Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    This is the side of my mouth where I had the holes
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    Those things are still alive, they are in my cheeks, my chin.  Wait til I see the doctors lol.  Why did i have to get a zoom usb camera from Amazon and find them myself when i was telling the doctors they where there all along.  Best £12 i spent.  If I had the dermatologists email address I'd email him as well as he's never looked for them either.
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    I have had exactly the same thing. When they removed some of my intestines where the large strongoloid tumor was, the numbers reduced. I think the meds they gave me may help to kill the larva. I may have to wait for the adults to die.  Sores are getting fewer and fewer and I am not seeing as much in my stools now. The 'glass' things are eggs. I took albendazole for months, I took ivermectin for weeks, it is so difficult to get into the skin. I have read where a few people have posted that they stayed drunk for 3 days to a week and then discovered them gone. Well, I am a professional and can not do that but did decide to try a shot of tequila (made from pure guava) every morning and night. I am also adding to my skin where the sores are now healing. This is working very well and I am glad I tried it. Doctors will ignore even when they see the worm so you have to do what you can. I am now waking my hands with it as well. The cost is minor compared to what I have spent trying to rid myself of these things!  It is $15 for a bottle, try it and if it doesn't help, you still can drink the tequila. Good luck to all. 
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      Yes thats what I'm on at the moment, Ivermectin (soolantra right?).  Ah i did wonder about the glass things, no medical person has ever been able to tell me anything about anything or even attempted to.  I'm glad i have a pic but I am also very worried now. Where the hell are the big ones? I've touched them, they are in there somewhere. Thank you so much, I will buy the tequila today, hopefully its readily available in the UK.
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      Is Agave and Guava the same?  Could you send me the brand name so I make sure I get the right one?  I was looking at one Blue Agave one.  An excuse to drink before work.. a win win situation lol :0)

      I've never seen any in my stools.  I was worring earlier about them sitting in my stomach eating me because they speed they can demolish my face when they clump together, it could cause us serious damage.

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      Yes, it is the same. Coa is the name of what I am buying. I only would see it in stools when i did a really good cleanse. But it was awful in my face, I had pockets of them and sores all over. 

      Yes, it is funny, I am not much of a drinker but I have enjoyed my shots! lol

      Good to hold in mouth  and slosh around too, I even caught one in my mouth once. I had used one of the horse meds and let it sit, caught it trying to escape. Took it to the doctor and he admitted it was a worm and would send to a parasitologist, never heard back.   

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      I usually have some wine, but I love tequilla.  Plant based and pure too!  

      It would have to be a week end thing or after I am done with work/school madness.

      working in healthcare makes it even sadder, because of the indifference and lack of empathy.  They don't want to know.  A few do and will try, but it is abhorant.

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      HI, what did the worm you took in look like? I just find the black fibers that they say now are from the Bartonella bacteria (I believe it’s that one) from tick born infections. They do move but it is from temp and humidity it appears...

      What do you find in fecal matter? I would not be able to see the black fibers in that. But I did see only once an inch or more king white thing that had to be a worm/nematode. It was not a thin thread. It was like a parasite worm. 


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      The worms used to look like tiny little threat worms.  Even smaller than thread worms but thats what they looked like.  At one point they were coming out of my eye's too.  That was after they ate their way through my nose cartilage.  They were using my tear ducts like a doorway.  I'd try and get them out of my sinuses.  I'd always have black eye's where they were dug in deep and eating the flesh.  Took me a while to get over that under control. Under the scope they could look like larvae things or fibers.  I could remove things from my nose and leave it to scope later and they would have turned into bundles of fibers.  My fibers are all colours, they started off black/dark brown.  Now i have, black, pink, red, green, blue, purple, orange, indigo, voilet.. its only thing month i saw green ones, thats new smile.  The fibers mimic colours they see though.  When I got a salt lamp suddenly my fibers were prawn pink lol.

      I have all the Lyme infections and multiple coinfections.  I think a lot of people who think they have Lyme actually have Morgellons.  Also a lot of people who think they have parasite infections have Morgellons. I think Morgellons and Lyme is out of the same pot but thats my opinion.

