Vestibular Neuritis for 3 months. Does anyone share these residual symptoms?

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Diagnosed with VN (42% hypofunction in my right ear on the caloric exam). Three months into the arduous process, I've started VRT with some nice results.

Symtoms wax and wane and many come and go throughout the day. Brain fatigue is still very common and I realize it can take time to really improve and get better.

Some of the symptoms include:

1: Feeling funny when a car stops. This can happen even when continually stopping in traffic. This is a big one for me. So weird.

2. Unsteadiness on anything that is not a solid surface.

3. Brain fatigue after reading for too long, watching a film, or having a long conversation while tilting my head.

4. A little woozy after exercise.

5. Random dizziness / brain fatigue at moments throughout the day.

Do any of you share these symptoms?

Also, how has VRT gone for all of you?

Thanks in advance!

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  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    I am very glad I found this thread. I saw an ENT this morning and am being treated for VN (a high dose of prednisone for 2 weeks). Everything started in July (4 months ago) on a trip to Tahoe for a wedding. I felt very light headed, ill, shaky.. just overall very fatigured. The elevators wrecked me! I came back and had fits of dizzy spells here and there, ended up getting a double ear infection and here I am no. Four months later and still feeling YUCK. Your symptoms are very similar to mine! Especially with the random dizziness and fatigure. I actually feel like my head weighs a ton at times. I could go on forever about how crappy I feel, but I think most people can relate. The ENT said my diagnosis is not clear, but is leaning towards VN.. in a month, if I'm not better (this will make it 5 months) she will order an MRI. Anxiety has become a huge issue for me... completely dibilitating. I get so concerned that I'm going to get dizzy if I go somewhere that I even start feeling dizzy before leaving, just thinking about it.  When I was at the ENT my blood pressure was through the roof because I was so anxious (climbing up four levels of stairs probably didn't help). I guess I just want everyone's thoughts and advise... or maybe I should start my own thread? I am completely new here. I'm also wondering if you guys have to sleep a particular way? When I read about vertigo and crystals being out of place in your ear - it was important to sleep almost upright. My doc said to not bother with the vertigo manueveres anymore, as she is almost positive it isn't vertigo. I'm just anxious to get better and get answers. sad sad sad

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      I'm seven months in with possible vn. I feel better than what I did 7 months ago that's for sure but I still haven't reached 100% yet. VN takes time. There's nothing u can do or take that will help speed it up. But walking and keeping active will help. Ur brain has to compensate for ur damaged ear and how ever long that takes just depends on ur brain smile

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      Thank you for responding! Throughout the months I feel like I've gotten better, gotten worse, gotten better, etc. It's been all over the place. I have literally stopped excerising because of the dizziness, but walking I can do. When I thought I had vertigo, it was important to not move around quickly, bend over, sleep flat on your back, etc. Does that stay true with VN? I did a TON of research on vertigo but haven't found nearly as much "what to do" with VN.

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      Does alcohol affect you at all? I haven’t been drinking much since this all started, but on the occasion when I have had some drinks, the next day I’m done - sooooo dizzy and fatigued. It’s not like i was out doing shots or anything, and it’s not a hangover as previously I would have woken up fine. I’m fine if I have a couple of drinks, but if it goes beyond that… dizzy to the max.
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      Vestibular therapy is a good start, u can go on YouTube and look up home vestibular exercises and pick the one that has an Asian looking man. He will run u thru it. Those exercises encourage u to move ur head around as ur brain needs to register movement but if u stay still and avoid moving etc ur brain can't compensate. Don't overdo it, go slow and remember they make u feel worse in the beginning but it does help so stick at it! Recovery from VN is never straight forward, u will have good days and bad days ;-) I still do 7 months in!

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      I have heard alcohol is a vestibular suppresant so most people can tolerate it and even feel better when drinking! I don't actually drink anyway (I know, I'm weird haha) so can't comment but I think if it makes u feel worse lay off it for a while ;-)

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      Okay thank you... I imagine it can't hurt if I don't actually have VN. I thought I had vertigo and was doing the Epley manuevers. I will literally do anything to start feeling better. Going back to the sleep position, does that matter? Is there anything I can do that will make it worse? I'm so sorry to bombard you... I just have never actually conversated with anyone who knew what I was going through!

      LOL to alcohol comment, thanks. I don't drink all the time, maybe a few beers a week. But sometimes I DO feel better when I have A drink, but I think that may be more of the anxiety part of it.. it relaxes me a bit. I only have felt that awful the few times I knew I drank too much - I definitely am more careful now. smile

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      I'm going to message u as they won't let my comment post lol

    • Posted

      Hi there, as far as what you said, I completely empathize with the overall experience. That said, it's not exactly fun. 😆 It can be a long road, as Melody states. But take heart!

