Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    yes. i have almost identical symptoms. ive ben to the emergency room 4 times in 2 weeks,( no ins.). I have since learned that the American e.r. doc. knows how to diagnois head lice and everything else is parasitious( please forgive my spelling)

    im not crazy either, but if i dont find some releif soon i will be


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      I had to stop taking the pills the dermatologist prescribed.  They were sending me nuts.  I started getting a crawing skin feeling with them.  I didnt have that.  Thank god its been about 2 now since i stopped taking the pills.  Amazing how much a tiny little pill can do to your brain.  I really thought i was cracking up.  I'm totally back to normal mentally at least lol :-)
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      Hi sherry, the pills were not not antibiotics or antiparasitic, they were a small dose of what people take for Schizophrenia.  Apparently supposed to  help with the process, something to do with nerve ends.  The cream I am on is for parasites. A Schizophrenic would take 8 a day, I was supposed to take 1.  That tiny dose was messing with my head, i started getting a crawling feeling that I didnt have before i took them.  I'm back to normal now though thank god.
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      Hi Nicol - That is really awful. I can't believe they even gave those to you!  I think that is disgusting...
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    I have gone through all of this for the past 5-7 years!  I finally left horse Medes in my mouth and caught one to take to the doctor. Also, a mass showed up from a  ct scan, I was finally able to get help for strogloides and had a tumor removed from the intestines about 4 months ago. My prescriptions are for reflux but used in neighboring countries for worms. I am still having problems but it appears to be getting better. It is sad that we must be our own doctors and then force doctors to help when it is almost too late. I lost 8 inches of my intestines and I still see worms when I go to the bathroom. I get new sores but now self medicate and get them gone fairly fast. I don't know if it is the left overs coming out or if I still have the rhabidaform worm laying eggs and the surgeon failed to get it. I know doctors here do not know what they are dealing with. I have not been able to get a parasitologist and no doctor will tell me where to find one. If you have not already spent all of your money on trying to cure this, go to a foreign country and get help. Doctors in the states will not identify a worm or acknowledge it for fear of the cdc, is what I have come to believe. My load has been greatly reduced and I pray I can reduce it further and live a somewhat worm free life. My face is scarred but much more normal. 
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      Hi - Sounds like you have also had an awful experience with all of this. If you do not mind me asking, what kind of prescription are they giving you for the reflux?  Also what are you self-medicating with?  Did they tell you what kind of worms were in the tumor in your intestines?  I go to a wound clinic several times a week trying desperately to heal lesions that I swear i am pulling worms out of, but the doctor thinks it is just scarring material.  This has been going on for 8 years and I have had major surgeries on my scalp and skull where they caused necrosis.
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      Wow you've really been through the mill, thank god they finally done something for you.
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      Pantoprazole. If you google it with worms, it will tell you more information. I have learned to do a mixture of 25% pyretherin, 60% Ivermectin Gold and coconut oil. I can not recommend this to others but it is what has helped me the most. I think the Pyrethrin kills the fist stage larva or the eggs, not a scientist so I can't really say. The worms were strongloids, but they did not say if hookworms or tricharias. I traveled a lot and did not realize I should have always worn sandals and not to eat the fruit. I have had them in my scalp, I started using a peppermint based shampoo and hair conditioner and it runs them out but they go to your face and neck if you dont do something to prevent it. It is my understanding from the diagnosing doctor that there is one worm that is producing all the others but I wonder if they did get that one
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      I was misdiagnosed for twenty years!! Several drs accused me of damaging my own face and said i was hallucinating.  By the time a dr. believed me and ordered a stool sample; i was loaded with worms; and they were absolutely in my blood stream and coming out of my skin leaving scars.  they were really bad on my neck.  Get this....i think they destroyed my breast implants; i never fell or anything and when the dr. saw them; he couldn't believe it; he said they looked "chewed up" ; i believe they are responsible for this.  I know that drs don't know what they are dealing with.  I called an infectious disease dr. and here they say they just treat aids patients. OMG...noone handles these issues and they are horrific.  I have post traumatic stress disorder from seeing what came out of my body when finally medicated.  I was completely infested.  My stomach looks like i had lipo; i didn't realize how bloated i was.  i think i still have them; but greatly reduced due to two treatments of ivermectin and then three days of albendazole.  If a dr. just gives you antibiotics; this is only addressing the possiblity of infection; it's not taking care of the problem.  This is an outrage.  How can noone know how to handle this; it's caused me such emotional damage.  i was getting convinced i was having psychotic episodes...but deep down i knew i was right and the drs were all missing something .  I sneezed out one and coughed up three and brought to a dr. and he said it looked like mucus.  back then i didnt know i had to preserve the in alcohol or they'd dry out.  This is not acceptable.  I read that 1 out of 5 ppl have undiagnosed parasites. how ridiculous they can miss this.  and there are unneccesary deaths.  Incompetence to the extreme. frustrating,  
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      I went through over 15 doctors from gps, dermatologists, infectious disease, respiratory, etc. I was the one that saw it on the ct scan, my gp did not look at the scan, I had to ask the respiratory specialist to, she immediately got me with a gastro endocronologist. You need one from another country, mine was from Turkey. He immediately knew what it was, though he did send the dried up worm I had brought in and that I had managed to catch whole in my mouth to a parasitologist. He said you have to surgically remove the worm that is producing them all in the gut.