      Borrelia burgdorferi LFA-1 (Lymphocyte Function Antigen 1): Own body protein + Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (shared epitope). Often associated with autoimmune diseases: collagenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, vasculitis.

      (Native : cultured antigens/ Recombinant: genetic technology produced)


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      There are people looking at spirochetes swimming around in their own blood with a microscope and doctors are saying they are self harming and their tests are normal.  The lyme test is 30% accurate, 40% if you want to be REALLY generous.  60% + chance of being misdiagnosed.  Thats if you are even lucky enough, if you can really call it luck to get a Lyme test.  The Morgellons unit at St Barts is a psych unit... some naughty stuff going on.
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    When i read your story i couldnt believe i had found somebody with the same issue as i had. Like you i went to many doctors & hospitals. I was told it was shingles, coldsores, pimples, boils,cysts, allergy i could go on & on. As soon as i told them i knew this "thing" was alive, i was asked about my drug use. Not once was i asked WHY i believed this & what i had to back it up. I was just prescribed useless antibiotics, creams etc. i got so fed up i took my own sample & put it in a clip seal bag. I gave it to a specialist who charged me $250 each consultation. I told her i wanted it tested. When i had the next appointment i sked what the results were & she told me she threw it away because it was "just dead skin". I will never forget how i felt. I rarely went out because people stared at me. I cried everyday & i wouldnt look in the mirror. I never got an explanation but i am always afraid it could come back. I have many photos which i continue to show doctors in the hope 1 will recognise what it is. I hope your skin is recovering.
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      Hi Shan - It sounds as if you were able to bring this under control.  If you don't mind me asking, what did you do to kill this?
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      Haha yes they do come out with some silly suggestons of what it could be when it doesnt resemble anything they come out with.  I was told burst cycsts, boils and of course self inflicted before just plain mad.  I'm glad you sound like you are sorted now, and yes what did you do and use? There is nothing more soul destroying than watching your face being destroyed.  Good to see you are still keeping an eye out for what's going on with it, I would too for sure if I was cured.  So many scared people getting passed around from pillar to post and left to suffer.  When this thing does finally come out and be acknowedged there will be some red faced medical staff.  It does stink of a cover up. 

      I sent some pictures to that Parasite group in America today, the university of college whatever it is, asking them to try and identify my parasite immediately got a response saying it wasnt a parasite or worm because it was fiberous.  I said, ok so they are Morgellons... that group dont acknowlede Morgellons either... I do though. My dermatologiest is away until the 20th but I told him on my last appointment i thought it was Morgellons... they are fiberous and defo alive and they dont have faces. 


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      Hey mate. Im happy to show u photos. But im a bit of a dip wen it comes to computers. I dont know how to upload them. I hav an iphone 5s. If u can explain it to me or i can email them to u.
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      Hey Rhuby,

      I was looking at the pictures & I feel so bad 4 u. I am now not so certain if i had the same problem. I could never get 1 whole. It was in bits. I literally dug it out with tweezers. When i wld grab the end of it, it wld kind of pull away frm tge tweezers & disappear into my skin. . I had lesions breaking out over a couple of hours art times. I dreaded lokking in the mirror cos there was usually a new 1. I wish i could tell u what i did that worked but in the final month i hardly put anything on my face. To be honest i couldnt deal w it. My boyfriend was in jail for 3 months & some1 told me that stress was the cause. I jus rolled my eyesbut u know wats odd. The night b4 he was being released. They started going away. After a month the scars had faded dramatically. Its been 2 months now & ive jus used vitamin e caps which i prick w a pin & squeeze the oil out. Tea tree oil is something i hav always used & it did help me. I also used Bentadine as it was the only antiseptic i had when it first started messing my face up. I also had scars from where they had been. It reminded me of tiny crop circles. I felt had alot of pain & came to my own conclusion that it was causing nerve damage. Im happy 2 show u photos but i dont know how to post it. Maybe u can giv me ur email address.

