Worrying Worrying Worrying
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Hi does anybody keep worrying how they feel most of the time...it seems like the minute I get of bed menopause like there is nothing else to worry about it does your head in...although I get on with things seem to be at the back of your mind.
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nic1976 maria101
Hi all you lovely ladies
My cycle is longer a few days of a bloated tummy before my period every month. It now consumes my whole life, there's the period which may or may not decide to be heavy with emotions that go from wanting to tear someone's head off to crying over an advert on tv. There's after the period when you may or may not ovulate with the ache of that and then the delightful health anxiety goes full throttle. Which means I spend hours looking at freckle convincing myself it's something life threatening. Then if I'm lucky I maybe have 2-3 days of being somewhat normal before he run up to the next period. How lovely is this. I'm 40 and I know something is going on and that is peri menopause. And lucky me this could on for at least a decade. I can't tell you how happy I am 😡
jamie50513 nic1976
I know what you mean. I will be 40 in July and this madness started for me a few months before I turned 39. I have a few days of feeling normal and then the run up the next cycle is out of whack, the anxiety attacks that come out of nowhere, the nervousness, the horrid thoughts, the excessive gas and digestion issues, the racing heart that really makes me think I'm a gonner, the sleepless nights.... I could go on and on. I'm in the process of dating and I know my friend thinks I'm crazy because I'm scared of doing things thinking something bad is going to happen to me. But bless his heart he understands and works with me. I just continue to pray for peace for myself and all of us. We will get through it.
2chr2015 nic1976
Yep. I stare at freckles too. And then I make my husband look at it while I am crying and telling him i know it's bad.
flower2016 maria101
I feel the same way.
Everyday is a struggle - horrible headaches, off balance feeling, like I am going to faint, whick scares me to death, stomach problems..... And I am 39, can not believe that hormones can change you so much. Are there any ladies around 40? Everybody tells me that I am too yonge, but what else can it be. My cycle is changing, crying spells out of sudden.... I don't know....
nic1976 flower2016
I'm 40 and I've had lots of symptoms but my periods are still regular so the doctor wil say I'm too young and it's all down to anxiety but I know I feel different
jamie50513 flower2016
You are not too young. I'm 39 also and this actually started for me around 35 but the harder unbearable stuff started a few months before I turned 39 with a anxiety attack that I never had a day in my life and I ended up in the ER back and forth countless times. You can start perimenopause as early as 35. I was informed after running to several doctors appointments, overnight hospital stays and ER visits by a family member to look up perimenopause. My gyno stated that I could be in peri but blood are not accurate right now so I was just given anti depressants and a referral to a psychiatrist. Which I never did either of the two. I read on it as much as possible and try to take care of myself by eating a little better, light exercise when I feel up to it, try to rest when I can, take a multivitamin and when I'm nervous or anxiety ridden I try to do things to take my mind off it and take some time to be alone to help me cope. I had to accept it for what it is....this transition is going to happen wether I want it to or not. Unfortunately docs are still slow with knowing this exists with women so you have to try and help yourself as much as you can. And don't let anyone tell you you are too young, nobody knows your body better than you.
flower2016 jamie50513
Thank you so much for this! So many times I was thinking I am seriosly ill or going crazy.
My blood hormonal tests are also normal, but I booked an app with a naturopath. They do saliva hormonal testing which is more acurate, because it's done over 1 month. I am hoping it will reveal the truth about my hormones.
2chr2015 flower2016
diane87594 maria101
maria101 diane87594
Thank you all for your answers really relief to know I'm not the only one thinking how I feel about myself I hope it goes waY for us all soon.
traci78291 maria101
Hi Maria, I feel the same way it won't go away.
I'm sitting here crying my eyes out because I cannot take this anymore
I need relief and I can't find it.
julie7525 traci78291
How are you feeling now Traci? Don't suffer alone, menopause can be an absolute nightmare as i found out this year, it helps to talk about it x
diane87594 maria101
I to feel the same every day my self I could cry I'm menapause 17 months all started august anxiety out the blue never been same since health anixety x
nancy0925 maria101
Ok so I started feeling worse then I usually do a couple weeks before Christmas. Been depressed about it pretty bad. Had been taking all the recommended supplements over the last couple of years. Helped a little but not much. I decided to start taking evening primrose the beginning of last week and after taking it and stopping my other supplements, I actually feel a lot better. It's been helping me sleep and I haven't been all fuzzy headed and off balanced! Could be a coincidence but I'must gonna keep taking them and see how I feel the next couple weeks!
flower2016 nancy0925
Nancy, it's so good that you've found relief!
Can you tell me how many mg is your eve prim. oil and how many capsules per day are you taking? Did you have headaches and if yes, does it help with them?
Thanks you!
nancy0925 flower2016
I take 1000 MG at night. I am blessed not to have headaches (knock on wood). It helps me sleep and I haven't been waking with a buzzing head which was staying with me all day. Again, it could be coincidence but i'my going to continue. My gyno recommended it years ago for PMS. It's worth a try right?