Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    Hi all sorry I have been MIA I requested to join the fb page.

    The only way to get rid of these is to get albendazole 400mg twice a day you need to go see an infectious disease doctor. If I was you I would

    Bring in the samples of the worms that you have found.

    I have concocted my own cream. It's amazing but it's not a cure. It will only make the pain go away and the worms.

    It is tea tree oil which is amazing. I used tea tree oil. And then I put vitamin e oil in for scaring. Then I put coconut oil in (these are all things that nematode worms hate and all things that bacteria that they'll get rid of it and also I cut off garlic supplements I put garlic in it and I would not use real garlic I would use garlic supplements pills and I also put ginger root supplement pills in there and and I also put green tea supplement pills in there and Carmax lotion to make it more of a lotion and I also added called the dog that gets rid of tapeworms so you have to go to a Petco or I don't know what country you're in but you have to go and buy a powder form of the pills that they get to dogs and then you could put that all in and you grind it off and you make an oily lotion that will help but I also love this product it's a Teatree oil and lemon spray and it's in the yoga section at Walgreens. You can spray it anywhere on your body like I spray it on my feet because I had my feet and they will all go running away!

    Believe it or not I've done a lot of research on this and the worms they can actually contact each other it's insane but they can send out a message through their toxins and they basically will say come or go away and they will say come if you're messing with. Them because I know for myself that when I pick up my skin and I mess with them and more of them will come towards me and that's the one they sent off a message so when you put the Teatree oil or the cream that I concocted on the cuts then they will disburse and they will run away but message me or find me on Facebook

    Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the personal details as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.


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      If after your concoction you wash and apply honey with ground cloves the brown aspects surface an they have fiber like roots they use to breath and they surface I believe its the worm eggs.
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    Rhuby .. Domino, we miss you, please read your private messages :-)
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    Thank you nico for sharing.I have been struggling for many years in Texas and your post has encouraged me for a treatment. It's been hard to describe to Dr's and family but to hear of others same struggle as mine motivates me to move forward with a solution. You are not giving up and it shows. Thanks!
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      John - You have to keep trying . I have had symptoms for over 8 years and I never give up. I really believe there is a cure somewhere. The dermatologists are the worst for getting treatment - they will automatically send you to a psychologist and mark your medical history with DOP (delusions of parasitosis) and self-excoriation. Best to not even see them. I have had much better treatment from the infectious disease specialists and a wound clinic that is headed up by a general surgeon.  If your skin is painful Bactine spray and Bandaid wash are great topicals for relief and recently I find that regular salt washes and soaks seem to be somewhat helpful. Go to some of my postings to see the pictures of my skin.  The surgeon I am seeing at the wound clinic has decided to try a negative pressure vacuum dressing for awhile and then a skin graft to cover my wound.  Best of luck with your recovery!
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      This is my 12th year of pain...
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    PEOPLE IS MICRO - MYIASIS! I've been studying this constantly for the year I've experienced it. It's taken over my life! An infected snake tank with a rotten rat caused microscopic mites to infect me. Only people with weak immune systems will be affected, others can be in the same place and feel nothing.

    Working tablets, garlic tablets and daily tea tree oil and bleach baths stopped sores. I can't get any doctors to believe me even when I can see the larvae on my face. I'm sure this disease is made to make u kill yourself.

    I'm worried they are inside me. I can feel chest pain and fatigue getting worse I believe this gives you Lyme disease which also is a miracle just to get a doctor to believe you. Stay strong.

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    hi sorry I haven't been of much support!  But seems my electronics must have worms to one! Nothing workin properly. Afraid to joke as some might take me as a joke ! 

    But im totally sane as well& mine are in my head as the doctors believe except they're literally in my head!

    ive just had my 3rd biopsy and they never show up on blood work ,stool samples or biopsies unless you have an actual worm in the test!.

    Doctors think I have a "hole in my head" but it's actually 3 holes and I I've experienced everything Nicolamc has reported, 

    you need to get to the specialist because he/she will give you Ivermectin or something compreble to paralyze the worms so you can pass them,!