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      That's exactly how my worms behaved. Funny enough they didn't look like the worms I posted here, they were white and you could see them without a microscope, they we're fibrous as well. Even pulling them out in bits didn't kill them, they could still leg it. Also if you backed them into a corner and they had no other option, they would fight back.

      That's what I do to try and help with the scarring, try to plump my skin out with oily products. I find coconut oil is good as well because it's quite heavy and very oily. Tea trea oil really stings. For the first time now in a long time my face is totally clear visually. That cream that Beaglegirl and I are using really does work. Takes weeks to get into the system. I have one month left now of a 3 month course of treatment. It's only 3 weeks ago they had seriously messed up my nose, I hope that scaring sorts itself out, the really had a feast on it.

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      So Nicola, do you feel the ivermectin cream is working? I have tried it so many times but maybe I did not give it enough time to do its job.
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      Hi Shan - I think it is the same problem I have. I know my pictures look scary - and they are, but these things disappear back into my skin also and the lesions do look like round circles and always have a "worm-like thing" embedded around the circumference of the circle. These larger ones in the photo were from the top of my head before they did the scalp surgery. I think they just grew huge back then. I could literally pull them out as if they were growing parallel to my skin surface.  The pathology tests never said a word about them. But as you can see they were real.


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      Nicola, I feel certain I have Morgellons (whatever it is). Look at some of my photos from under a microscope. They do seem very fibrous and sometimes I even see the colored fibers such as the reddish one. I know a lot of people would say these are not growing from inside my skin - but they are.
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      Hi Ruby,

      Yes its brilliant stuff... doesnt nothing at all for weeks then kicks in.  Defo see if you can get it again.

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      I will start again immediately. Ivermectin is for nematodes (worms) so if this is working they are definitely worms!
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      It was a bit strange actually.. I kept seeing the little black things but i dismissed them as nothing.   Thought it was dirt of some sort magnified.  So i went and washed my face and put the cream on, I thought I'd look again because the black things should have gone and they come straight to the surface within 5 or 10 mins. So defo alive and reacting to the cream.
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      What is the name of this cream? And where can I get it in the States? I'm going to another doctor this morning who I refer to as the fart finder. Lol. Is an older gentleman who does old time doctoring and has helped us in the past without stopping until he find the answers. I'll let you know what he says today. I've had those itty bitty tiny black things too, and if you pick them they start a whole nother mess I'm so frustrated with all this mess, they hurt so bad sometimes it drives me crazy. Again I'll let you know what the doctor says today
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      Hi Hadenough its called Ivermectin Soolantra.  Your doc should be able to prescribe it.  Good luck at the doctors, let us know how it goes. smile
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      That is very interesting - those little black mspecs turn out to be a mass of tiny fiber balls under the microscope. Look at the ones I took a digital photos of. I have even seen red and blue hues in the fibers.
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      I was dicussing it with my friend earlier, he come to my last appointment with me.  It seems they can take on all different shapes and forms but the one thing they have in common is they are fibrous.  They dont appear to have faces. that guy on FB was adamant it wasnt worms or parasites because they are fibrous.  They are certainly alive and they are certainly soemthing and they are shaped like worms... Is Morgellons just the name for unexplained living things inside of us when its unidentifiable (at present).
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      Morgellons is a delusional belief that one has parasites. There have been several articles I have seen recently about it. 
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      I believe so - of course it could be a fungal type of n organism but most research leans towards spirochete-like bacterium. The only thing they have supposedly ever found in all of the tests i have had over the years is the enterobacter aerogines bacterium.  I have taken enormous amounts of antibiotics over the last 8 years (including Levofloxicin for 1.5 years). I have seen very little response but some.  I have also taken antifungals with no avail. I have self administered ivermectin and you already know my results. I have other suspicions but that is all they are and that is why this affliction is so depressing and frustrating.
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      Hey have any of you tried Bactroban? If not i would try it out & c if you get any results
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      Sorry Shan, but Bactroban has not worked at all for me. Additionally, other antibiotic creams have done nothing to get rid of the problem. The only thing these creams do help with is if you have a secondary infection and then they come in handy. So if you have lesions that seem to be infected (yellowish puss, etc.) then it is a very good idea to apply the antibiotic creams to kill the bacteria). 
    • Posted

