What should I expect during recovery from cystocele and rectocele surgery?

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I've facing surgery in a week and have reservations.  Would like to know how others have recovered.  

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    My recovery was much longer and harder than the prescribed six weeks!  Give yourself a lot of time and patience than the docs say because u less you have been through it yourself, you just cannot know.  My urogynecologist insisted six weeks was the maximum time needed for full recovery and I did my best to assure him that just is NOT the case!!  It took me a good four months to feel somewhat normal again and then my husband had a full collapse from cardiac arrest and heart attack and I was on my feet for over a month and didn't some damage to myself so believe me, you need as much time as you can get.  Be slow, be careful, be kind to yourself.

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      Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.  I am trying to rest and hubby is going all out regarding me.  It is interesting you mentioned your husband's physical collapse.  I see it on my own husband.  His worry, trying to take on everything just to keep me comfortable, I try to remind him he also needs rest.  I hope your husband came through his ordeal positively.  Before I had the surgery I had not even heard of such a thing as rectocele and vaginal prolapse.  I guess if I would have asked more questions upfront, I probably would have scared myself out of surgery and just settled to spend a lot more time in the adult diaper section of the store.   So, I appreciate your honest assessment of recovery and I will try to forget lining up my own recovery with what professionals call normal.  As you stated, "Be slow, be careful, be kind to (myself)".  Thank you.

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      Hi Redhead. I'm a redhead too or was! Now almost 74 and going in for same op as you on May 8th. I live alone now and Consultant said I won't be anything like 'normal' for 3-4 months. First 2 weeks doing absolutely nothing except make a warm drink, fill kettle with a jug or mug and tilt kettle, not lift. No cooking, I'm advised to buy some ready meals from supermarket and re heat in microwave. Can't even carry a tray! I think we have to prepare ourselves for this, I know when I had previous pelvic floor surgery I took 3 months off work and still felt the aching/dragging sensation when I was on my feet at work for ages. If it hurts, don't do it! Rest, rest and more rest for 2-4 weeks and don't feel guilty, housework will wait. Best wishes for your recovery and listen to your body. xxx rolleyes

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      You are so welcome! My husband is now very well and very alive! So all is well. Please let me know how you both do... if I can help in any way please contact me..
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      It is such a help having this community I don't know anyone who has this surgery as I'm only 38. I have two little children and a husband who is trying his hardest. I am very lucky as my mother lives close by and is helping for before and after school and preschool. Keep well everyone x

    • Posted

      Hi Pollyanna,  I remembered you stated you were having surgery on the 8th of May.  It concerned me that you live alone and I do hope you received  at least an extra night in the hospital before being released.  My thoughts and prayers have been with you.  Please reach out to friends and family for help....if they are able to assist.

      I am coming up to three weeks post-op on Wednesday.  My husband had to remind me of that because my own recovery has been just horrid and I had convinced myself, surely, it has been at least a month or so!  Ha!  It has been a long haul for me and the doctor keeps assuring me it will get better.  Perhaps if I had done this surgery in the dead of winter it would have been easier to adjust to the "do nothing and simply rest" orders.  But my lawn and gardens miss me and I miss them, also.  I feel so useless as I watch my husband cultivate, prune, and plant the beautiful flowers.  It would be great therapy for me......if only I could sit in the dirt and use the hand shovel without hurting myself.  Oh, such is life.  On a more positive note, however, I have pored through countless garden magazines given to me by friends and family and now I have all these grand plans in my head for expanding NEXT year's gardens.  (Hubby says if I keep this up we won't need a lawn mower any more!). I am praying for you, Pollyanna, that your recovery is uneventful and speedy.

    • Posted

      Hi Pollyanna. I hope your surgery went well and you're comfortable. Just remember to take very steady, especially the first 4 weeks. I found the first two a struggle to do much at all. I'm now nearly 5 weeks post op. Sitting became easier after two weeks. Try to keep moving, short walks at whatever pace your can manage. No lifting, definitely no cleaning. It's very difficult, but if you stick to the rules, hopefully you and I will have a successful recovery, and we can feel like complete women again. Hugs x

