Why does everyday have to feel like this?
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Hello, Im so tired of feeling like I live in a nightmare! The mental part and panic that comes over me sometimes is too much! I always have to read old post to make sure that I am not loosing it I hope that everyone is doing well today! Praying for all of us day and night
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sazzie42 becky53379
Evening x
It's the most horrible feeling ever x it's good to know that it can be shared on here otherwise it would be unbearable as my other half thinks I have lost the plot. xx
Sleep well all x
becky53379 sazzie42
Awwww we feel like we have lost it but we havent! I am very thankful for everyone on here....they are a true blessing
I hope that you have a good night sleep tonight and that your day is a great one tomorrow
Take care!
michelle46271 sazzie42
I'm sure my other half thinks that as well x
christine48435 michelle46271
colleen90305 becky53379
I'm with ya. Everyone has different symtoms and while you and I suffer mentally, others are bleeding profusely, cannot sleep, and having severe hot flashes. None of these symtoms are fun, and I pray that we all get over this and get our old selves back soon!
becky53379 colleen90305
Hi Colleen what a struggle for us all! I also pray that we all get through this soon
Hope that you are doing well today!
Hi, sorry you are having a rough day. Today was better but yesterday was a struggle. I can't take this anymore either. Too bad there wasn't a support group where we could meet like AA. This forum is helpful but meeting d would be great where we could all get together to get through this
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
becky53379 colleen90305
Yes too far
Im 48..... mental symptoms started about 6 months ago. Physical changes and irregular periods since 2009. How about you
colleen90305 becky53379
I'm 48 as well. I first noticed thr mental changes at the end of 2013. I sought treatment with two different psychiatrists since and I was the one who figured out what the problem was. My periods are pretty normal but the PMS is worsening. I don't have hot flushes, but always hot so i never knew nor did the psychiatrist guess it was Perimenopause. However, they never asked if I had those other symtoms. Sometimes we have to diagnose ourselves
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
Well I work full time and another PT job but when I'm home, I'm on this site, researching this aweful condition, and FB. I lost all ambition to do the things I used to do
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
It's a struggle, but I have to and support myself. I'm divorced and cannot even fathom a new relationship in this state of mind! I'm not ready and don't pursue or even care at the moment. I have 3 wonderful pets who I just love
becky53379 colleen90305
Awww ok! Glad you have your pets
I hope that you have a good night sleep and I will be praying for you!
colleen90305 becky53379
Thank You! I always sleep well. Thank God because it's my only time at peace. Prayers for a better tomorrow ?
colleen90305 becky53379
Did I mention that I've also lost the ambition to take care of myself? I used to keep up with my hair et now I don't care about anything. I take care of my pets more than myself. I wake up and feel aweful. No motivation at all. This is dibilitating for me
looloo43 colleen90305
Pets do bring solice into our lives don't they. theyr're non judgemental, & soothing to us when we're having bad days. xx
colleen90305 looloo43
I've always been an animal lover, and they make me feel so at peace?
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
Hi Becky, actually I'm feeling pretty good mood wise. How are you??
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
Agree on the morning. You never know what type it's going to be
looloo43 colleen90305
The latest thing my darling cat likes when he's lying on the poofy in our lounge is for me to cup one side of his head in my hand & then stroke the other side with my whole hand going over his jaw,cheek & top of his eye/ear. you can feel the weight of his head fall into my cupped hand & he goes into a little trance with relaxation!! its so beautiful & really soothes me & makes me smile. xx
colleen90305 looloo43
I have 2 cats and a dog. I don't know what I would do without them. They offer such unconditional love.