      It gets better. Anxiety is a common issue with many patients. It helps to be mindful of it. I'm sure you've heard this, but it can be good to focus on the breath. And try not to resist your thoughts or the anxiousness. Really helped me overcome the sensation!

      Also, if you have VN, vertigo should not be episodic. So rest easy. The world will not start spinning. Remember that when you go out. Every step is an ounce of progress.

      Personally, I've been playing volleyball and it's been amazing. I feel much better while playing. But I still get heavy headed and all that jazz.

      Oh, and the way in which you sleep doesn't affect the nerve with VN. One side might feel better, but that's just because of the head sensitivity.

      Can't hurt to be upright though.


    • Posted

      This was all so uplifting to read and really helps. I can't thank you all enough for your input. When you say try not to resist the anxiousness, how do you cope? Do you just accept that you're having an anxiety attack and just work through it? I like this idea.

      AHH, the news about sleeping not affecting it is terrific news. I have been sleeping so poorly because I have been propping myself up with 5 pillows, but I always stoop down and have to readjust. Woo hoo!

      When you're exercising, do you just fight through the dizziness? I am very nervous to start exercising again, but I'll start slow. AHHH. I'm so glad I found this thread! I hope we all stay connected and keep in touch!

    • Posted

      I do this "senses" thing when I feel super anxious and it normally helps to stop attacks. 5 things u can touch, see, hear and smell. It re focuses ur brain :-)

      Haha five pillows I can imagine how uncomfy that was!!

      If I'm really dizzy il stop but if it's not too bad I keep going. I found supermarkets and malls very hard too but made myself do them

    • Posted

      Okay I will google some senses exercises. I have never been an axious person, but this has made me into a bit of a nut, and then I get anxious about being anxious. LOL. fun times. Anxiety and stress definitely make the dizziness worse. What an awful circle.

      Driving is hard, it feels like the trees and roads are going by me so fast. I feel like I'm Marty McFly in the delorean! I went to a play soon after I started having spells (I didn't know what was going on with me at that point and we already had tickets) and we sat in the balcony. Oh man... it was brutal. I've never wanted to leave an event so badly!

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      It's basically if u feel anxious, stop, look around u and say aloud 5 things u can see, 5 things u can hear, ect etc. I was never anxious either but this illness made me have daily panic attacks!

      Driving can still make me feel weird! When I stop at a traffic light I swear I'm still moving but I'm not. My son was in an Anzac parade a few weeks after I got sick and I went along to watch but had to leave as I felt so awful :-(

    • Posted

      I love this! I'm definitely going to do this. Thank you!

      Ahhh, I'm sorry... sad My daughter keeps asking me when are my ears going to get better so we can go here or there.. it's very sad. My whole family went to magic mountain and I just wait in line with everyone and then get out before they hop on the ride... Fun times! It could be worse... it could be worse I tell myself.

      BUT - next weekend we are going to Santa Barbara. Nothing too crazy, the zoo and a relaxing day at the pool (fingers crossed no big dizzy spells). It's only 1.5 hour drive so I think I'll be okay.

      Side note, I work from home as I have my own business and am SO thankful for that. I don't know what I would do if I had a full time job and have to go into work everyday... I just don't think I could have done or still do it on bad days. Do people take medical leaves?

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      That's the idea! I do the same, but not aloud. In addition, I focus on the breath and the weight of the body on the chair (I always sit to make it easier).

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      I caught myself a few times holding my breath or shallow breathing. You don't even think about it . You get dizzy, panic, hold your breath. Lol

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      Did you have any panic attacks while in the doctor's office and have your blood pressure go super high? The past few times my BP has been up, but I think it's related to nerves/anxiety.

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      Exactly. In essence, if there is no resistance, the mind naturally calms down. Otherwise, you simply create more thoughts and those thoughts spawn even know the story. 😑 Focus on the physical.

      If the mind wanders, gently bring it back to a physical sensation.

      Next, sleeping is easy peasy. Haha, maybe chip away at the mountain of pillows. I did the same once and can relate to fighting to stop sliding off!

      I share the car sensation with Melody. Before I would even get what you do, but my vision would narrow and I felt like I was in an endless tunnel trying to get home or elsewhere. Nice reference! Top notch film.

      Yes, keep going but know your limit. I couldn't do any sport a while back.

      That said, yeah! Melody is always around and I'm becoming a bit of a regular myself. It's great to do a little progress check every now and then.

      Good luck on your trip!

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      I can tell if mines high. I can feel it and they don't tell you what it is if it's high. If it's normal, they tell you what it is . Lol

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      Haha, yeah, it's really wonky. Without being aware the body starts to do funky things. Gotta catch yourself.

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      I got so if they don't say, I ask. Then I know what's going on. Then if anything happens or I see a different doc and they don't bother to look. I can say I knew it's been High or normal. Help them do there job. Some get into a Rutt. Don't let them overlook anything may help you.

