The SOLUTION: Excessive Yawning and Constant Need to Breathe Deep!

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All, Flutterbypie started this thread and there have been hundreds of responses:

I needed a way to get my message out to everyone and thus wanted to start a new post. Many people suffer from this ailment which causes people to contantly (usually in 4-7 minute intervals) to take a deep breath in order to just "trigger" that satisfying feeling in their upper lungs. But it's not that simple, because sometimes that feeling doesn't come. And we keep forcing that deep breath, trying to get the satisfaction - a forced yawn, contortion of the body, whatever it will take. It always comes eventually, but the cycle starts over. We all say it's worse when we eat. We all say it's not a problem while sleeping. We all say it goes away at times when we are heavily focused on something. 

Trust me, I HAD it for almost 2 years, and it wasn't just once in a while. I literally had this thing NON STOP EVERY DAY until a few weeks ago.

One caveat before I say what I did - I've talked to many people with this condition, and it's true it's not a one size fits all solution - some have hiatial hernias, others have GERD, and I'm sure others have other conditions that cause it. But if you have any inkling of a thought that it could be anxiety, keep reading.

The reason why you will never hear someone say "here's the cure for it" is because it's not that simple. But I'll just throw it out there right now. YES IT'S A COMBINATION OF ANXIETY AND LIFESTYLE. STOP seeing doctors (again, caveat - unless you think it might not be anxiety per the above), STOP reading on the internet about what people do to fix it (pepto bismal, breathing exercises, just STOP). It's ANXIETY AND LIFESTYLE. And I didn't believe it either because, sure I was anxious about a few things every now and then (who isn't?), but this thing lurks around all day even though you don't think you are particularly anxious. But I guarantee there are things you are anxious about. For me, and I bet for many of you, I was anxious about my overall health. Why wouldn't I be? I was grasping for a satisfying breath every few minutes thinking this must be the end, so it makes sense. But I did something drastic, and I admit that I am a little bit in shock that it ACTUALLY worked!

I completely turned my lifestyle upside down. I am not suggesting all of you are fast food junkies, but I was. I wasn't obese (196 weight 5'10 male) but I could stand to lose 20-25 pounds. I was drinking coffee, diet coke, some water here and there - but burgers, fried foods, some good foods here and there - ZERO exercise. My waist was 38 and I remember it being a 36 for years, so this was a relatively sudden expansion. 

For the past three weeks (which isn't long), I've 100% cut out:

1) Caffeine and carbonated drinks

2) Soda

3) Fast food

4) Fried foods

And added:

1) Vegetables and fruits to diet

2) Exercised vigorously on an eliptycal for 20 min a day

As time went on and my weight dropped (now at 190.3), the need to deep breath almost exponentially vanished. I still breath deep every now and then mind you, but you have to remember, everyone breathes deep every now and then. I talked to a doctor who said people breath deep once every 20 minutes. But we are hyper focused on it, so we will think "Oh geez, it's back". It's not.

I never in a million years thought I would beat this thing, especially as quickly as I did, and a couple people I know did a massive lifestyle change and they said things look better. I wish this worked for everyone, and I'm sure there will be someone who says "but I am super fit and already eat well". You might have a different issue, OR, it is still anxiety but as I said - I was nervous about my health - now that my blood pressure has visibly dropped and I'm sure my cholesterol levels have too - I am NOT SO NERVOUS ABOUT IT and that's why my deep breathing went away. So you need to find out what you worried about and address it.

I hope this helps folks, and it can't hurt to try this if you think you might be worried about your health. I also feel there's a component of your stomach expanding (from food, extra fat around waist, etc.) that changes your breathing patterns - I don't know if it's more that or anxiety, but I don't really care as this works. Please do try it for a couple of weeks and let me know how it goes!

Again as a final disclaimer: I am not a doctor so if your deep breathing is totally unrelated to anxiety or diet/lifestyle, then you should definitely get it checked out. I can speak for myself, and many others, we've had our fair share of doctors and there's nothing they can give you to fix it. You need to fix it yourself and I am living proof that I was able to beat it! Good luck!

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    Hello, I'm having the same issue. It's everyday, and like Steve said, it doesn't happen when I'm asleep, or when I'm concentrating on something. This past January, I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation. I know you all are asking, "What's that?" Google it and it will give you all the information. I have been dealing with headaches everyday since July of last year. Some days they were really intense! They don't go away. I also have other symptoms that come along with this rare condition. There is no cure for Chiari. Anyway, there is a surgery that is performed to stop the progression of the symptoms and to get rid of the intense headaches that are related to the malformation. It can even get rid of all the symptoms, if your lucky, but it's not guaranteed. Everyone who has Chiari is different. Depending on how severe you symptoms are determines if you need to have the surgery or not. Well, I had to have the surgery. I was looking forward to having it in hopes of getting rid of the headaches and symptoms. I'm 3 months post op and I'm still having headaches symptoms. My doctor said it could take up to a year before they go away, if they go even go away. Anyway, I think that's why I have anxiety. How can I get rid of my anxiety when I can't cure my condition? I have chronic pain everyday and all I can do is pray. 

