Upper Abdominal Bloating after Eating

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I have upper abdominal bloating, plus an accumulation of belly fat after a couple months of high stress. This fat could be high cortisol, or it could be due to inflammation. This is the cause of sudden belly fat. I gained the belly fat while simultaneously losing weight (wasn't eating enough due to stress). I tried to diet and exercise and the belly fat wouldn't budge. All I did was lose fat everywhere else. This is very new for me. I can hardly eat anything without my upper abdomen under my ribs bloating. I'm down to only being able to eating bananas, eggs, and Meal Replacement shakes without bloating. My bowel movements look healthy. They are not as brown as usual, but I think it's because of all of the Raw Meal Shakes I've been drinking every day. I can't decode what my issue is. If I knew, then I would know what I can and can't eat. And how to fix it. Is this IBS? Any other thoughts? These are all my symptoms.

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    I am not familiar with RAW meal replacement.

    The supplements are "fine"... except I'd be sure the ginger and tumeric are enteric coated..otherwise replace the tumeric with Theracurmin.

    I prepared tumeric capsules from raw organic ground tumeric and later found the much more effective curcumin, then learned via Mary In Syndey (Scientist) the theracumin would be best.

    How and when you use supplements is important...some work synergestic with others and sometimes they cancel themselves out in on way or another.

    Lastly,since you haven't been on the shakes for a while..when you were off...did your bm's darken some or still a tad "light"? claudio

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      A little bit. I wonder if I can just drink Green Smoothies for a few weeks. I wonder if that would be enough to heal. 
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      I cannot be assured...but why not give it a try?...stick with it for a given time......btw...if stools are not your "normal" color...a shade towards light..usually means not enough bile. Claudio
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      Ya.  I think it's my diet. We will see. My Liver function blood test came back good. I will get the results of my ultrasound to tomorrow maybe. 
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      I wonder if it's ok to just eat fruits and veggies and avocado for healthy fat. No meats, fair, nuts 
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      There isn't any protein
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      You should have a food intake program....one that you can "stick with" for a period of time.

      I wouldn't do a fresh fruit an veggie diet but many have had good success.

      There is a "combination" diet that suggests you eat all fresh foods that are synergestic with each other....like eat the combo fruits ..then the veggie's...and finally the fat...not necessarily in this order...if it works..continue..if not..swithch the order......claudio

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      peas have protein...a few edame (soy) too...might produce gas but if only a few..should not be a bother..I eat a few while in the garden...no problems...ever. But you'll know rather quickly...take only 3 to 5 small beans...they have a cellulose covering...peel it off. that will help digestiion...search around for combination diets...find one that "fits" you...claudio
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      Claudio. So far my ultrasound came back normal. My blood tests show a moderate risk of insulin resistance, but I did binge on a bunch of gluten free cookies the night before so maybe that's why. Anyways, the H Pylori blood test came back saying BORDERLINE. So the next step is to do the H Pylori breath test, which is more accurate. I have that on Tuesday. Borderline? What? Yes or No?
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      OK, so you've some insuliin resistance...lay off the carbs ..actually...just reduce the sugar and complex carbs a tad....don't use artificial sugars can accelerate resistence.

      Raw Honey is ok in very small amount...many different tastes in raw honey...

      .Start drinking 4 oz of pomegranate juice daily ...it must be 100% pure...if a tad "off your taste" then cut it 50% with just water.

      Continue the pomegrante juice until your next blood work...keep very much in mind...you don't want to reach pre diabetic condition....One of the leading MD's in research/treatment in North Carolina has a few clues as to how it develops and has initiated some trials but the big trial must be FDA approved...if not, she will take the trials to Europe.

      Then immediately after the UBT, start taking 750mg of bismuth (lozenge) pre bedtime..just let melt or gradually chew into very tiny pieces...slowly.

      There is now more evidence that hpylori is antibiotic resistent.

      While this may or may not be significant to you...You want to start a program that could be of help. If it turns out you do have, then you've a head start on eradication.

      Interesting article today from San Diego State University's Med Research group with linoleic acid (like sunflower and hemp oil..omega 6 fatty acid family) with meese study. A cockail of linoleic acid and others were more effective than antibiotics against HPylori...This particular research group seems to be focused on digestive issues.

      We use sunflower, hemp, avocado, and olive oils with our salads and sometime add a teaspoon to a soup after its cooked if the soup is "fat free"..like bone soup.

      In summary, the pJ will help with your blood sugar and the bismuth will initiate a containment of hpylori....if your UBT is negative, then stop the bismuth.

      And how have you been this past week? Claudio

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      I've been quite stressed. Upset about the belly fat and bloating. And getting warn out with this diet and taking my own food everywhere. Stressed! So do you think the binging on those gluten free cookies the night before could have made my blood test show insulin resistance? I was stressed and taking my stress out on those cookies. I ate A lot!

