why do i constantly feel nausea?
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I am constantly feeling sick!! it doesnt start first thing in the morning but throughout the day it just emerges. its now at the point where i choose not to eat if i feel sick because i completely loose my appetite, which is making it worse because im then hungry too( but eating just makes it worse)
I also have severe emetaphobia (the fear of vomit) so i am constantly worried about being sick due to it(another reason i dont eat if i feel sick, to prevent vomiting)
I have counselling for the emetaphobia so when i feel sick it is cast off as being 'in my head' by my counsellor and family.
i feel like i am stuck because i dont want to go to the doctors incase they give me any medication that has vomiting as a side effect but i cant keep feeling the way i feel because it is taking over my life.
There has got to be a cause for the nausea, i refuse to believe it is my 'anxiety' from emetaphobia that is making me feel this way.
I sometimes have really bad headaches that last for 5-10 minutes consisting of sharp pains in the head and over the eyes. I also have shooting pains in my lower abdomen, but whether this is linked to the nausea i dont know.
Any suggestions????
19 likes, 292 replies
isaiah67947 tee65873
Hay I know this is incredibly late but I had not looked up this topic until my best friend had trubble with there stomach or whatever it is that has my friend in bed almost all day... But that's not what you need to here I just needed to build some credibility... My father has also been through something like this and was practically in a comotose for months at a time and when he talked to his last hope ( a practical medicine doctor which I also recommend any of you looking up) he finally got the tests run that saved his life... He also was allergic to many things and after he found this amazing product he could eat those things again... The product is something called Inner Eco and it is a good probiotic... Many of them actualy. I am not affiliated with the company who makes this life altering( not very good tasting) natural coconut kefer. I assume many of you are very desperate and I hope beyond anything that this helps someone
morgan_59073 isaiah67947
jess144 tee65873
Well I have anxiety really badly and I usually feel sick everyday and I never believed either that it was because of my anxiety but when your feeling scared or have a fear your anxiety will kick in and it's most likely just your anxiety of not wanting to vomit that is making u feel sick. so I hope your feeling better but if it gets worse you might just be getting sick good luck in the future
ElleJ22 jess144
Hi Jess,
I was just wondering if you found anything that helped your anxiety? Helped to ease it? If you don't mind sharing.
mj1986 jess144
Yes!!! I've had this for months and literally just got to the bottom of this. I've to go for an endoscopy because I've got acid reflux (another stress related issue). When it's unpleasant it's horrid, I fee choked up and my whole family suffer from it. But I'm not sick with it apart from one time that sparked off a vomiting phobia that I haven't had to this degree before. I kept thinking if I got stressed I would be sick, so I avoided stress and have ended up getting panic attacks....because I'm scared of stress! And I have had a phobia of eating on and off...in case I'm sick again!
I'm trying to accept that the acid reflux and antibiotic use that originally triggerd my sickness is why I felt that way. And when I talked to my cognitive behaviour therapist about ti after a week of panic attacks I've slept better in the past few nights and woke up today not feeling sick. It took a week of me being sweaty with fear and post traumatic stress to realise that my life got stressful, I got ill and became riddled with fear.
It's a long road to recovery - I threw up in August and have had digestive issues since, partly due to the antibiotics destroying my gut bacteria, not having definitive answers and going to my GP every 2 weeks despite having health anxiety. But slowly but surely I'm learning to relax again - and when I do I eat and sleep really well. Long may it keep going! Good luck xx
msbarber77 tee65873
Anxiety causes your body to react in a way that, over time, can destroy your stomach and digestive system. Research gut healing diets. Research emdr therapy. Of course your emetephobia is in your head! That's where your brain is! Something has caused the wiring in your brain to go haywire. Now the emetephobia is causing an eating disorder. I've been there. You are not alone.
Probiotics, gelatin, bone broth... There are several things that can heal your stomach. Take it slow when you try to eat and only eat tiny portions of soft, bland food in the beginning.