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    it has officially been 11 months since you posted this... have you been experiencing it again at all or is it significantly better?
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    Hi Steve - I have had these symptoms for 6 months since I got the flu in January 2018.  I have air hunger, which is typically satisfied in 2 ways:  (i)  I have to do a quick gasp; or (2) I have to yawn.  This happens about every 1-5 minutes.  Some days are better than others, but my breathing has never returned to normal.  I have been to countless doctors, have another appointment with a GI this week and more pulmonologist appointments to come.  I agree, it is generally worse after eating, which makes me think it is GI-related.  I was diagnosed with GERD and gastritis shortly after my breathing issues began.  I seem to be ok at night, i.e., I'm not yawning or taking super deep breaths in my sleep.  I contort my back sometimes to try to get a breath.  At one point I thought this was due to a musculosketal issue like a rib being out - went to a number of chiropractors.  No luck.  I did some serious yardwork yesterday and my back hurts and noticed that my breathing was impacted so I'm still not ready to rule out a musculoskeletal cause.

    I can't stand this feeling.  I often feel like I am going to die.  Been on many antianxiety/psyche meds to help me cope, but have since discontinued almost all as I am better able to deal with it mentally.  Lost 45 lbs in 1.5 months.  My PCP thinks it's all in my head - but I know it is not.  I feel like there is resistance to lung inflation.  I have had bad postnasal drip and feel like when I am breathing through my nose I am breathing through a straw.  Went to ENTs too!  Normal.  Turbinates are normal.  Vocal cords are normal, etc.

    I have some questions for you and any others on this board.  Have any of you had any belching issues?  When you belch does it sometimes make you feel like you can get a deep breath?  What about a cough

    Do you have nausea in the morning?  Do you have anxiety when you drive?  I never had anxiety, but since my breathing issues arose, I get anxietal in a car, often belching and coughing, contorting my back while driving.  I am also sensitive to sounds, like the littlest things will make me jumpy, like the phone ringing.  Was recently tested for a thyroid issue - normal.  I have been to 2 pulmonologists so far.  All of my testing seems to be normal at rest and under exercise.  My O2 levels have always been 95-98%.  One pulmonologist claimed it was hyperventilation syndrome, but only ran a spirometry test and didn't due any further testing.  Another doctor performed arterial blood testing and my CO2 levels were normal, which would thus seem to rule out HVS.

    I am at my wits end.  I cry a lot and often wonder if my life will be life this till I die.  I'm nearing 50 BTW.  My entire life has been turned upside down.  Was on disability from work for 4 months, had some suicidal ideation (thankfully not now), praying every day.  Now back at work and having difficulty driving.  My wife is also at her wits end.  It's been a horrible experience.

    I have more doc appointments this week so I keep hoping that


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      Please let me know how your appointments go.  All doctors I’ve been to say it’s anxiety!! 
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      My PCP thinks it all anxiety related.  It's to the point where he hears but will not listen to anything I have to say, even when the lab results suggest that there is a physical/physiological issue.  Tone deaf.  I hope once this issue resolves (if it ever does) I will be looking for a new primary physician.

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      Yea this sounds like most the rest of us. Doc said it's in my head too but to hard to believe when you have physical symptoms. It's just hard to breath that's the only symptom. I wish we could all figure this out. It's the most dibilitating issue I've ever had and trust me I've had many 

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      That's a good question, not sure I know for sure.  I've been dealing with a lot of cause and effect issues.  Did my anxiety cause my breathing or did the breathing cause the anxiety?  Is my back pain a result of my lungs trying to recover or is the back pain causing my breathing?  I don't know, but I will think about it more.  I will say when I did yard work the other day, my back hurt and it impacted my breathing so I think there is a link with back pain causing (at least partly) my breathing issues, but I couldn't say with any certainty at this point.

    • Posted

      I have been following this post for about 9 months but never posted in it. I had the exact same issue... air hunger that could only be satisfied by either an attempted yawn (which was usually unsuccessful) or physically trying to expand my lungs by an attempted upper body “expansion” by pushing my arms my arms down onto the counter. I was back and forth to my primary care doc for months but was willing to listen and give careful thought to my situation. He ordered pulmonary function tests, X-rays, blood work, sleep studies...all which returned “normal”.   I was the one who started wondering if it was all in my head. I honestly did not think it was in my head or anxiety related but there were no other logical conclusions.

      My dad (who is a medical doctor)  told me before any of these tests were ordered or completed that I may have silent reflux.  This made no sense to me and I dismissed the potential diagnosis. I was pretty sure it was much more serious and followed through with all the testing prescribed by my primary care physician. In the end when all of the testing came back normal, I thought to myself “what could it hurt to try to treat the silent reflux”. I started taking omeprazole 20mg every morning 30 mins before breakfast and elevated the head of my bed on one brick.

      With in 24  hours my symptoms were much less noticeable and by the 2nd or 3rd day at the end of my work shift I realized I had not had to think about breathing all day! After a week I didn’t think about it at all! SUCH A RELIEF!