    • Posted

      Hi Redhead 63 and Doolou 1966. Thanks for your kind thoughts. Day 5 and I am home, I was discharged with advice what to if emergency occurred on Day 3. Quite relieved as the new beds are chronic for people like me who have back and joint problems. Not resilient enough. Beds are at a premium here, hence the 2-3 day discharge, they are still catching up from the winter crisis such as shortage of doctors and staff. I was reallocated to a new consultant as mine retired in Jan! (New one is very experienced and 'lovely' so worth the wait!) Anyway, the op went well, my 3rd time for repair so knew pretty much what to expect after. First night was 'rough'! I buzzed and was prescribed oramorph which did the trick and I slept for a while then. Day 2, up and showered after 'rounds', consultant came to check on me and all ok! Rested day 3 and was told I could go home. My daughter collected me in the evening and I just rested on bed and listened to my audio book as it's more comfy to listen while lying flattish on back. Day 4. Daughter came with some shopping for me and took some laundry to do. I'm not that comfortable but was told to expect some buttock pain after SSF and posterior repair so taking my pain relief on a regular basis as I do for arthritis. Lovely staff at the hospital, they work so hard, especially the HCA's. They never stop. One took me to the entance in a wheelchair and we joked and giggled all the way there, it's quite a trek from the wards. My garden will be taking 'pot luck' this year, housing association, (for elderly) do the lawns and I tried to get tubs and things sorted before I went in. So now I just sit and look at it. twisted I'm on the night shift as I couldn't sleep, too much rest in the daytime but difficult to sit for long.wink Will now go back and try again. Speak soon. Poll xxx surprised

    • Posted

      Hello Pollyanna,   It is pleasant to hear that you are progressing well.  I am surprised you had this done three times!  Incredible.  It sounds as though all is sailing along as expected and you are resting well.  This is a comfort to know.  It is also pleasing to know you have some family to check in and help with things.   I giggled at your remark that your garden would be "pot luck" this summer.  For the life of me, I can't quite get a picture in my mind of what that woul look like.  My gardens have been confiscated by my husband who is doing things a bit differently than I would but, bless his heart, he has purchased some new additions to the perennial selections and it will be interesting to see how things come out in time.  (He did purchase for me a beautiful hibiscus that will bloom saucer sized white flowers with faint red striping near the centers.)  I suppose the fact that he must drive past an enormous  garden center and greenhouse on his way home from work helps to add to these latest purchases! Ha!  He says he feels bad that I still hurt and he only wants to cheer me up.  He is such a sweetie.  

           My own progress seems so frustratingly slow.  Three and one half weeks out and still dealing with some pesky nerve pain running across sensitive areas and my butt cheek.  I get to feeling better so I try to do something around the house and, boom, it's all back.  (Yesterday I vacuumed one room, just one, and I had to go lie down again.  So frustrating.). 

           As I mentioned earlier, it is good news to know you came through fine and you have help.  I pray your recovery will be without complications and speedy.  May you rest peacefully.  Hugs.

    • Posted

      Hi phillipa I saw your post re rectocele. I am going for my gynae appointment this week, gp thinks I will need surgery as I'm 40. How was your surgery? It seems from

      Forums it's more older ladies that suffer so wanted to talk to another younger lady. Thanks

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      How are you doing now? I am 5 days post op at age 64. Don't think I could have managed alone. It's a tough recovery!

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      Hi, I did manage alone apart from my daughter popping in sometimes. I just rested much of the time, just reading or listening to audio books when lying down. I have a home help to do the cleaning anyway as I have spinal OA which means I'm a bit limited what I can do. I had my shopping delivered from supermarket weekly, I do this normally so everything fell into place. I'm now amost 8 weeks post op and still having some discomfort but no severe pain. It's the stitches tightening I think and they use the ones which don't dissolve too quickly so probably won't be back to normal until about 3-4 months as the consultant said. Bladder is a bit overactive still but probably that's the stitching and swelling too as they didn't operate on that, just the vag vault, (SSF) and rectocele repair. It is a tough, long recovery but hopefully worth it if it succeeds, it will improve my quality of life. I hope you have a good recovery, keep in touch with us on here for a chat sometimes. It helps to here how others cope I think! Best wishes, Poll x smile

  • Posted

    I am just curious, actually a wee bit frustrated, with my recovery.  I had the rectocele surgery and I also had a vaginal suspension.  As far as those two repairs are concerned, all is now progressing well.  However, from the moment I woke up post-op I felt as though some one had drilled a spike into my right butt bone.  (Technically: the ischium, that bone you sit on)  It has been my greatest source of pain and limitation.   At times I wonder if I have not been dragged over some hard surface when being taken off the operating table. Ha!  The doctor is aware of this pain and contributes it to the invasive surgery and swelling still occurring in and around the area.  She is treating it with a combination of anti-inflammatory, nerve, and anti-spasm medications.........and really, it takes the edge off the pain but does little to aide in being comfortable.   Has anyone else experienced this? 
  • Posted

    Hello Mrytle....Omg you have discribed exactly what I'm going through after having this surgery. I do wonder if its going to get better. Sometimes I feel like I'm not healing although it only has been 1 week...If you don't mind my asking, how long did it take, if you experienced any, the bleeding to stop? Sometimes I feel like I can go out (grocery store) but then others times I feel like I shouldn't have done so. The pain comes and goes. Did you experience any of this?