      Thank you for the PJ advice!

      If I have H Pylori, which more likely I do have it, then they are going to want to give me antibiotics for sure. Do I take it? And does H Pylori even go away or do you have it forever?

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      Do you think I got it from traveling to Cayman Islands?
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      You ask really difficult questions...I cannot answer the the cookie consequence with any certainty...but will try and find out...And, the hpylori infection... the Gold Standard is tripple therapy...2 antibiiotics and a ppi....the estimated eradication is between 80 and 90%....if another treatment is necessary, 2nd treatment is between 90 and 100%.

      . Many stories suggest supplements like manuka honey and/or mastic gum can eradicate haven't been scientifically proven.Bismuth on the other hand has clinical studies..while as a stand alone it eradicated at 50 plus %...but with an antibiotic 80 to 90%.

      My take is it can be eradicated..wife failed first therapy, I fought with Dr to change the ppi to Bismuth...he was reluctant, but I went ahead without his OK, and the follow up UBT 2 1/2 months later were "negative"....

      Re belly fat...will call my elder sister and ask her what you can do...she is an expert in this area..not me...she may not provide much since she cannot physically examine...but we gotta ask just the same.. Claudio

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      Probable...That type of question is first and foremost when a similar condition is presented to a first rate gastentrologist.

      Travel...it doesn't often matter "where"..be it Asian, South or Central America, or even various Islands.

      Our gut flora can be "overwhelmed" with a new type of bacteria. This is why many studies suggest one take probiotics before, during and after visiting foreign countries....I got it bad in Thailand and Mexico, but never in Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Europe, or South America (Chile, Venezuela, and Peru)...all during my younger days...keep in mind too, the hp has various strains...some can be of little or no consequence, while others cause havoc within a favorable enviornment.......claudio

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      Sorry for the difficult questions! I am so great fun because you have been more than helpful!

      Your wife had H Pylori? The belly fat came around the same time as the H Pylori. Since I flammation in the body can cause increase in Cortisol which causes sudden belly fat, I assume it's from this whole ordeal.

      Thank you for your help! And I will get some Bismuth. The UBT results will come back right away. I'm nervous to take Antibiotics because they can be bad on the body and mess up gut flora. But I will do what I have to do. 

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      Greatful! Not great fun
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      don't worry about antibiotics yet?? you may not have hp and if you do have, the bismuth might take care of it...regardless even if you should take antibiotics, there are preventives that should work just fine.

      A Clarification..linolenic acid mentioned..is an omega 6..(g) the (a) linolenic acid is omega 3...so two forms.

      Fasting for blood glucose...at least 10 hour fasting but not more than 15 hours achieves best results.

      One always must be prudent when scheduled for a medical test....Bismuth...don't take in until you've done the UBT...then you can take until results.

      There was a JPT on this web site, don't recall the thread but should have been IBS...explained in detail an IBS remedy that worked...others followed...remedy came from San Diego State University...forgot the name of the dr...if important...will find...and and...how have you been this past week??...claudio

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      I have been pretty stressed this weeke because it's taking forever to get answers. It's Thanksgiving Holiday, also had to retake blood tests, and then got a borderline result. Impatient!
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      sorry bout your week...was hoping for better...but anxiety seems to get in the way of your progress towards a better life?

      Have a good pleasant thanksgiving, forget about everything in the past..just feel confident things will improve but don't over push the issue. And while you enjoy the food..limit sugar..please......we are having salmon..poached...lime...Italian parsley....paprika (for color). big salad...brown rice with shitake mushrooms....Claudio

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      Thank you for the great advice on not worrying. I battle with obsessive worry and anxiety. I'm working on it. I am bringing my own Sweet Potato and homemade cranberry sauce to Thanksgiving. It's made with Honey. 
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      So intermediate risk of insulin resistant, does that mean I have Diabetes or will get it? Is it reversible?

      Happy Thanksgiving by the way!

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      good thanksgiving day,

      borderline, generally controlled with weight loss, diet..but so many variables..the health center

      should have expertise?

      years ago I was borderline, lost 30 lbs..never

      came close again..love sweets still but limit

      quantity..jog..and do frequent hard physical work

      am confident you can do.

      living near the coast has been very helpful.


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      I lost 10 lbs and can't lose anymore because I don't want to be too skinny. I think it had to do with the whole box of Cookies I had the night before. They were very sweet. At least I hope that's why. How do you know so much about all my questions? Are you in the UK? I'm in the US. 
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      overweight is considered the major risk factor.

      genetics, then "rare" other factors..appears your in "safe harbor"..costco has POM oz $5.99..

