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Dr Anjum Gandhi
Consultant Paediatrician, Medical Author
Dr. Anjum Gandhi has over 25 years of clinical, teaching and research experience in paediatrics and is a Consultant Paediatrician.
He has training and expertise in paediatric cardiology from the University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Gandhi is the Clinical Director for Children’s Services at UHB and holds an honorary consultant contract in paediatric cardiology at Birmingham Children’s hospital.
Anjum is one of the founder members and the immediate past-Chair and Convenor of PECSIG (Paediatrician with Expertise in Cardiology Special Interest Group). Anjum has organised, chaired and participated in cardiology conferences and meetings for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) and PECSIG.
Anjum has authored a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national paediatric and cardiac clinical and research meetings. He is one of the authors of the cardiology curriculum approved by the RCPCH as a Special Interest Module (SPIN Module) and the Lead author of Revalidation guidance for Paediatricians with Expertise in Cardiology. Anjum is also a contributor to the cardiology chapters of the new edition of The Manual of Advanced Paediatric Life support (APLS). He is also one of the authors of the book “The Ultimate Consultant Interview Guide”.