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Sara Lindberg

Sara Lindberg

Senior Writer

BSc (Hons), MSc

Sara Lindberg is a freelance health, fitness, and wellness writer.

She holdss a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and a Master's degree in Counselling.

She's spent her life educating people on the importance of health, wellness, mindset, and mental health. She specialises in the mind-body connection, with a focus on how our mental and emotional well-being impact our physical fitness and health.

Sara’s web presence

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Does it ever feel like you've spent most of your adult life on a diet? While you may experience initial success with many of the popular weight loss programmes, sadly, the pounds typically creep back on. This can leave you beating yourself up and feeling depressed.

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One of the most difficult things for parents is watching their child experience grief after the death of someone they love. What often makes mourning so tricky for parents and other caring adults is the feeling that they can't make it better. Children and teens are going to experience pain as they go through this, and all you can do is be there to support them.

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Do you leave your job most days feeling emotionally and physically drained? While few people love going to work every day, the number of days you're happy to head to the office should definitely outnumber the ones you spend wishing the day was already over.

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Have you been experiencing any out-of-the-ordinary food cravings during your pregnancy? If you've been on more than a few dates with a tray of ice cubes or an extra-large chocolate bar over the last few months, you're not alone. We explore what your cravings could mean.

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Does your period show up like clockwork each month? If you're not pregnant, you might be wondering why you've skipped right past the one week you dread every month. But here's the thing: missed or late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. We speak to the experts about a few common causes of irregular periods.

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