    • Posted

      It's ok to feel sad 😢 I have three kids under the age of 8 and I remember those early days how tough it was. We went to the beach recently and my 6yr old and I were running up and down sand dunes all afternoon and then did 3hrs of dancing at home and I stupidly was throwing my head around! I paid for it that night and 4 weeks in I'm still not 100%! But it does get better :-) be kind to urself. Push urself but not too hard. Breathe! And remember this too shall pass. It just takes time. Find ur joy in each day. I like to always find my positives. Before u get up each morning tell urself today is going to be great! U got this mama xx

    • Posted

      Thank you everyone, for all of the support! I need to focus more on finding the positives! One huge positive for me is now that I don't have to be propped up on 239052 pillows, I'm sleeping better!

    • Posted

      Hey Melody,

      How you doin' these days? I was curious, as far as good and bad days, do you ever get a stretch of solid ones followed by a few duds?

      Had an excellent few days, but sort of back tracked today. Even the VRT that I always do seemed harder.

      I'm able to go out and do things, but I get a constant head pressure. You still have that or less frequently?

    • Posted

      Hey! I saw the ENT last week who confirmed VN. Told me my balance is ok so believe my remaining symptoms are anxiety. Since hearing that I have made a huge effort to live normally. Iv been exercising again and believe it or not feel 100% most days. Sometimes I still get the odd symptom but haven't had head pressure for a few weeks now. Still have moments when I feel off but I do believe it's my anxiety :-(

    • Posted

      That's amazing news! Big up to that. Very glad it was confirmed and documented. Anxiety is definitely a key component. Hopefully it subsides soon. I'll keep you posted on my status! Month 4 and trying to, like you said, live normally.

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      I'm trying St. John wort before I go on the hard stuff lol. I'm month 8 :-)

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      Hi, thats great to hear you feel better most days . After Xmas i'm back at the gym and doing my VRT again. Got a holiday to Maderia to look forward to. Let's keep trying to beat this !

    • Posted

      Hey Melody! How's it coming? Just checking in. Hopefully the benefits you've seen have been sustained. I'm almost 5 months in, but absolutely improving. I still have a few constant symptoms and the occasional bad day, but overall better.

      Warm wishes and happy holidays.

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      Angela, how are you? What's your story? I'm about 5 months in, but seeing improvement slowly.


    • Posted

      Hi Merry Chritmas to you! I started in April .Very dizzy, nausea,head pressure and nystagmus etc. Couldn't drive,work so it really affected my life. Didn't see a consultant until July who more or less confirmed VN. No meds given just MRI but couldn't go through as it was too claustrophobic so awaiting another appt. Given VRT excercises to do at home and i also joined a gym which have all helped especially with the Nystagmus in my eyes although its still there its much better , so much so that i'm able to drive a little now. I went back to work too in October which has helped although I have to take a lift and avoid crowds ( I work in a high school) I'm still learning my limits as it can be very tiring some days. So as you can see things are improving slowly. Some days are harder than others but i have an amazing husband and family . I really do hope one day I will be "normal" again and can drive as I used to ( this I miss most). Hang in there, things will get better. smile

    • Posted

      Hey! I'm doing about the same. I think il have to go on an anti depressant to help things along. I'm having issues visually but I see the dizziness centre in a few weeks so hopefully il be able to start VRT and get to 100% all the time. I can still do everything I want to tho, just don't always feel myself but I think once I sort my eyes il be ok!! Merry Christmas!

    • Posted

      That's really great. Best of luck on the journey to the balance center. That should hopefully speed things along as well. Likewise, and a happy new year! 🍾 🙂

    • Posted

      First off, wishing you the same! And a happy start to the new year! Thanks for your response. Very excited to hear you're driving a bit more every day. Plus, a supportive environment is really conducive to positive change. I find that the gym really helps too. I'll keep you posted!

    • Posted

      Hey! How are things coming along? Get those meds up and running? I seem to be on your path, befit with classic symptoms but these days armed with more good than bad.

      I feel the boat sensation sometimes, but the VRT seems to help with that.

      The parked car issue is still around but less so. Driving a lot more!


    • Posted

      Hi, I had a caloric test which revealed 33% weakness in my inner left ear and have been feeling off balance for about two months. I started VRT last week and hoping for the best. How are you doiing these days? Any improvements at all? 
    • Posted

      Hi, I had a caloric test which revealed 33% weakness in my inner left ear and have been feeling off balance for about two months. I started VRT last week and hoping for the best. How are you doiing these days? Any improvements at all? 
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      Hello Melody  ..hope u doing well ...I'm just wondering how u doing now ? 

      Any advices from your experience ( I'm in my 9 week now ) 

      Thanks a lot 

    • Posted

      I just want to know how ur doing? I know it’s been a while I’m just wondering if your better and how your progress was. I’m 9 weeks in and this is horrible!

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