Upper Abdominal Pain
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I have been fighting EXTREME upper abdominal pain for about a month now. I have had a CT of the chest to rule out pulmonary embolism. I have had an ultrasound of my heart. I have had an ultrasound of my liver. I have had a scan to check my legs for clots, and everything has come back clear. I know they did a blood test for inflammation, white blood cell count, and I really don’t know what else. I’m completely unable to lay on my back due to the pain being as intense as labor pains. I cannot lay on my right side for the same reason. I’m unable to lay on my left side for the same reason unless I can stack something under me high enough to put me in a side bending position. I’m currently on Percocet, flexaril, and 800 mg ibuprofen. These don’t ever barely touch the pain. I have in my side. If I cough, sneeze, yawn, breathe deep, or hiccup the pain is so intense that I will drop to my knees screaming in pain, and almost pass out from the intensity of the pain. When I sit I have to stay folded up as much as possible to make it a little bearable. They have done a scholiosis screening to see if it is worse or not thinking it might be muscular skeletal pain. My ankles, and hands swell everyday. I have no appetite. My abdomen is swollen. If I eat the pain is even worse. I do not have a gallbladder. I do not have an appendix. I do not have any female organs. The pain can be felt kind of in the middle part of the upper abdomen extending all the way across the right side at the base of my ribs.
If anyone has had anything like this please let me know what yours was please!!! I’m willing to try anything. They have me going to a chiropractor in the morning because for some reason my regular dr is now thinking it might be musculoskeletal!!
I have been to my pain management dr also and she has no clue either. No one can figure out what’s wrong. I think ALL of my dr’s are grasping at straws now. I’m about to loose my sanity with all this pain!!!
So PLEASE if you have had anything like this please let me know!! I’m willing to try ANYTHING to stop this!!!
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EdEire melaneyC
You didnt mention previous history or age.
lester90053 melaneyC
pippa58442 melaneyC
HumanBeing melaneyC
Read my threads although your pain maybe different but I am suffering from mysterious upper abdominal pain after using antibiotics and it has been 6 months and without relief. I am pasting links here for my threads:
I have done endoscopy, ultrasound, blood tests, mrcp(mri) all normal. Pain is ruining my life sometimes its even difficult to breathe properly.