicine for helping open the small blood vessels in my toes. I was only getting worse and very frustrated with my doctor! I found another internal medicine doctor and went thru nerve conduction testing, lab work, and also went to a pioditrist and he tried a steroid injection and it did not help me. Even my chiropractor told me that he thought it was tarsal tunnel. I found a doctor in Houston and he confirmed it was tarsal tunnel.
I had my appt over 6 weeks ago and he told me my only option was nerve release surgery. He has so many years of experience in this field that I trusted he knew what was best. I had surgery 11 days ago on my left foot. It has been very painful and I just started today bearing weight on my foot while standing. I still can't walk but I have been told I need to do this so my goal is to start out slow and gradual with aid from a cane or walker. I am scheduled to have surgery on my right foot in 2 more weeks and feel like I am going to have to see results and heal more before I will under go this again. I have read of other non surgical treatments but because the injection did not help me he recommended that I have this surgery with a 85 to 90 percent success rate and it could take any where from 3 months to a year to regain feeling and recovery fully from this surgery. I hope to be reporting positive results soon with my recovery but feel like it's going to take me much longer than I expected to recovery. Take care and wish you relief soon!
jon77189 karen_28937
How have been recovering from the surgeries on feet for TTS?
h left foot pain for years on Plantar Facitis but was recently told it could be TTS. I had one injection yesterday and my sole of the left foot became swollen. I have been resting to wait for the swelling to be gone and hope it works well to drop the symptoms.
Well, I would be glad to hear from you about your treatment.
Thanks with anticipations.
dena34441 karen_28937
Hi Jon,
I'm so sorry that I am just replying to you. I had nerve decompression on my left foot last May. I thought I had gone with the best surgeon but after my experience I was wrong. The incision was so large and I developed and infection week 4 and had to return to the doctor to have additional stitches put back in because the incision opened up. I couldn't walk for 2 months and had to go through 6 weeks of PT. I developed scar tissue and I have limited mobility in my ankle and my foot is very stiff and I still have numbness in my toes and the ball of my foot. I found another surgeon that does TTS decompression with a minimally invasive procedure so I decided to just do the right foot 4 weeks ago.
I also had morton's neuroma's on both feet she also went in and decompressed the nerves in my toes.
I was already walking within 2 weeks it was painful and both of my feet were numb but I was so happy to be up and walking this soon! I have not seen any improvement with my symptoms in fact the numbness is worse. My doctor tells me that it can take up to 12 to 15 months for the nerves to regenerate so I am still hopeful. I am returning next month to have the same surgeon go back and remove all the scar tissue in my left foot because I feel this will improve my chances in seeing good results in the future. Trying to stay positive about this it has really changed my life! I have had to give up running my bakery and food truck until I get better. I wish you well and hope you are doing better!!
karen_28937 dena34441
Hi Dena,
My symptoms are mainly numbness and soreness and pain in my toes and ball of my foot. I have had pain for over 2 years. I was diagnosed with TTS and Morton's neuroma in both feet about a year ago.
I had surgery 8 months ago on my left foot I had complications and my foot got infected so it was over 2 months before I could walk and I had to have 6 weeks of PT. I decided after that bad experience with this surgeon that I would find another doctor. I found another doctor and had surgery about 4 weeks ago on my right foot the surgeon was experienced with a minimally invasive procedure so my incision was very small and I healed much quicker and was walking within 2 weeks. I still have not seen any improvements in my symptoms. I am returning to have the scar tissue removed from my left foot next month because my foot is very stiff and this will improve my chances of seeing good results in the future. The doctor did tell me after my first visit that the success rate is 50% that the nerve decompression will work. It could take up to a year for the nerves to regenerate. The first doctor told me 75 to 85 percent of patients see improvement after the first year. It all depends also if the nerve glides and you move it after surgery and exercise it often. My left foot developed really bad scar tissue from the complications I had and I blame the doctor for making such a large incision on my ankle when it wasn't necessary to do this. The main reason I decided to have these surgeries was because without them I was told that eventually it would cause permanent nerve damage and could not be corrected. I am trying to stay positive and hopeful that I will get better.
I hope that I could help you and take care of yourself! Hope you are doing better!
dena34441 karen_28937
grace66582 deborah751
I went to the Doctor 4 years ago and they said nothing was wrong; when the pain got worse I went back. After going back a few months ago they said I had tarsal tunnel. The problem was I have serve tarsal tunnel and they wanted me to rest and not do sports; well this couldn't happen because I was in the middle of track season and am always doing a sport. I have done everything they have told me to do but, it has gotta serverly worse. I take medicine for it everyday and most nights have trouble falling asleep. Do you guys know anything I can do to help it or do you think it got worse?
Jessica112358 deborah751
I feel better having found this group, as no one around me understands. My foot looks perfectly normal from the outside and my TTS has been going on for 9 months, so I feel people think it's all in my head. I've even been told that it's probably just from stress. Ugh!!! I've spent thousands on medical bills and every alternative therapy out there, nothing has worked.
3 MRIs, 1 podiatrist, 2 orthopedic surgeons, 1 neurologist, acupuncturist, sports massage therapist, physical therapist and even an energy healer. Injections, anti-inflammatories, boots, braces, taping, icing, vitamin B6 & B12, alleve, marijuana lotion, peppermint oil, lidocaine, on and on. I'm depressed and discouraged, as it seems the medical community has no idea and no interest in finding a cure for this. Sorry to vent, but if I come up with any answers, I will be sure to post here.
karen_28937 Jessica112358
How are you doing? I feel very frustrated too and I found talking to people that are experiencing the same symptoms and problems helps and we can support each other! I am going back for a second surgery on my left foot next Tues in Houston Tx. The first surgery I had complications and I developed so much scar tissue that the mobility is limited in this foot. I try to be positive and pray that eventually the nerves will regenerate and I will regain feeling in both feet again. I have gone through many doctors and test and I was told it is TTS after having symptoms for 2 yrs. I also have fibromyalgia and Rynauds. My doctor persribed Cymbalta for my fibromyalgia and to help with the nerves pain. Hope you are doing better!