      I can walk downhill 1.1 mile and wade in the

      frigid Pacific..35 miles south of the golden gate

      have family in Wellingsborough UK..Vicenza Italy

      then..Mexico, Guam, Japan, China, and all over

      the usa. claudio

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      My Mom has diabetes. But she has been overweight for years. 
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      what type? over weight maybe type 2

      am helping my Brit neighborbwith her typeb2

      ..have tried for years to help but she was stuck

      with whatever her dr prescribed..but when an

      EKG result was "abnormal"..she finally woke

      up. She over accepts her dr's advice..I suggested she ought to change dr..


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      Type 2 I think. I don't overaccept doctor advice anymore since this last year. Luckily I am going to a Wellness Clinic so they are open to alternatives. 
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      My take on my neighbors diabetic dr is that it isn't only "what she advises but what she doesn't"?...Over the past few years, she's explained to me stuff that is "less than medically professional"...not even my GP would suggest a do or don't without absolute primary knowledge.

      There are some excellent dr's....those that are in this category and have their own practice will soon be gone due to ACA...unless they choose to join a hospital or a large health care facility.

      I'll look at the Blood Sugar numbers from my neighbor pre and post Pomegranate Juice..will post later today...recall the pre..189 but not the post....120 was my target...and not there as of her last reading..but we got a huge drop ..so wager she will OD on tiramisu today...claudio (has an Italian husband)

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      My neiggbor was dx'd at age 45 with db2...while she didn't say, I uspect "overweight"...neither parent had diabetes. Her pre PJ, Blood Sugar was 189...post 1 week on JP 148...her A1C is 7.8...too high...if she sticks with d3/k2, resvertrol 100mg and theracumin 300mg daily (therapudic is x 3) her A1C should drop in a few weeks...hope...she is around 70...an active gardner and "cook"....A very likeable gal..opinionated too..doesn't matter to me...she's in Las Vegas, not too far from several eateries like The Orleans...some habits are difficult to manage until......Claudio
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      Glucose is 88. The numbers that are intermediate risk are Fructosaminr 331, Postprandial Glucose Index 6.3, Adiponectin 14, Ferritin 87, hydroxybutyrate 4,5. Whatever that means. Suggestions say to have diet change or take Metformin. I am not about to start taking Meds right now!!!
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      AC1 is 5.4
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      IMO...your OK with both BS and A1C..just not the best...will wager both will fall towards or at normal levels once you do the PJ and other stuff mentioned.

      Wonder why Metaformin

      It has been my understandings from chats with my younger brother in Vancouver (who assisted a few diaylis patients) that

      there were basic stages a dr would do before precriptions...like follow the patient's BS over a period of time along with symptom checking.

      Eating a lot of some sugars pre test, and without the usual 10 plus fasting hours...could skew the blood test results. Not an absolute but its more "probable than possible"...claudio

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      Did a quick review of your numbers yesterday...

      Only your Blood Sugar and A1C are important.

      While BS at 88 is OK..its not where you want to be...your goal should be 60

      Also, AC1 at 5.4 is OK as well...but you want to be around 4.8

      Both are doable with your good efforts. And I am just being cautious as your blood work illustrating these results could have been skewed unfavorably...I'm sure you've tossed out all of your "prepackaged sweets"? btw...some dried fruits hit the blood stream too fast...fresh is best.

      Daily exercise is a big PLUS...but not to "over do"...20 to 30

      minutes of a brisk walk works.

      Will get back to you sometime.... after I review again....some of my old papers wherein I recorded others

      who had successful gains with much more serious issues using various means..

      I would call this a "boiler plate" or basics..like "setting the table"...then what ever you do should have best results.

      The concept was once all small abnormalities are

      within a normal range...thus no road blocks when implementing.treatment strategies

      Hope sis gets back to me this weekend...

      I will assume your bloating is yet with you? Don't recall how long after eating symptoms occured?


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      I have a date tomorrow! So should I not kiss him? I don't want to infect anyone sad
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      The date didn't go well so it ended early. So how does Bismuth help eradicate H Pylori? Isn't it like Pepti Bismol? How long do I take it? I heard Coconut oil and Monolaurin was helpful too. 

      I have been able to tolerate alot of foods now that I wasn't able to before. 

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      Sorry or pleased that date didn't work out which ever you favor....

      Bismuth, I'll get back to you with the "mechanism"...from what I recall...it either disables the membrane or cell surface and also increases the ph without disturbing the natural secretions of gastric juices.

      Because it does raise PH, I don't suggest taking it during the day, pre bed time should be 3 to 4 hours after last meal...so food should be completely out of the stomach...I prefer the lozgens vs the liquid PBismol...the tabs are 750mg.

      I think it was in the 1960;'s when a small town dr in NZ healed his peptic ulcer patients with an antibiotic/bismuth treatment..a big time AU dr learned of his protocol, finally did clinical trials and "proved" HYplori caused ulcers...won a Nobel.