      Hi Ptolemy - I tried to share some websites with you and it was deleted by the moderator so I am going to try this in a different way.  It may be helpful for you to do more research and reading up on Morgellons by the people that are inflicted with it and the people that are researching it. Many of us who have responded to this discussion appear to have at least some of the symptoms. The media and medical community have done a good job dismissing these symptoms to be "neurotic excoriations" and "delusional parasitosis" when in reality no one really knows what is causing it and it is apparent that there are a lot more sufferers than the media is sharing.
    • Posted

      The post wasn't deleted but went for moderation. I have now deleted it and removed the websites in the post above. If you want to exchange these details please use the private message service and do not try to get round moderation by typing the sites out. Users can find plenty of web sites for and against the theory by searching Google.
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      Thanks for the clarification - I will be sure to follow your guidelines and suggestions. Have a great day!
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      Rhuby I was just stating the definition of Morgellons. The articles I have been reading have been in medical journals such as the BMJ. I don't think the ones I have read are dismissive and they don't say there are no symptoms. They just say that the symptoms are not caused by parasites. On the other hand a huge percentage of the world population are infected by parasites, but it does seem that the medical community in first world countries seem to dismiss it for some reason.
    • Posted

      Okay guys, I haven't written in a while because I've been so frustrated but I have a couple of things to say and pass on to you that hopefully will help you. After 3 years of lesions pain embarrassment hiding in my house, and seeing six different dermatologists infectious disease doctorsInternist, I decided to go see my old doctor, literally old in his seventies, but has always been very helpful in finding things out for me getting to the bottom of things like no other doctor I've ever known. I refer to him as the part finder, lol. I saw him this last Monday and afterHim asking me three specific questions, we came up with a plan that believe it or not in the last 3 days has improved my face by 80%. here are the three questions he asked on how often do you wash your hair?2 what type of soap do you use on your face? + 3 how many times a day do you wash your face? so at this point, like you to think about the answers to these questions and answer them honestly. Also ask yourself how often do you pick your source and whether you pick them with a device or with your fingernails. continue to tell you what happened with me.
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      Sorry about that, I got cut out, but after I see some answers to these questions I will continue to let you know what happened with me
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      By the way I also told him about the worm like things I was pulling out that both my husband and I swear were moving
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      Yeah I've got pink thread and bright pink blobs. God knows what the blobs are
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      See though I think it's different things to different people, some would say we don't have worms or parasites because what we have is fibrous do what could it be? They are fibrous carnivorous bacterial infections of some sort. Oh I emailed allaboutworms asking if they could identify it


    • Posted

      Hello Rhuby, I have been experiencing the same black fibers. Have seen then in red an blue but also have watched them turn clear under a bright light. I noticed them coming from all my air vents, all over the walls. Went outside check my ac unit. There were dead frogs and lizards turned upside down oddly sprawled out busting open with these black fibers. They were coating everything. I sprayed them with bleach needless to say my ac unit quit working by the next morning. A small amount of bleach water on the back of my cell phone somehow got inside, started out as a few dots has now expanded underneath my screen and the fibers are now constantly spilling out. It seems to survive in a wide range of places. Cleaning the fibers out of my dryer vent sent me into anaphylactic shock and i passed out in my garage. So im terrified of touching them. Was wondering if
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      Check out the Charles E. Holman Foundation website.  There is new info and recent findings related to correlations to Lyme disease or at least tick borne diseases.  Borrellia Burgdorferi, Lyme bacteria, and H. Pylori both have been identified in wounds.  

      Check out the website for more recent information.


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      It is not DOP.  It is real.  it is bacterial and possibly some of us get bit by the lucky 30% tick that carries filarial nematodes. I read an article from U. conn. vetrinary that 30% of ticks that they captured were positive for nematodes (worms).  The little buggers can carry just about everything I guess if they pick it up some where when they feed before they me us.

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