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      Hi. I'm now 8 days post op and still have what the surgeon described as buttock pain! I queried how long and he said not long and not too bad so ................I was warned about it, (here in the UK), it's part of the repair process as the sling is attached to the a spinal ligament, the right side in my case. I also had a posterior repair. Yes, it is very sore at times, I find it better to lie down on my side for awhile and especially at night. It also feels more painful prior to a bowel movement as the stools press down on it and other parts in the region. I was told to expect 3-4 months recovery and not lift, sit too long, stand for long periods or walk far initially, build up activities gradually after 6 weeks, Far too early for you to be out shopping yet.

       You need to rest more off your feet and take things easy until you can do these things comfortably. It takes patience and time. Best wishes, Pollyanna UK rolleyes

    • Posted

      Hello friend.

        It will be four weeks May 17 post-surgery.  The first two weeks were horrible.  The third week was a little better but I still had frustration with pain and finding any position that was comfortable. Only in this past week have I started to feel a bit more confidant about going through with this surgery.  It's odd how I can do a load of laundry, fold, and put it away but standing at the sink doing dishes causes me to feel like my insides are falling out. I attempted to vacuum the other day and barely finished one room before my pain level jumped way up.  I had been using a cane to aid in walking because I never knew when that nerve pain would kick in and make every step a struggle.  Today (16th) I actually feel good physically.  I mean the pain is there and I have to be careful but it is not the foremost thing on my mind.  I am able to walk around the block without the fear of being "attacked" by that butt bone pain.  I am slowly adding physical activities to my routine and sometimes I can do them and sometimes I can't.  Sitting is a bit better......I can feel the pain but it is not much.  I cannot sit on a hard surface, though.  It's got to be cushioned!  (Our couch pillows do nicely on the kitchen chairs).     Although I can still feel the butt bone pain, as of present I've crossed over into a new realization of pain.  Since the swelling is decreasing in that area, I can now feel where the doctor stitched up her work near the rectum.  I thought the doctor was crazy telling me my private area would feel like I just gave birth ........ well, it does......now.  She just didn't tell me about the first three weeks!

           I am continuing with several medications for muscle spasms and for relaxation of the nerves.  600mg. of ibuprofen several times a day keep me comfortable. (Unlike those first few weeks when I would have considered selling my firstborn for morphine!)   There is still some "interior" swelling and when I do too much my body lets me know.  That butt bone pain will intensify a bit warning me to stop what I'm doing.  Generally if I simply lie down for a bit and rest, the pain will minimize.  

           Your doctor probably told you it will get better and right now you might feel like he/she deserves a good slap.  But this is coming from a gal who has been there and still is healing.  Precious, it gets better. 

    • Posted

      Hello Miss Lady...I so I joy your reply..my surgery is next week and as I have mentioned before..upon reading all of this..I am scared sh--tless.I am 63 still work(on my feet) and have a relation ship of 11 years with a man 17 yrs my junior..I am very active..sports life and SEX..guess I'm just going to have a seat and get along with the scenery..I'm not one to sit around..guess I will learn..please keep sending the wrong experiences.. Terrie

    • Posted

      Hello terrie1953,     I am sorry all the comments have scared you regarding the surgery.  There seems to be a mix, though, of positive and discouraging recoveries among the women here and your recovery will probably fit somewhere in that mix.  The main thing in recovery was just to rest......even when you feel like you don't need to.  I giggled to myself when you mentioned being sexual active all in capital letters.  That was the main reason I had the surgery.......my poor hubby was becoming a bit concerned that my problem wasn't ever going away.  Well, although recovery for me was frustrating at first..........it is safe to say that hubby is now, once again, a happy camper.  And as for me..........I can rest assured concerning physical things even when I am no where near a ladies room.  So, the surgery is a win-win for both hubby and I.

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