Who is the best sugeon for fitting Ceramic Hip replacment?
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I am seeking a surgeon who regularly fits Ceramic hips in to plastic or possibly ceramic cups and is GOOD!
I have an on-going nightmare with incompetant surgeons who do not believe I am allergic to nickel ( present in most metal hips such as the Exeter 316 style hip) and was delighted to discover a surgeon in Wiltshire who does fit these. I was then strongly warned by 2 people not to go to this man as most of his patients are wrecks when he has finished with them.
Frustrated? Moi?! Can anyone advise me?
I gather there is a Mr Latham in Southampton who is excellent but he is not even seeing anyone until Christmas 2014 and no time to operate on any new patients until JULY3015!
I cant even find out if he does Ceramic hips but i know he does fit Titanium Hips which i would be OK with.
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crissy_wissy lindylollypops
Depends where you are and how far you are prepared to travel.
jan00794 lindylollypops
janette99911 jan00794
lindylollypops janette99911
I am guessing you mean December 2013 you were seen and operated on this year in FEB 2014. I know time is moving fast but we have not quite got to Feb 2015!!!
It was a MR Cox I was told to stay clear of, they call his victims Cox's crocks!
I lived in Salibury for 22 years but now living in Dorset and unable to get any clear answers from people about this Ceramic hip situation, so still hunting around. I shall investigate Phil Pettit.
Thanks for your reply though. Appreciated.
Amnesia3637 lindylollypops
lindylollypops Amnesia3637
twice now but sill amazed that my GP can not give me any help at all about choosing a surgeon, near or far away!.
lindylollypops Amnesia3637
It is a can of worms when you start looking deeper in to this subject!
Thanks for your input Amnesia3637!
gary62825 janette99911
possum lindylollypops
lindylollypops possum
I struglled with the Dr Foster website to see what i wanted but good to know about it.
Many thanks indeed.
possum lindylollypops
Parps lindylollypops
lindylollypops Parps
frognrose lindylollypops
lindylollypops frognrose
frognrose lindylollypops