vaginal atrophy woes
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My dr has been treating me for what he thought was bacterial vaginosis. After months of no relief and running every lab test he could think of, he has decided that I have vaginal atrophy. I have been taking estrogen and progesterone for over 4 years. I am 47 and went onto menopause early. Today my dr gave me samples of Estrace vagonal gel to try for a week and return to see him in 7 days. I am bummed and a little scared. Can anyone tell me your experience with trying to get relief from vaginal atrophy? What has worked best for you? What do you use when you make love with your husband so that you aren't afraid that you're going to tear or burn really bad? I am intetested in both traditional medicines, as well as a more natural alternative. Thanks!
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jayneejay missbg
may be helpful
the more new discussions opened the more ladies have to put the same info all over again .. So this may help
jay x
missbg jayneejay
chica missbg
sometimes you can get one in your cervix.
a polyps is difficult to spot and can cause havoc. have you a lot of gas.
i'm thinking that the hormone treatment your on should prevent atrophy.
dont get bummed. that hurts even more. (sorry i couldnt resist that comment)
if you are using lubrication and sex still hurts, then maybe something is travelling south.
i often wonder how doctors can judge where your uterus and bladder should be.
where it was all located before your problems.
ie before and after pictures.
have you had pregnancies?
has he ruled out prolapse?
i'm just thinking out loud.
i'm 3 something years without a diagnosis so what do i know.
please lets all know how you get on.
missbg chica
jayneejay missbg
so glad you feel some relief, i use ovestin ( estriol) vaginal ovules and i think they sooooo help, they are not as messy as cream, I do have the cream too, for the outer bits and for external vag entrance skin, keep it plump..
can so relate to you hun
keep using as it so helps, ( does me anyway )
missbg jayneejay
jayneejay missbg
i am post meno hun, age 50 and dryness an issue ( no hrt) just these.
not sure where you live .. As not available everywhere i dont think, am in southern spain..
yeah the Gyno did a full check on me and suggested these .. He noticed the vaginal atrophy straight away 😳
Ovestin Ovules and cream .. ( called ovestinon here)
i began with cream and found it messy, but the ovules are not as messy, they are sooo soothing and nice..
That prickly feeling is soothed straighaway.
i dont use as many .. only occassionly .. But they are very good
here you can also buy them from the farmacia too..
Jay x
chica jayneejay
which brings me to ask how on earth can you get stuff if you dont know it exists.
i'm also wondering about hormonal based creams and potions we rub in our skin or introduce where the sun dont shine.
are our menfolk absorbing it.
mine already has moobs.ha ha
jayneejay chica
dont know about topical hormones here, as dont use them.
i never have any problems with health care here now at all, always pay private anyway.
took a while to find a good Doc and Gyno but got there
take care
Have a good weekend
jay x
chica jayneejay
after 3 years without diagnosis.
6 gynnos said i had calcified myomas which are normaaal and a private one said i needed a hysterectomy. that made the alarm bells ring.
this last week i've had a second around bout of ct scan and barium enema.
i refused a second go with the colonoscope as i was tortured.
i was told if i wanted a general anesthetic for that, the waiting list is 2 years.
you could'nt make it up could ya.
i also was sent to a urologist who was such a gentleman.
he said i had chronic pelvic pain but i already knew that.
i await my resultados but my appointment is on 25th june.he ho
jayneejay chica
Blimey sorry to hear all that.
I see a brill Gyno .. wouldnt go any where else now.
must be a daunting time for you
Never heard of such things before,
Poor you ..
Maybe different areas vary .. Dont know..
Take care
chica jayneejay
whats yours?
jayneejay chica
eilostnyc missbg
chica eilostnyc
my gynno found a fybroid in my cervix which probably contributes to my painful sexlife.
i await a polypectomy and hopefully i'll get the other beasties sorted.
lube is lube whatever you use.
however i use virgin edible coconut oil for just everything.
in the summer its like liquid oil and in the winter or fridge its like lard.
i'm nearly 67 and recently discovered its great on my face, hair,cooking, frying,salad dressing and of course sex.
its pricey but so are face creams and decent olive oil.