    Pumkin seeds are the homeopathic version . Has the same affect on them &ad adds roughage. I eat them whole you can also crush them up and boil as a tea.

    ive just ordered Wormwood, black walnut. Garlic and oregano oil tablets that I've ordered online at Amazon. I'm keeping my diet as one that  promotes a cleanse . 

    The purge would need at least moving your Bowels 3 times a day! I've been eating lots of vegetables. And staying away from processed foods, sugars and carbs which includes fruit & alchole 🍻🍒🍓😒👊🏼🐛🔫👎🏼 you tube has some good info and I'm trying everything I read.

    i think mine are bigger then thread worms/ thinking fluke or blood worms!

    you can findbloodwormson YouTube and see that clear substance he squirt out that seems to crystallized. It's their self defence .

    thank God for the dermatologist I've found or I'd think I was out of my mind" because no one believed me. These worms were debilitating for me they took all of my strength and their toxins left me with no energy. I'm finally on the road to recovery but nor their yet. Can't wait to hear when everyone finds the right Dr and the right meds!

    what a nightmare! Good luck to all!

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    have you ever heard of demodex mites?  sounds like thats the case..
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      No I haven't are these mites small? Because mine aren't small. And if I use "black soap" or sulpher soap I can see them move in my lymphs under my arms in my glands and in my stomach. Imnowwonderinv if it's tape worms. I'm frustrated that I may never know. The dr who is treating me says: "it's like treating a weed you don't need to know what kind of weed it is the weed killer will kill them all" but I do need to know!!! And I want to k ow! I realize I may never know how I got them but I wails really like to know what they are since they're living inside of me!!!!

      We need a few doctors to get infested! I guess that's the only way! How insulting is that!

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      I replied because I seemed to have the exact symptoms as Nicolamc. 🔪🐛🔫🐛🚬🍻
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      Google "demodex mites human"  I also commented on Nico's post..  Do you have photos?


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    Also my sister has been worrying herself to death thats why I am researching....  she also has a picking problem and her issues come when she picks.. but she describes what she sees exactly as you have.. so please let me know if things have worked..   thank you and god bless.
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      Hi Shaylene, yeah thats really strange, i was picking my skin because i thought i was just getting spotty for a while before i thought i saw somethng. When i finally booked an appontment at the doctors i was so scared he would look and say ... oh you have something in there that i didnt mention what i thought it was. i remember leavng the doctors relieved thinking, well he didnt thnk it was an infestation so i was ok. My skin just went from bad to worse.

      I dont have mental illness in my family, Ive never suffered any form of mental illness so for the NHS to try and just palm me off left me stunned.  It goes to show you, be careful how you word things. Blatant honesty isnt always the way to go.  I was totally blatant telling them i had worms in my face (and body)... bit of a lesson learned :-)

      You need to tell your sister to try and get some pctures of them. Without pctures they dismiss it and ts totally normal for tests to come back negative. Doesnt mean a thing.  its also normal if smebody believes it, they may never be abe to identify what it is.  Can you imagne how many species of tiny worms there are.

      At the moment Im on another 3 months course of treatment. I had to stop taking the pills because they were affecting my brain. They were antipsycosis in a tiny dose. I started t get a crawing skin feeling and i didnt have that before  i took them. i was a nervous wreck every time a hair landed on me or something touched me. Back to normal now ive been off them a week.

      The cream i am using is called Soolantra and that is for parasites. It was originally used in cattle.  You cant get it on the NHS, its private perscription only (I think). A tiny little tube cost £30. My dermatologst said it will take about 5 weeks before it starts workng and its about that now so ill let you know :-)

      What country are you from if you dont mind me asking? I ask because nobody seems to be from the UK really.

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      This is a bit about the cream so im trying to be hopeful about it.

      What is ivermectin used for?Ivermectin is effective against infections with:

      Parasitic worms including: onchocerciasis (river blindness), strongyloides, cutaneous larva migrans and filiariasis such as onchocerciasis

      Ectoparasites, including scabies

      Ivermectin has been used extensively as part of the World Health Organisation's Onchocerciasis Eradication Program. It has FDA approval for the treatment of strongyloides and onchocerciasis in the United States, other use is termed ‘off label’.

      In treatment of scabies its use may be appropriate in selected cases where topical therapy is impractical or has failed and is particularly useful in cases of crusted scabies (also called ‘Norwegian’ scabies).