Until you figure out the root of your emetephobia (which might be a psychologicaly painful discovery) you will probably continue to suffer. Keep trying to figure it out. You were not put on this earth to suffer. Your life has more meaning than that.
mj1986 msbarber77
Hey MsBarber,
Are you feeling better yet? It sounds like you've taken some positive steps to recovery. I have acid reflux and it's given me a lot of psychological issues....and I think the psychological issues contributed to me getting reflux, though antibiotics triggered this.
i was sick on the last night of taking an antibiotic treatment for 9 days. I was sick really quickly, wihout nausea or warning, and for a few days after that I was dry heaving. I have learned I heave when acid gets up my throat and makes it close (I'm also on a GERD forum and talking to my GP and unfortuantely this is very common with GERD as the acid irritates your oesophagus and it spasms). It doesn't happen every day and it gets worse with stress.
The problem is, I've developed nausea which the nurses looking after me for my endoscopy next week say is stress. I've convinved myself sometimes if I eat it will make me sick. It ruins my appetite when I feel like that. I've also been suffering panic attacks.
I'm working with my doctor, the hospital and now a dietician who thinks my gut bacteria have gone haywire, and in turn depleted serotonin and I'm out of balance. This all gets so much worse with stress, after all. And I have had anxiety post antibiotics like I've never experienced, even though life being stressful led up to me suffering from this fear and panic.
I am trying now to get to the root cause of the anxiety after months of trying to avoid it. I'm getting CBT and he says I've developed a fear of vomiting, which has caused a fear of eating and increased stress. He also says I need to just accept panic attacks and not overthink why they've happened.
I have OCD and health anxiety which I think is at the root of why I've reacted like this. I also notice a difference when I take digestive enzymes and probiotics. Feel brand new today after using them and magnesium at night.
The gut and the brain are so linked, and I think in my case one thing has fed another - it'll take me a while but I hope to get back on track! Hope you're well and doing better!
msbarber77 mj1986
I had/have ptsd from years of childhood sexual and mental abuse. All of that has led to other problems, which has led to behaviors and disorders that have now caused physical problems. I am getting harder with my stomach issues because everything now days that without a healthy digestive system, many other things can go wrong. I have no idea how to get rid of anxiety. I used to do it with alcohol, but that was a major problem. Mess for it make me too tired. I'm always exhausted. Have sleep apnea for which I use a cpap machine. I grind my teeth at night - night guard... I take vitamin d...anti depressants...at this moment having a burning, nauseous feeling below my ribs on the right side. The only thing I ate today we junk so I am paying for it...
Guest tee65873
I'm suffering like tee65873, It all started around 12 - 18 months ago when I was dead tired and went to sleep on my couch, I woke up less than 2 hours later and started panicking because I felt nauseous and thought I was going to vomit. I never did, but I remember each and every second of the torture I went through for 8 hours of on and off urges to heave. I came down with a virus a week later, one which just gave me stomach cramps and a fever, then another week later a new one with the same affects. Then a month later another fever virus. I missed so much school and began to stress because I was missing so much. As soon as I was well enough I went back to school only to be told I had over a dozen assignments to take care of and due dates to get them done. All the stress I was coping with messed me up. I had 9 hour shift's at work at my part-time job that made my stomach feel off just thinking about, I used to play basketball for a club and got into the top team only to quit half way through the year because I was feeling nauseous mid-game and could never quite continue. I now find that my computer and gaming is the only thing that can take my mind off it. I'm getting depressed because nothing has worked, my family doesn't understand how i'm suffering, my doctors think it's a psychological problem. I have OCD, Emetophobia, Health Anxiety. I rarely go out in public or to the movies because I panic; for instance, I walk out of the cinema and go the bathroom shaking; hoping it'll stop. I'm 16 years old and feel relieved thinking about suicide, I am NOT that kind of person, but i'm starting to become that person and it's scaring me. This problem of my is occuring more and more and I can't cope. My grades at school are gone, I am starting to lose more weight even though i'm already thin, I'm not as fit as I used to be. I can't maintain a sleeping pattern EVER. I've gotten blood tests, an ultrasound, urine test, faeces test. All negative results. If there's anyone in the world that can help me I think i'll be forever in your debt.
ElleJ22 Guest
Hi Bastion , so sorry to hear what you are going through. I completely sympathise with you as I know what it is like. I have suffered over a year and a half with constantly feeling sick, struggling to eat and losing weight!
