Time to be very careful

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Hi Fellow Hippies

I just spent the last 24 hours in hospital after accidently over dosing on one of my meds. I have now used my phone alarm system to make sure I don't make the same mistake again.

The pain medication I took was not just a pain reliever it is also a respiratory depressant. Other than the fact of taking all these pain meds at every opportunity and still being in constant although a bit more bearable pain this is one of the reasons I can't wait to get my hip done and get off them. NSAID and opioids are the worst types of meds to be on. I was diagnosed with asthma many years ago. Although I don't usually suffer from it so don't beleive I have it.and have been miss diaghnosed. Therefore I should not be taking ibuprophen. But it has been priscribed for me annother nasty medication that can cause heart attacks.. I really can't wait to get off them and just have some pain meds to kill any pain while I heal.

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    Glad you're okay!  This is the sort of thing that can happen to almost anyone.  All opiate pain medications are respiratory depressants so it's imperative that we keep track of them when it is necessary for us to take them.  The only way I can keep track of my meds (I'm a number of them), is to enter the drug, the amount (milligrams or number of tablets) and the time I took it on my cellphone.  That way I can always reference it if I can't remember.  Pain meds can make us a little foggy mentally so it's harder to keep track.  For those that don't have smart phones, you can just as easily keep a small notebook handy and jot the information down there.  Again, glad you're okay!
    • Posted

      Thanks Linda

      Yes you are right. This is why I want to be off them A.S.A.P

      I don't like the way they make me feel and I feel tired all the time which I am not normally. I was always very active till I had the hip problem.

    • Posted

      I agree.  I don't like the way they make me feel, either.  They do make you feel tired.  But sometimes it's necessary to take them to get past the initial pain of surgery.  Pain is debillitating, too.  It's a balancing act for sure!
    • Posted

      I was put on therm by my GP not my surgeon. I hope to only be on them till I have had my right hip done. My right hip has collapsed so it more painful than eanythiong else that has ever happned to me in my life. So my GP put me on thewm. They don't really yake the pain away either.Thery just help me try and cope with it.sad
    • Posted

      Sometimes we DO have to take them to relieve the pain we're in.  Doesn't mean we like it!  I'm so sorry you are having such a bad time.  I hope you can get your right hip done soon so you can have less pain and get on with your life.  That's all we hippies want, isn't it?
    • Posted

      Yes it is just one of those things we have to do some times Linda

      I am going to my pre op on Wednesday. Hip being done either november 2nd or 9th. So not much longer. If I am cancled I will kick off because I have had enough pain to last a life time these last 6 months.It is not fare that you can't go to your GP or A & E and they can't help you any more.

      The only thing that will help is to get  your hip done.


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      So glad you are getting this sooner rather than later!  It's a rough go the first few weeks but it beats being it pain indefinitely.  Not much longer.  Hang in there!  
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      Thank you Linda so am I.

      I had my left hip done in April so I know what to expect. I am still scared and I have a really bad needle phobia so that doesn't help either.

  • Posted

    O Hailea you poor girl.  It's the way they prescribe non compatible drugs. We have to look out for ourselves..I know amitriptyline and tramadol are lethal, even on tiny doses.  Ibuprofen I avoid at all costs.....ulcers being the least of complications.  All the opioids depress respiration but we need them. Pain is pain and I remember your history.  You have a lot going on.  Although they said take the painkiller before the pain sets in, you could try my method:  use a soluble tramadol..ZAMADOL. not unpleasant, break the 50mg into t quarters. Dissolve as needed.  Acts immediately, so you're not waiting around for it to kick in and hence take more and more .   It has helped me CUT DOWN my intake a lot from 400mg pd to around 75mg - 125 max.  And it's easy to forget what we've taken and when.  Guess it has to be done, a real pain, but write it down.  Keep a sheet if paper per day even. Whatever it takes.  You don't want brain damage, stomach pump, or never to wake up.  Like the dr said to me "remember to take the Valium before the case of champagne or you'll wake up wishing you were dead". Which you have to laugh at even when in pain!!! You've had a hard lesson... Thinking of you.  It'll all be over after 2nd or 9th and you'll be in a much better place...
    • Posted

      Hi Notabene

      Thanks But I refuse to take tramadol unless given to me in hospital after what I saw happen to my mum when she was taking it.

      They gave me 80 mg of it to try and calm me down last time they tried to put a needle in my hand ( left hip replacement in April ) without knocking me out with sleeping gas 

      They first gave me 40 mg left me for 20 mins. I had to ask what they were giving me because I was scared They came back and it didn't work so they gave me another 40 mg and went away for another 20 mins. But because I knew what they were trying to do my adrenalin was up and that didn't work. They said we have given you enough to knock out an elephant what is wrong with you. I said I know what your trying to do and it wont work, The nurse kept telling me to lay down and relax. I told her laying down will make me panic even more and told her to go away and leave me alone and I won't lay down. Not if there going to try sticking a needle in me while I was awake. When  I was a child I was forcefully held down for blood tests by 6 nurses two doctors and my farther so that sort of thing stays with you and it takes a lot for me to trust anyone. Every time I have to have anything involving needles it all comes back and I panic even worse if I am layed flat. Twice my sugeon sent the leaches ( blood nurses ) to the ward to take blood after my hiop operation and I just told them if that is for me you are waising your time. They left without any blood. Same goes for any pre ops I won't let them take any blood I have the rarest blood on the NHS because they can;'t get any out of me.

    • Posted

      Oh Hailea don't know whether to cry or laugh nervously.   You cd try a tiny bit of DISSOLVABLE under yr tongue. That way it works IMMEDIATELY.  As for taking blood, some of them useless.  If you have a good one,you don't know it's happening.  But I understand the psychology behind childhood trauma.  If you can't do it, you ain't going to.  There's hypnosis for needle aversion, reverts back to that childhood event.  Could lessen your load.. Anyways, best of luck for an uneventful surgery (surgeon speak for straightforward as I understand)
    • Posted

      Thanks Notabene

      I am only at most a couple of weeks away from my surgery. I think if my GP thought she would given me it she would have done. But seeing as my mum had a bad time with it and I saw wehat it did to her I wouldn't take it any way.

      I have tried hypnosis. It didn't help at all.if anything it made it worse.

      I have other issues which I don't want to say on here burried deep which probably didn't help the situation.

      I am having the same surgeon and exactly the same team. My surgeon understands my stress so he is trying to help me through it by making everything the same. I really do hope that is the case.

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      Brava Hailea, enough said.  It sounds as if you know yourself which is 90% of our battle in life. Also you fortunate that surgeon is simpatico.  You're clearly in good hands...he prob has details of your records... Sarah
    • Posted

      Thanks Notabene

      My surgeons ALWAYS have my records be it a clinic visit or surgery.

      Plus I keep my own records of my experiences and the names of the nurses lookiong after me.

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