Who is the best sugeon for fitting Ceramic Hip replacment?

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I am seeking a surgeon who regularly fits Ceramic hips in to plastic or possibly ceramic cups and is GOOD!

I have an on-going nightmare with incompetant surgeons who do not believe I am allergic to nickel ( present in most metal hips such as the Exeter 316 style hip) and was delighted to discover a surgeon in Wiltshire who does fit these. I was then strongly warned by 2 people not to go to this man as most of his patients are wrecks when he has finished with them.

Frustrated? Moi?! Can anyone advise me?

I gather there is a Mr Latham in Southampton who is excellent but he is not even seeing anyone until Christmas 2014 and no time to operate on any new patients until JULY3015!

I cant even find out if he does Ceramic hips but i know he does fit Titanium Hips which i would be OK with.

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    I believe I have a Marathon (what a name!) polyethylene and titanium cup and joint...my surgeon was fantastic...Gordon Shepard ...I had my done at BMI Beaumont hospital  in Bolton but I believe he does NHS work too.

    Depends where you are and how far you are prepared to travel. 

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    How far are you prepared to travel?  Dominic Meek works out of Ross Hall Hospital I. Glasgow and is superb.  He fitted me with a ceramic hip at the end of December 2013.
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      I don't know who the surgeon was who botched jobs in Wiltshire, but I had mine done by Mr Phil Pettit in Salisbury and he was marvellous.  I don't know if he fits ceramic hips but you could enquire of New Hall Hospital near Salisbury if you are going private (he does operations there), or Salisbury & District Hospital at Odstock if you are having it done under the NHS. He saw me in December 2014 and I was booked in to be operated on in February 2015.  The staff in Odstock are superb and according to a patient who had had a hip done privately, treatment could not have been better in a private hospital.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply.

       I am guessing you mean December 2013 you were seen and operated on this year in FEB 2014. I know time is moving fast but  we have not quite got to Feb 2015!!!

      It was a MR Cox I was told to stay clear of, they call his victims Cox's crocks!

       I lived in Salibury for 22 years but now living in Dorset and unable to get any clear answers from people about this Ceramic hip situation, so still hunting around. I shall investigate  Phil Pettit.

      Thanks for your reply though. Appreciated.


    • Posted

      Hi. Don't think you can go wrong with the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic hospital in Oswestry, Shropshire. The surgeons do these ops day in, day out, the hospital has a world class reputation and no-one I know has had anyproblems there. You can look up the medical staff on the website and go to the National Bone and Joint Register if you want stats about all the surgeons in residence there. Depends on how far you want to travel but of course you can be referred anywhere in the country. I would highly recommend this hospital and I have no interest apart from having had both shoulders done and will be having ceramic hip replacement in May under Mr Karlakki. 
    • Posted

      Thank you for your email. Very interesting. I have heard of this place

       twice now but sill amazed that my GP can not give me any help at all about choosing a surgeon, near or far away!.



    • Posted

      I appreciate your post and have been investigating the hospital you mention. I di not know there was a National bone and joint register or even a British Hip society!.

       It is a can of worms when you start looking deeper in to this subject!

       Thanks for your input Amnesia3637!

    • Posted

      I have just seen Mr pettit, he explained everything in great detail. I will be having a hip replacement in the next few months, any chance you can tell me a little about Mr pettit and how it all went. Thanks
  • Posted

    Hi, I was very happy with my surgeon for my two hip surgeries and some nurses told me he would be their choice.  His name is Andrew Pearson and he is based at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham.  I've had ceramic hips after requesting them.  You can check out doctors on the Dr Foster website.  Word of mouth is also useful.  When I was still dithering about surgery I bumped into a man in a shoe shop who had been operated on by Mr Pearson and spoke highly of him, and I currently work with someone who has also been treated by him. Good luck.  I was never tested for metal allergy and was scheduled for metal hips until I questioned this.  I react badly to earrings - I think in some parts of the world they do test people for metal allergy but not here.
    • Posted

      I saw my GP today and on your advice I have asked for a choose and book to see Mr Pearson ASAP.

       I struglled with the Dr Foster website to see what i wanted but good to know about it. 

       Many thanks indeed.


    • Posted

      I hope you get an appointment soon.  He is professional but approachable.  If you do go ahead with surgery there you may be given a choice to have the surgery at the hospital or at the private hospital where they have an NHS ward.  My second hip was done at the private hospital and it was lovely to have your own room and more importantly, bathroom.  The physios were less scary also!!  However, at times I missed chatting with others on the ward.  Good luck and keep us posted.
  • Posted

    Have a look at Mr Drabu he works from Spire Gatwick Park Hospital and East Surrey Hospital,he did my RTHR and I have nothing but praise and admiration for him and his team but I guess the best will always be busy...hope you find what you are after...wishing you well take care.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your help and advice. I am building up a picture of a few good surgeons across the country and will choose which one to do my hip within the next 8 weeks. thanks!
  • Posted

    Mr Curwen at Gloucester Royal does ceramic hip in to plastic. he trained as a physio and then became a doctor. they use spinal block rather than general anasthetic . he is a trauma specialist  and he does hip replacements. average wait from seeing consultant to operation 8 to 12 weeks.
    • Posted

      Kind of you to reply. Where you worried about the spinal block? I have not heard this man nentioned before but will hold him in mind. Got a few surgeons to consider now. Seeing Mr Jarrett in Dorchester soon and Andrew Pearson in Birmingham next.



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      normally recovery from  the spinal block and the sedative, so that you sleep,  is a safer proceedure and you have a quicker recovery time.  While it is good to find a surgeon that you feel confident about it is also important to be near to family and friends who can offer support and also should any problem arise after you go home a local hospital and services may be more practical.

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