Your Scabies WILL Go Away!
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I just want to write this for anyone who has recently been diagnosed with scabies and is feeling very hopeless. (I don't doubt that some of the people on here truly have been struggling with this for a very long time, or maybe another condition that is misdiagnosed as Scabies.) But when you know nothing about Scabies and you come across these forums it is extremely disheartening, and you end up convinced that you will never get rid of it.
By the time I was diagnosed with scabies my legs were absolutely destroyed by the buggers. It started with one itchy bump, which I didn't feel constituted a visit to my doctor, and by the time I came back from camping and was able to make an appt. It had spread rapidly. I was prescribed 5% permethrin which is available behind the counter. I used it exactly as the packaging directed (Only I applied it to my face as well because I'm paranoid) two treatments, one week apart. I cleaned my house thoroughly, washed all sheets and pillows everyday for a week (which is probably overkill)
Now you're not going to see improvement right away, in fact it will get worse first. For me it was torture (I feel like most legitimate medical websites don't tell you about the psychological torture that scabies is), the itching was so bad that I hadn't slept for about 5 days and spent most of my time in a cold bath as that was the only thing that have me relief, this is the only time in my life I've experienced legitimate depression. Slowly (very slowly) things will get better. It took 6 weeks from my first treatment for my itching to go away completely. It's extremely hard to believe the scabies are gone when the itching and bumps last for so long (especially with these forums where people tell you scabies live in your walls and you have to bathe in bleach to get rid of them).
It was a long haul, but they did go away with just the average treatment. There's not alot of info online about Scabies but I believe that it's because it truly is just that easy to get rid of.
I'm having trouble getting out all my thoughts in a cohesive manor but what I'm trying to get across is you will be cured. It will be hard to stay positive, but just focus on relieveing your symptoms. Heres my suggestion:
Take very cold baths (or showers but I found baths better) followed by:
-spraying affected areas with Holista tea tree oil, not because tea tree oil "kills scabies" but because the Holista spray has peppermint in it as well which is very soothing
-rubbing on Eucerin calming cream
This combination fave me relief from itching for 45mins-1hr outside of the bath.
Stay positive, and stay off of these forums!
6 likes, 68 replies
marie_49623 elle33235
Yeah seems strange some people get rid of it so easily and others it's harder.
I'm not sure taking ivermectin everyday for 35 days is safe tho it's still a very strong drug. It's a lot for your liver to process as that's where it's stored.
Sounds like you've got rid of it now tho. What are you doing exactly? Are you taking normal meds alongside natural ones?
Did you itch during the day when you had it? How often did it wake you up at night?
How about your close contacts? Has anyone else caught it?
jojoanie marie_49623
My husband was cured with one dose ivermectin and 2 permethrin. We are careful but not crazy. We try nit to touch and sleep in same bed and he is not reinfected. Itch keeps me up all night when I had it bad. Still itchy but as soon as I feel itch slap on sugar, or alcohol if I'm out. Keep spraying your seat in car and steering wheel and floor. I have fatty liver too do I'm not happy taking it but what else should I do? I am trusting the fix that it will be ok. If not so be it. Worst nightmare ever!
marie_49623 jojoanie
Yeah just be careful with treating I think some people on forums are over treating.
This makes the mites resistant eventually! Also remember post scabies is a real thing you do itch for a while after still.
I'm not sure how you can tell It is post scabies or a reinfection though.
Sounds like you possibly have post scabies if your husbands never got it back from you. I'm sure he would have by now. Also I think people who have had it before are very susceptible.
Did you itch during the day?
Was the presentation on your husbands skin the same as yours?
Yes not sleeping is very distressing I can relate.
jojoanie marie_49623
He had a much worse break out than me! He had all in armpits between legs down to knees. I can't figure it out. I have diabetes so maybe my immune system is low. They came out on me every afternoon. Then again at night. .. started to make burrows on my face near my eye Ugh! It was awful. Can feel them on top of skin like tiny fly walking on you. They try to go up nose also.
marie_49623 jojoanie
Seems strange he's never caught it back from you.
I hardly itch during the day at all.
That's why I'm confused about if it's scabies or not.
