why do i constantly feel nausea?
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I am constantly feeling sick!! it doesnt start first thing in the morning but throughout the day it just emerges. its now at the point where i choose not to eat if i feel sick because i completely loose my appetite, which is making it worse because im then hungry too( but eating just makes it worse)
I also have severe emetaphobia (the fear of vomit) so i am constantly worried about being sick due to it(another reason i dont eat if i feel sick, to prevent vomiting)
I have counselling for the emetaphobia so when i feel sick it is cast off as being 'in my head' by my counsellor and family.
i feel like i am stuck because i dont want to go to the doctors incase they give me any medication that has vomiting as a side effect but i cant keep feeling the way i feel because it is taking over my life.
There has got to be a cause for the nausea, i refuse to believe it is my 'anxiety' from emetaphobia that is making me feel this way.
I sometimes have really bad headaches that last for 5-10 minutes consisting of sharp pains in the head and over the eyes. I also have shooting pains in my lower abdomen, but whether this is linked to the nausea i dont know.
Any suggestions????
19 likes, 292 replies
kate58733 tee65873
i have been experiencing almost the exact same symptoms as you. it's very difficult to the point where i don't want to go out and do anything. i am going to consoling for anxiety and fear of vomiting. when i feel nauseous i stress myself out and it just makes it worse. i constantly am scared to go do anything because i don't want to throw up. i have seen amazing doctors that haven't been able to do anything for me so far. just drink gatorade and bland foods it usually helps me and try and take ur mind off of it.
joannas kate58733
Hi but do you ever eat and when did this start?
If you were sick or had pains or other symptoms then something is not right. Yes but I think it's a case of you just fear being sick no matter what you eat?!
Go and see a hypnotherapist it changes your mindset you aren't ill at all. It's all in your mind. Do you really want to live your life like this until you get old 🙈😩
JadePopovic tee65873
Hello, I have been having the same problem for 5 years and doctors are still mind boggledas to what I have( I'm 18 now) My GP has recommended me to a specialist and tomorrow I am going to be having an endoscopy which consists of a gastroscopy and and colonoscopy( camera going down my throat, and a Camera going up my but!) also going to be having a biopsy( taking a sample from my stomach). I suggest to everyone who has this problem like me( nausea, vomitting headaches, hot flushes constantly) please ask your doctor to refer you to a specialist and get an endoscopy done, hopefully I will put an end to this after 5 years of suffering. Get your doctor to do a H pylori test which I came out positive for, I am on tablets to help heal my stomach lining and have gotten rid of the bacteria but still feeling sick, but at least I have striked out that H pylori is not the problem to making me nauseas.
All the best and hopefully you will put an end to this horrible suffering!
m04692 tee65873
I'm not sure why but to feel the same way. I have emmetaphibia
allie77831 tee65873
m04692 allie77831
I can promise you that's not it. I just went to the doc and had an endoscopy and apparently my stomach lining is blood red and if they do not take care of it now I might have internal bleeding. Still feeling. Nausea now and my brother started to throw up last night. (Like I said before ) I have emmettaphobia) so now I have nausea fro. Stomach and anxiety right now plus stress from school. Any help will help right now.
Thank you
joey1987 allie77831
00sunflower00 tee65873
Just saw this online , I know it's been a year but it could be that your still suffering from this.
I suffered many years with this and no one could figure out what I have, I went to a ton of doctors and they'd convince me everything's fine. Until one day someone mentioned to my about gluten and the side effects to celiac disease. So I was willing to try anything as long as the pain went away, so I got off of gluten and dairy, and after weeks I was I started feeling better.. The pain started going away. It might sound crazy but you could be sensitive to gluten/dairy- or even have celiac disease. Anyways I think it worth a try! Good luck
emilyroseclayts tee65873
Well hello again!
I posted in this thread nearly two years ago and last summer my nausea finally went away!!! Well I must be unlucky because I had a sickness bug in January and now the ongoing nausea is back and even worse. I can't leave my bed
mj1986 emilyroseclayts
Hey, that's awful! I took antibiotics in August and have felt intermittently ill ever since. I see people posted on this thread saying "it's all in your head" but I only get anxiety after symptoms. I'm also intensely bloated and have inflammation markers in my bowel.
So they think that antibiotics and previous tummy bugs like norovirus have chronically inflammed my gut lining. When I get bloated my stomach gets pushed up by me basically being "pregnant", or at least looking that way, and that causes my reflux and occasional nausea. Definitely burping and discomfort after eating. It's so scary having digestive issues because it's difficult to get to the root cause when the tests are invasive/the testing process takes a long time to evaluate/the intestine itself is metres long and difficult to examine fully.
From what you're saying and what I've experienced - especially, like you, the remission of symptoms - it sounds like an imbalance of bacteria and inflammation caused by infection. I felt sick for 4 months after Noro 2 years ago. It got better and then antibiotics and bloating/reflux set in last year, as well as gnawing anxiety which my doctor thinks is a gut related issue. I hope you feel well. Get some acidophilus!!
Neoison555 tee65873
I can't believe what I am reading. I was fine no issues then had an upper respitory infection. The doctor prescribed me a medication and after 2 days I felt sick. So I stopped taking it. A week later tried a couple more days and it happened again and wouldn't stop feeling nausea. I went to my doctor and he said I have an ulcer. All blood work came back good. So here I am week 3 on ulcer meds with little to no improvement. I now feel like I have a knot in my throat and center highest stomach area has consistent dull nausea feeling. I'm eating chicken noodle soups, saltine crackers and water. That's it trying to fix this. But now since you all had a simular situation I'm starting to think I don't have an ulcer. That it could be that stupid medication messed me up. I can't do 2-3 years of this. I need it resolved yesterday.
laquitab83 tee65873
If u guys are taking antibiotics make sure not to take on a empty stomach I know from experience if u take it on a empty stomach u will be nauseous and your stomach will probably feel hot like it's burning
Neoison555 laquitab83
What's happened is people have had upper respiratory infections and the medication for that has damaged the stomach permanently. The stomach has its own echo system of good and bad functions and the medication had damaged to good. Leaving only the bad functioning to damage all parts of the digestive system. I was healthy a horse running 5 miles a day. Absolutely no issues then 4 weeks later I am so much nausea and unexplained stomach pain it's left me disfunctional and desperate for relief. I have been on ulcer meds for 3 weeks and getting worse. My diet is chicken noodle soup, crackers, raison brand, unsweetened almond milk, bananas and water. All tests come back nothing is wrong. Time for a scope.
skye_10585 tee65873
I have the same, however I feel sick as soon as I wake up, and then throughout the day. My mouth always drys up, and then it makes me physically gag, it's disgusting. I'm in school, and my exams start in 2 weeks, so I'm worried I'm going to feel sick during the exam.
Neoison555 skye_10585