      There are two possibilities running thu my head about your condtion..HP and bellyfat..if your test returns negative...what might you think the belly fat may be either the cause or not helping? I 've sensed a "block"...or a resistance to healing....20 minutes post a meal is either HPylori or "motillity"..meaing...your stomach/small intestine isn't "moving" normally (peristalisis)..why? maybe the fat is surrounding and making it difficult for the full wave motions?

      You would be the best judge of this.

      I don't know if the bloating/gas would improve if you lightly massaged the "asending, transverse, and sigmoid" colon? It helped my wife but not from fat but from the "swelling" post big time abdominal surgery. I placed my right hand on her belly just below the naval, moved my hand slightly to the right side

      (beginning of the ascending colon) moved it up to just below the rib cage(transvers colon) moving it towards her left side (sigmoid colon) and down to the pelvic bone...in a rotating fashion or circular...used olive oil, vit e and grape seed oil as her skin is very tender....did this 3 times a day..probably 5 minutes each except bedtime, then maybe 8 minutes...always slow. Should you want to do..only pre bed time...the oil is a bother but without it, her skin became irritated.

      Sis is out of the country and was due back today. Once she gets settled in, she will be giving me a call.....Claudio

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      Re how does bismuth help...from the jama internal medicine journal: "Bismuth acts as an antimicrobial agent against H Pylori by disrupting the organisms Cell wall. In addition, Bismuth may also interfere with adhesion of H Pylori to the gastric epithelium as well as inhibiting the organism’s “urease, phospholipase, and proteolytic” activity".

      I Have the scientific article but it requires cell and chemisty knowledge..if you want will try and post...usually prohibited by moderators.

      Re coconut oil and monolaurin will need to review any scentific studies against HPylori......Coconut, pure organic in small amounts I know are ok "if"...small is important...like a teaspoon on toast or in a cereal...rice...etc...(my concern would be digestion only as its a slow digestive)...Claudio

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      Your correct about monolaurin...only problem there are no in vivo studies..only in vitro...

      Monocaprin and Monolaurin (In Vitro)

      The susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to fatty acids and monoglycerides was studied. Eight of 12 lipids tested showed high activity against H. pylori, monocaprin and monolaurin being the most active. The high activity of monoglycerides against H. pylori suggests that they may be useful as active ingredients in pharmaceutical formulations.

      So while this is "in vitro" only, doesn't mean it may not help..just no trials/studies in "vivo"....

      Re Bismuth, its had 200 years of use and untold numbers of studies as a stand alone and in combo with other stuff...I mentioned 750mg...not correct...less than 300mg...I think 262mg in most tab's...Claudio

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      My friend's Mom just got rid of H Pylori after a year of antibiotics and other tactics. She is in her 80's though. Anyways, my friend recommended Pylora because it's new and strong. It will cost ALOT, but will pay if it's worth it. It has Bismuth in it. PYLERA® capsules (bismuth subcitrate potassium, metronidazole, and tetracycline hydrochloride), in combination with omeprazole.
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      This may not be the best..tetracycline is weak against HP and Metronidazole may cause Clostridium Difficle, and then the only way out (if even possible) is Vancomycin...If they had used Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin would have been far better based on historical results.....but you haven't tested positive for hp and hoping results are negative.


      Recently I've attempted to access the helicobacter foundation to obtain the latest possible treatment protocols and efficacy but the web site has changed..so will go to the journal of gastroentroligst journal and hopefully can find an update...recall that Shanghai had 120 patients recently using Amox and Clar..plus a new ppi and while the outcome looked very good...the diets and adjuncts were not disclosed? I suggested Amox, Clarithromycin and Bismuth to Ming Hu Tao in China...his dr put him on both antibiotics but used Omeprazole...treatment failed...2nd go was with bismuth....worked...about 6 months ago...no recurrance...Claudio

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      H Pylori Breath Test Negative.  Ugh no answers!
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      This is messing up my holidays and the cost is too much for the endoscopy and all these tests. I don't know how this could have happened all the sudden. Is the endoscopy a waste of time? What could she possibly find? My Candida blood test shows HIGH, but I heard it's not very reliable and that most people show high Candida. I don't know what to eat, or what to do. I have no life at the moment.
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      I'm pleased..meaning...you don't need to go thru an extensive and very heavy duty antibiotic/ppi treatment..that can wreck more havoc...long term.

      This leaves "motility"...food is not going downhill and thru the ploric valve. It's either the stomach muscles/small bowel muscles not functioning...

      again...do you think the belly fat might be hendering or restricting movements? This is very important...as it not only affects bloating but absorption of needed nutrition...claudio

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      I think the belly fat may be caused by inflammation. It appears that if I do eat easier to digest foods, I do better after a couple of days. The nutritionist thinks I developed a food allergy. I don't have much fight left in all of this.
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      An upper endoscopy isn't warranted IMO....you have'nt symptoms like hearburn, stomach pain etc...you say your ok until about 20 minutes after eating when you experience bloating and gas. And tests have all come up "negative".