      I will also tell you that I am a pharmacist and I had my doubts that this therapy would work, but it did and almost miraculously. If you have not tried this before, give it a shot. It’s cheap and it’s over the counter. Try any of the drugs in that class of proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole was just the one I chose because it is the cheapest and I always want to start with the cheapest possible therapy)...Nexium is also over the counter.  Make sure you are already not taking a prescription proton pump inhibitor (there are many-pantoprzole, lansopraole, esomeprazole). Which ever you choose, just make sure you take it 30 minutes before you eat breakfast and take it regularly, not when you feel air hunger.  Consult your pharmacist or physician about any potential drug interactions as there are some significant ones to consider if you are taking other prescription medicine, especially heart medicine or blood thinners. 

      I hope this helps someone because it sure did help me!!

      And..,most of all, PRAY for healing. Jesus is the ultimate healer!

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      No back pain at all , one day on a hike dehydrated ran out of water , heart was out of chest and body shakening super shallow breathing thought I was dead. Recovered the next week and then woke up 7 days later with the breathing issue that's never left 

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      Hi Auburn Pharmacist - thank you so much for posting.  Like you, I also yawn (or in my case gasp) and seemingly try to get a deep breath by leaning over and putting my hands on a counter.   Possibly this helps to expand the rib cage.  Sometimes I contort my back, especially when driving.

      It's interesting that you bring up silent reflux. I was diagnosed with GERD and mild gastritis.  My GERD/gastritis fully manifested about one week after my breathing issue started.  Recall I had the flu and was coughing a lot and on day 3 I suddenly had air hunger.  Obviously I was stressed out from not being able to breath and so this may have set my body over the top.  Nevertheless, I was put on PPI and ranitidine.  Omeprazole made me feel horrible and did not seem to alleviate my symptoms.  I took it for 1-2 months.  I was still belching like crazy had nausea.  The interesting thing is that often I noticed that I would be able to get a deep breath once I belched - it's almost like I had to burp myself.  This still happens to this day.

      I am taking zinc carnosine (Pepzin GI) for my stomach.  I feel it has helped a little.  I was on carafate (sucralfate) for a little while but it made me nauseous and didn't seem to help. I may reconsider going back on that.

      Back to silent reflux.  Prior to my breathing issues, I was obese (5' 9", 215 lbs), ate dinner late, ate large portions, went to bed on full stomach, smoked e-cigs (24 mg e-juice), etc.  I recall a few instances where I woke up with acid water in my mouth suggesting I had silent reflux.  I never had the heartburn or belching.  It was only once I developed the breathing issue that I had full blown GERD/gastritis with attendant heartburn/reflux/belching.  I have since raised my bed, changed my diet, stopped smoking e-cigs.  I also lost 40+ lbs in 1.5 months, which helped I suppose with my reflux.  At one point I had an aversion to food and was literally having to force myself to eat.  I was losing a lot of weight rapidly and was put on Mirtazpine because it stimulates appetite and also I was having insomnia due to my breathing issues.  Drug was horrible and am no longer on it.  My appetite has slowly increased to the point where it is somewhat back to normal, but I still have to be careful what I eat.

      I am also trained in the pharma sciences.  I did research for many years before becoming a lawyer.  I look forward to hearing more about your story.  I've been to pulmonologists, GIs, ENTs, chiropractors, physiatrists, endocrinologists, massage therapists, buteyko breathing retrainers, etc.  Today I meet with another GI doc to discuss whether my breathing issue is GI-linked as you mention above.  Again, thank you for finally posting and I hope you will continue to do so as many on this board can benefit from your experience.

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      Also, are you still taking the PPIs?  If so, which one are you taking and what is your dosage?  Thx.
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      Yes, still omeprazole 20mg once a day. They are relatively safe drugs but I feel like I should do a trial of a drug-free week and just see how my symptoms respond.... I just haven’t gotten up the courage to do it yet .
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      HI, YOUR post caught my attention because I also went to ENT doctor and he told me I had silent reflux and a desensitized voice box and put me on the same medication OMEPRAZOLE I have been taking it for one week but no relief as of yet. I see that some people go out and do yardwork or continue to go to work I am unable to do things as it has taken so much control of my life. I have lost too much weight and I’m barely functioning struggling to get these breaths yes I do feel relief when I can Finally get a breath. My children arere u finally get a breath. My children are upset with me because I am not a mom and grandmother that I was five months ago. I am hoping that I can find some answers here. . As soon as I get up in the morning it starts in. I have never been one to drink a lot of water but I am trying to increase the amount that I drink. My ENT doctor put me on a very strict diet no coffee no Gatorade which were the only two things I drink besides water. But I have had to stop drinking them. Also many foods have been restricted from my diet. I cry a lot and my children Are upset with me because I am not the Mom and grandmother that I was five months ago. I am hoping that I can find some answers here that I can try that will work

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      i know you wrote this a while ago but im experiencing the same thing, is it still an issue for you?

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