      Ivermectin can also be used to control demodicosis. Ivermectin cream has been shown to reduce papulopustular rosacea, which is thought to be due to its effects on demodex mites and its anti-inflammatory action.

      How does ivermectin work?

      Ivermectin stimulates excessive release of neurotransmitters in the peripheral nervous system of parasites. It is thought to work by paralysing the parasite or inactivating the parasite gut. In humans the neurotransmitters acted on by ivermectin are in the brain. A protective barrier, called the blood-brain barrier, blocks ivermectin from reaching the human brain.

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      Hi Nicol!  I hope things are going better for you.  It sounds like you had an awful time with the pills they prescribed you.  I am really sorry to hear that.  I have been going to the wound clinic at the hospital 3 days a week and they have been doing blood tests and an MRI.  I do not have the MRI result yet but I am hoping it will show something!  They had a negative pressure wound vac on my neck for 4 weeks and it did help the wound to granulate and become less deep.  Unfortunately, there are still "things" growing around the outside rim of the wound and down my neck from the wound.  They make "tracks" and hurt terribly.  I have been taking tramadol for the pain and it really helps but I will not be able to take it forever.  I will keep in touch to let you know if they find anything in the MRI.  Take care!
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      I hope your Ok Ruby!its so frustrating when nothing shows up but be prepared! Nothing has showed up

      On any of my test and It was so bad through Feb. March, April that I could not lift my head! That's when I was diognosed with Narcolepsy! But once I start taking the ivermectin all narcolepsy symptoms ended! I'm still no clear but my energy has returned and my head is clear! The toxic brain fog has lifted!

      I'm smashing coriander into honey because I've read it kills the eggs!?!? I can't seem to break the cycle but I'm clearer than ever after the ivermectin and Orap!

      I couldn't wait until Nicola was prescribed some so I hope that's not the "meds" your talking about?

      I still can't navigate this site properly and still on beach mode!

      Hope all are on the mend!

      I'm also staying away from sugar fruit as well. Except pineapple and papaya seeds. Crushing the seeds in a blender and mi icing with crushed coriander, honey, pumpkin seeds ice & almond milk. It's not bad! Especially if it works but who knows.

      Still disgusted with the medical field and their stance on parasites! I think they all need a course in parasitology and course requirements should be infestation! That should teach them once and for all!

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      What sucks is WITH pictures they palmed me off!

      I'm still pretty outraged about the treatment I've received from 3 ER visits and 2 infectious Deseases visits and my primary care doctor was a complete joke!

      All the while I'm in pain and suffering! And I don't care what they say I know my body and I know the cerebral anuirism coil & the kidney stone emergency surgeries 2weeks apart were no coincidence! I have THINGS crawling through my head and living in my stomach they bite and the produce a waste product. There is your anuirism and kidney stones! I'm not a neurosurgeon but it's clear to me! But the neurosurgeon says no!

      I'm disgusted with them all! The primary doc. Says "Pych evaluation" Thank GOD I found a derm/parasitologist who is treating me with ivermectin and Orap not better but it's working. I'm getting there! And that was my third dermatologist first one said it was my nerves! How I didn't punch someone out. Is a miracle! I lost a year of my life and these clowns are saying "it's a third world county issue" wake the eff up! What a nightmare I guess if this was 1600 I'd be burned at the stake cause here it is 2015 and they're acting like I'm speaking of unicorns

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      She may not have a picking problem. As I don't but have been accused of.

      She may have a parasitic infestation picking at her from the inside that causes her to pick back. It ranges from anoying to 15 on the 1-10 scale

      It feels like they're biting to get out. If I was a doctor I would recommend cutting a small hole and luring them out. That's what they want that's what we want. But since My credibility would be lost if I went to the dr and said "I'm deworming myself" so I put up with it. I really need a dr who has had this. Because I'm pretty sure he just made an opening and drew them out with some cake icing!

      See that's why they think I need a phyce evaluation!

      The whole thing sounds crazy! And the angrier I get the crazier I sound so most dr's visits I pull out my acting skills and play the dumb naive patient that they want! "Oh dr please save me" otherwise I'm in a fight! Cause no one listens to what's really going on!