      Slow emptying from a previous meal maybe? Usually this would mean Gastroparisis...there are tests but you don't need tests. There is a Japanese product that has proven excellence (around $50).beats a $1200 test.....but neither are needed..IMO.

      If new food meets up with old food not completely processed , within a short time fermentation thus..gas.

      What you eat...when you eat...how much you eat...

      What....easy digesting foods...

      when at least 3 to 4 hours between meals...no snacking between until your've re established homestasis or "normality"...can take a few weeks...

      how much......too much can over stress your stomach gastric juices and peristalisis.

      ...eat slow...super slow....be sure what you swallow is really chewed fine...when it enters the stomach, its more ready for the gastric juices to break down (catabolize) the food, the peristalisis waves will then mix and match food with enzymes, and then when process is completed and food is passed thru the pyloric valve and into the dudenum/small bowel, it's "of a size" that further catabolizatiion is accomplished (too large and stuff is not processed, thus not absorbed into the blood stream as nutrition)...the smaller the size, the easier to process.

      Candida is always around...as long as your compliant with pre and pro biotics...you'll be OK...VsL#3 is a lot cheaper than any medication...

      BTW if your eating several small meals, you'll need to time your meals differently than the normal 3.

      Diet? avoid grains, bread, seeds/nuts and processed foods, but eat organic vegetables/fruits...peel the skins...they take longer to digest...this is only temporary...maybe only a few weeks, then you can re introduce foods one at a time to evaluate any negative issue before introducing another. Don't get too hungry...this usually causes trouble.


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      Well if you feel better with easy digesting foods...feeling better is "worth" the efforts right?

      Ah, you have plenty fight left...winners stay in the fight till they accomplish their goals. Just consider the "good times" vs these

      nasty "bumps"...the good times are most likely on the horizon...


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      And the swelling calms down after eating ok for a couple of days, but my stomach still sticks out.
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      I'm confused because I don't know if I should eat Autimmune Diet, or Paleo, or just eat easily digestable foods. The Autoimmue diet you can't have eggs or nutts. And those are things that are convenient for me to take in my lunch.
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      eat the easy digestibles...nuts are a bit difficult but eggs are ok..just add or delete as you go based on what your system is telling you.

      belly..below naval)...actual stomach is behind left rib cage..so what you originally stated "belly fat" is located much lower...some BF is "centered (beer belly) and some widen (handle bars)....I suspect yours is "centered"? Claudio

    • Posted

      My belly fat is upper stomach right below the middle rib cage, around my ribs and behind my ribs deep inside. I don't eat plain nuts, I eat almond butter, which might be ok since it's already smooth. The autoimmune diet takes out all foods that cause inflammation. But it's way harder.
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      wow...upper is not belly fat...belly fat usually is below naval...so this is the center of your problem. It has a few more implications beyond impairing your stomach's peristalisis...like pressing against your heart....wonder why the wellness center didn't stress this?

      My sister has yet to get back in touch...and I kinda think if she finds its not bellyfat she will not advise....she discuses, questions, observes, examines, takes about an hour or so. She's tough too..anyone not compliant the first week will be cancelled for any further visits.

      So, as far as your diet is concerned...you have a good understanding as to what...when..and how much....and why.

      You know visceral fat is difficult to shed....Its gonna take some minimal diet change....some calorie restriction...some specific type exercise, and maybe some professional help if you don't improve.

      I'll try and ask for some help as I am not adequately knowledgeable...back to you tomorrow.

    • Posted

      Yes, it is Visceral Fat. The week I came back from Cayman the fat developed within a week and also the bloating. The Fat came on fast! The Visceral Fat is from Cortisol which can be from stress or inflammation. I did nothing to gain weight because I was not eating alot due to stress. I then tried to lose the visceral fat and all that happened was I lost weight everywhere else, except the visceral fat. I dont want to lose anymore weight everywhere else. I dont think the Visceral Fat will go away until the inflammation goes away. Plus, you are right. It is so hard to lose! And this is another reason why I am so frustrated. The Visceral Fat is so unfomfortable. Its in the strangest place.

      I could have another bug from Cayman that wasnt tested for. They may not know of all the bugs in Cayman. So why do an endoscopy? I should take antibiotics or something. If I have a bug then nothing I do is going to fix it until the bug is gone. I am so frustrated!

      You are so kind to help me.

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      I am not confident you have a "bug"..and you don't need to

      lose weight..

      Sis said…its gonna take small calorie reduction and cardiovascular exercise.