The doctors expect it to look like your husbands experience I think very obvious.
jojoanie marie_49623
I Am itchy but no bumps or streaks. So must be post , I hope! If I get bumps then it's not post. I'm just so afraid they will hibernate under the skin ( the eggs) and hatch when I'm off the ivermectin. I don't want to over treat but I think if I hit this hard in the beginning I wouldn't have had it this long. What are you using?
elle33235 jojoanie
Ahhh i so hope youre in the clear
Bumps are common in post scabies so don't panic if you get some! I know it's super hard to not panic but stress won't help a thing. Also I've never heard of eggs hibernating? Where did you hear This?
marie_49623 jojoanie
I used ivermectin two doses a week apart. I'm allergic to permethrin.
The second dose kills the eggs so don't worry about that.
As long as you've cleaned everything no reason it shouldn't work. It's just about having faith and staying calm about it. I know it's not easy though just remember post scabies looks feels the same as scabies.
What are you using? The ivermectin tablets? How hot do you clean everything? I've been washing on 60.. even this hot ruins your clouthes
You are lucky the ivermectin worked two doses. The doctor gave me that and it did not work for me. So now I'm doing this every day for 35 days. Crazy but I would use gasoline to rid these monsters. I have never been so devastated by an illness. I have had many! Two back operations. Broken bones reset, diabetes. Many other operations. I just want my life back without worrying about scabies!Praying is also helping
marie_49623 jojoanie
I'm not using anything at the moment as did a big treatment around 4 weeks ago.
Now it's got worse I think I'll have to do something again.
I'm not sure if sulphur works for me.. never seems to do anything but perhaps I'll try again.
It's just really messy and smelly did you make your own cream?
I might try neem eneryday until I do another chemical treatment if I need too ( really hoping not)
I think with neem it takes a while right? As it kills them so slowly by stopping them reproducing.
Have you noticed it helping? Do you make your own neem cream?
I don't think they will sell the hoarse paste in the uk.
Is it safe? What other ingredients are in it?
jojoanie elle33235
Hi Elle. Glad that worked for you. My husband was cured with permethrin and ivermectin 2 doses. I don't know why it didn't work for me. Everything I tried failed and just when I thought I was clear, new bites and bumps. Itching is insane but sulfur is fantastic but smells and is so messy. My husband can't even talk about it with me. I have no one to talk to about this. I am so grateful for people like you coming on these forums and sharing what you had tried.
kathryn26445 elle33235
I have just been diagnosed with scabies, and for me the worst part about scabies is the intense itching at night. Bagged a huge amount of clothes up, washed all bedding but read that the mites die within 36 to 72 hours on bedding clothes etc but have washed and washed most items just to be sure. Also sent for some spray which people swear by called kleen green so going spray the beds etc with this, spent a fortune on tea tree oil coconut oil and different natural stuff. But tbh my LIFESAVER was CLOTRIMAZOLE, I believe this is same as canesten the nurse practitioner gave me this straight away as soon as the intense itching starts I covered the area with this was pessimistic at first reading other peoples posts, but it went within 5 minutes, an absolute lifesaver, costs about £4 in the chemist cheaper than having it on prescription if you have to pay, not sure if suitable for babies and children, dont know what I would have done if she hadnt given me this, the itching is horrendous cant imagine how babies and children cope, keeping my fingers crossed I dont spread this bloody awful infestation.
jojoanie kathryn26445
Hi I have been on ivermectin and sulfur topically, for 3 weeks straight. Thought I had it licked and woke up with new streaks and burrows on my face and arms. They were very small but I freaked out! I thought the ivermectin would get rid of them for good especially taking it every day and also sulfur head to toe every day! My husband said he wants to kill himself he can't stand all the scabies crap! I have absolutey no one to talk to about this. I find many cures on here and do far none has worked for me. After I calmed down and researched more, some people take ivermectin 2 or 3 times a day smaller doses. So now I am taking smaller doses 3 x day. Sugar really makes them strong so no sugar, that's gonna be hard, I am also going to take diamectrous earth, half teaspoon in am to start. I also eat raw garlic every day. I'll let you know how this goes. I have read that some people stay on ivermectin for a year or more. So far I have only had a little joint pain on occasion from it.
ckirton elle33235
Elle33235 is right, this whole ordeal is a nightmare but they do go away!! It will take several weeks after your first treatmentime and you'll have to find ways to comfort the itching still, with me, it got worse! But it's pretty easy killing these things as long as you do the treatment right and lotion up every inch of your body (except eyes, nose and INSIDE your vagina!) and rub it in good. Wait the full 14 hours before washing. Have clean bedding, laundry and sprayed the mattresses, furniture, car seat with lice spray ( that's straight Premethine). You must do it again in 2 weeks, to kill the newly hatched mites before they mature and lay eggs.
kimberly12094 elle33235