      I hope the surgeon got it and the ones coming out are just existing ones dying. I think it can take a long time.

      I was also told that I was doing it to myself and was over loaded. The surgeon said I had to have a lot of damaged colon removed. He said it would take a long time to heal because I had so much going on in there. My stomach is huge from the surgery, it would go up and down prior to the surgery. Probably because I was constantly self medicating and reducing the numbers depending on what I was using.

      I never had a large stomach before this. I also noticed my weight kept creeping up even though I would go down in size in my bottom and legs.

      Indeed something needs to be done because I believe the number of sufferering from parasites is huge, go to any forum and the posts are tremendous. I decided to post in hope that I might help or encourage others of you.

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      I know exactly how you must have been feeling, its like you have all kinds of madness going on with your body, doctors havent got a clue and if anything add to the problem.  I have scaring now, and new scars recently, my nose got really infected with them like a lump mass that was just eating away under the skin so it was collapsing.  Its like, you can leave them there eating your skin and the skin collapses anyway or dig them out to stop them eating you alive... either way = a mess lol. What is horse Medes? the ones you used to see how big were they? weer they tiny and still amounted to a mass in the stomach or could you see quite big ones?  Did you only get taken seriously after  you took the worm to the doctors? I do hope ifs just left overs coming out for you, 5 to 7 years is a long long time.
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      My god 20 years.  Did you find say you got a tiny little cut that the parasites would go straight to it? Regardless of where on your body it is, bites also. I think it shows how many are floating around in the blood quite happily.  I also think as they are living off us from birth, they pretty much have our dna.  Just a thought, not something I've checked out but would make sense for all the negative test results.
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      They reckon 24 per cent of the world population are suffering from worms and other parasites.
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      I just now returned from my doctor at the wound clinic. They are so nice to me there and have really helped the giant lesion I have on my neck, but for some reason they just refuse to even try and figure out what the multiple smaller lesions are.  They just keep coming out on me and no one will do anything about it.  You can see the worms coming out of the large wound area and from on top of my head where I had the major free-flap surgery. I have taken Ivermectin numerous times, but never albendazole. I am going to request my primary care doctor order a stool test. 
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      I am sorry, my doctors would not prescribe anything for the sores either. That is why I resorted to my own salve. I went to Tractor Supply for the ingrediants, except for coconut oil. Bayer makes a bag of 25% pyrethrin garden dust, can be purchased at Home Depot or Lowes. I know this is unorthodox but it is the only thing saving my skin. I hope you get better help. They did improve with the Pantoprazole but apparently once they are in the skin they are difficult to get rid of.
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      Great idea - the ivermectin I have used is from the local garden/livestock center.  It is very inexpensive. The only tough part is getting the dosage perfect. Thanks for sharing!
    • Posted

      Hi Rhuby, please go get help from somewhere else. The doctors sound complacent. Go see a foreign doctor. A doctor here in the U.S. from a third world country. I am almost certain you are fatigue all the time, its a cycle these blood suckers do to us I think they not only eat our blood and take our nutrients but I think they secrete something in us to make us just want to lie down and sleep.

      Have you ever used a light that makes things glow, I forgot the name of it, but have you ever used one on your neck to see if they glow. Your stuff looks serious.

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      Hi Googie! Thanks for being so kind and understanding. You are so right - sometimes you just have to say Adios Amigos to the idiots that keep you hanging on and suck up all your money and even worse, all of your energy. I finally found a very good primary care provider who is sending me for many different types of tests that others never did such as stool testing for parasites. I actually have H pylori in my stomach and am taking medication to kill it and heal my stomach. Also, she found I have very low TSH levels and I am seeing an endocrinologist today. I saw a rheumatologist yesterday and they took 20 vials of blood to test for autoimmune desieases. The rheum seems very good and he is open to the fact that my lesions could easily be caused by a response from my immune system. Lets face the facts, absolutely no one has come up with exactly what the heck is causing this, so I say get as many tests as you can as long as it is affordable. For a long time I had no insurance, but I do right now. If they find anything at all that may be promising I will let everyone know. My stuff is serious - for some reason my body reacts badly to this thing. I always did have skin reactions such as hives and excema so I think it is part of my problem. For those that have abusive doctors - and most of us do - I say we have to start standing up to them! There are so many of us out there. And have you ever noticed we are almost all females? They are trying to make us look hysterical and frail.
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      I think men just handle things differently. I have found only one other female with the same/similar condition as me in the area yet there are six men. Three of whom are now on murder charges. Two are battling cancer and one who has totally lost it rambling to himself continually. I think this thing is much bigger than we realise. It is also quite communicable. I know this becuasei am the link Is it possible that medicines such as ivermectin works but we are inadvertently reinfecting ourselves by mixing with others that are infected but without the skin lesions yet,, by pets, by clothing, by soft furnishings, by public toilets, etc. I am sure that as this thing spreads it cant be ignored for ever

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