      You have visceral fat and your body stores fat in a random order that is dictated by your genetics. Visceral fat is just like any other fat except that rather than storing the fat on your arms, your body has placed the fat in your abdominal cavity.

      There's no point doing hundreds of sit ups – this won't burn much fat (because you won't be able to do them for long enough or vigorously enough) and it won't mean that the fat is burned from your stomach

      You need to burn as much fat as possible with high intensity cardiovascular exercise and continue doing so until it eventually burns the fat stored in the abdominal cavity. Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise where the body uses up the energy in the muscles and then needs to get the fat stores around the body for more. This means you need to exercise continuously and anything like running will work. The heart rate and breathing increases as a means to transport oxygen to the fat stores where it can be used to break it down.

      If possible, walk..jog..run (fast ) for as long as you can..then walk…..jog..and repeat…20 to

      30 minutes daily…twice daily if you can as it will accelerate progress.

      Distant walking won’t cut it…jogging for 60 minutes would but not necessary as intervals have

      Proven far more beneficial.

      Visceral fat secretes toxins…and while the liver and kidney’s should dispel these, they need help..WATER,

      Keeping these filters “clean” is vital…target the liver….it will be the big player in removing the bad guys..

      So along with water, boost its performance with Milk Thistle..500mg nightly. Coffee enema’s work too but it’s a huge hassle and Milk Thistle is far more efficient as the enema merely “stimulates”.

      Stretching with arms overhead…jumping jacks (not for fat burning but to expand the chest area) with small

      Weights in each hand…swimming will also stretch and expand the chest area. If you have access to a gym

      And a pro trainer, resistance exercises work.

      No exercise that compresses the stomach area..i.e..squats …etc.

      I finally have some confidence....BTW..even if I suspect you don't have a "bug"...get some VsL#3 as "insurance"...



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      I am eating 1200 calories a day on average. Maybe not even that, except during Thanksgiving Holidays. So it sounds likethe key to losing the Visceral fat is exercise. Hopefully I dontget too skinny everywhere else. I also dont know if the visceral fat will go away until the inflammation goes away. So I need to find the root cause. I believeits the inflammation that caused the visceral fat. I never gain weight there. Its always in my butt and thighs.
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      I just finished a 2 week treatment of Probiotics recommended by the Wellness Center. It was 225 billion ius daily. So now Im back fown to taking 50 billion ius.
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      1200 is light...thought perhaps 1800 to 2000.

      You should not lose weight, may even add some

      and it would be muscle not fat...so maintain your

      protein intake.

      I don't know why your body chose to place the fat in and around your stomach area. I've read but afew studies that Corisol specifically promotes "belly fat in the upper abdomen". But placements vary subject to many variables.

      I think now that you'r stress is pretty much in your control...any inflammatiion would be now caused by the fat not vice versa. A vicious circle. The reservatrol/curcumin are excellent anti inflammatories...but nothing competes well with stress.

      Too many probiotics ..some are good...ok...and poor. The "ok" may get 20% to 40% thru the HCL...and a prebiotic is yet needed to increase what ever gets thru the HCL. It isn't so much the number, if the HCL is up to speed...maybe all will be destroyed...some are enteric coated well...and some not so well. If your product had/has excellent time release coatings *(multi layer)..then you in good shape...I'm just one that must see scientific studies, the abstract details etc. or a very long history of efficacy.....Claudio

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      Well I'm so stressed by not figuring this out and being so uncomfortable and by the inconvenience of the diet and the cost of doctors and supplements! Adaptagens like Rhodiola, Ashwaghanda, Holy Basil, they all are supposed to lower cortisol and help with stress, but they do the exact opposite on me. They stimulate me causing me more anxiety. Im also stressed about how hard I tried to lose the fat but it wouldnt budge. I figured it wont budge unless I get rid of the inflammation. If my only problem is the fat/inflammation cycle, maybe arding exercise will help. 
    • Posted

      I think the reservotol will make me anxious too. The other adaptogens made me anxious bad! But they are supposed to help with anxiety. I can try Seriphos, though it made me sleepy. I have Cortisol test results later today.
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      Why do doctors not know alot of this stuff?
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      A few things happened around the time I gained this visceral fat. I was taking antidepressants for a couple of years after a boyfriend broke up with me because I was depressed, but this new doctor I was seeing wanted me to switch to toxic mood stabilizers because he said I had a mood disorder. I thought my life was over because these medicines are bad and cause other problems. Another new doctor had me witch from Celexa to Zoloft a week before the Cayman trip and it caused me bad insomnia! I couldn't fall asleep at all. And I was stressed because I thought I would have to take those toxic mood stabilizers. I was so stressed by thinking I had to take mood stabilizers that I called into work and hardly got out of bed. According to my new psychologist I just have anxiety, not a mood disorder. I was so upset that I decided to get off of the antidepressants and be med free and try to tackle anxiety on my own with the psychologist. I stopped the Zoloft slowly the week I got back from Cayman. So, no more antidepressant/anxiety meds. Another thing is that I was so stressed I wasn’t eating enough calories, which can also cause cortisol or visceral fat (I think I read that). And I think the bloating followed about a week after the fat started. So you may be correct, the visceral fat could have caused the bloating.

