why do i constantly feel nausea?
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I am constantly feeling sick!! it doesnt start first thing in the morning but throughout the day it just emerges. its now at the point where i choose not to eat if i feel sick because i completely loose my appetite, which is making it worse because im then hungry too( but eating just makes it worse)
I also have severe emetaphobia (the fear of vomit) so i am constantly worried about being sick due to it(another reason i dont eat if i feel sick, to prevent vomiting)
I have counselling for the emetaphobia so when i feel sick it is cast off as being 'in my head' by my counsellor and family.
i feel like i am stuck because i dont want to go to the doctors incase they give me any medication that has vomiting as a side effect but i cant keep feeling the way i feel because it is taking over my life.
There has got to be a cause for the nausea, i refuse to believe it is my 'anxiety' from emetaphobia that is making me feel this way.
I sometimes have really bad headaches that last for 5-10 minutes consisting of sharp pains in the head and over the eyes. I also have shooting pains in my lower abdomen, but whether this is linked to the nausea i dont know.
Any suggestions????
19 likes, 292 replies
mike06854 tee65873
This is a tough one...and the following is my non-doctor opinion...
Frequent/constant nausea and the doctors have not any ideas....
I say....
1) General protien deficiency
along with...
2) Good vitamin and iron levels - yes 'good' iron levels
Protein deficiency usually goes hand-in-hand with iron deficiency.....In the unusual case they don't correspond - you feel sick to your stomach.
You'll see this with people who 'try' to eat well, or take supplements, but don't intake enough protein....
Try a nice, big steak - or cheeseburger...and see how the following day feels...
---It's usually a nutrition thing....
Taurus88 tee65873
Get your Parathyroid levels checked. I have been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and it can affect just about every functioning part of your body. Mood, digestive, heart, lungs and all that. In my case my body has high blood calcium levels since my body doesn'ttake the calcium correctly. So even though my calcium levels are normalized my body sucks the calcium from my bones.
I also had a previous bout with gastroenteritis that has come back and put me into (PI IBS) Post Infectious IBS. It can be triggered by some form of stomach bug or virus. Hit MW hard since I was trying to stop myself from throwing up, I dislike throwing up as well.
It can also be brought of by stress or a major occurrence in your life. For me it was a caffeine overdose about two months ago. I'm constantly nauseous and it's keeping me from eating.
Good_kitty tee65873
I battle with this often myself. I have a Rx for zophran. It helps almost every time. I used to suffer from anorexia due to a fear of vomiting... I stopped getting hungry. Don't let yourself go that far. It almost killed me. Feeding tubes suck! Also peppermint helps calm a stomach. Peppermint tea and peppermint water is my go to! Metromint is discontinued so I found if I put a drop of peppermint extract into a bottle of water, it soothes as well as keeping your breath fresh!! Hope this helps.
Neoison555 Good_kitty
I've now been at Gastritis for 3 months rollercoaster. I get better than worse, up and down. I'm eating everything I should and taking ppi 40mg + 1gram carafate at sure it suppresses a lot of pain and discomfort than without. But my healing is questionable. Now feeling a new few little pinpoint pinching to dull constant pains in my stomach feeling like ulcers are being formed. I pretty much am consuming all alkaline food and water for the last 2 weeks. When I started it I waa feeling better but only because I wasn't taking in acidic foods and cut all sodium out. So I thought I was doing better at first but really I was getting worse because now even carafate can't stop the pin point pains. I even lay on my side and rock a little to slosh the cup of water and carafate around my empty stomach for Best coating. It just burns still. Also after reading mayo clinic saying that H pylori tests are not affective while on ppi and carafate. That the meds can offset causing inaccurate test results. So my doctor tests for Hpylori but all tests come back negative but the meds offset results. Like a catch 22. You would think the doctors would treat for Hpylori vs putting people on damaging drugs like Medium. My liver test came back abnormal bilirubin function 1.7. What that means I don't know.
But over time I am getting use to the condition and feel like it will never end.
b33 tee65873
I'm not exaggerating at all I have had this exact same issue my entire life and I have gone to the best doctors in the country, gotten surgery, nothing's worked and no one can find a cure. Everyone says it's my chronic anxiety causing the nausea. But there is a difference in my body between anxious stomach ache and actual nausea and no one gets it. It's so frustrating and I completely understand. Did you find anything that helps you? The only thing that seems to help me is my prescription medication for nausea and mint gum. But no long term cure
emily53735 tee65873
This describes the hell I have been going through for years and it's so nice to see I'm not the only one going through this. It's so crippling. I have never been diagnosed with emetaphobia because I haven't been to anyone about it but I'm 100% sure that's what I have and people think I feel sick all the time because of my anxiety about throwing up but it's not just that. I feel sick all the time, all different times of the day and night and I don't know what to do about it. I have cut so many foods out of my diet because it doesn't sit well in my stomach but I still feel like it's a never ending list of things that sometimes can set my stomach off.
I'm obsessed with mints and gum because the flavour calms me down and sometimes makes me feel a little better for a few minutes but it all just makes me so anxious when I go out places or do anything that I'm going to feel sick.
It's just taken over my life and it affects everything and everyone and I'm just so over it all.
Neoison555 emily53735
joshua77769 tee65873
joshua77769 tee65873
Notthatginger joshua77769
I did! But it didn't help at all.
stephanie36887 tee65873
I feel like I have the same thing. I feel nausea mostly right after work or at night. Get the sore stomach and become sensitive to light due to headaches. I've had this for 6 years and it has been sometimes so bad ive considered suicide because who would like living every day with stomach flu symptoms? But the good news is ive found some things that help me personally and bc it happens so often i have literally put them into step by step methods of if not one go to next step, to fixing my chronic nausea. 1. Try sipping cold water for 30 mins while in relaxed position. 2. Cold pack on back of neck or forehead for 2 mins on 2 mins off as needed. 3. Lay down in dark room and listen to relaxing misic. 4. Go outside and sit for 10 mins and take in deep breaths. 5. Take anti nausea medications.. i know its probably anxiety that does this to me if its not dehydration, so what do you think? Is there something that i could do better?
Neoison555 stephanie36887
gina96526 tee65873
I know you wrote this 3 years ago..but I have never read something what explained me so much. I also have a severe phobia of vomiting, I will do anything to prevent feeling nausea and I find that I constantly feel sick but with lots of counselling and years of suffering we have put it down to my physical symptoms of anxiety?? I also get random sharp pains in my head/eyes and sometimes in the abdomen. Have you found out anything new since the 3 years ago you wrote this? Thanks😂
skinwants tee65873
Nausea symptoms are frequently difficult for people to describe. Nausea symptoms are not painful but very uncomfortable feelings that are felt in the chest, upper abdomen, or back of the throat. Nausea can also be associated with other causes of nausea include side effects from medications.
skinwants tee65873