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      Hey Nico, I live in LA but my sister lives in Pittsburgh.  This all began as she is an RN and caught scabies.  Freaked her out.. I've been home visiting the family for over a month due to a death in the family. I come in a lot.  So I see her face when she is not picking and when she is.. When she don't pick her face is clear.  But she has described it as pulling a cotton strand out of a pimple/sore. And sometimes its different. Well I've since shown her the demodex mite and she feels 100% bettter and now thinks its skin cancer.(she ia quite the hypochondriac)  I've read so many of these comments and I want to tell you all a story about a friend of mine NOT MY SISTER.. She is a college friend..

      One day late 2013 she calls me up and says "come over the weirdest thing is happening"  So I get to her house and she tells me I have threads growing out of my arms.  We googled and found Morgellons.  I suggest that none of you get your brains wrapped up in that whole mind f*#K.  I KNOW its real.  I watched a thread protrude from her index finger. We picked it out with tweezers and it moved but not like a bug like electricity/static.  I found out later she was doing meth. BUT two people don't have the same delusions at the same time.  She has let this wreck her life and continues to do meth.  She has tried all these serums and I had to hear all about it.  It made me think I was going nuts also.  Like any time fuzz got on me I would trip out.  Then one day I saw a piece of a fuzz and threw it in my mouth and ate it.. I didn't have any sores as I do not pick unless I see a white head. There are going too be new skin issues- we are evolving. Not to mention handling electric tech items 24/7.  We don't know what that's doing to us. Anyways please don't drivve yourselves insane.. Try not to pick and see if it goes away.. There are other stories on here that are quite different and I'm sorry if I've offended you, I honestly feel for you..  I know that if you just had an answer from the Doctor you would feel FREE.  I also think if you guys have something that we ALL do... If you think in your mind "I have bugs/worms" you ARE going to feel the crawling.. Our minds can take us to some crazy places.  My friend has bags of stuff that she would find on the floor or on her skin.. All from reading up on morgellons. I even hate the word...because the unknown is scary. Check out  "Healing Grapevine" on Facebook..  I don't want to put the link bc some sites delete comments for that.  

      I hope you all find the answers you are looking for.  


    • Posted

      Hi Layne,

      The thing is, I wasnt thinking about bugs or worms.  It wasnt something I ever thought was possible.  I didnt go looking for bugs or worms.  It wasnt until I saw something I came to that conclusion.  The fact the could freely move around my face leaving track marks and bursting holes in my mouth it reasured me I wasnt going mad. 

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      yes, this means you have had them for a while and they are not just only in your intestines; but in your blood stream...unfortunately, they can travel anywhere once that happens ; including your brain.  If you can't get a dr. to listen, you need to just order meds online; i think albendazole is the best for you; i suspect you have hook worms and this is a broad spectrum anti parasitic drug.....let me know please


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      You havent heard from me in a while and I had basically hit rock bottom dealing with stuff was ready to throw in the towel thank god I did not and that is only because of the love I have for my son and he needs me. I finally found something that works on this stuff and wanted to share with you and hope it works for you too I only hope you can manage somehow to get some. I found another forum and a woman had wrote about having this same issue in her face but she was able to beat them they are demodex but so out of control even the doctors cant open their stupid minds to believe it. Anyway my moms friend called in a two week prescription of flagyl you take it three times a day and praise heaven I woke up today and it is working the sores on my face are healing and you should see how many of those damn things were dead on my eye lashes. I also mixed some of the ivermectin horse paste with diper rash cream 40% zinc and put in on my sores or just put in all over your face wait a little while then start cleaning your face with tweezers you will not believe what comes out your pores my face is so full of them it is disgusting. I hope that anyone having this issue can get the medication flagyl and use also you will have to do it again two more times every 14 days and you need to treat your house with diatanacia earth and wash your bedding every night while you are taking the flagyl. I will be praying for everyone suffering with this issue our medical community should be ashamed that there are so many of us out here suffering because of their ingnorance. Please pass this on to anyone having this problem I swear to you it is working they are dying and I am going to finally get my life back!!!!

    • Posted

      Wow, Domino - so glad to hear you are getting better. That is really great news!

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