      Possible Causes:

      -Not eating enough calories for a month


      -Something in Cayman I ate

      I need to figure out how to quit having anxiety all the time. I think to much and too often. I have obsessive worry (if you haven't noticed). I can't relax and enjoy life because I'm always worried about something.

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      I knew inflammation and stress could cause visceral fat, but I didn't know visceral fat could cause inflammation. If it's a bug or something, then none of my efforts will work, unless I get rid of that issue I think.

      Here is my plan from now until right after Christmas (Endoscopy is scheduled for Dec. 30th. It will be to try and heal on my own. And if I do, I will cancel the endoscopy. I'm going to let go of worrying about it and move on by taking supplements, working out, eating very wisely, chewing food well, and working out at my group classes in my gym cardio weights and yoga. So... supplements, exercise, eat right, destress!

      My supplements so far are:


      -Bone Broth

      -L Glutamine

      -Marshmallow root

      -Pepzin GI (ordered it online yesterday)

      -Curcumin (will buy some today)

    • Posted

      I think you have the intelligence to recognize the underlying

      cause of your overall continuing condition.

      A refresher…it begins with allowing your emotion to control

      your intellect.

      You’ve an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other…

      which one to follow?

      Reaching for a drug to fix an emotionally stressed condition?

      ….you know exactly where it leads…your “living it”

      Once one enters the world of “medications”..ssri’s, zoloft and benzo’s…the possibility of homeostasis is diminished …. A very huge unrelenting mental task…IMO you have made some good steps in the right direction.

      I’ve stated…”there is no pill that can compete with


      your cascades…inflammation, cortisol, fat in upper abdomen, motility disturbance, bloating/gas, and mal absorption of needed nutrients…hypothroid…pre diabetic…etc and the list could go on.

      You’r not savy at cell level…neither am I but I do know what

      what pathways most likely help and hurt the body in various ways.

      I’ve been very wary of suggesting any adaptogens. I don’t have your Medical history. And now that I know more I yet would not suggest any.

      Interpretation of the cortisol (ACTH) test most suggest further specific testing..

      The supplementations suggested have no pathway to anxiety,stomach issues nor do they “target”…fat nor bloating.…they target “deficiencies” based on your test results.

      Progression toward diabetes is not what you want to allow to

      take place. Consider your current condition plus 100 fold …

      I’ve given you the best way I know how to rid the upper

      belly fat, it too should help “purge” bad stuff from your body.

      It’s a physical program not a mental one. If it doesn’t demonstrate improvement in a week or so..get professional help from the wellness center.

      Simple solutions…but difficult for you to execute because you

      prefer to use the emotional shoulder? “conquer” this preference



      Diet/correct supplementation


    • Posted

      pile of pills not enough....althoug all very good...add d3/k2, resaveratrol, and most important "" milk thistle"".

      Consider a car engine....it has "filters"..oil an fuel...don't keep them clean...engine will freeze (destroyed)...stress?...put the gas pedal to the floorboard...engine destroyed...


    • Posted

      I have some milk thistle at home so I will take that too. What is Resveratrol? I get my cortsols test today, but I'm sure it will show some high cortisol because I have inflammation in the body. I am eating well again (messed up Thanksgiving), and started exercising last night. Is something wrong with my vitamin list? I am trying to tackle inflammation and digestion issues, and after research, that is what I came up with. L-Glutamine to heal the gut, Marshmallow Root to coat the gut, Curcumin for inflammation, etc.
    • Posted

      So how do I fix anxiety without meds? I am off the meds, but every once in awhile I take a benzo. I get too reved up and can't get out of my head. This is all the time. My heart pounds and I can't focus on others or the moment. It makes it so hard to date. Is the answer therapy? Mindfulness? What?
    • Posted

      I mentioned all of your stuff was good. A tad better than Curcmin is theracumin (but use the curcumin for now..replace it with the theracumin). Use Resveratrol with curcumin. Both are anti inflammatories but reseratrol is much more...its a dead cell scavenger among many other benefits....am hoping it will clear out any dead cells in your thyroid, giving it opportunity to produce more b cells.

      One of your tests ilustrated weak D...so D3 4000 plus with K2..they work in harmony.

      While my main interest is in neurology, there are overlaping supplements that I'm quite familiar with that promotes health.

      Benzo's are perhaps the worse of the worse...bar none. The stuff gets thru the blood brain barrier like water down the drain...has all sorts of "lasting consequences"...some don't surface for months.


