Utrine fibroids and Zoladex

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Hi i fell really ill with a Tubo-ovarian abcess in early July and they also discovered utrine fibroids within my uterus. Went back for a TVU scan and the access as halved in size but my uterus is the size of a 4month pregnancy. I have been started on Zoladex implants for 3 months to help shrink this and possibly have surgery to remone one ovary,fallopian tube and my uterus, not had any side effects as of yet, just wnanted to know if there is anybody out there who has had similar and will i gat ant side effects.

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85 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hello all, thanks for the replies, it is a comfort to know there are other people going through the same problems and getting to the other side!

    I had the zolodex implant a couple of weeks ago and haven't been too bad with side effects as yet. But I am having a very heavy bleed, apparently this can happen after the first implant. Am awaiting a prescription of tranexamic acid to hopefully help with this.

    I don't feel any huge difference with the size of my fibroids but it is early days and I have multiple very large ones.....will let you know how I go x

    • Posted

      Hi Nicola,

           Like you, I had a big bleed with first implant and after that... Nothing! Bliss! Just stay happy, it messes with your mood a bit! Keep us in the loop. Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you and will chat soon.

         Xmas hugs x🎅

    • Posted

      Aah thanks Debbie, with three beautiful daughters I will stay happy! I think I am feeling the 'mood' effects but trying to cope as best I can! Merry Christmas to you and your family :-))
  • Posted

    Hi Nicola and eveyone,

    I have just found this discussion and was really relieved to see it. I am awaiting another scan then I will be starting on Zolodex with the aim of getting my BMI down in the 6 months of treatment; ready for a hysterectomy. I am 50 years old and have been getting more and more ill with my fibroids over the last 2 years. There has been no sign of the menopause,the Marina coil didn't stand a chance and medication doesn't touch it. It doesn't help that I have so many fibroids they have been unable to count them.

    I am so fed up of depression, constant bleeding (between 2-3 weeks out of every 4) the pain the constant peeing etc, etc...

    I just want to see that someone has come through this and regained their life!

    • Posted

      Hi karen

      If it is any help I have been feeling better after my zolodex injection. I have many fibroids also and am awaiting surgery, fingers crossed I can let you know how I get on and that it is good news, Nic :-)

    • Posted

      Thanks Nic,

      I think that's all any of us can do...wait and see! Probably like yourself, all I want to do is feel better and get my life back :-)

    • Posted

      Hi Karen and welcome to the forum. Im on my 4th Zoladex and i must admit the 2nd and 3rd were very unplesant, however it is a means to an end although my fibroids did not reduce in size greatly and will have to have a total abdominal hysterectomy. Rang the hospital today to see if I could get an Idea of how long I will have to wait and was told March/April time. Hang in there there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
    • Posted

      Good to be reminded of that! I will make a point of telling myself this is a means to an end frequently! I don't really know anything for sure until I have my next scan. One thing I do know, is I have to get motivated to lose weight so I can have the op at the end of the Zoladex treatments.It's not long till March/April Nicola, so chin up, it will soon be sorted :-)
    • Posted

      Hi Karen, I'll be fabulously 50 this year also! I'm sure you'll feel much better soon. I also didn't have natural menopause so with the Zoladex just hang on you're in for a bit of a ride! My kids kinda tip toe around me now which I must say is kinda pleasant that they care, lol! The good thing was after the 1st month ( heavy bleed) my tummy was feeling heaps better. Everyone here on this wonderful site will be here for you like they have been for me and now a month after my op I'm feeling better than I have for years! I think they should make it compulsory for women over 45 to have abdo ultrasounds to check for fibroids because so many women must put up with this debilitating problem until they're at their wits end! Let me know how you're going? I'm in Australia but would have been lost without all this support💜
    • Posted

      Thanks Debbie, the support on here has been astonishing already! And I am grateful to everyone, it geuinely makes me feel more positive. So now back on a diet tomorrow and to get myself motivated for whatever comes eek
  • Posted

    Hi Nicola and everyone! Happy New Year! Wishing you all Health and Happiness. May everyone feel like New Women,with extra speedy recoveries from our fibroid problems! Love to all💗🎉
    • Posted

      Hi Debbie

      Happy New Year to you, Hope your recovery is going well, and 2015 is a super year for you now you have rid of those nasty fibroids. Im looking forward to March/April when its my time. Im a bit apprehensive about the op in terms of the pain, my gynogologist has reccomended I have a spinal epidural for the pain post surgery rather than Morphine,

      On another note didn't realise you were in Australia, its good to have friends from different parts of the world, Im in England on the south coast.

      Take care and will keep you updated.cool xx

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie

      Just to let you know im having my surgery on 9th April.

      Hope you are well  xx

    • Posted

      Hi Nicola, the way this year is flying by the 9th April will be here before you know it! I'm feeling so much better every week. The pain, bloating and heaviness is a thing of the past and I just can't wait to get stuck into a bit of exercise,amazingly! So keep busy and keep in touch. I watch Escape To The Country on tele every week so I imagine where you are is glorious! Xo💗
  • Posted

    Am happy to join this group,i have had fibroids for some years and my doctor used to say as long as they dont cause problems then i shouldnt bother about them.

    I got pregnant last year September,what a joy,and dec first our baby was dead,reason the placenta raptured dueto three of the fibroids had overgrown.

    Now am on my first zoladex implant,i cant notice changes,just mood swings.next week i do my second implant and hoping for the fibroids to shrink.

    Atleast from the discussion i see the zoladex works,am 34 and looking forward to getting kids after all this.

    • Posted

      Hi Nyawira, I am really sorry for your loss. My both children were born thanks to a long haul of IVF attempts. You are young and luckily with all these amazing treatments I'm sure you're dreams will come true x💜
    • Posted

      Hi Nyawira,

      So sorry to hear your sad story, I really do hope Zoladex works for you and you have lots of beautiful children.

      I think if you do have side effects to the zoladex it wont be forever, and having your children will make it all worth while.

      Good luck biggrin

    • Posted

      Hi Nyawira,

      You have so much to look forward to! Hopefully this will carry you over the mood swings etc. x


    • Posted

      I am abit disappointed as i was on zoladex for 3 months but they dint shrink as the doctor expected.

      Nowav been reffered to a professor surgeon who decided i should be on esmya for 4 months and then later operate on them.

      has anyone gonethrough this..

      does esmya has the same effects like zoladex.



    • Posted

      Hi Nyawira 

      So sorry to hear that you haven't had the expected shrinkage of your fibroids with the Zoladex. That is very disappointing. I don't think Esyma has the same effects as Zoladex. Zoladex blocks estrogen hence the menopausal symptoms. I think Esmya works on blocking progestogen so the effects will be different. Good luck with it. Keep your chin up 😊

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