Burnfeet Jessica112358
You manage to find any relief with your Symptoms yet!! I’m on gabepentin now and also being sent to a neurologist! Still suffering :-(
david2000 deborah751
Hi all!
In June of 2017 I started having CTS symptoms in right, then left hand. A month later tingling in my toes begin, followed by the sensation my toes are freezing and pain associated. In Aug I was diagnosed by my neurologist with carpal tunnel in both hands and tarsal tunnel in both feet as well as other compressed nerves. Nerve conduction tests were inconclusive. All blood work looking any underlying causes came back normal. I'm still at a loss as to how I could develop multiple bi-lateral compressed nerves at the same time. Nobody can give me a clear answer. I'm 44, otherwise healthy, not overweight, non-smoker, don't drink etc...
My CTS is what it is. It sucks, but really only hurts when I type (like this). I'd imagine its from 20 years doing data entry. But the TTS (or whatever is happening in my feet) is what really scares me. Current symptoms: pain in toes, feels like toes are cold (not to touch); pain in heel, arch and ball of foot, worse when standing for long periods; very tender area on inside of ankles, just below the ankle; low grade tingling over entire foot that feels like an invisible sock.
Had nerve block injections done on both ankles last week, so far no relief. Every pair of shoes I try seem to hurt. I've bought 7 pairs of shoes since Sept and tried at least 4 different orthotic insoles for high arches. Pain seems to reset somewhat with sleep and/or keeping feet elevated. I've tried just about every anti-inflammatory known with no success.
Been to 6 different Drs in past 6 months - general, neurologist, pain management, rheumatologist and 2 different orthopedic drs. Currently taking Gabapentin (can't tell it helps other than helping me sleep).
Starting to feel a bit hopeless at this point. Heading back to neurologist next week for a "quick" follow-up.
Burnfeet david2000
scott74936 david2000
3 months ago I started having bilateral Foot pain in arch. It has progressed to nerve type pain when standing for periods of time. Been to podiatrist, general practitioner and now ortho. I have MRI scheduled this week. Nerve conduction studies showed normal. In addition, 2 weeks ago I started having Carpal tunnel symptoms. I would like talk more to you about your symptoms and findings. I am literally going crazy. Hard to do anything. If I get a positive diagnosis if TT then I will probably have surgery because I just cannot stand pain.
david2000 scott74936
trying custom orthotics and 2nd round of injections for now. pain gets worse daily. I can maybe stand for 10 minutes at a time and pain just gradually increases as the day goes. that ball of foot (into toes) pain is brutal at times.
still nobody can explain the origin of all my sudden compressed nerves. going for spine MRIs in a few weeks and more blood work.
like you, i'd get surgery if I was sure it was TT hurting my feet.
my list of questions for the board...
has anyone found any OTC creams, oils, drugs that calm the pain? i put lydocaine on feet before bed.
what about shoe recommendations? finding shoes that help is an ordeal. either they are too hard, don't have arch/metatarsal support or the collar is too thick and aggravates the tender part of inside ankle
anyone have success with injections? surgery?
any luck with cymbalta?
best orthotics for TT?
anyone have it get so severe they needed wheelchair?
rest vs exercise? which is best? for exercise are we limited to swimming and bike?
Burnfeet scott74936
You manage to find any relief with your Symptoms yet!! I’m on gabepentin now and also being sent to a neurologist! Still suffering :-(
Burnfeet david2000
You manage to find any relief with your Symptoms yet!! I’m on gabepentin now and also being sent to a neurologist! Still suffering :-(
david2000 Burnfeet
Nope, not yet. 2 rounds of injections, no luck. Drs starting to think my issues much larger than nerve compressions in hands/feet. Possibly brain function related - brain changing pain receptors etc... still cant stand for more than 10-15 mins at a time. Pain worsening at night. Still on 1200mg/day of Gabapentin. Have bottle of Cymbalta that I'm scared to start. Tried The Rebuilder today, not getting hopes up. Also did 8 sessions of PT but no relief.
Found some slides/sandals that really help though - check out Oofos slides, really soft with lots of arch support. I wear them at home. And I love ice packs at night on feet while watching TV.
dena34441 david2000
I have found that custom made orthotics help but they are expensive. Also, I had to go up a half size in my shoe for the orthotic to fit. You have to try a lot of different shoes to find one that feels right for you, but it should be a good supporting stability shoe. I also use an anti inflammatory cream my dr prescribed when needed. My exercise is basically limited to bike riding and stretching. I walk my dogs a short amount but save my walking for daily activities instead of for exercise, I use ice when needed. I am seeing some improvement but it is slow. Hope you are doing better.
Burnfeet david2000
bohawk Burnfeet
Burnfeet bohawk
What are your symptoms, and how do they test for small fibre neuropathy!!! That’s one thing I haven’t been tested for!!! I’ve been too pediatrist first of all, about 8 years ago, they said had PF then turned out I didn’t, then got forwarded to foot surgeon, I’ve had X-rays and a mri of the feet, endless bloods b12, thyroid etc, nerve conduction tests, all clear!!! Also had cortisone injection in to my tarsal tunnel as a possible diagnosis test! But did nothing!!! Now being send to a neurologist! I get burning tingling feet, can’t stand for long! Now also getting burning backs of upper legs when sit and burning in between the knees!!! It’s really bad! And it’s been slowly getting worse and worse and worse!!!