    • Posted

      Prison. All antidepresents are dangerous to most people but dr's keep prescribing because they haven't answers to excess stress.

      Many criminals who were on street drugs...vallium,. benzodiazepines of all sorts....were cured in prison because they didn't have access to continue....many of them commiting stupid crimes...the withdrawals cause brain havoc.

      You cannot take a benzo now and then any more than you can floor board your car engine without consequences...you must know the half life of these meds and how they continue to muck up your brain.

      All the tests and treatments in the world will not get you back to good health until you are 100% clean ...nor will any individual treatment for a current disorder as the benzo residuals inhibit cures.


    • Posted

      How do you know SO much? I don't have low vitamin D and my thyroid was fine. So how does one tackle anxiety that they have had all their life? Through food, vitamins, therapy, meditation, yoga, or what? I am off antidepressants because I want to fix it the natural way.
    • Posted

      mama mia a cakes, test results you provided some time ago illustrated pre diabetic....why? the b cells in your thryroid are not productive....recall your blood sugar and A1C?

      More inportantly, you've made progress by terminating meds I've mentioned. You are taking good steps to find health...takes time...maybe a lot of time but will be well worth it.

      As far as anxiety is concerned...its "mental control"...you and only you are 'MASTER OF YOUR OWN MIND".....

      here is a story of an 80 year old....A stress story 1990

      Years ago I helped an 80 year old very intelligent Irish lady

      She had lost her 2nd husband to Lung Cancer, her first husband to alcohol, and more recent

      her only daughter to a brain tumor (died on the op table at Stanford University with the 2 best surgeons in

      the Us)

      She had a “saying”…”I refuse to stress, it only causes more stress and results in all kinds of other problems for me.”

      I was present during a disposition involving 2 attorneys..she had been Sued for millions. She was trustee of a commercial building. A real estate employee had fallen on the stairs, broken her ankle blaming the improper stair case. She was composed, presented the gals attorney with the construction blue print, County permit, inspection, and approval of

      the recent reconstruction. In additona, a copy of a letter she had written to the RE Agency suggesting an employee with high heels had been observed several times running up and down the stair case...suggested she could injure herself with her consistent

      “haste”. Although the letter was 6 months old, it had a impact on the gals attorney.

      The disposition took only 15 minutes at most. After the gal’s attorney left, the defense attorney told her she was the best witness he had ever encountered…after he left..I told her..”Marion You were as calm as a warm kitten and I was sweating”…she said..” why should I stress any…

      I’m insured, the stairs were proper, and the gal unfortunately was negligent…and what would stress accomplish?”.you need to take better care of yourself Claudio and stress in particular”…

      She passed away at 94.

    • Posted

      I got some good answers from the Wellness Center. They are awesome! Will wtite soon!
    • Posted

      My cortisol is very high all day from stress which caused the belly fat and most probably the stomach issues. My DHEA is so low. She said its like an 80 year old grandma. Im low on Vitamin D. I have a mutation which causes me to not absorb Vit B12 at all. So some of this could relate to my anxiety or depression. I still have some other tests to do for my neurotransmitters. She gave me stuff to take for it like DHEA hormone supplement, adrenal support for stress and cortisol, and L Theanine for anxiety. A special B complex. Thats the summary. She says I showed a little bit high Candida. She suggests to reduce stress as number 1. Enjoy the holidays and eat right and exercise. If my stomach isnt better by then, she wants me to do a Candida diet for 3 months. She said Insulin is fine. Im bot prediabetic. She said my numbers were from any sugar I had in the past two weeks and that its likely the cookies. I go back in 3 weeks.
    • Posted

      All very good news...I agree with all except an assumption...the DHEA supplementation is valid...The mg's hopefully are no more than 25mg x3 maximum...for an inital short period dropping to 25mg for the duration of the 3 weeks...and follow up in 3 weeks very very important.If you do another ACTH, include your Blood Sugar/AC1...was 88 and 5.4. Without vallidation of an assumption is Russian Roullet. In a previous post I think to have suggested you take B12 sublingual. It goes directly into the blood stream.B vitamins also good...you were on protein shakes, they would have or should have plenty of L Theanine...make a comparison if your doing the shakes.

      I must exit this thread . I have conference this weekend, and may travel abroad to attend another conference

      I will suggest you do as you mention with diet/exercise/stress control.......please always and always "VALLIDATE" assumptions..regardless of source.

      don't take chances with anyones "assumptions"...do scholar vallidations......claudio

    • Posted

      We will continue to monitor everything. DHEA is only 5mg in the beginning. I hope if the stress goes away and cortisol and dhea get back in balance my stomach will heal. I will continue with the diet, exercise, and supplements. I deeply thank you for all your help!!!! 

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