You shouldn't be going through this at such a young age or having the thoughts you are having, so you should speak to your family or go back to your doctor about those thoughts.
As for the nausea, I had every test under the sun and nothing was found wrong with me, yet I was still feeling sick! I got really bad anxiety, scared going places incase I would feel sick and need to come home. With help, I have managed to overcome that and cope a bit better. I was admitted to hospital twice within a year due to feeling sick all the time and my weight. The second time in hospital, they tried me on medication called ondansetron. It's an anti-sickness tablet. Since taking it I feel so much better! I didn't feel like I was ever going to get better but there is always light at the end of the tunnel! It might not feel that way for you at the moment and I always thought I'll never get better too but you will.
Has your doctor tried you on any anti sickness tablets? I was tried on several that didn't work until the hospital put me on the one I am on now. Keep going back to your doctor, even take a family member with you to help explain just exactly how much it is affecting your life. I had to take my mum with me as I felt like doctors were brushing me off. If you keep at them, they have to do something!
Guest ElleJ22
Thanks so much lornejx, as cruel as it sounds I feel better knowing people have my problems and that I am not alone. I can 100% sympathise with wanting to go home when it public. I will keep pestering my doctors for medication, I just fear that I will have to have some sort of medication for the rest of my life.
Never the less, I'm happy that you replied so fast to help me out. I had this same problem 4 years ago, but it went away after a while and I now have PDST when I feel nauseous, so there's no chance I will ever forget this.. Thanks again, and I will try keeping you updated! 
ElleJ22 Guest
Hi Bastion,
I know, I felt better too knowing there were other people in the same position who understood. Not having an answer as to why it's happening drives you mad but! That's what really got me. How so many others are suffering with no answers from doctors.
Yes, try your doctors again. Even ask them is their any anti sickness tablets that they could try you on. I am on mine for the foreseeable future just now. I didn't want to have to take tablets like this either, really just wanted the issue solved but it feels amazing not feeling sick every other day so I am just relieved I am not suffering like I was! So it is worth it if you can get something. It would then stop the PTSD happening if the nausea doesn't happen. I had the same problem.
I am glad it has helped you feel a bit better speaking. Good luck and yes if you can, let us know how you get on! Take care
joannas tee65873
Let me share something with you and it may make you think differently or think I am thinking something else, but seriously you guys arent ill. You are suffering from panic attacks and a fear, fear of fear itself which sets the stomach off and makes you feel nervous. Notice how you all say its normally when I am in a restaurant (fear of eating, fear of people looking at me) when you go out (fear of being judged) or when you sitting somewhere (cinema) having to think about it more, but here is the thing if you thought about it, its just all in your mind and you thinking obsessive thoughts.
This all happens when one thing triggered it off, what triggered it off and when?
I had this when I was suffering from depression and was ill with low vitamin d and then had panic attacks from fear of being left alone and not coping alone and still being a child when I knew it was all in my head.
I then went to see a hypnotherapist/psychologist and literally it is all in my head and its pretty much cured as I know I will never be ill unless its something you have eaten, think about it, our bodies arent meant to be sick, its not natural so you are infact making your body ill and stressing yourselves out for what? why?
If you were ill you would be sick, have chronic pains and the hospital or doctor would know what is wrong but you are thinking obsessive thoughts and want a diagnose for this when there isnt anything at all.
once you see its your own thoughts making you ill, and you are being hard on yoruself and making yourself ill you will come to see that you are in fact tortruing yourselves with more pain as its only you who is suffering, why do it? when there is a wonderful life out there for you.
by curing this you have to do things you enjoy, read, go out for walks, drinks loads of water yes, but eat small meal and notice you arent acutally sick. Seriously being sick is all in your mind a fear!
You are just nervous, anxious and suffering from panic attacks....thats what feeling sick is all about hence the nervous feelings you are constantly getting....
emmy36165 tee65873
I get this too, I have a cyclic vomiting syndrome so I know when to leg it, but before that I don't know wether to get my bowl ready or if it's just nausea. I do dear a bit about being sick, but not as much as you do. I get migraines/headaches at least 2 times a week.
wendy13718 tee65873